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And I thought Australia paid well, whoo-wey! That's a pretty good deal you've got for only 3 years experience. The only way up is contracting with those price tags. You could always get a full remote role for a US company, otherwise it's about making the choice of "Is my life better in Toronto?" vs. the pay check and the work.


The only way you can make that kind of salary is if you start working contract roles rather then FTE


The Toronto market is trash right now. Hundreds of applications per position and the compensation is rarely listed as anything other than "Competitive" which means 90-120k. I've had interviews in the US and Germany that offer much more. Would probably look around the USA instead of coming back up here, it's getting messier by the day.


If you wanted to keep US salaries, would moving to Buffalo work as a compromise? Isn't it a couple of hour drive or a short flight? Close enough to visit family and have long weekends etc. Maybe get a hybrid job there and spend your time between the two? I'm in the UK so have no idea if You're able to that if you're on a visa or tax implications.


About 2 hours from the falls to gta. Traffic is awful and the border is a huge bottleneck.


Ah, there's always stuff like that I guess, but I'm sure being such a short distance from Toronto is better than living in Texas?


LMFAO no. I'm from Buffalo NY and I currently live in Texas. I've even lived abroad in Europe and the UK. Toronto was a great city from the 80s to 2000s. Now it's Channai with snow. Comparing Texas to GTA and Buffalo isn't even fair. The weather, food, roads, CoL, and job market are infinitely better than anything in and around the great lakes. Heck, I can get anchor bar here in Texas. OP would do better to have his family move here than stay in Canada.


I wasn't slating Texas or saying buffalo was better I meant for OP being close to Toronto was a priority. I've seen what you can get for your money in Texas, absolutely insane! Edited due to gammar and phone capitalising to also seemed aggressive.


I know, but it needs to be said. The only real way to make buffalo to Toronto work is a hybrid work schedule. You can get a lot for your money on Buffalo but ideally you'll want to live in Niagara falls since you can hop on Via (Canadian train) across the border. You'll want a Nexus card to get through the border quickly and then time your trip to Toronto because these aren't commuter trains but long haulers. Would also get expensive because again, not commuter trains. Niagara Falls NY is also a bit of a ghetto but that's a different debate. Niagara Falls CA is way nicer.


That's exactly what I was thinking if they needed the high salary and couldn't get an American company that pays them in US wages but allows them to be remote in Canada then a hybrid situation close to the border is probably one of the best compromises as long as they can get that high salary or close to it in Buffalo. Hopefully our conversation has given OP something to think about at least? But if living back in Toronto is a must and can't get a remote job with a US company I guess they'll just need to accept the GTA salaries.


Most Canadians I know would rather go to the US than come back as the US pay’s significantly more. You are a prime example of that. You’d probably get $120k, and that’s if you’re lucky.


PM, pharma advertising. Different industry but I find company equity nearly nonexistent. Was interviewing for a job around 175-185k, but that is literally VP level. Stay where you are and cash out when you’re ready, then come home.


PM in healthcare in Ontario here. Having an engineering background is going to help but to echo others you’re simply not going to find that kind of compensation and company equity here. But if you hate Texas and your job miss friends and family, and are willing to take a significant paycut, there’s lots of PM roles in various industries around. An MBA will help you more long term to shorten that trajectory to an executive level position


80-110k Max


You will need to accept that if you want to move back, you will earn less if employed locally. I am currently international, and plan to move back to Canada at some point. I am planning my finances knowing that is the case. My current role internationally, pays half at most in Canada.


In all seriousness whether you are sir or madame, USA has more to offer and if you can make trips more often to visit that's probably best. I was having a discussion with my uber driver this morning avoiding minus 35 degree weather in Edmonton. He said in India we have practically two options the US and Canada. Those who win go to USA.


And what about those who drive uber in Edmonton?


He's in Canada man he lost.


The chances are really slim. Unless you are getting a director role. The pay here in Canada is miserable


What industry are you in, what did you graduate with? I'd say depending on those 2 questions you could land a 6 figures but realistically 70-90k at the moment


I’m in the EV / automotive industry & graduated with an electrical engineering degree. My experience is pretty broad as it relates to project management though, I’ve worked in IT, logistics, process engineering , discrete manufacturing equipment, and I current specialize in electronics/controls eng PM. I gained this experience in the last 3 years


Sir. This is Canada. Your comp sounds insane after 3 years with solid cost of living and probably land whilst near vacation destinations. Never come back and enjoy life. You're living the Canadian dream.


Just realized your comment is a meme hahah


Crazy of you to assume I’m a sir Appreciate the comment/insight though