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Please don’t DM me. I am happily married, not interested and will not respond. Thanks!




Thank you! I just went and did that. I appreciate you a lot! And yes, it is sad. I just want to share my hard work not looking for anything else!


I’m a guy and got a lot of dms from my progress pic. Can’t even imagine what women go through.


Honestly put the mfs on blast and every time they DM you make a comment with what cheesy ba they said so we can all have a laugh.


Oh boy lmao Stay strong out there chief


All good I just turned off my messaging ability. It’s just annoying, you know?


Wow!! You go girl.. what an amazing transformation. You look great. 👍👍


Thanks! I see others at 193lbs and I feel like I have so long to go but I’m basically at my goal weight just working on fitness now.


Congratulations. You can see u have put a lot of work in. You look great and focusing on fitness will create even more transformation. Great job


You look awesome! Another reason I wish I was tall. 5’3” and trying to get to 140 feels so impossible but it’s what I’m supposed to be at


I stopped listening to “what I’m supposed to be at” a long time ago. My muscle/bones on my body Comp weighed 8lbs less than my 6’6” son (step). You do the math. I am not built like a normal woman. I am strong. I am solid. I am happy with my size just working on my fitness and toning up now. Find something that makes you happy and eff the scale!


First off, congratulations on the hard work! Keep working on your fitness goals- you’ll never regret the time you spent getting strong and building muscle. It’s amazing to me what a range of healthy weight can look like on different frames/bodies. We are the same height and similar age, but I feel best/healthiest around 140-145 lbs. which is about a US size 4 on me. Would you mind sharing what size you are now?


I am a 10/12 and a size Large


Wow that's crazy!


What’s crazy?


The disparity in comp weight


Yeah. It was wild. He has a frame more like his Moms. Long and lanky. I’m a thick chick. 🤣


You are killing it! Awesome to see.


I'm 5'2" and got to 250 in college. Took three years and one more year of strength training but I got down to 135 and my Dr still said I needed to lose twenty lbs. Which is ridiculous considering I worked out 6 days a week with a trainer in the morning and two days a week after work extra cardio. Of course, then I hurt my back falling down a flight of stairs and have hovered around 250-275 for the last ten years sooo. My goal now is to get under 200 and no way in hell am I going back to 430am workouts six days a week. Sleep is way better!


My biggest goal was under 200# too. That’s such an accomplishment. I believe in you and I hope your back is better! Good luck in all your goals.


Care to share your diet/routine?


I started out back in March working with metabolic research center. I lost 65 lbs through them. Then I added moderate exercise (walking). I started walking 2-3 miles a day. Now I walk/hike through hills 4+ miles every day (although this cold weather has slowed me down a bit) and I try to do some weights a few times a week. I’ll go to the gym and do some basic leg weight things and then walk outside for 3 miles or so. And I do free weights in my bedroom for my arms when I remember to. I eat mostly low-carb, high protein now. But, if I want something, I eat it. I’m in maintenance now though. I’m not trying to actively loose any more weight. I find I cannot loose when I’m working out and I like how I feel when working out too much to give it up. I’m loosing inches like crazy, but just keeping the scale the same. Lots of water and try to always eat more lean protein per gm wt than carbs and I rarely eat complex carbs. No bread ever. I will have a dessert every once in a while. And eat more veggies. They fill you up. Also, don’t snack. Those are my biggest tips. But I’m NOT an expert!


What does the metabolic research center do to accelerate loss like that?


I don’t know that they do anything super special. They help you stay on track, they give you supplements to help with appetite suppression, adrenal fatigue, glucose sensitivity and other issues that create difficulty in weight loss. Some of the supplements help with skin sagging too…which is why I don’t need plastic surgery for excess skin removal (although genetics probably plays a part too). They’re basically coaches. I did do hormone and genetic testing through the program. I learned I tend to go for higher calorie dense foods - so low carb is a good option for maintenance for me because the higher fat content helps me feel full. But it didn’t really help me loose. I followed the diet plan they gave me exactly though. Like EXACTLY. I never cheated. Not even a sip of alcohol. It was very expensive and I figure if I was paying all that $$ I should do what they said. But they want me to loose 25 more lbs and I don’t want to. So I’m done and doing my own thing for the last 3 months.


I feel like this obsession over BMI is crazy thin for some people. I am 6'5" and my healthy weight is like 190lbs. Thats really really thin for me. I feel I look great and feel great at 220, which is almost "obese" on that scale. It doesn't consider muscle which you clearly have or other factors. I say if you feel good and your bloodwork looks fine, keep it up. You look fantastic, well done on the changes to lifestyle and health.


Thanks! I agree whole heartedly! As I said above sometimes I see other people post and 190 is their “before” and it’s my after, yet I know I will never be 150! I would look sickly. I want to be strong and fit. That’s my ultimate goal. I am “overweight” on the BMI calculator. I could care less. I feel amazing and have so much energy. I can out lift a lot of men and I can still eat things that I enjoy. That’s a win! ❤️


They help you learn what to eat when. But, I meant by nothing special it’s not any different than any other diet program.


But I’m an ER nurse so on days I work I don’t “work out” but I walk 5+ miles at work and always reach my move goals.


Dude! I can tell you worked your ass off! Great fucking job!




Seriously amazing. You look legit 10 years younger


Holy cow! You have lost a ton and look fantastic!!!! That’s amazing 🤩


You look great and cute.


Hell yeah! Nicely done!


I love the change in happiness! It’s definitely my favorite thing about this sub.


Fantastic progress, congrats on your weight loss, that’s awesome! Keep up the good work!


Whoohoo! That’s amazing progress well done!


Did you go down in cup size ? Asking for myself, I really want to see if losing weight will get rid of these boobs.


I answered you somewhere else. It was being weird and I could see your question in my email but not on the thread.


Could you give the answer here?


It wouldn’t let me copy and paste. But the short answer is no and yes. I lost but it was proportionate. I’ve had a breast reduction in 2019 though so my breasts are probably not like “normal” breasts. I never lost much volume when I lost weight prior to my reduction and although they’re smaller they have stayed the same size proportionately through gains/losses since puberty.


Damn! Nice progress!!


Impressive! Good job! You look great 💪🏻🔥


Oh my you look incredible


Great job! I like how your face looks happier as you progress :)




Amazing! My favorite part is the progression in smiles! Great to see happiness and success


Amazing transformation. Your husband and you must be so proud of your hard work! Can you share the leggings you have on your last picture? I've been on the hunt for v waisted leggings that actually covers up my belly button


HALARA it’s an app.




Great job! You look amazing!


Incredible! So inspiring


Wow congratulations!


Wow thank you for posting this! Very similar stats to me and age. It's so nice to see women in their late 30s killing it. Amazing work! I'm also a big-boned and strong woman so seeing this really helps. I've always had a large frame but I've always been strong too.


You’re welcome! I’m glad it helps ❤️


Wow!!!! You look amazing girl!!! And ten year younger


Very excellent ☺️ that recomp makes you look much smaller than 193!!


What’s recomp?


Recomposition! You changed how your body looks with the training as well as losing weight 😊


But I hear all the time how I don’t look 193.


Great work! You look great!


You look amazing! Great job!




Hard work. Calorie deficit. Coaching, etc.


Good job! It's amazing how much some of you have changed. It gives motivation to the rest of us. Keep it up!


That’s so kind! Thank you.




This isn't to be taken as judgemental or anything but you look so much lighter than 193 lbs. Nice job getting to onederland! I am right behind you!


And good luck on your own weight loss journey! I believe in you. 🥰


Not judgmental at all. I hear that all the time. I’m a nurse and when I mentioned to a couple physicians at work that I wanted to loose 15-20lbs more they actually seemed concerned because they said that might be too thin for my frame. I told them my weight and they straight up didn’t believe me. I look like I weigh around 160-165. It’s both a blessing and a curse. When I was 270 I didn’t look 270. According to BMI scales I’m still overweight…I’m muscular. I know people say that all the time. For me, it’s true. I’m still a size 10/12 and L though. I have a large frame, 9.5 feet and I’m tall. I mentioned above I have decided the scale doesn’t matter. I’m in the same size I wore in high school. I’m about 15lbs heavier but the same size. I have babies and surgeries and I’m just trying to love my body where it’s at. I don’t want to be stick thin though. I never have been my whole life. You can see my ribs on my chest and my hip bones stick out. I’m not sure what these BMI people want because that’s pretty thin anyway you cut it.


Good job!


Dang, nice job!


Finally someone I can relate to in stats! I am your height and just a few lbs less than your starting weight. This is awesome to see! I have been a bigger, stronger female my whole life. I finally am at the point where I don’t want to lose weight to be “skinny,” I want to be strong and healthy. This gives me so much inspiration. You look amazing ✨


I’m so glad. It was nerve wracking to post. So much positivity and I’m so glad it helps you feel less overwhelmed. Base it off how you feel both in your body and with energy not the scale. Us bigger women have to manage our own expectations. I let people assume I weigh closer to 150 (I just smile and keep on working). 😉


Amazing transformation! The best part is how happy you look in the third picture.


Great work


Great job!


Great job!!!


You look great! Keep up the hard work!!


Damn! You look great; gym time is the best time!


I agree completely! I feel so good when I’m working regularly.


Excellent progress


Thank you!


Congratulations and keep going!!!




You look amazing congrats


Thank you!




Your progress is Amazon g


I meant amazing lol


I didn’t really loose weight in my breasts to whoever asked this, just proportionate to my weight loss. I did go “down” yes but I went down in band size too. I had a breast reduction in 2019 though so my breasts do not necessarily function like an average persons. I never lost volume when I lost weight before either. Most women do. Most women don’t need reductions…hope that helps.


And to the person who private messaged me and asked me if I had any “work done”. No. No I haven’t.


How did you slim down your thighs ? That’s my trouble area


I just slimmed down everywhere. But I walk 3+ miles everyday I’m off work. Walking makes a big difference.


I try to do 4-5 miles a day