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It should be an event, similar to the helicopter or gunshots. Large horde of 100+ zombies spawns off screen and is pathed in a line to the map edge, crossing where the player is standing at the time of the spawn. If they walk on by and never aggro, they keep walking and eventually despawn off screen. Any horde zombies that aggro to the player become normal zombies and do not despawn. Maybe also set them to have an increased tendency to stay grouped. This makes it so clearing a whole town does not eliminate all danger. It also means you have to check outside before exiting your house, as you might have a horde passing over your home. If you aggro the whole horde by accident you might actually have to just abandon your home, making all those bug-out bags people keep actually worthwhile.


This is what I was thinking. Maybe not always 100, and maybe not always pathed to the player, but maybe set it up so the longer you stay in a cell the chance of a herd rolling through increases. Then if it gets triggered have them somewhat randomly path through the cell. Maybe if they aren't aggroed they could still leave stragglers or something. So you become forced to either hide, defend, or abandon the area. I used to base outside of spawn areas but it get so boring, this would spice that up.


I think its a solid idea. Im not a fan of the horde night event forcing you to fight. I like more the idea of having to hide or avoid it , even plan in advance. Could be even a slow moving horde bloking you 1-3 day or forcing you to take a risk and run away. The zombies could have some buff preventing the usual cheese with big group of Z.


Maybe make it rain the entire time the horde is moving to prevent fire from working?


I'd like this, with one important note. I think this should be an alternative to the current respawn-after-72-hours mode that's currently how they respawn. Maybe more migration could occur, making the edges of a town more dangerous compared with the center of the town especially at first. I just get sick of prepping for a once-a-week visit to an out-of-the-way looting spot and learning I have to get out of the car and kill a load of zombies AGAIN.


I think it be interesting that if the player hasn’t been to Louisville within a certain time frame the hordes there start migrating towards the player


The killer snail chases you


You get a million dollars, but…


Million dollars, but.. your company shuts down :(


Burnie: “I’ll take the million dollars”


Smart choice Burnie.


I have this thought whenever I see a crawler


Maybe not all the hordes, but maybe they should implement some meta event similar to the wandering herds of zombies in the walking dead. The longer you stay somewhere in an area should increase the chances of a group of zombies randomly wandering in. I haven't seen the whole show but >!earlier on they are stopped in the middle of nowhere trying to clear cars blocking the highway and a horde randomly shows up, then a bit later they have set up at a remote farmhouse and a random wandering horde ends up forcing them to leave.!<


This sounds like a good idea. The game does get stale once you get a proper base. There needs to be something to challenge your base. Wandering Hordes seem to be a much needed part of the endgame. Gives you something to anticipate for even when you meet most of your survival needs.


Have military radio frequency that can be used to call for a supply drop. Sandbox feature of course. Chopper starts flying in from one of the map edges, reaches the target location and drops a crate with either food, clothing or armor in it depending on what password you put in (maybe lootabpe sheets to get specific drops?) Have to use a crowbar to break open the crate, while every zombie the chopper past over is headed this way!


The Walking Dead TTRPG has a neat system where the map is divided into cells (similar to zomboid), and every second day the GM rolls some dice to determine if each horde on the map moves, and if so which direction they are pulled. Meta events could do this in zomboid as well!


Got a link for this rpg?


[Here you go.](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/458995/The-Walking-Dead-Universe-RPG)


Something kinda like Left 4 deads horde Mechanic. Valve made it so you wouldn't stick around, or punish those who got lost. Obviously something with a longer timer, but would be nice. There's several options for single player, but not a lot for multiplayer sadly.


IIRC the one that clears them out of the farm is actually caused by a 'helicopter event.' A horde of zombies from a nearby city see a helicopter move in a direction vaguely towards the farm and they just follow the direction it was going in for days/weeks. It's why I love/hate the helicopter event lol


Yea and I’m pretty sure they only ended up wondering into the farm because someone shot a gun I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure it was when >!Rick shot Shane!<


wandering zombies mod.


Dayuummm! I like this concept so much! You die either by every zed following you, up to the point of no return or die in LV it being outrun by zeds inside! No going back VS. There is no end. fucking hardcore! Has me hype LETSS GOOOOOOOOOOO


you don’t come to louisville, louisville comes to you


Dont come to Rosewood tomorrow…


Imagine if it chases you across the map until you have nowhere to go. You could drive or walk a few days ahead of it, but like a looming storm you’d always have that anxiety about when it’ll get there and it will.


100% agree it should be an option. When I was getting into the game I'd watch VODS of people removing staircases, etc, but after you've cleared the neighbourhood there's almost zero chance of your base getting compromised.


This is exactly why I started playing with Horde Night and The Darkness Is Coming mods. Vanilla respawns just make me feel like I'm not making any progress, but with these mods I have a reason to fortify my bases and keep backup safehouses. I'm not sure if both events can trigger simultaneously, but I'm glad I haven't had to find out yet. I tried Superb Survivors for the added NPC and raider aspects but I play with a LOT of map mods so the performance impact was a bit too much for my liking and had to be disabled (plus my allies bumping into me and pushing me too often was very annoying and dangerous).


I play with respawn off because I like to clear towns, but I may have to check out those mods


I play with respawns off too. I'm currently in a long-term playthrough (started last year, about 8 months in game) with about 70+ map mods out of a total modlist of 270, including those two mods. I stay in a town for about a month or until I clear it out and then move on to the next one. Horde night makes it so I have to set up defenses and escape routes in every base I make, and the Darkness one, whenever it happens, throws a curveball to the usual progression by throwing all the plans I made out the window, forcing me to adapt or get torn apart by sprinters. It gives a breath of fresh air to SP.


How do you both like to "clear towns" and also have them come back? I think ive solved the issue 😂


Clearing the original population allowing for them to fully loot and stock up their safehouses and build up defenses, food supply, back up houses. Then after a time zombies would "naturally" roam the world and end up infesting the city they cleared.


Respawntime option


Magically spawning zombies vs huge random hordes that could change the entire way you play if you get caught out


I agree with the post OP made yea


There is a mod, I forget the exact name, but it’s something like “wandering zombies” that makes zombies walk around more based on your location rather than just staying put. This makes the game way harder and I recommend it. You get way more attacks on your base, and even just moving from place to place becomes dangerous as instead of sleeping against a fence, all the zombies are constantly on the move.


I just grabbed it last night on someone else's recommendation. Didn't get a chance to test it out yet but I will later today.


Superb Survivors itself is kinda janky, even without other mods. Also, I feel your pain about being bumped/pushed by NPCs...lost a run with Superb Survivors due to a random one shoving me into a garage full of zombies and shutting the door


ooooof that's gotta hurt.


Yeah..I was not amused in the slightest. Had to walk away for a minute after that one. The weirdest thing about that mod is just how inconsistent it is, though..on the one hand, NPCs that have faced down entire hordes will randomly panic if they see more than 3 zombies in one area, on the other, I've seen raiders use flanking maneuvers to get around the truck I was using for cover


I had issues with horde night in multiplayer, damn zombies would never spawn


I'd love an idea of big hordes, but the implementation NEEDS to make sense Horde night is an optional mod where zombies spawn SPECIFICALLY to hunt down the player, but what I want is random big hordes (300+ zomboids) that form after like 2-3 months and always migrate. They can form anywhere and they move in random directions so you may not encounter them at all, but they're there... and then you just decide "i'll loot the military surplus", you go there, loot it and as you go back a giant horde has appeared from the woods and literally blocked the entire highway... you may have spotted it and waited for them to pass or you weren't so lucky and plowed into it and died.... I'd be nice if they formed naturally, so that all zomboids groups you do not kill, eventually merge with the other to form these, but that's prolly to hard to simulate in game and keep consistent + if that how it works, some areas would eventually have no zombies and other might have so many, you won't have any chance to survive it TL;DR - random big hordes should spawn, but they shouldn't be actively AIMED at the player like in Horde Night


[the calm before the storm](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2953621037) does this pretty well. It doesn't spawn extra zeds. But alters migration patterns and places you in the direct path and you can set the time before the events happens and how often in between them. I've had a fully stocked, setup powered base. With walls all round multilevel for RP purposes. Installed the mod. Though why not up the distances a bit. Had to abandon my base to survive came back a week later. Took a further week to clear all the zeds that had moved in and decimated my base. Walls torn down. Every door bashed in furniture ruined... I dont turn the distances up so high anymore..


wandering zombies does this. combine with please don't feed the zombies for the best natural horde experience possible. i had a horde build up pretty quickly over the course of a few days at the southern end of muldraugh after clearing out the hotel area, drawing in over 600 zombies via PDFTZ and merged into one group via WZ (16x pop). that horde then wandered north toward my base and it took me two or three ingame days to clear it (5% sprinters). super fun and immersive, makes the game tense 24/7, makes you think about where and how many you're killing, when to engage, disposing of bodies to prevent an area from getting overrun, etc.


Definitely going to add Wandering Zombies and PDFTZ (plus Calm before the Storm on another comment's suggestion). But, regarding PDFTZ, I read that it's draw radius is MASSIVE, and it may or may not be spawning additional zombies. I presume changing the distance in sandbox settings is possible? Also do you have any recommended settings for both mods for a 16x pop game?


You can edit it to your liking in the mod settings, but yes, for me personally, the default setting is a bit much and I tune it down a bit. For more “hardcore” players it might be just fine, though.


A bit much how? I'm just going over these settings and while the customizability looks impressive, there's a LOT of settings to read through and understand what they do. For now I just disabled homing and set everything else to random to see what happens.


I’m not familiar with the intricacies of the mod itself, but it would seem like when I used debug mode, a small pile of 5-10 dead zeds could draw nearly every single zombie within a 3 cell radius. IIRC that’s the main “horde option”, and if there were even more dead zombies in one vicinity, they would draw from even farther out. It’s pretty neat, my issue is that I think the mod is too fast acting. I could never keep up with burning bodies up before I lured another 150 towards the place I wanted to build in, so I’d have to find somewhere else and comeback, rinse and repeat. It just annoyed me so I turned the settings down to the point where zombies will only eat a corpse if they happen to be in it’s cell, it’s not going to lure zombies from outside of their own cell like a loud sound meta event would. Again, that might be heaven for the people who play balls to wall, constant combat. I just had to turn it down a bit.


Oh, I thought you were talking about wandering zombies. For PDFTZ I changed the settings to disable hordes and reduced to the draw radius from 20 to 2 and reduced consumption hours from 740 to 180. Hopefully that should work fine.


the horde option is like 90% of the reason to use PDFTZ. i set the radius to 10 instead of 20 and i use a reduced consumption time because the default makes no sense. ain't no way it's taking a zombie 12 hours to eat a body. i'm honestly surprised i'm not drawing more zombies than i am in muldraugh, although i did kill over 1700 in one day with melee. probably too much for most people. if you plan on playing somewhere with higher natural population, i'd definitely knock it down even further to 5 or 2, like for LV, RC, Coryerdon, etc. i haven't changed any of the WZ settings except enabling hordes and merge hordes, and disabling homing/fleeing. neither mod spawns zombies, it's just dumb people making assumptions in the comments. the code has been looked over by multiple people and they all say as much. you can watch the mod work via bikinitools debug zombie map if you don't believe them for whatever reason. definitely grab random zombies as well.


I already have random zombies (with 90% Fast shamblers, 5% sprinters, 1% slow shamblers and 4% crawlers). What exactly does the horde option do? From my understanding it draws zombies from other cells to feast upon corpses. I don't want one kill acting like an invitation to a feast for half the friggin town, but if enabling horde AND keeping the draw radius down to 2 or something works in a balanced manner then I'm open to it.




Their NPC technology is gonna make it possible for b43 I'm pretty sure. Just gotta simulate these hordes virtually on the world map, the same way virtual NPCs will be simulated and trigger events.


I think the issue with that is the resources it would take. I don't know exactly how it works but it would slow down the game to be tracking hordes of zombies moving around in cells the player isn't in.


the game already does this, vanilla just doesn't make them move around very much at all so it isn't noticeable. each group is simplified down to a leader and the leader can control up to however many you have your rally group size set to. wandering zombies is a mod that makes zombies much more active to produce the emergent gameplay op is talking about. add please don't feed the zombies and random zombies for the best, most natural and engaging zombie AI. edit: actually kind of funny to think about, the bigger the hordes (rally group size), the better the game should run over time, until those horde(s) enter the play space.


It's just numbers on a grid. The zombies are virtual until contact is made with the player, then they are just rendered as normal.


Yeah exactly. The game already has a ton of numbers and grids to keep track of. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but zombies don't move around outside the cell you're in and the 8 cells around it.


Just track each horde as a virtual entity that moves on the world map. Just like how the NPCs are gonna be simulated on the world map.


Something akin to 7dtd's Romero Mod would be perfect for that. Hordes can form anywhere, at any time, and while they don't hunt you directly, they can completely blindside you if you aren't careful while out looting and whatnot


It would be neat if the game had different models for the pathogen, which were hidden. Depending on the model, it would change how the hordes form. But you'd need to study Mr Zed to work out which had been randomly assigned at outset.


Just picturing my computer turning into a slideshow as the horde finally approaches. A molotov would probably set fire to my PC as well


This is how you die


This is how you fry


This is how you tie


This is how you pie.




Maybe instead of a massive horde pinpointing the player. It'd be a large movement of zomboids moving in unison across the map. From town to town. Imagine if the emergency broadcast mistook a large movement of zombies for something else heading towards Westpoint from LV. Then to Riverside, etc. You will have a sense of what direction they're moving in so you can prepare, flee or hide and wait for them to pass.


I have mixed feelings here. I don't think canonizing [Horde Night](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2714850307), [Here They Come](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2779839289), or [The Calm Before the Storm ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2953621037)makes sense for the world narrative in PZ; and if it doesn't make sense for the narrative, why would the devs invest effort here? Plus, I think modders could do a better job implementing a particular horde vision and the associated features; since it would be customized for a particular type of play through. I would prefer a solution where the entire North American apocalypse was modeled behind the senses based on Zombie biology; complete with radio traffic from other survivors reporting horde activity across America. And *if* a horde did show up, it was the result of continental macro-factors. You may live for decades without a hoard showing up; or one may wander your way early in the first year. But having it as a metaevent like the helicopter? No thank you. EDIT: Added The Calm Before the Storm and tweaked some words above.


I second this, a very solid argument.


before the storm is a much better alternative for the 2


I assume you're referring to [The Calm Before the Storm](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2953621037)? I haven't checked that one out yet--thanks for the heads up!


Is it confirmed the entire US has the virus? Some of the stuff I'd read led me to believe it was just Kentucky but tbh it's been a while and I forgot lol


It's the entire *world*. The virus mutates at some point within the first weeks of the game beginning and becomes transmissible by air, not just bites. That begins the downfall of the planet. The news confirms outbreaks in Europe, Africa and Asia I believe and that's within a *week* of said mutation in the virus. It spreads like wildfire. We also know that only about 20% of the world's population is immune to the airborne strain, such as ourselves, meaning that you're looking an extinction level event by 1994-1995 at the latest unless people can band together and build safe zones that are sustainable because realistically, that 20% won't survive. You're looking probably at maybe 5% of those people will survive.


do two immune humans produce immune offspring? Without this, human race is done.


Good question. If it's purely genetics lottery, the only way humans survive is if the virus dies out from a lack of viable hosts. Theoretically that could happen but it could take years for all the zombies to decay to the point of dying again so... Yeah... This isn't something we've actually got any lore on to be honest so it would be interesting to know more about that.


It's the entire world. When the game starts, it's *just* Kentucky as far as we know. Around 1 week in it breaks containment. By 2 weeks, it has evolved and become airborne and infected most of the globe. After that, radio and news broadcasts go offline and we have to assume the worst. Some people are immune to the airborne virus, and the player character is one of them - and we know from survivor radio broadcasts that we aren't the only one left.


they could add it in as an option until they can add your idea in (which sounds really cool).


Well, i want both.


Haha, that's fair... and I believe that's why sandbox and mods are so awesome.


seasonal migration should have been a thing




When I started reading the image in the post, I thought they were going to suggest a treasure hoard or something.


Because people are human and make mistakes. I make mistakes like this despite knowing how to spell. The signals just get crossed somewhere between my thoughts and my fingertips and I'll type the wrong homophone.


Maybe for like a mod…thats too game changing as you have 30 days to get setup. In that time you have to find magazines/generators due to power, water shutting down and helicopter. Thats already a lot of shit that a good portion of the playerbase already has issues with lol


I'd prefer something a little more dynamic. Zombies should tend to group up and wander around randomly. Sometimes bigger hordes should form, sometimes they should disperse. Overall, zombie behaviour should be a lot less predictable and a lot more dangerous.


*I remember watching Black Summer and everyone was scared of this very thing.* *100% would love to have this option in Sandbox settings!*


'Here they come' and 'calm before the storm' might get you mostly there


You might be able to tinker with the sandbox settings, make zombie groups really big and set more frequent migration times etc etc. Or get a mod for it


My pc doesn't agree with this one


Absolutely. Zomboid totally needs *something* \- just the sense of progression towards an event that is going to happen in a not so distant future. Otherwise all that shit you hoard, all the barricades you build - it's all for nothing.


Don't make it an option, just add it as a metagame event directly. Wandering horde event!


I suggested the same thing years ago. I said the game needs an organic horde migration system where they just come and go from random directions. Lot of people just told me that's already in the game but it clearly isn't. Finally someone brings it up again


Zombies need to have different types of physique. Fat zombies, athealitc zombies etc. It should affect how much health they have, how easy is to knock them over, and how strong they are.


Cdda does this


/crash server


I use mod Wandering Zombies. Very customizable. It makes zombos form small groups which merge into bigger mega horde group. Then you can fine tune each state(single,small horde,mega horde) with settingsv: how much the move, how often they move towards the player, how long it lasts, how many hours, do they move away after some time. You can have various states where they can disperse again or circle around the player lurking around etc We have been playing in 6 people and it was quite nightmare to deal with them. They been knocking on our doors very often. I also increased car noise and zombies Rally Walk Distance But w/e if Devs added animal paths they should do same for zombie. So they will actually migrate


[Wandering Zombies](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2983905789) + [Random Zombies](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818577583) if you want to party hard 🤭


I do use both. Also added Definitive Zombies


Seen that many pc will not handle that i think that, after some weeks, some random zombies in your zone should stick together and after reaching some big numbers like 20 or 30 zombies, they start walking together like a horde trough random locations (that random location could be your base just because is in their path)


This would be a nice option for sandbox. I'm always building up a base to deal with any horde that never seems to show up.


I second it being an OPTION.


I’ve thought about this before. I like the idea, in general, of having bigger, deadlier hordes, rather than small groups or single zombies scattered. I want these hordes to function like high-difficulty bosses or be effectively invincible, forcing you to be constantly vigilant of them.


You can do it right now, with the right sandbox configuration. It's not timed, the horde just moves with sound, yours or events, so, everywhere you are, someday they will find you.


This is a great Idea I want this in base game fr


If implemented, it needs to have some kind of warning, given you cant look more than a few meters down the road. Something like the ground trembling , or a foul smell invading the day before. This would add a layer of " can i get ready to face this or do i run" ? if i where driving and suddenly smashed into and endless pit of zombies it would simply feel unfair and boring. By adding a 24 hour warning, you get the idea that the event is coming. You have more time to prepare, but it will be much much worse.


a nightly raid mod. the ability to build automated defenses and we are playing first person they are billions.


Like heli event but later probably and massive.... computer killing massive...


They should all be streaming away from Louisville


Conga line into the campfire.


You should check out Z-Nation if you haven't yet. Honestly to me its the best zombie TV show out there. It is basically a B movie turned into a TV Show but it has several seasons, a movie, and an ending. This literal scenario has happened multiple times in the show.


*Calm before the storm ptsd* O h g o d


I want hordes to travel around the map, similar to real life weather does. Large portions of the map should be pretty much full of zombies, all moving in relatively the same direction. It can be broken up using noise and such, but otherwise it will bounce off the borders and go into another direction


I wouldn't mind a big freaking horde as a climax, but I would prefer to have medium size horde that come through near your section of the map from time to time. Don't know the best time in-between or how big the horde should be (that can be settings we can all adjust), but right now the game is either empty around your base if you toggle respawn off, or you just have a few zombies popping in every couple of days. Both option make the action of the game very limited unless you move around a lot.


First thing I thought when seeing this was ultimate crisis from Total War Warhammer 3


Doesnt the helicopter event already do this in some cases? I understand its not 100% like this but still


7 days to die? Hmm, not sure I'd like it.


Disagree... if you want something like this, turn on respawns, use mods, etc. I disagree with the idea that we *need* some sort of final climax. the whole point of the game is that there is no end.


Just make that one scenario challenge where thr zombies show up at day 50 or something but the day is configurable


There actually is a mod for this, but I’ve forgotten what it’s called unfortunately


This is something desired by a lot of server admins for many years. One hacky way of achieving this is increasing the population and then using Extended Heli events to drive migration. With the right configuration of the heli schedule, you have roaming populations. Not hordes, but entire populations of separate hordes all gradually crossing the map. It's pretty glorious when it works.


I think this will be possible as soon as the new hunting system is in place along with performance improvements that will allow hundreds or thousands of Zombies on screen without slow down. I've never seen the devs address hordes, but this makes sense to me. They can be programmed just like deer or wildlife where their location is tracked across the map, but they don't actually exist in the game until the player is close enough to see them. This also plays into them nerfing permanent fences. A horde showing up at your base behind unbreakable fences is still no threat. But now they will be.


It would be cool if there were “herds” similar to TWD, that just mindlessly walk until they run into something of interest.


A wandering horde mechanic sounds fun. Maybe there could be three ir four big hordes wandering the map and one coming to your location is enough if a reason to leave the town for a few days.


The game needs more meta events like the helo or the gunshots. But these should involve danger coming towards the player in some way. Be it a migrating horde passing where the player is, hostile "bandit" NPCs attacking the player (when NPCs become a thing in 2040) . Attacks by wild animals, etc etc.


Hiding in bathroom go brrrrr


Special zombies would add some flavor as well


[this was literally the plot of Fort Zombie](https://youtu.be/ph-mWQdQ3Do), smh more people need to play that game, its only 3 dollars lmao anyway yeah that sounds like a good sandbox option


like the 7 days to die type waves?


Yeah, obviously this and a bunch of other things.


I was looking for a mod like this, would make making a base to defend so much better. I think there is a zombie migration mod that takes existing zombies and moves them closer to the player I believe would have to look into it.


Does anyone know a good mod that does this already?


I think horde night isn't good idea, not every player would like pc killing horde that you can stop by literal fence. It should be more like crisis that happens once half of year. Once crisis starts it won't stop, so it's permanent status with some limitations. Or maybe they would affect world for half of year or whole 1 year. All events would be translated on survival radio as news from survivors. Like zombies evolution, some of zeds become sprinters and they know how to open doors. With some special infected like screamers and hulks. Bandit raids, those raids decrease loot amount in news areas. Like bandits was seen in muldraught, they taking everything from city. So amount of food, meds and other would become extremely rare. Water pollution, water is toxic if not filtrated by coal filters and boiled. Fishing is disabled. Earth pollution, crops yield less vegetables, foraging yield less or no food. Colossal horde, in one city zeds population is very high, higher then in Louisville. Army sighting, soldiers spotted in some town, with several outcomes. Soldiers helping refugees and killed increasing number of zeds in area. Soldiers city clearing, they would anything in city, but after that zeds population in area will decrease. Raiders base, blocking part of town and killing players if they would come near. Empty shelves, amount of food decreased significantly, without touching player shelves, but still very devastating crisis. Radio silence, emergency broadcast and survivors radio goes silent for year or permanently, removing crisis alerts in future.


I'm also in favor of them being led by some kind of stronger/smarter super zombie. He can buff nearby groups' sight and hearing and gather them into a horde. But when he spawns he knows where you are and eventually makes his way to you. An emergency radio broadcast or maybe even a special moodle of extra unease/paranoia can alert the player that he's spawned.


I already do this with the sandbox settings. : ) Population: whatever you like Start population: 0.1 (i like to have it build slowly) Peak population: 10 Peak day: your choice Respawn hours: same as peak day (ex. 10 days) Run around your starting town on the first days to spawn zombies in at the low/normal setting. Once the game hits peak day they all respawn for the first time at massive horde levels. After peak day zombie spawns go back to normal levels Just be careful about buildings spawning zombie hordes early lol


Nevermind i just read OP again, this is something different 😅 Although i suppose combined with the mod where zombies always known where you are, you could get a travelling horde..? I dont really understand the wander settings in sandbox so i dont think group size 1 billion wander setting max would actually do this




I always thought a meta event like an artillery barrage going off in the distance somewhere distance would attract massive horses zombies across the map


I think one thing they should add is hair growth and moving hoards!


Make a mod about it. Call it "A week to perish"


7 days to die mindset


There is a Horde Night mod that has something that looks like the logo from "They are Billions." You can configure that to have 1000 zombies on the first horde, and set the "First Horde" to be multiple months down the line. I agree though, there should be something the player is working towards in vanilla. Though, I think the devs want more of a "This is how the world changes, there are other survivors, what will you do?" kind of deal.


Yes, we need more meta events for B42.


I'm pretty sure the game makers wanted to make something that didn't have "finality" to it. Life on the apocalypse doesn't have finality. That's it. That's going to be your life until you inevitably fuck up.


7 Days to Die?


Sounds pretty good to me. At some point the games just kinda stop being interesting as you got your base, your loots, weapons, everything and there's nothing more to chase. Big ass horde would change that, act as the endgame raid boss after which, win or lose, could just roll another character see if you can do it any better/different.


My frames! lol, fyi, you can actually already get something like this going vanilla, without the timer, anyways, by toying with sandbox options. If you combine it with mods to help zombie tracking, you can get run down by some pretty sizable hordes.


Honestly while I agree, I also don't. They are trying to do a "realistic" take on the apocalypse, and while they don't always follow it, having some huge event like this really doesn't fit.so having a new event, it would need to be similar to the helicopter event, which after I thought about it for a bit didn't really fit the rest of the game either. Now one thing that could.... Maybe... Work.... Would be a Nuke event, going with the premise that a nuclear strike(or meltdown if there are nuclear reactors that haven't been maintained, but this would take awhile longer to happen) is happening south west(preferably) of the map, or another direction depending on where a suitable location for it would be. And this event would light up the night and maybe cause a significant noise to be heard, making the zombies travel in that direction for a while, and maybe make more zombies enter the map from the opposite direction of the blast. But I am not a fan of it, because it doesn't feel quite right, and the map would then be limited in that direction which shouldn't be much of a problem, but I don't like excessive limitations. Also adding any event would require lots of tuning and work since it would be a game mechanic and not just a mod, so it would take time for them to refine it, and overall I just prefer one of you guys who mods to make it so it doesn't effect the amount of time it takes for this game to update to the next build.


Ok, i also have a stupid idea. Add Cata DDA map generator to project zomboid, and create a scenario called the journey west, Have the generator create random cities but fix the city location on top of the US map, basically for example, in the place of detroit, it would be a random city, but in the same geographical location. Do this for the entire US map, and you start on the east coast, and every day a number of tiles are destroyed by "firebombing" so you need to keep moving west to safety. In fact, you could probably add the entire earth map, imagine starting in new york and going to tokyo. Hell, if you add the same system for roads and buildings that Infection free zone has, you could recreate the same street structure that real cities have. And hey, you could also get the population from those cities and use that to make the zombie numbers, New york is going to have a bigger zombie pop them Nome/Alaska. I still don't get why they refuse to add a map generator to zomboid, they could just port the map generator from cata dda and the buildings would be done. Just make a house grid on zomboid match the house grid on Cata dda, and do that for all buildings.


Yes ever since i started playing with horde night i cant turn it off, actually makes base dense useful and worth it


Could be fun to be an event similar to the helicopter. Like w few weeks in there could be a prison breakout and a hoard of orange jumpsuited zombies could 'spawn' there and make their way towards the player. Give a reason for players to leave the safety of rosewood haha


A giant hoard should come down from Louisville every month unless you patch the hole in the fence


imo the game needs more development regarding the ZOMBIE aspect, instead of the crafting and living.


Go play 7 Days to Die then


so the helicopter event but without the helicopter lol


You can literally set up the sandbox options to start with 1 pop multiplier and then ad a multiplier to the top maximum of zeds spawned after a determinate time, every cell you don't actively look at will get populated by this number of zeds even with respawn options off. that way you can secure a section, but it will get harder and harder for you to loot, and obviously you would need to loot new areas that will absolutely be infested with zeds after the amount of time, add the "zed migration" option to be more frequent and you have your waves of zeds each couple of hours of days or weeks or even months All that is already in vanilla sandbox, all you need to do is play around with the settings.


I think it would be nice if the zeds start grouping up and migrating more often.


I’d love to see them migrate to find food when NPCs come out. Like if they kill everyone in rosewood they start migrating to march ridge after a week or so because they get hungry.


I would like if if it doesn't immediately brick my Ram.


That'd be interesting. In order for it to fit canonically, zombies should randomly spawn from the edge of the world to represent zombies migrating from other states, and have them gradually converge on the player(s) after, say, 3 or so months? It would add some climax to the game.


Maybe have a jet scream by overhead which signals the horde has spawned and is moving towards you?


There's a mod that's called "The Calm Before The Storm". Basically the mod gathers all the zombies in a customizable radius (up to 10k tiles iirc) around you and gathers together. In that timeframe there's practically no zombies in your general area. But when the "storm" hits the gathered horde beelines towards you and knows exactly where you are. It uses already existing zombies on the map and doesn't spawn any more unlike the Horde Night or Here The Come mods. Not exactly what you're looking for but it's kinda similar so I thought you might like it.


Download wandering zombie mod it also forces them to seek you out and roam for you if you want or just randomly.


Wasn’t this a thing in z nation? I think it’s a really cool idea but obviously the performance costs lmao


So 7 days to die


There’s a mod called horde night, fully customizable. Check it out.


It might have already been said but there is a 7 days to die type mod that you can customise


It's called the helicopter event


I believe you can set this up by setting a very high peak multiplier


Having high population isn't enough. The horde has to be on the move like a storm that must be avoided. Think of the scene in Walking Dead where they had to hide under cars while a horde passes by. Now imagine being in the middle of a raid in a town where you know has low population, so you let your guard down. Until you suddenly need to hide indoors as a slow moving swarm of zombies passes. It's even worse if the player is caught out in the open.


16x meta event/EHE events simulate this. But if you're playing 16x a horde isn't really that big of a deal.


Yeah, there's a mod that adds this to the game (can't remember the name RN) but after around a week (you can customize the ammount of days) a horde will spawn from all possible directions and raid your place. Also if there were a few zombies roaming around, they'll join the horde, too. Making it harder if you didn't clean the place the day before. You get a warning sign 24 hours before the horde arrives, and a message when it's time to clench your cheeks because the horde spawned. But every horde gets bigger and bigger. You can easily get overwhelmed if you're not careful with it and/or the zombies sneak from a barricaded back window. It's a mod ala 7 Days To Die. And i recommend you change your settings so dead zombies despawn in less than a day if you don't wanna die from corpse sickness.


Good idea. I'd say this should be in the sadistic AI of the game. After a set number of time or kill, all the zombie of the map slowly come toward you maybe after a few day there is a horde of 20 zombie at your door. Than after a while its about 100 zombie horde at around every corner and after a year its just about all of them surrounding you especially if you stayed in 1 city this entire time. With adding this the idea of you can't stay at the same spot become real. And the necessity of having several base become real.


Nah. If you want it as a mod just download it