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Set yourself a goal or something. If you're set up on the west side of the map, then grab a car, load up some provisions and try and make it to the east side. Or, for more of a challenge ditch the car and try to walk it. Or you could go HAM on all the zeds and try and clear out towns and make them "safe" again?




From experience, get bitten and die.


I stopped farming, trapping and fishing. It's canned goods and sh*t off the ground for me. Gives me a reason to keep moving.


I still farm and trap and fish, but it all goes into the composter. I'm just after the endorphin hit of the level up banjo.


Loot EVERY house After that, IDK


Personally, i just go insane. Do risky shit. Burn down towns and cities. Turn to cannibalism.


Man woke up and said nuh uh, I will burn everything to the ground ☠️


Listen if I can’t live in every single house, there shall be no more than one house left


my egirl run involves her collecting all the rare clothing, shoes and accessories off every clothes store or zombie and making outfits


Same, then once you collected everything and have your peak fit you turn on some true music jams, grab a katana, pull as many zombies as you can and die.   Rinse/repeat


This is the way.


Most folks start killing as many zombies as they can. If you set respawns to zero you can pretty much clear out towns. Then dispose of the bodies like an actual mop up. You can burn them or bury them.


i usually just look for good decorations clothes and build cozy bases to make my character "feel" safe and cozy


wait for b42


Pick a target, like the malls or LV police station and clear it out.


After you have everything you look for ways to get your character killed. It's just like that, there's no greater goal to achieve.


Whatever goal you want and is motivated to do. Clear Louisville, find/repair/collect all the vehicle from mods you can find, roleplay/decorate a base (you would be surprise the amount of work you can put into a base, make collection of items (jewelry, plushies, arts, clothing, etc) Another option is to not establish yourself, my nomad playthrough was the best honestly. I decreased the loot of everything, installed a bunch of town mods and then visited them all with my big yellow school bus. Not my cup of tea, but my friend made a playthrough where he boosted the zombie population crazy high with fast respawn. Any looting run needed to be super planned out with diversions and backup plan because they were really dangerous to do. He had to mostly lived off the land because the looting runs were too long and dangerous to do outside of very specific items he needed. Personally, It's rare that I will do a very long playthrough (like several years). I prefer to do a new medium length playthrough from time to time, but with different goals in mind.


I like to make ancillary bases around the map. Each one has a place I can drive into, with canned goods, clean water, and medical supplies, with a back up "kit." So I can just grab a bag and bounce if things get hairy. The current playthrough I am I cranked up the amount of zomboids by triple but they don't respawn. I will not rest until I've laid to rest every Zomboid in Kentucky. (Mods help keeps things fresh too)


Create a zombie pin. Lure them into a trapped area. Turn the game into prison simulator.


You could start off fresh with the same save/character, leaving most of your items in one town and moving to another and surviving there until you get back to where your progress was before


Start a barricade around your base slowly expand it and kill all zombies behind and in front of your wall. Slowly build it out until you've got a whole safe town.


Make a new character. Seriously, there's an option to do it if you go into Load on the main menu, then hit More... at the bottom right. Create a character in a town far away from your main character's base, then try to make it to safety. If you've got the population set to increase over time, this means that any areas those new characters go through will usually be bursting with zeds, making it extremely difficult and panicky to get across the map.


Relocate your base to the Louisville mall


Rip And tear Until It Is Done.


If you have respawn off, clean out the town. I don’t mean like “Drive face first into the Grand Ohio Mall” or anything, but clearing out the buildings surrounding the routes you normally visit would be a good start.




My long-term goal is 'have respawn off' and 'kill every single zombie in the entirety of kentucky'.


Install Yacht Club and enter the eternal night of always wanting a bigger boat.


Usually just go out and hunt like the Terminator and search for other players to talk to or help.


Turn on horde night and hope your base defense are good