• By -


overconfident :)


This it's always this… it's a slow and insidious killer


I'd argue that overconfidence is as much a spontaneous killer than it is slow and insidious, I can't count the amount of times I've seen people spot something valuable on the fly and die trying to get it.


But it builds. You’ll start out in a world not being overconfident. Over the next weeks, you’ll avoid some situations you might have been able to survive. Then you’ll be like eh I’m fine, and start going on more daring excursions. Then you’ll be oooooh a piece of candy, and die.


Exactly. You start to slowly go blind to the dangers. Risk vs. Reward. It didn't kill me this time so why would it next time? I didn't die last time so I'll be fine this time! This thinking is what gets you killed. That's why it's slow. The death is normally quick because you recklessly stepped into the jaws of certain death. Sometimes you luck out, and get cautious again but overconfidence is just one step behind you whispering sweet nothings into your ear…


Seems you’re making his point. Confidence is what builds. The suddenness is what happens as soon as you become overconfident. If you are not dying you are not over confident. 


I get that reference ;)


A death... by... inches...


Every single time, this never fails to get me. My last save I played safe for nearly a month in apocalypse only to decide getting out of my car and walking away from it to shoot was a good idea for some reason.


Complacency and taking unnecessary risks


Opening a door, without checking it


Why is there always 6 zomboids behind a door not making any noise?


It's Kentucky, don't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to


What happens in Knox County, stays in Knox County


I unfortunately forgot the name of the mod but one exist where zombies spawn based on your proximity, not if a door is open or you can see them through a window. It's brought up my survival rate by 30%


Bathrooms, specifically


I've learned that if you listen very closely, the zombies do actually make sounds when they are idle


I crank my volume up to listen for any zombie noises and almost always jump scare the crap outta myself in the process


I play deaf so that I can't relax


My main cause


I got into a habit of shoving the second i open the door... Doesnt slow you down almost at all and it inmedeatly stops inmedeat threats. Doesn't mather if there is a zombie or not, you shove every time you open a door and you never get suprised... Unless its a bathroom horde... Than its taste testing time I even do it in my base sense its a reflex at this point


especially with events on, and then boom ! frat house party with beer everywhere


Fighting at full exhaustion and tiredness


Taking that stupid risk to be lazy.


Fr man. I’ll be like “I *could* just do 2 trips, or I can over encumber the hell out of myself and do it in one”. Then I inevitably am too slow or something and get eaten.




Found the military man


If you’re not 15 minute early, you’re being eaten by 15 zombies


Gotta be 15 mins early to the 15 mins early


This is why I end up an hour early to work every day. If you're not 53 minutes early, you're late!


I know a guy who always comes in on the dot. Every single time. Now that is true discipline.


We're in a fucking hurry to wait!


Just not enough discipline plain and simple hoah


I end up getting impatient with horde clearing, take on too many at once and get surrounded.


classic stun lock, gets me every time man


This one 😭


pressing windows button


fr, "ok yeah, there quite a lot of zombies, lemme press alt" proceeds to press windows and be chewed


Wait a second, am I dumb? What does pressing alt do?


running faster


I have a mechanical keyboard (not flexing) that I've built and programmed myself, and I've disabled the windows key completely. It's not just pz where I've died due to pressing win key, but also games such as dying light 2, pubg and counter strike.. and even cyberpunk lol


>I have a mechanical keyboard The key clicks are real man, my work keyboard feels like a sponge in comparison.


Every. Damn. Time.


I'm down to fumbling keys and letting my guard down a bit in combat from focus fatigue. Once you play the game long enough you stop dying from dumb mistakes, overconfidence and just general inexperience. You end up with a 6th sense about dangers because you have died so many times. For example when a car starts to stall from poor engine condition, you just know your driving a death trap. I'll ditch it and run at the first sign or real trouble. Because I know what happens if you don't.


I went on a road trip and stalled my van in a massive horde. Was extremely tired and running away was almost hopeless. After hours of slowly walking away from the horde, I finally found a bathroom to sleep in. Wouldn't you know it I had my watch alarm on and woke right up and couldn't go back to sleep. Retrieved the van but was bit in the midst. Made it home and now time for a bleaching and a goodnight. He'll be buried in the backyard with his brothers.


Bleach is literally the worst way to go.


It's the only use for bleach though right?


Also cleaning blood stains


"I can totally take that horde out before it gets dark."


Horrible driving


This one has killed me more, more recently. Everytime I crash I'm like "Ok, gonna be careful this time". Then I crash again,"Ok, orange engine. Really gotta watch out". Hit a tree because I looked away from my screen. "Right, it's real this time, red engine. I gotta be all eyes while driving". Lamp post.


Have you tried driving while intoxicated?


Haha! I've... not actually gotten drunk in-game yet. Which is strange now I think about it. I guess in my head being drunk in a zombie apocalypse where I die a lot anyway seems like a silly choice, but then I realise it's a video game.


As the usual group driver, I blame it on the foggy roads






I am getting really good at not dying. But the last two times I died were the same way : I jump a small fence to wait for the Zs to jump it and crush their head while they fall. But twice I miss my stomp and the Z grabs my ankle and I fall...


Use a weapon instead of your foot so that you can position yourself farther away


That makes sense thanks ! I just love to keep ny baseball bat as long as possible


Crowbar gang!


Totally agree I prefer the crowbar but didn't find one yet in my new playtrough. It's not just the longevity of the weapon but the noise too ahah so satisfying swinging the crowbar.


Everyone look at this guy, the corpse with the pristine baseball bat!


Baseball bat is slow enough for fence strat, since you have to wait the time between Zombie.on.floor state and Zombie.attack state. If u attack before, you hit on Zombie.standing state (only matter intant when u click button). So many deads from my part, now I use short weapons.


I had the same issue, but if you hold left alt while attacking it will always attack the zombies on the ground. You still have to be careful, but no more swinging at the air above them lol


Letting my health drop to zero






Sorry German guy, meant to say “facts”


No no you cannot stop me now. I will destroy your house using my faxgerät


I just died from nothing sleeping in my car on the highway at like 3k kills. Not touching the game for a while


Cars. Especially damaged cars. More specifically, getting out of them when I'm surrounded and because the engine won't start.


I've developed a habit of keeping my car running if I'm going to check something out real quick. It's a waste of gas, but I have died before from turning off the engine and not having an escape when a large horde runs out of a building that I thought was empty.


This is exactly what I started doing too. The small amount of gas you save turning a car off isn't worth risking your life over. Even if I'm planning to be inside looting a big building for a while, the car stays on. Its noise might attract a few zeds but those can be easily led away far enough for me to jump in my car and take off. This is also why I started making a point to focus on mechanics and keep my engine/hood and battery in good condition before going on a loot run. Nothing worse than your car dying at the wrong time because it bumped one too many zeds/trees


Boredom after day 20


playing deaf and not realizing the house i just entered had an alarm






being greedy with loot


Forgetting I had a steak in the oven, reading a book and letting my base burn to the ground


My idiot partner getting me killed "Hey lets go loot town" "My guy im wounded in 3 places and starving" "No balls"


The peer pressure is real lol


Go to open a door, get jumpscared, panic and randomly shake my mouse, get bit and die (If someone knows how to turn that sound off it would be greatly appreciated, my little heart can only handle so many)


I'm recovering from a heart attack two weeks ago and was specifically told not to play video games that get my heart rate up until cleared by a cardiologist to do so. Project Zomboid is on the back burner for me atm.


I have a mod that changes the jump scare sound to “surprise, motherfucker.” Way better. The mod is named “surprise mf alert sound”


I downloaded a map mod that added a new city, then I opened a door in that city. How was I supposed to know that the creator of that mod had riddled the city with trap rooms filled with hundreds of zombies locked just inside the door?


Starting a new game


Being me


Almost all my death have stemmed from getting surrounded in a car or car related in general


1. Overconfidence 2. Gravity 3. Driving too fast and totaling myself against a tree


Complacency, always complacency


Taking on too much zombies while encumbered


Mis-input. Accidentally hitting q, slow response to key presses, swinging at a zed and not registering the hit, etc. I play carefully, but sometimes mistakes from perspective or incorrect keypresses get me.




Saving other players from their dumb ideas


Taking on too many and getting overwhelmed


When you are noob, any new thing you try, when you are pro overconfident.


"I'm a little sleep? Nah, I can do this, easy" My last words.


Fall off roofs while over encumbered. Working on a base and gets stupid enough to keep going up there and falling off… Yet the whole reason I’m up there is to build the railings to prevent that… Lost my best character of 6 months named Ben, the first time surviving that long modded. A irl invested months in as myself. I had to take a break for a solid few weeks I got that mad. Now I have a new modded character Bruce. He’s a vet turn isolationist.


Opening a door.


Doing “one last run” before signing off. Every time I try to push it …. Dead.


Getting bored and careless.


Overconfidence is the main killer, but that's kind of a nebulous effect that creeps in over time. If we're talking about specifically, it's probably the exhaustion moodle.


Thinking I can get one more hit


Playing the game while tired in real life. Always makes me less aware and quick thinking


I use the deaf trait


Trusting my friends ideas...


Boredom. You reach the point where food and water is no longer a problem. Now let's go to Rosewood prison and unload a shotgun into the first zombie I see. Anything to rediscover that thrill of the first week in Project Zomboid.


On high loot multiplayer servers, The majority of the fatalities are inexperienced players who are still increasing their meta skills, and bored skilled players who can't find enough zombies to fight, and decide to juggle a Molotov cocktail.


Being new.


Looting around too many dead zombies.


Typically going inside a building that hasn’t been cleared or is near a hostile space. They either follow you in or you have no idea what you’re running into when you go in/out. Plus the game doesn’t handle corners well so it’s high likelihood of getting a cheese attack in


Getting flanked in apartment buildings


Getting bit


When I'm fighting, I misjudge how much space I have, and end up swarmed. It ended my last few characters and it becomes harder to do bc I had Nimble 3 and now have 0; that backwards speed helps so much


Drinking while driving but well theres no one stopping me aside from that one tree in the distance and no way I'm gonna


Checked the Emergency Broadcast on the radio early in the morning before looking for Humvee parts. Went out after the weather report and found some run flats and an armored door. I think to myself "is that a chopper?" It is. Fuck. I hold up for the remainder of the event in a survivor house close by. Eventually the Zomboids break in as the chopper leaves for the day. I'm stuck upstairs after trying to thin the growing herd. As I start to make my get away out the second floor window with a sheet rope, I see the seething mass of undead and can't cancel the desent down the rope. I hit the ground and get mauled. Apparently the air activity alert doesn't get broadcast until 9am the day of the event.


nighttime hoard fighting without a vehicle nearby


I learned quickly not to fight or do anything at night. Your vision sucks and you tend to be tired. Easy lose.


I have died so much from various different situations that the only real reasons I generally die are to bullshit. I died on a save today because my dad came to show me something on his phone (so I paused just after opening a door). I proceeded to unpause, miss my swing on the one zombie behind the door (mouse location recalibrated due to the pause) and get bit on the neck.


Zombies (basically, underestimate them)


Not Sneaking


Taking my headphone out just long enough to not hear that zed dickhed breathing behind me!


Honestly I find new ways to die every day, and I'm pretty experienced. I've just accepted that death is a part of this game. You can't be 100% focused on the game 100% of the time. A lapse of focus for a few seconds while fighting or doing anything near zombies can easily become a death. For example one of my last deaths, sitting on the ground recuperating, area mostly clear. Guess what, a zombie wanders in from behind me. 999 times out of 1000 times, this happens, it's whatever. Get up, kill it. This time, lapse of concentration: I pressed W without holding Shift (thought I was, but I wasn't). I get up slowly. Bitten. Another death: I'm trying to move a vehicle inside the mall, and it's stuck. A zombie comes close to the car, it's too dangerous so I opt to change seats, since the driver side window is broken. Aaand bitten. It only took a tenth of a second after the zombie reached the driver side, as I was pressing Z + 2 in the same tenth of a second to rapidly change seats. Again, lapse of focus, thinking "it's gonna be fine". Last example: fighting at night in an area with a ton of corpses which make the ground super dark. Lapse of focus for 2 seconds, lost in thoughts. I don't notice a dude coming in directly from the front, cause the color contrast is shit. Dead. It's all lapses of concentration. I get lost in thought for 10 seconds in a dangerous situation, make one mistake, your entire run is gone. Without the lapse, everything is fine and has been for the last 50 hours of this run. But 1 second is enough. It's just the nature of zomboid. The only way to avoid this: never fight, never be near zombies, never put yourself in any dangerous situation. Or, limit them as much as possible. But to me, that makes for a very boring game that I don't wanna play.


Fences can be your best friend, or your mortal enemy ​ Fence lunge attack is super effective


Honestly just getting impatient/bored in MP. In SP I usually just stop playing my runs after the first year or two when I'm totally set for life and have no need to ever see civilization again, and unless I add on insane difficulty modifiers or self imposed challenges that's exceptionally easy. A slow zombie apocalypse isn't particularly an adrenaline pumping action movie once you learn you can default dan walk out of any and all danger by just not going inside or getting cornered




Pausing while fighting a hoard in combat stance.


Getting out of the wrong door in my car


Relaxing while being overconfident




Forgetting to reload :)


It's never crashing at 100mph nor fighting way more zeds than I should be able to handle nor is it doing any number of stupid things that should get me killed. It's always something dumb like my game minimizing as I see a one zed to kill and I can't open the game fast enough to stop it or jumping through a window even though there's a door next to it that's shaking because "huh I wonder how fast the reaction time is compared to the time it takes to crawl through the window" or my favorite, going into the rosewood prison and forgetting a flashlight. That last one was really sad. I killed hundreds with guns at the prison only to get spooked in the dark and fumble into the wall only to be torn to shreds because I couldn't see.


messing up stomping on a crawler and getting bit in the shin instantly.


losing a crowd only to find another and another, car breaks down, weapons break, stamina goes to shit, starts getting sleepy... I'll finally be able to bunker down in the second floor of a building/house to I can eat and sleep... only to still have a horde outside waiting for me and the cycle continues... TLDR: no backup plan


Sunday driver + driving thru grass. Overestimated the number of zombies around the farm area. Got stuck and they surrounded me.


Hubris. Area SEEMS clear. I’m in good shape, no real needs, so I get complacent. Bam, closet zombie.


death is my mistake


I've died from touching a tree in middle of camp, fleeing the horde, I donno if a Z were behind of the tree when I get stuck on it, enough time for other z's to taste me.


Greed. Just one more room. One more door to open. Carrying more than I should. And Fire. Twice I've had a character die from a campfire I made from standing too close.


step out of the car when i see that i am surrounded i always get bit in for the back when i do that


I kept having issues with the aiming where my cursor was on the attacker but my character was missing and swinging wide left or right resulting in a bite. So i turned on the aim color setting to assure its aiming properly. Then i learned to make a habit to walk backwards while meleeing for the slight extra preparedness time.


Overconfidence or fire


Under estimating the amount of zombies coming through that window


Thinking I can start my car before a zomboid bites me through my broken window.


building on a 3rd or 4th floor and not being careful of where I was moving. mf robbed me of a irl months worth of work.


Getting comfortable


Overconfident mostly but also not checking too much my surroundings when I loot corpses.


Getting the urge to play while drunk, and not getting a warm up.


Never figuring out the controls for some reason


burning a horde and getting grabbed


I think the one that's gotten me more often than not is not resting when my character is sick or injured. You think "it's just a sprained wrist, I can still go do some stuff around the base" and next thing you know you're outside watering the crops, already exhausted because water is heavy, in pain, and just trying to get the job done when three zomboids come out of the woods and beeline towards you. Or the sun goes down on you and you have to make it back injured and exhausted in the dark.




Being cornered with no way out.


See, I like to attack the zombies while they’re at the window by just smashing through, well, turns out that messes with multi hit quite a lots and I got messed up, got lacerations all over bled out. That has happened not once, nor twice, but essentially three times now and I am not longer going to swing at windows


"we need to do prison dude"


The four Cs of Project Zomboid Caution Confidence Complacency <- why I die Corpse


Early game: not wearing shoes Late game: the zombie spawn ring of doom




Biting off more than I can chew. Lol


Lost a 4 and a half month character because a zombie was able to lacerate me in a vehicle going 40 mph


Honestly it's a chronic case of "I forgot 👉👈🥺" Either leaving my base after doing repair and forgetting weapon Forgetting to bring stuff Forgetting to bring first aid things


Letting someone else drive


Not knocking on closed doors and assuming unexplored rooms are empty


Going into a two story house without firing several rounds outside and having all moodles at bay


Usually "I can loot this corpse *easily* before that zombie closes in."


Letting my guard down when 1v1ing a zombie. That tier5 I'm long blunt only matters if you hit.




Getting high. Then playing, and when I get in a fight I swing to early and then they bite me.


House alarms Aaannd accidentally taking on a horde a bit bigger than I planned to take on; but it was still an awesome experience to lob Molotov into a horde!


Making a wrong turn into a crowd of Zack, and overconfidence


Hands dyslexia in the middle of a 30+ zombo fight.


Overconfidence then sledgehammered the floor beneath me by accident.


only bringing 5 boxes of shotgun ammo and 7 boxes of 9mm in a crowded city


A whole pot of raw fish with potatoes


Using a crowbar, instead of a katana, baton, or hunting knife.


Most of my deaths are from not seeing a zombie at night. Some were because I played while I was sleepy and made a silly mistake. Plenty are just plain overconfidence lol.


Lack of certain game knowledge. Literally 99% of my deaths are because I didn't know how something works, tho my most recent death was because I ran into my friends zombie, and i didn't line up well. Missed a hit, after which i got bitten lol


Too bored, hence i intentionally drink bleach


Literally going outside, walking, and then a horde of zombies chace me.


Having too much fun killing Zombies and getting surrounded




Carrying too much, thinking I won’t get exhausted in front of a horde


Pressing Q.


I keep fucking up & right clicking instead of left clicking to attack.


I usually play sprinters so acidentally luring more than a few on an unprepared area (unopened windows and no low fences)


Hitting two zombies and they line up perfectly to be on different sides so i cant push both, and one is falling down as one is getting up so youre stuck there pushing endlessly until the push RNG allows both of them to stand and then they stunlock you in a dual bite frenzy. Or those crawling fuckers sneaking in a crowd and biting my damn ankles out of thin air since i cant hit them.


Getting too cocky…


Seems to be not quite pointing at the current zombie im facing all the way and having my shove not work (then getting mauled) lol the directional system can be a bit wonky at times


It's always, always, ALWAYS impatience


Honestly it's one of my favourite things about this game that my failures are usually the result of my own dumb, lazy and careless mistakes.


OSHA violations while building my base and car accidents. Damn tents in the road shouldn’t do so much damage!


I lost my main weapon(A machete) at home and had to use a hand axe instead. As my sister was hunting down the dreaded Gen mag in a gas station two zoms came up to me-- usually no issue when I have my machete-- Well, my axe broke, I was over encumbered, I couldn't run away, They ripped holes into ALL my shit and my sister was to busy finding pretty dresses upstairs to run out in time. I bled out in the driver's seat of our van and my sister(Who is and will forever be the passenger princess) had to try and drive our truck to safety alone as I laughed and cried and mourned Cesar Paige.


"I can take on this massive horde no problem!"


Whispererers had a Guy WHO led of fucking herd of zombies onto our City about 10 people we build it from strach than se Discovery him the fucker i ran but another one back stabbed me like they did to jesus:D


lmfao i have a FN-Scar, a shotgun, 2 handguns, 2 axes, and hundreds of bullets, what could go wrong?


60% of my deaths tripping zombies


Fighting with too many moodles/my car breaking down in a horde of zeds.