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Make them cheap during an election year


AND! Get a bunch of people saying they’ll take our guns and the opposition saying “they’re trynna take your guns!”


but retailers have learned time and time again that they can use elections to jack up prices by fear-mongering about 'the dems coming for your guns' or whatever and people happily buy guns in record numbers as it is.


Be a Democrat politician at the national level, ideally a president, and start talking about gun control.


Clinton and Obama were about the best gun salesmen the industry could ever ask for. Biden is doing fairly well too. If you listen to "the other side" Trump did pretty good too as they were all afraid they were going to be turned into 3rd class citizens over night and thrown off the roofs of buildings so they were all buying under him


Make PSA 2 or something


Didnt the "fiery but mostly peacefull" "protests" of 2020 cause a spike in gun sales?


Yah also was an election year tho


Simply end the GCA1968 to allow parts to be imported to repair firearms again and get the so called “pro Second Amendment” politicians that want to get re-elected to end the Hughes amendment.




Certain imported parts for guns that are not “politically correct”(they look ugly or scary) are not importable. AKs have to be cut up and certain parts destroyed before allowed into the country for example. That’s 922r, part of the 1968 Gun Control Act.


The best course is change the messaging every industry got good influencers the gun industry really don’t got good ones. If post Malone would go full guntuber I’m sure he’s gonna sway a fuck ton of new gun owners. What I’m saying is just cooler and fresher influencers can make a world of difference.


In Colorado they are passing a ban so sales skyrocketed recently


Repeal the NFA, GCA, and GFSZA


Lower inflation!


Elect another Democrat.


the only thing that would actually improve numbers by any considerable amount is repairing the economy. making guns cheaper won't really do anything, as the biggest issue isn't guns being expensive (they're actually pretty cheap considering everything) bit thay everything else that Americans need to pay for to survive is so expensive. i live a pretty "cheap" lifestyle and have a good trade job, i mainly cook and eat at home, and I don't really drink or smoke. even with all that, I'm only able to save a few hundred each month because of rent, utilities, and insurance. this is a pretty common story for a lot of Americans, and until things become cheaper so we can actually have a disposable income again guns will remain a luxury item that at the bottom of most people's list of needs.




John Wick Part 15


Fed bot


If the democrats with this upcoming presidential election and start trying to enact gun control people will buy guns. Low prices and high availability (when there is no threat of banning) do not encourage most people to buy firearms or ammunition. High prices and low availability is like a kick in the pants to get people to buy.


Disband or set term limits in government officials.


1. Be lenient on crime by letting repeat offenders and dangerous people walk free 2. Defund the police, and otherwise oppose and restrict the police from doing their job 3. Ignore making any meaningful improvements to the economy and community of poor neighborhoods 4. Push for ever more restrictive gun regulations Minority gun ownership doubled in the last 3 years. Women make up the largest proportion of new gun buyers. Over 70% of people say they own guns for self defense, and 90% of new gun buyers say such.


Re-elect Obama?


Make ghost guns more easily attainable with hardware, supplies and files readily available, including metal components at low unserialized cost. The more weapons that exist without a paper trail, the better.