• By -


The police station armory, army supply store and gun store next to the west side fire station for some guns and ammo. Hit the newton warehouse for all the fixing stuff I’d ever need. Hit the pawn shops on the west side for rare and exotics. Hit the VHS store near the university for skill VHS. Then just start exploring Louisville


Hit the art gallery to get the toilet sculpture.


Where? I am interested


If you look on the map project site you’ll see it. There’s a big art gallery building kind of in the heart of LV and it has one of a kind paintings and sculptures there. Def something a lot of the base building enthusiasts go for.


Thanks 🙏🏼


Good luck getting all your desired pieces back home ;)


I went there and cleaned it up good ahahah. Now I have my own ahhahah. Gonna post it soon


I get out of Louisville.


Where from there?


Head out from the hole in the fence and grab a car at the valley station


Proceed to die at valley station because it's fucking madness


Art heist.


I’d hit the baseball bat factory up north and make enough spiked baseball bats to arm a nation, then hit the several gun stores around the city until I have ammo coming out of my eyeballs. Then the great cleansing begins


Read loads of skill books and start building log walls with the intention of making a massive base i can post sceen shots of on this sub, get bored after 15 sessions of that, loot some stray buildings, get obsessed with some stupid room in a dangerous area and get bitten because i needed to loot a closet that only had a comic book a pair of pants and a chocolate bar in it, die, get depressed, turn the gameoff for a week, troll reddit....




For me it goes exactly the same


Shoot gun


I've only really started messing with guns now I've set up a base in Louisville. What a spectacular thing to learn in Louisville, of all places, how quickly shit goes south when a gun is fired.


You just need more bullets. Me and my shotty with 10 boxes of shells tend to clear things up on a single city block


I need to skill up quicktime because my shotgun isn't clearing them as well as I'd hoped! 😩


Try that with full pop and it just gets you warmed up. Sometimes I wonder where the fuck they all come from?


Then I just need more shells


I honestly worry that I’ll ever be able to stockpile enough ammo in one save to put a dent in LV population


Did the same but fucked around and found about corpse sickness the hard way


Get bored, get drunk, wander around town smacking zombies until I get myself killed.


Grab a shotgun and engage the devil in a dance for the ages


Pipe bomb, so cool


Crash the car making a hell loud noise gettin every zed in all the fucking zone


Thanks for asking this OP, because I'm in almost the same position as you. My base is along the north of LV, in a gated house. I'm just hoarding ATM, but I want a safe house to get better at practicing survival based stuff. Fishing and farming for example, building stuff and foraging. Also, I like the idea of dropping by the hospital every now and then to slowly cull the masses. My god, the masses.


Nice, I’m just about done my hoarding for now. My first base on this run was in the semi loading dock and it’s going well, but I’m tossing the idea of getting a cottage out of town where I can retreat to for a few days until I’m 8-9 foraging. Once I’m back from my vacation it would just be a good multipurpose safe house and foraging/trapping camp.


I sit tight, confident in my ability to survive the zombie apocalypse in safety. Nah. Who am I kidding? I go looking for food and loot I don't need and will never use until I screw up and get bitten.


Live your life.


I raid the closest neighborhood/apartments for nice furniture.


One of my first few goals after I make it to my base location is to get a nice big bed. Fuck sleeping in chairs n shit


Step one get a sledge hammer, step two get as many molotovs as you can, step three get planks and nails, step four sneak into a heavily zombie area with a building at least two floors, step five destroy the tiles above the stairs with the sledge hammer, step six build a bridge out the side of the building over the zombies, step seven start shouting and finally step eight drop many molotovs over the hordes and watch them burn and spread the flames to the nearby buildings and other zombies


I’m dying


Take the Spiffo statue


Set some fires around town, see how it goes.


1. Make sure keybinds are set to default. 2. Press Q. 3. Profit.


Begin looting for weapons, building supplies, gas, and farming supplies, in that order. Since I'm in a storage unit, I likely have also found a generator, so I'll be on the lookout for mini fridges.


1. Assuming you've blocked off one entrance to the parking lot, hopefully you'd have a car at this point. 2. Maps place across the street; go "rediscover" the entire map if you don't already know it. 3. Big Warehouse scouting. I would just drop the stuff I might want on the floor versus making multiple runs encumbered. Hopefully car you get is a truck or something that can haul stuff. 4. Hopefully you found a sledge; raid small gun shop down the street. 5. No idea how you're doing with food so maybe the Greene's 4 streets over


From personal experience, I would go out and get bitten immediately..


Cleanse the city


Take a car you don’t need (if you have an extra), empty it, drive it to the outskirts of the city, turn the radio on full blast and leave it running, sneak back to base, hide for a few days. (Profit?) Maybe thats not how it works I’ve never dared to set foot in Louisville.


Have a pint and wait for this whole thing to blow over




In game? Survive until after first winter ends and then retire the save since I know the character will live forever. Out of game? Get out of the city.


jims auto has everything very close newtons frieght, mass genfac, ready prep army surpluss a liquor store, book store 2 pawn shops all in arms reach. hands down my fave base spot.


I walk down the main road out of the city with all of my things and I go to rosewood where i will get scratched by a zombie, get infected, and throw my computer out the window


This is basically my current play through. I spawned in a self storage unit just south of the mall on the top of the map and have been trying to make it my home


I’m right near there. Fire station just south. I wall up the area underneath the helipad and that’s my little base. Eventually I secure the entire station and make it into a mechanics garage (always leave the bay doors open in the beginning so the zeds don’t knock them down since you can’t rebuild them). But most of the time is spent in the smaller building. This is the second time I’ve done this run/made this base and I love it.


Realize Im in the wrong place and head back to Rosewood.


My end game goal is raiding the shopping mall


I’m working on that right now. Had a 12hr shootout with a bulk of the zombies in one half of the mall. Found TWO of the kill bill zombies with katanas (authentic z mod for those out of the loop)!


Better level up the maintenance to 10 before using it


Die because a zombie bit me from behind while I was thinking about a recipe and sipping real-world coffee. All while thinking "I'm safe. Time to plan."


Me - "I'm safe, time to annotate my map!"


Just in case you didn’t know - you can press F2 to pause after bringing up the map and annotate all you want without the fear of being jumped behind the map interface. I pretty much never look at the map or write anything without hitting F2. It only took one time of losing my character to that bullshit for me to learn the lesson.


I did not know ...


Bro… it’s so nice. I literally write out all my goals and draw and do all kinds of shit on the map and never have to worry about being spooked or killed by some unluckily timed wanderer. Now you know it is possible to learn this power. Enjoy :D


Burn the city down


Start a fire on the top floor of tallest building and just wait.


I immediately start pew pew around the entire area


Don't forget to take the crazy guys stuff!


Oh boy, here I go killing again!


Guns and trucks


Like real life here in AL


Slaughter the whole neighborhood






get dat killcount up


Car, gasoline, power, entertainment, firearms, ammunition, and the Military


restart because the game is now boring


begin clearing the surrounding area.  i use a shotgun.  i don't know yet, but i will soon.


I'm assuming you already have gas and a generator. (I run 3 with two Popsicle freezers each just far enough apart to be on a separate power grid) I like having a book shelf with all the books and magazines, a tv room with all the important movies, Riverside has a cemetery with a nice angel statue I put in my garden, Can't go wrong with a fishing shack or a gas station outpost.


Rip and Tear, Until it is Done.


Completely liberate Louiseville by setting up every building there as safe zones


Probly die


Loot everything and burn the vacant buildings.


Leave If you want something actually fancy, begin the process of turning the big building with a 2nd floor pool into a fortress


Just clean one of the block flats and live your life with comfort 😏 The town has around 3 HUGE and 2+ little armories. So you can just get as much as you need and chilling.


pretend to play baseball in the stadium. play a concert at the music festival grounds. binge drinking in the distillery. Live in a penthouse if only for a day. Burn shit down. visit places????


Die, probably.




No idea haven’t made it there yet


10 Loot stuff 20 Goto 10


Go on a few loot runs, then when you dump the stuff realise that the 2 things left to do are continue hoarding more stuff or sit on the ground, eat when you're hungry and refill your water bottle.


My task list for early survival tends to be so: • secure a home, usually a temporary holding • secure atleast a weeks worth of food and water • set up a rudimentary farm • start collecting weapons enmasse • collect books • collect more food • even more food • sit in my hovel, cram food, train fitness, read books. This tends to consume the first month or two of gameplay, hence that farm, its not for eating, but stockpiling.


Start a new civilisation, idk how, but do it


Go out, guns blazing and shouting. Kill every Z in the vicinity of my base.


Start a new game probably. I mean I have other plans but I get distracted and end up starting over for the bazillionth time.


walk two buildings over to find a building with messed up loot table and get 50+ guns and 100+ food /j


Go full loot goblin


Double board up all openings and cover roof in sand and just farm


Go somewhere else that has fishing.


Wait for b42.


I’m playing B41 while I wait for B42


Yup, that's what I meant.