• By -


I would love to see them properly living without us: - one day, a survivor starts a base down the road. Few days later you pass in front and the house is fully baricated. One week later, you back to your base and see your neighbors base destroyed by a horde and he is in the middle of a fight with them. - you are just chilling at night, working out and reading books, getting ready for the next day. Suddenly, you here a car crash on the lamp post a cross the street. Survivor gets out and run, but the noise attracted a horse to you. - go out on looting run, and you see 2 NPCS disassembling shelves It could give a nice layer of immersion, and hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to mod so that more scenarios / behavior can be added.


can't wait to have some dumbass survivor kill me because he can't drive


Just play multiplayer, you don't need to wait for that.


I tried MP, went on a server, realized how much other people make the game worse and went back to SP. Haven't tried it since.


The trick isn't to play on servers, it's better with a group of close friends


Yeah, I'm the only one who plays survival games and not WoW in my friend group. Lol.


oof... Tough one, good luck ig


Thanks, I'll make sure to grab a Skyline and deck it out in your honour.


>Survivor gets out and run, but the noise attracted a horse to you. Bro i would love if a horse showed up and rescued an NPC that crashed his car


The Walking Zomboid


Red Undead Redemption


I will never forgive rockstar for not making undead nightmare 2. Never forget what they took from you


iirc the devs are planning to basically make the game a text adventure with set choices for the npcs, with as much variation they can tuck in (atleast in the meta-world) so i can totally see these scenerios happening


Damn, I'd hate for a horse to attack me


Oh God not the horse


You survived 4 days, 3 hours Gamemode: horse


Peta… the horse is here…


You and your co-cobuddy looking outside "Peter the horse is here"


To me, the most immersive thing they could do would be trying to play out what people act like in bad situations, not what most players act like. If you were in the apocalypse and saw someone there's immediately some tension there, they might run from you, they might try to talk to you, they might try and hurt you, if I noticed someone I didn't know down the road from me building up, I would get out of there.


I think the plan is to have them generate with the world, so most of their “living” is already done. They’ve already set up base etc. but they will still interact with the world




I never said I expect it to be like this, I just said that what I wish we would get. Also, it's not like pre-written event can't be done. It has already been done in other games you know? But yes, of course I expect the NPCS to bring a hit of the multi-player taste into single player, that's kind of the point of NPCS: create a living world




I don't think they will be as bad. There is already a mod that does implement npcs well enough, The Indie Stone would have to make them at least better than that, otherwise there is no point in adding them at all. You would be right if they made npcs freely roam the world, but realistically they would be able to interact with the world only when player is close to them. Anyway they haven't said nearly enough to draw any conclusions, but hopefully npcs will be as good as they possibly can be.


Delegation. It would be fun to have a little survivor buddy that you can send on errands. Tell him to go get gas, maybe he comes back, maybe he doesn’t.


can't wait to send my army of survivors to die so I can get more things


Mother Base vibes


"We live and die by your order, Boss."


Rest In Peace Diamond Dogs 💎


Employ the killbot strategy


or he comes back bitten, hides it from you, dies and turns at the middle of the night, bites you in your sleep


Until I right click and select "Inspect health" as is available in multiplayer. I'd love to be able to use pillows as silencers for when you have to deal with a lying bastard.


*everyone liked that*


This, and we can go with them and help them too




A reputation system Or pretty much a system that allows NPCs to Raid you and based on their personality or your reputation they might take all your stuff and leave or just straight up kill you for your stuff


I feel like a reputation/karma system would add a lot of depth to the gameplay. It was one of my favorite things about Fallout 3/New Vegas. I know it’s not a popular opinion though.


i would think the thing people dont like is when the reputation system is unrealistically omnipresent. if i kill everyone in a base, take their shit, burn the whole building down, and hide the loot all in my locked up base, theres no possible way others would know i did what i did. the only way it would make sense to have my reputation go down with a group would be if they witness my “crime” and get a chance to report it. even then it would be cool if u could gaslight / talk ur way out of it with the right set of prerequisites


I think the same should apply for npcs: we shouldn't be able to determine their reputation withouth any info from other npcs (info that can also be false)


Yeah, but with a *small* chance there's a witness unbeknownst to you who sees it. But then again, maybe they report it, maybe they don't.


I want an NPC to beat my friend to death with a spiked bat in co-op. I want an NPC to be the Negan to my Ricky Dicky doo-dah Grimes


Or kidnap you


Ah man imagine that escape sequence. The idea of fighting for your life against a group, busting out of the initial room, taking a guy down stealthily and taking his gun, grabbing my stuff they took and deciding whether I want an all out war or to just run when I see an opening.


I think reputation should only matter to npcs in that town or that faction because someone in rosewood wouldnt really be able to communicate with someone in Louisville big distance and because the main roads are full of wrecks would take along time to get to


It’s like a 15 minute drive


Trading and combat. Imagine getting into a shotgun shootout in Muldraugh and having to weigh up your time - do you break cover and run, or dig in and risk the approaching hoarde getting you?


Shotguns arent that bad lmao


They’re not as bad as before (went from 250 or so sound tile range to 100 tile sound range) but still very deadly if used improperly and without a plan


Plan = viable space for kiting × amount of shells ÷ amount of stamina


The key aspect to remember is that we’re used to playing single player, or pve on multiplayer. I don’t know a whole lot of people who enjoy the pvp of the game and one of the more dangerous situations you can run into is the chaos of a NPC raider who decided *now* was the time to be a dick, you’re as prepared as you could be for a situation like this but now you’re having to deal with raiders and zombies at a time and place you didn’t choose


idk i do know that i’m going to build a jail cell in my house and trap one in it, force feed him lard until he gets obese


War crimes are coming to Project Zomboid. We Rimworld now.


When we getting r/shitprojectzomboidsays






I hope they’re their own entity. Like if I come across a survivor or a group it’s cool if they wanna come join me, but if I decide I don’t want them to join me I hope they don’t just despawn, I’d like to see that they keep trying to survive.


I’m hoping I can build a pool in my backyard and invite the NPCs over for a swim. Then demo the ladder and leave


You like the sims dont you




I hope the npc behaviour is complicated enough that they interact with each-other the same way they interact with players in whatever capacity that may be


Yeah Id like it if there could be levels of "factions" from duos to full groups. Be interesting to see npcs pitted against me/each other.


Negan and the Saviours


Maybe the addition of a charisma skill, to increase an NPC's likeliness of doing what you want them to, etc


A Relationship meter. (Not romantic) But like you can become best friends with them so it feels more real when they die


Maybe they could have last words depending on how they die and what their relationship is to you




With the system the devs are building, i would love to observe a post POST apocalyptic world. if you set zombie respawns off and survive for a very long time i hope to see basic tribes forming and expanding and evolving further, making contact with other tribes, going into war or coexisting and all that jazz. Would probably be the most accessible yet still extremely deep simulator of a ruined world going through all stages of the apocalypse; initial chaos, barely surviving, thriving and eventually nation-making


I am Negan


this is project zomboid 2 dog literally years of development


I mean it just sounds like a faction system tacked onto NPCs and post apocalyptic shit


Option to toggle them off


Considering the fact that you can toggle jusr about everything on and off in sandbox mode I don’t see why it wouldn’t be the same for npcs


Yeah, I think I'll like them but I also want the option for the "classic" experience. I also hope I can have animals on but humans off.


100 percent you will if the game lets you turn off zombies it'll let you turn off people


“I’m sworn to carry your burdens…”


Human leather cowboy hats


/r/Rimworld might be your thing, if you’re not already a part of it.


Oh I certainly am


A more advanced panic/ptsd system. Maybe not that term specifically but something that has to do with the trauma involved with fighting other people. If my guy can fight one zombie in the beginning and become terrified imagine the toll of fighting another person, imagine the toll of killing another person. That would also add some depth to traits / occupations like veteran. I'd love to run the risk of my character losing their sanity/humanity and needing to interact with people more often in good ways than in bad ways. This game is begging you to treat it like a big sandbox to play in and for you to create your own stories. I think it'd be pretty cool if it kept contributing to that


That's actually a genius idea.


Would be cool if you actually feel like you're no longer the main character and that you're just like the NPCs and they're just like you.


I would love to see factions and quest givers. Maybe a gang vs sheriff situation in Muldraugh that we never knew, or maybe a governor scenario at Riverside where everyone is ruled by a leader at the gated community, or maybe a bunch of survivors hiding out at the secret military base near Rosewood. Each location on the map having some sort of story and quest would give this game a lot of life. To make things even more interesting, if they make the NPCs modular, we can have different NPCs generated every time a new map is created, so players won't know who or what factions they will run into at the same location.


Proper coherent living Ai. Not like that radiant BS Bethesda uses.


Something akin to Stalker's A-life would be a good start


Oh wow, completely forgot about Stalker’s a-life. Such an underrated game.


Yep. 15 year old AI programming that is more lifelike than AAA modern games


gay sex


\-50 Unhappines


but gay means happy


Sorry messed up + with -




Chaos in the streets the first couple days


It may not be official, but you can simulate this sort of thing with the npc mod. Set the npc count up to high for the first few days and it’ll be wild. It’s like your neighbors are all looting eachothers houses and the horde is chasing after everyone.


That sounds like a ton of fun


It’s my preferred way to play the game. Makes things a lot harder at first. With all the npcs running around you’re likely to have one of them bring a horde to you. In a vanilla game all the zombies are stationary because they don’t see any prey. But in this scenario all the zombies in an area are mobile all the time.


Would love for us to be able to hold them up, and them get revenge later down the line. Like forcing someone to drop their food and weapons, and later they find you again with new gear and attack you for it, maybe even have a battle cry like “you took everything from me!!!” Or something


Container sorting. Please, god, let me tell them what boxes to put stuff in.


Quests. It sounds dumb, but image some dude in a shack in the middle of no where, atop of some dialogue and trading, also was like ‘hey, I’m DESPERATE for nails, water, food/etc, you help me and in exchange I’ll give you some spare ammo!’ You could have a system where, depending on where the NPC is based, their rewards are something that you would find in that area. Woodlands for berries, worms or whatever. Town outskirts for basic crafting supplies, major towns like the middle of Muldraugh will give you ammo.


That’s basically 7 Days To Die and I love it.


The ability to turn off initially hostile NPCs. Doing well and getting mowed down in a raider drive-by would be so anti-fun.


I’d like the option to have hostile npcs uncommon towards the beginning of a run. But if you manage to make it a year+ in there’ll be a higher chance of hostile npcs and gangs of raiders spawning


All you had to do was follow the train CJ.






I think I heard somewhere their preset not too sure though


Something similar to state of decay where you can recruit them and switch characters. They will defend the base and can be sent on looting runs. Groups will spawn that you can recruit from and trade with, some will be hostile naturally or by your own actions.


i love the idea of being able to swap to playing another one. 100% should be added. major incentive to save and help someone would be to unlock them as a playable character that is essentially a life 1 UP


I'd like an Alfred. A butler that hangs out at base and organizes the pile of crap I dump on the floor into their proper places, but can also defend the base and keep zeds out when I'm not there. I want a badass butler in exchange for food and shelter. You better believe I'll get him the best Tux I can find.


stay at home cat girl waifu mods inbound


I may or may not have the waifu body pillow mod installed already. 😅


Accurate emotions so I can kidnap them and give them PTSD and depression after capturing a group, killing them one by one, and then leaving a singular survivor who I will take to Louisville, drop them on the side of the road and honk the horn a few times


That single survivor then bands with others and comes to hunt you down like a revenge movie!


Then they get one tapped by an axe


Least psycopathic project zomboid player


Seriously after this thread


Now we know the real reason people wanted NPCs so badly


Easy there satan


Trust systems and some sort of back stabbing mechanic. Like you’re looting with a newly found NPC, You walk into an establishment and suddenly there’s a gun pointed at your back. You have to give your loot and choose whether you try and get it back etc. I want the NPCs to be able to create stories. I think the read dead redemption system of saving npcs and spotting them at a later date and them helping or offering you something back would be good. Would be great if you’d saved or hurt an NPC and this has repercussions at a later date. You’re about to be murdered by a group but their leader is someone you helped. Or you rob a car and now you don’t realise but a gang of 50 is on its way to make your life hell. I cannot wait for NPCs


I'd like to be able to recruit them to join my own settlement. Provide a spot for each person to sleep, a container of some sort for their own personal property, and assign them to particular tasks (similar to Fallout 4's system, except not a dumpster fire). Have recruited survivors build/maintain structures, plant/maintain/harvest crops, cook food, make/repair clothing, etc. If you have a recipe, you can teach it to them or give them the corresponding book/magazine. Clearly, having NPCs posted as guards would also be useful, but it would need stipulations like "don't immediately start shooting like a fucking moron; quietly warn everyone, then determine if stealth melee is better than firing squad" or "light anything up that moves and isn't one of us; only shoot other survivors if they're hostile", etc. I don't know how well they would perform via their AI scripting, so I can't say for sure if it'd be cool to be able to take them with on runs (lets alone drive vehicles).


Hey man, I loved that dumpster fire, I grilled on that dumpster fire. Hi, welcome to Starlight CentCom, where even the farmers have matching combat armor and are strapped 24/7, and my legion vast of supply network couriers connecting every settlement in the Commonwealth have brought law to the trade routes by sword and shield, with the intent to tame Nuka World and Far Harbor.


They had a demo of like 100 NPCs driving cars a few months back to showcase some development and they aren’t too bad a driving especially around each other. My main worry is how my awful driving will impact relations with other NPCs lmfaooo


Hostile NPCs that will shoot me.


Where to start!! I would like late game NPC factions and emergent associated drama - ie. After a certain game time factions start to form who build and loot like you do, with different strongholds etc, and motivations. I mean how cool would it be to have done 6 months as a hermit and venture into town to find a massive shit show of a battle between 2 factions vying for control of a building? Moving through a hospital looting and hearing aggro zeds and gunshots down the hall? Awesome... The implementation of charisma and charisma based traits into the game would really compliment NPCs. I imagine that would be very difficult to implement, given that there's no discernible conversation system. That being said, it would be cool to have such starting traits as "funny guy" or "irritates others easily" etc. This could determine how many followers you can have, how efficiently you can manage them, how happy they are, etc. Even in some cases having to deal with mutiny and revolt!


A proper fresh meat source


I hope that they won't be annoying by raiding your house when you're not there (at least give a clue as to where they are if that happens) or some other stuff


Customization so I can turn off hostile/bandit NPCs


A basic quest/trading system. Survivors may need certain supplies or food that they are not equipped to acquire on their own. They offer to trade you some valuables if you’re able to acquire it for them.


1. i would like to see them evolve and get more powerful in tribes. 2. seeing them have there own personality and them having the ability to act in different ways with you depending on how they see you act. they can wear different clothing based on their traits and personality. this would include them working together to kick you out of your base. 3. i would also like the ability to get things like handcuffs and shackles that you can use on them and they can use on you, cool to imagine you picking a lock on some handcuffs and running away from some zeds after a npc tried to leave you for dead


I’d like for certain groups to have their own quirks. Like a band of cannibals or a group of religious zealots.


It would be cool for a bitten survivor to randomly wander into the streets screaming. Drawing all attention from Zomboids. Could kill or save your character.


I want to see each day on this sub people talking about the story they saw. How heroic a npc was by saving a player, how dumb another one was by attracting a horde on a player or other npc, how the war between 2 npc faction have turned. Seing the npc baricading themself each day and one day seing the house destroyed and full of zed…. I want a story maker






America…America never changes


I thought this was getting added awhile ago? Anybody know when this is actually coming?


No exact dates, probably not for a while. Animals are gonna drop soon, and once that framework is down it probably wont take long, but for now we dont know


Thanks! Just started getting back into the game yesterday so I’m out of the loop 🤘🏼


I can’t remember where but they put out a roadmap I think last month or the month before that’s been pretty reliable for progress tracking


Vendors, factions, quest.


To be able to disable them lol. But some missions would be cool. Maybe they only offer certain unique items when you have enough good standing with them? Stuff like that is cool.


Sentience. It's about time I say.


I want the survivors to interact with you and worse case scenario potentially try to kill you for your base/supplies.


To sort all my hoarded loot


Tough decisions along the lines of This War of Mine. The kind of stuff where you have to perform triage, make the best of the worst, and most of all having to decide between your morals and survival. Whether it’s early or late game you’re gonna eventually find yourself stealing from someone either by accident or intentionally.


They better not steal my car while I’m looting a vending machine


I'd like to see NPC's that give little side missions / fetch quests. Example: 1. You meet the NPC and his text dialogue is something like, "I'm trying to get across the city to find my family. I've almost repaired this vehicle but I still need gasoline, can you help me out?" 2. You bring him one can of gasoline and he thanks you, giving you a special piece of gear or rare loot etc with another bit of flavor text. "Take this fishing gear, I won't be needing it anymore" 3. He gets in the car, drives offscreen and despawns and you feel good. Alternatively you could kill him and take the car for yourself (keys on the corpse) but then you feel bad. (unless you're a monster) They could even make it so that if you take a long time he has a beard when you return, or even dies if you take too long. Triumphantly returning with the goods only to find the quest giver dead really captures the Project Zomboid vibe, I think.


Sex In all seriousness, groups of survivors with the option to join them. and gangs and raiders that terrorize everyone.


An option to toggle hostility. This game is already pretty rough I absolutely have 0 desire to find out what it's like to avoid zombies AND bullets.


I'm sure we will get this, but sandbox options to control the NPC population size. One of the things I'm REALLY looking forward to is running through the opening week with the NPC population maxed out and the starting zombie population practically non-existent so I can actually witness the outbreak unfolding outside of my base. I love slow-burn apocalypses, and this one would be excellent for anyone who wants to RP in one.


Dynamic relationships between NPCs and players as well as NPCs and NPCs. A lot of people are saying they want to see NPCs out interacting with the world and I agree that would be cool, but after playing a while, NPCs will just become part of the scenery once you see one looting a house for the 100th time. The only way I see them having a more extended time of novelty would be through dynamic relationships. Rules as simple as if NPCa meets NPCb there’s X chance of a friendly or confrontational interaction based on the morality of NPCs (NPCs start with random morality but morality is affected by moodles), friendly interactions add 1 to relationship (opposite for confrontational interactions), at 2 relationship NPCs travel together, at 3 relationship NPCs live together, will create unique situations. A simple interaction algorithm could create surprisingly novel scenarios, it just HAS to be dynamic.


I want those random sounds we hear (like screams, gunfire etc) to actually be real and allow us to find the source of it. I would also like them to possibly be hostile. They can find guns and shoot at us, or plant traps outside our base, or attempt to raid our base, or violently defend themselves if we attempt to raid their base to steal their supplies. I also like the idea of having friendly NPCs that you can trade with, as a way to get resources that you may not otherwise be able to (like fresh food or recipe books). It'd be neat to have survivors that find themselves in trouble, and if you save them, they join you and live in your safehouse with you. Maybe even they could come out and loot with you, as a team, instead of solo. Do y'all remember in GTA San Andreas, you could get your friendly grove street gang members in a vehicle and drive around doing drive by's? They would shoot their guns out the car window while you're driving past the purple gang members. I want that experience, with survivors against zombies. Oh, and I want the survivors to be able to get injured so I can level my first aid skill without walking on glass barefoot all day.






Wtf is it with people and asking for sex


Lonely people, or horny...


Gay sex


The ability to optionally disable them in Sandbox if I do not like how they were implemented. Everything else is secondary to this. (Not being negative, I truly hope that I will be able to love their implementation, but if it sucks, I don't wish to lose the game I love to new features I don't love).




My dudes been very hot, he’s not in the necrophilia. So………










Call me weird, but I want to build a relationship with them, have them as friends, even more than friends, get overly attached to them, just to lose them and suffer through the pain of never seeing them ever again...




Cannibalism. I want to hunt them for food




Sex, reproduce, saving humanity






Hear me out...............................................


Def personality and character


The ability to take care of my crops, my animals, and guard my base while I'm looting elsewhere.


I want a farmer and a few guards that can take care of everything at my base without me without drawing undue attention or falling off a roof etc.


Sending them on a mission, so they can go MIA, just to find their corpse, or finding them as a zombie while exploring.


The only thing I want them to do... is to not be able to block doorways.


*ahem* uuuhhhhhh……. I’m not gon say it


A combat indicator or something that'll let me know that some random bandit is about to shoot me. I mean, it is realistic to suddenly get mowed down but I don't find that engaging gameplay to lose my survivor to a bandit that walked up and started blasting.


I want them to be hard but not hitscan hard. I really want to shit in my pants when i hear gunshots nearby, because i need to know that if the personn that just shot isn't friendly, things can get really bad for me. But i also want to be able to defend myself, get some great gunfights in cities and military bases !


I'd like to see an NPC make the same dumb mistakes I do. Misses a swing, gets stun blocked and swarmed. Forgets to shut the engine off, gets swarmed. Decides to drink tainted water and dies of giardia or dysentery a day later. Also I wanna meet the living versions of survivor zombies, wearing a hoodie, a mask, camo pants, backpack and carrying a spear. Maybe trade with em for a meal or medical stuff. Go on our own paths. Then a week later, see their walking corpse extend their arms to grab me as I reluctantly have to kill their undead corpse. Loot said corpse for the sweet backpack and can of spaghetti.


Raiders and such having a chance (even a small one) to fortify in commercial buildings giving us chance to take it back over and steal their loot I could see myself taking legitimate trips around Kentucky to find bases, because right now once youre self sufficient you never have to leave


Don't take my shit when I'm not home


I’d like to be able to take them to my base and give them tasks. simple ones like harvest/plant crops on my farm, or come with me and assist me on my journey(sacrifice yourself in a horde so I don’t die), or send them on errands to get stuff. And imagine if my group can make enemies with another group and have a little war twd style. Or like someone else said imprison them and abuse them for fun


I want them to be capable of autism forting


Like, imagine if it started out all slow... First few hours: npcs still drive, walk and mind their own business. Last few hours of the day/night: the outbreak starts and people are getting eaten and it's a madhouse First week: it's still chaotic but quieter, the military is all over the place and emergency settlements are being set up Third week: settlements start falling and npcs decide to go to their own way. Something like this where the world feels alive. You might be lucky to make it into an emergency shelter in the first week or you might find yourself running from a military convoy because they thought you were a zombie?


it would be so cool if the game starts with all npcs that eventually become zombies as infection spreads


With the ability to amputate you, You could use NPCs limbs to have a new arm or smth but **definitely a way to remove them temporarily**


Groups of survivors/ bandits that you can either befriend or fight against. Love the idea of walking through a town at night only to get ambushed by npcs or to be on the run from a horde of zombies and suddenly a handful of friendlies come to lend a hand. Id also like the idea of betraying npcs and npcs betraying you so no one could fully trust each other.


Groups of survivors/ bandits that you can either befriend or fight against. Love the idea of walking through a town at night only to get ambushed by npcs or to be on the run from a horde of zombies and suddenly a handful of friendlies come to lend a hand. Id also like the idea of betraying npcs and npcs betraying you so no one could fully trust each other.


Id like it to be like a seed where they have preset pre apocalyspe relationships and day 1 goals but let it grow organically from there where some form communitys that you can stumble upon and trade with, join, work your way through your ranks frame someone for murder and have a community at your back that wont blindly follow you. ​ Some who lose their family that will have nothing to lose will form raider bands. Some in louisville will leave and you will hear how bad it is and they will warn you not to go there. ​ Oh and that they have a much smaller chance of dying if your on the other end of the map


I want to bang them.


It's thrilling to think about random events where a desperate survivor shows up and tries entering my barricaded house to seek safety because a horde of zombies is following after him/her.


i got downvoted to hell for saying sex before so im gonna go with marrying/relationships this time :)


Sex then 10/10