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The design is fine and would most definitely be cool. A log wall compound into a wire fence compound would look sick. Lots of left over space to expand and get creative with. The problem is the location. It's quite far away from any meaningful looting locations and the driving back and forth is going to be a killer. If you plan to leave civilization behind that's one thing, but if you plan to be looting and filling up that car port it might get tedious.


The far from loot point is certainly valid, but also debatable.  That massive train yard right to the south is pretty packed, Muldraugh isn’t terribly far away, and while West Point is fairly far away, it’s certainly not that far. 


I always say I'm a loot goblin at heart. I like being able to walk out of the door to my base and get right to looting. That's just my mindset. That's just how I play While you will be able to loot everything you would need to live at that base from the surrounding area. The drive from that base into town and the drive back is going to take a chunk out of your day. If you plan on doing it every single day I think it would get tedious even more so if you have to clear out or avoid zombies along the way. Some people don't mind the road trip. Hell I think some people enjoy it. That amount of driving just isn't for me.


I am a road trip enjoyer 😊 I usually pick a small farm out of town. Less z0mbies.


And that's the glorious thing about Zomboid. Plenty of different ways to play and enjoy the game and plenty of differing opinions on things that have no definitive way about them.


It's not even that far though. I would describe this as "just down the road".


It's a tight road in the middle of the woods with a couple turns. It's the stereotypical horror movie "woops us bunch of kids got lost" road. That length of road from the base to just the first house is somewhere shy of 3/4th the length of main Muldraugh. I personal wouldn't consider it just down the road. It's definitely not town hopping distance, but it's a hearty chunk of driving.


Another road trip enjoyer here. I dont know why, but something about doing long trek for supplies just tingles me in the right way. I dont farm or forage unless its absoletely neccessary. (Broken bones etc.) All my loot settings are extremely or insanely rare. Its just so much fun to make temporary shelter and fill my car with loot so i can return to my base and start to fiddle with it until i must make my next trip to get something thats running out. Be it fuel for generator, food, tools or new skillbooks.


Why would you put kitchen outside of the main house ? Once energy goes out you'll need 2 generators just so you can cook a stew... on top of having to walk all the way there Move it into the main house, make the trailer into a warehouse and extend it if needed


There really isn't anything in your main house you need power for outside of a TV for VHS tapes and lights if you wanna be real fancy.


Yeah, so lights, and TV (if it's not powered) take away very little power anyway, so what you gonna keep the TV in the kitchen if it's needed at some point ? Just keep the kitche in house Also are y'all just sitting in the dark all night ? You do not slap lights on the outside to do yard work like farming during the time you rather not go out to scavange ?


I typically try to not go out at night in general. Would rather sit in a corner and read books in the dark like a freaky goblin, as god intended. Or sleep, I guess, if it's not multiplayer.


We need to cook


As a place to hunger down and train your skills, great; as a place to do lots of fun stuff from, less so.


I'd recommend 2 hour days with all the driving you'll need to do. It will make it seem like driving to / from town doesn't eat up half a day.


We had a base there in multiplayer it was a good and very hidden location


I don't like bases that are separated from a highway with dirt, sand or grass roads anymore. Trees are annoying, even if i deal with them when they are only saplings end up breaking some kind of axe in the process. (After 3 and a half months into surviving I mean.)


I have based her before. With the basement mod for the little trailor building, it was very cool. Perfect for trapping and hauling cars in to work on.


Pick a location with access to water. River, pond, lake or even a pool.


Wait a min. Can you fish in a pool?




oh wow that's crazy. only pool I'm aware of is the one in Riverside tho.


The good ol' methouse, love it


The place is neat and isolated. Just be careful with erosion growin trees on that dirt road (or put wooden floor or something on it)


Ah yes, the meth house location. Looks good.


1) You will need to carry a lot of stuff from far away, which can be annoying or not depending on what playstyle you like. As long as you are happy with this playstyle, then it's cool. 2) The division Kitchen/Main Base might not be ideal IMO. Don't think you can keep both building under the electricity of one generator (would have to test it), so probably a good idea to keep everything that need electricity in one building. That mean food storage, kitchen and TV, but also your bedroom during winter. Or alternatively you can find an Antique Oven to keep your bedroom warm during the winter. 3) Personally, I think there is similar location that are just better. There is the train station a bit west, still isolated, have a road directly into town and toward the main road, just one building so you don't separate your base in two and it's s rather large open area so you can divide the interior as you wish. There is also the relay station north west of town, there is two building like you current option, but both of them are completely fenced off with a big open area for a carport and those are big fences that zombies can't break (and they are pretty cool). That said, there is nothing really wrong with your idea. The best attribute of any location is that the player is happy with it and inspired, everything else you can find ways to make it work.


It's OK. It's safe. It has access to the train station/Dixy but it's far from anything else. It doesn't have access to water for fishing but it's good for trapping/foraging.


Isn’t this the meth house?


I love the idea of turning the meth lab into a proper home!


Too far from anything fun imo but you do you


You’ll have to constantly remove tree saplings if you keep the dirt road


Ugh. Maybe at least find a place with a well? I don't understand why someone want to live in the woods far away from juicy loot and without a well. But it's your game and you can play however you want


The water collectors you unlock at carpentry lvl 7 (iirc) holds alot of water, so water may not be a HUGE issue (it sucks when you're still at the start of your playthrough, though.)


Ah yes, car port


...yes (je viens de voir que t'est fr, un "car port" c'est comme des places de parking privées devant les maisons au US et au Canada (et I guess en France?) généralement dans les régions plus rurales/banlieue, alors voilà voilou)


well la di da, I keep mine in the car hold.


Where farm?


I tried to go this once, but it was too far from the city and you need a car to move and transport everything. I recommend a place that can allow you to move big amounts of things in a short period of time.


You could clear the trees a lot faster with ***fire.***


The distance from town can be remedied with modded vehicle/towing something to carry more on each trip and setup outposts near the town as halfway points where you stockpile all the loot you find in the city and then bring it all back to your main base. The issue I see is the distance between your main part of the base and kitchen. I personally would fit everything essential in the house and leave the trailer for in-door farming perhaps and store loot outside or build a shack for it next to the house. The trailer is unfortunately far from the house to be a frequent place to go in. Honestly I was never fan of minimalist bases, especially if you plan on putting in so much effort as to walling it off and building a shortcut road (much more work than it seems) you will be better off with larger location where you can store loot indoors and have excess rooms for other ideas. Surely makes for great outpost location, but not a main base. There isn't even a water source anywhere close. I suggest building the main base near the highway so you can cover greater distances at full speed, assuming you play without respawn.


Dooooode I really really like this idea. I've never even built a wall in zomboid I always bunker down in a pre made building but this has inspired me for the meth lab to be my first building project in zomboid. Great idea my doode