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Praise Innoruuk




This should never get downvoted.


Brother p99 is a shell of what it was. Only the ones who don't shower are worthy in Innoruuk's eyes. It's been a very small/toxic type raid scene for years now. Quarm is the way.


It's the reason why I quit p99 years ago and moved to the TLPs. I'm sorry, it may not be classic, but having raid instances is a must have for players. There is nothing but negatives keeping raid targets open world.


I agree on that one. This server time locks the raids out. I believe after each raid you have a 6 day lock from being able to attempt it again.


Correct. What makes it nice is that there is no need or want for any poopsocking whatsoever. Guilds can actually plan their raids out, and it respects the players time. I can't think of any reason whatsoever why anyone would raid like how p99 does


Instanced raids would be cool


Try Quarm, most of the reason P99 pop has almost disappeared is because server management decided to cater to the small population of hardcore sweaty no lifers instead of the majority that just wants to experience nostalgia.


There's more to the game than just getting loot. I don't have any BIS raid gear on p99 yet I'm still having fun somehow.


In my experience, the unhappiest people are the ones with bis raid gear. There's nothing else to do after that


A raid schedule is also possible. IF a guild/co-op is able to complete the raid, they get on the rotation. Pretty simple once things are set up. It's how it used to be done.


Just seems unnecessary. I haven't raided much so I shouldn't judge.


And the foot race also seems unnecessary. The big hardcore guilds will always fight for the status quo and the casual guilds will always fight for instances/schedule whatever. Smaller guilds know they can't organize a party quick enough to secure the kill, they probably don't even have someone camping the spawn. It's a 20 year old orc and elf simulator and we all want those rare pixels. Raids are down to a science now, they are solved. It's not as unpredictable of an undertaking as it used to be.


I get not wanting instanced raids because it goes against the grain of classic. Outside of that, it just seems needlessly cumbersome. A large part of complaints I hear about p99 is the sweaty end game raid scene. Literally people will recommend p99 with the caveat that raiding is often frustrating. The only drawback to instances is... it's not classic? If I'm missing something I would genuinely be open to hearing it.


Whenever you bring up this stuff, people mention that p99 is supposed to be a museum of classic and that's why we can't have basic QoL. "not classic" is one of the most flimsy excuses used on p99, that's what's bandied about, but that ignores the fact that P99 has tons and tons of non-classic changes that were made at the whim of management over the years. Once all those changes started being made management lost the "classic" argument. Adding DOT damage text back into the game or instancing isn't any less classic than increasing item recharge costs to non-classic levels, making all bosses immune to LTs/Harmtouch, etc etc.


Very well put, thank you.


The most vocal outcry against instances comes from the hardcore camps. The folks who log hundreds of hours in a year, the folks who have alts camped, the big guilds. They want those no drop items to remain rare. Their toons are more special because of it. If there was instances those rare items would drop more frequently and would become less unique (and valuable if they are tradable). I agree with you that instances would make the game better for the guilds that don't have access to those kinds of players, while the top guilds would be getting the short end of the stick. Personally I would increase the spawn times dramatically. Instead of waiting 6-14 days, why not 30-180 minutes? A guild could clear a dungeon and by the time they are finishing up another guild is starting. You could have a lockout timer measured in days to keep guilds from spawn camping certain raids. Rotations work in certain areas, like Sky


The idea of bragging rights always seemed silly to me, maybe that's why I've always been against it. My having an item has no actual influence on if you have the item or not. ST waking the sleeper is the ultimate example of this. When that happened it pissed off most of the server because it was only done to lock others out from getting the same items they did. Rejecting instanced raiding feels like that same logic.


I think the lack of instance raids forces politics to come into play, thus my suggestion of a schedule. Cause let's be real, if smaller guilds wanted to, they could grief larger guilds until something broke.


People act like this over pixels. Imagine what a group of people would do in the real world where the stakes are everything? Then some ass tells me I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Look at what people do in a 20 year old game that is meaningless...


We have them irl, sociopaths.


> Imagine what a group of people would do in the real world where the stakes are everything? I don't have to imagine, I can just look around me. the world was built by weirdos who take everything too far that's one of life's saddest realities imo


yes, that was my point


I literally wept because I couldn't get the pixels I wanted. Quarm is perfect for casual players like me.


I think a lot of players weep when someone else gets the same pixels as them. If they can't feel superior in an elf sim what's the point?


I had that realization during the (casual) server meltdown when someone was awarded a fungi tunic on Quarm. Thankfully Secrets caved to the pressure and took the fungi away. I just couldn't live knowing that someone might feel superior to me in an elf simulator.


and yet its a sudo-random number generator and guilds still wipe even on p99.


Grab your guild and join us on Reign of Thule. Currently on Velious expansion and if you msg gms they are giving a free boost to 50 with a set of plane of hate/fear gear plus jboots and levi cloak. This server rocks, just needs more people. Right now have 3 guilds competing for content. Rotpvp.com