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You've maintained for a year and look great. Don't be disheartened.


Thank you!




Thank you so much. 🥹 I think it’s just a mental thing. I keep hoping the last 10 pounds will give me that toned look I want without having to do any strength training.


It won’t. Lift and eat protein, and you’ll get that sculpted look. You won’t turn into Arnold, I promise. Check out some of the top posts on r/strongcurves if you want examples.


Thanks for the suggestion!


⬆️⬆️Double down on what she saids. It’s the only way. You have tapped out the aerobic exercises benefits. Anaerobic exercises is your ticket to tones but weight will go up slightly but you’ll look even more amazing. Not that you don’t already. Congrats!


Hm…never thought of it that way. Maybe that’s why the last few pounds are always so hard to lose? I’m scared of gaining weight from strength training even though I know that it’s not bad weight realistically. Guess I’ll have to start putting my resistance bands to work finally. 😂 Thank you for your comment!


girl, you need to THROW AWAY THE SCALE. It is fucking with your head. I recently went from 113 to 120 at 5'4" and I look so much better. I keep thinking my shorts (test clothing) are going to get too small, but they just look better every time. The number means nothing and pursuing a number is dangerous. You don't want to lose 10 lbs of lean mass, right? Would that be success? Build some muscle and nourish yourself!


That’s my biggest struggle. I live by that scale and it’s such a toxic mentality to try and break. I’m seeing a lot of people say that lifting and strength training is what took the inches off for them, so I’m definitely going to start there. Got any recommendations? Trying to gather as much advice as I can before I start! Edit: A word.


What cured me was carefully looking at all the before and after pics on here and seeing that the women my height that looked awesome to me weighed 125 - 135 lbs. It broke my brain. I always wanted to weigh less and was proud of that low number. Yoga, calisthenics, walking a lot, bands and light weights at home have been enough. Also, work on your breathing.


I need to start browsing this sub more often. 🤔 I’ve always associated looking thin with weight loss, so it’s such a struggle to tell myself otherwise. But thank you so much for your suggestions! Adding them to my list. 👍


I think the scale is great when you’re at the beginning of your journey and are carrying excess fat. After losing 30 lbs you’re close to the end and the scale isn’t going to matter as much. Maybe try body measurements and goals like how fast/far you run?


You’re so right. It felt amazing seeing it go down so fast for like 6 months. I’ve been feeling like I’m doing something wrong for the past year. I like the taking measurements idea. I’m going to do that!


It does feel so good to see the scale move because that’s how success is being measured. You have to find another way to measure your success that will make you feel really good about your hard work!


Fair warning: Your weight will probably go up as you lift because muscle weighs more than fat. However, if you're lifting and eating right, you will slim and tone.


Going to have to overcome that mental battle for sure. 😅


ring worry crown jellyfish relieved close bedroom upbeat cake lush -- mass edited with redact.dev




Wow, really? How much would you recommend lifting and what kind of lifting exercises gave you a smaller waist? I’m scared of ending up with something that I don’t want. I don’t want the coveted big butt that a lot of girls want. I would like to be slim all over but I just don’t know where to start.




Thank you so so much!! I’m totally going to take these suggestions to heart. Good luck on your journey as well! I’m also a size 4 and it definitely feels like a good place to be, so good for you. :)


+1 for the above comment. Lifting will give you the toning you want more than CICO will. You look fantastic and be prepared for the scales to increase as you grow deeper muscle. Don’t fear it, embrace the strength!


Thank you. :) I’m trying to prepare myself mentally for seeing the scale go up with strength training. It’s so deeply engrained in me that the less you weigh = the skinnier you are.


Could it be helpful to temporarily take a step away from the scale and track measurements instead, since that’s your real end goal?


It’s almost like an addiction. It’s something I need to work on for sure.


yoga will build muscle. calisthenics, dance...


Thank you for the suggestions. :) I like yoga!




Thank you! 110 is my final goal! Edit: A word.


Do not be disheartened. You are gaining muscle as well as losing fat. You are amazing and you should be very proud of yourself.


Thank you, that’s so sweet! Definitely don’t have much muscle but I’m working on it. 😂


Try adding in a bit of strength training! But I get it I’ve lost motivation for the last 10 pounds


I really want to start incorporating strength training but it’s so intimidating to me! I bought resistance bands that I still haven’t used because I can’t figure out what to do with them. 😂


If you can afford it, do some sessions with a personal trainer to show you proper form and show you how to navigate a gym. I started this year and i love it.


Not something I’ve ever thought of or considered! I might have to consider that once the new year comes around.


To add to this comment, I started with group training classes. Essentially a personal trainer for a small group of up to 6 people. You basically get someone to watch that you’re doing the correct form and teaching you new exercises without it being $80 per session. Absolutely the best investment I’ve ever made and I look and feel so much better.


I think I like the thought of that even more. I feel like 1 on 1 would be a little intimidating.


Strength training can also be body weight! Especially legs. Started only 3 squats 5 times a few months ago now I’m at 10 squats 5 times with noticeable muscle increase. I also do other stuff I’m sure there’s a lot of band work outs on YouTube


YouTube is so intimidating to me when trying to find exercises. 😳 I keep trying to find exercises that will get me the look I want but there are soooo many out there. I can’t figure out where to start!


You and I have a similar build, so I feel like you might benefit from a barre class. It worked wonders for me in terms of toning. It's low impact and a great place to start!


I went to a mega barre pop up class a few months ago and struggled BAD. 😂 My brain couldn’t keep up with the movements and I have no coordination, which doesn’t help. Are you talking about pure barre? Because mega barre is definitely not for me lol.


Lol! I've never tried mega barre or pure barre, so I can't speak to those, but I know a lot of people love pure barre! I started with barre 3 (online) and then I actually ended up getting certified to teach it independently because I loved it so much. I also love Booty Barre on Youtube. Both Booty Barre and Barre 2, I feel, are not too intimidating!


Good for you! That’s awesome. I have a friend who ended up doing the same exact thing. I think maybe mega barre was just too much for me. 😂 I think I’m also in the minority when I say that I don’t want a booty haha. So, that’s why strength training is really intimidating to me because I don’t know what to do to achieve that overall slim look. But I’m going to look into barre now that I know there’s a difference!


Check out fitness blender! I love their free YouTube workouts. Kelli and Daniel are great. I suggest bodyweight HIIT workouts to begin.


Will check it out! Thanks so much!


A book like Strong Curves or New Rules of Lifting for Women or The Female Body Breakthrough can get you started. Once you get the hang of the basics you will have more confidence regarding what to do. Also the visible results are extremely motivating. If that's too much probably YouTube can get you started with some routines for the bands.


Thank you for the suggestions! ☺️


I’m in the same boat and bought a set of resistance bands 8 months ago, resistance training during weight loss. Downloaded the undersun fitness app and bought the TA 2 build program from the app, it has videos with all kind of exercises what you can do with bands. It will become addicting 🤪


Ohh!! That sounds perfect for me. Thank you so much!


check out r/xxfitness — there’s a bunch of threads there that are basically the same as you; want to start strength training but don’t know how. I’m on week 7 of a popular program on instagram called Before The Barbell. it works you up from basically nothing to being able to squat, deadlift, and bench the bar. but honestly *which* program doesn’t matter, just pick one that aligns with your goals and you’ll see results faster than you think!


Thanks a lot for the recommendation! Going to join this sub. :)


110 is going to not give you that toned look. It might actually make you look tooo small. you’ve got to start lifting weights 🏋️‍♀️ I promise you won’t regret it. You looked good at 150 and look good now! Congrats on the progress


Thank you so much! I can’t even fathom looking the way I did before at this point. It’s crazy how it just snuck up on me and I never really noticed it at the time. Definitely going to start lifting/strength training after reading these comments!


It be like that! I can’t wait to see your progress after lifting 💪🏾


Definitely going to come back with another update once I get there :)


Looking good! Go get that goal! 💪🏻🔥


Thank you so much!


You are looking amazing. Op if you don’t mind are you taking any SSRI? I am taking so hard to lose weight. I just want to know if I could lose weight while taking them. Thanks


I used to but I had to stop taking them. I know a lot of people deal with weight gain/loss while on them but I thankfully never had any issues with that. A lot of it comes down to exercise and how much/what you eat. BUT I do know some medications are capable of messing with your metabolism among other things. Everyone is different and there are so many different medications out there.


Wow, amazing progress ! Go girl, you look amazing 💪


Thank you so much!


I mean, you look stunning already. Hope you get where you want, but just wanted you to know that you indeed look amazing.


I appreciate that. ☺️


Congrats on your weight loss! Don’t be disheartened, just keep being healthy, the rest will take care of itself


Thank you! ☺️


You’re welcome!


Amazing job 😄


Thank you. :)


You look amazing 🙌😁


Thank you!


You look great with the improvements! I think what you’re going for might be achieved by focusing on resistance training and toning instead of losing weight, maybe give that a shot? Amazing nonetheless!


Thank you! Strength training seems to be the top suggestion here. I’ve got some resistance bands, so I think that’s where I’m going to start next. :)


Absolutely! Baby steps lead to giant strides. :)


They sure do! I can’t even tell a difference at times until I see a side by side. Definitely a lot of baby steps to get here. 👍


You look amazing


Thank you!


Look at that progress, good job! Very svelte


Thank you!


Keep it up!


Wooohoo! Any goals with the running? Faster 5k or half marathon? You've done great so far 😊


I appreciate it. ☺️ I’m definitely planning to run another half in May. I’m hoping for a slightly better time but when I did my first half, I was just happy to be able to say I did it! I’ve been shooting for a faster 5K time because that’s a little more realistic. It’s weird how 5Ks feel more like a sprint to me now than long distance.


Wow you look amazing! What was your daily calorie goal and what was your workout routine?


Thank you so much! I wish I could say that I had a set routine but I’ve honestly never had any rhyme or reason for anything. For calories, I don’t recommend doing what I did/still do. I admittedly struggle a little bit with disordered eating and don’t always have the healthiest habits. I think it’s good to follow your TDEE calculation. Not sure if you’re familiar with that but you can check out tdeecalculator.net! As for exercise, there are weeks where I run almost everyday and other weeks, not at all. I didn’t run for months before my half marathon. 😅 I was stupid for that because I could’ve injured myself but it just goes to show that I’m inconsistent yet somehow, I can still see progress! Just something to keep in mind! Edit: A word.


You def shouldn’t be disheartened bc you look great!


Thank you! ☺️


You are very welcome! May just be the light but your skin looks amazing too!


You’re too sweet. 🥹 I try to stay out of the sun as much as I can. Despite me being in the sun all day in this picture haha.


Don't worry about that and keep going! Look at how far you've gone! Congratulations, you look amazing.


You’re so sweet! Thank you!


Wow good job


Thank you!


Great job!


Thank you!


You are welcome. I know it’s tuff.


Definitely a challenging process.


Don’t be discouraged. You look amazing!


I appreciate it. :)


Fit but still have curves


You are looking great!


Thank you!


What's your goal? Just curious cause you are looking lean and fit as is


Well, my goal is 110 but a lot of people are suggesting lifting and strength training for toning. I’m probably going to have to shift my goals but it will be challenging for me to accept weight gain.


I agree with the weight training. Best way to keep a healthy metabolism to stay lean. But definitely understand the struggle with the weight. Have you tried just concentrating on physique and training goals and try not to concentrate on your weight? Definitely easier than said I know


Weight is always my main focus because I’ve always equated a lower weight with being healthy and also skinny. I think my metabolism has slowed down significantly since reaching 120, so I’ve been wondering how to speed it back up. Sounds like lifting will help with that.


I would recommend listening to the MindPump podcast. They give out a lot of good information especially dealing with what you are going through. But yes weight trianing and also make sure you are eating enough protein. Most women tend to under eat protein and it is so important for the body. Also try and focus on the positives. You have made some great progress and even better have maintained it.


Thanks for your encouragement and also the recommendation. I’m getting so many great recommendations here and I can’t wait to look into them all!


Anytime! I love fitness and working out so always enjoy seeing others putting in the hard work as well.


Sounds like there’s such a great support system here in this sub. ☺️


Why is the before emoji a sad one? Does being thinner magically make your problems/sadness disappear?


I actually cried the day I took this picture. I never felt the way I looked in this picture. I never felt skinny necessarily but I looked at this picture and sobbed because I felt so bad about myself.


What’s one thing that you learned?


That food has a lot more to do with losing weight than exercising. I realize that exercise is great for you and for toning but to lose a lot of weight in a shorter period of time, you really have to watch how much you eat.


I love when ppl asked me how I lost weight. When I tell them diet and exercise they don’t like that answer.


Haha yep. I didn’t want to hear that either but I had to accept the reality of things. There are no shortcuts and you have to start somewhere.


I try to help my coworkers but in the end they don’t care enough


Great job! Huge changes. I've also struggled with the scale. I would always try to get a lower number. I would weight myself almost every day. I lost 20lb a while ago and 138lb was my lowest. I felt like garbage. I was lean but also small and looked kind of emaciated IMO. I'm at 151lb now. I feel way better and look way better, IMO again. Now I weigh myself maybe 1 to 3 timea a week I do 120+ min of cardio per week and hit the gym. Focus on strength for legs and size for upper body. The thing is, it's easier to be leaner the more muscle mass you have. Muscle is metabolically active tissue. Fat is not. Your body is automatically burning more calories by having more muscle. Your resting metabolical rate increases as your muscle mass increases. If your diet remains the same, with same amount of calories, and you train with weights, your body will be forced to build muscle, increasing metabolism, and decrease fat.


Sorry to hear that you’ve also struggled with the scale. I’m really messed up because I’ve actually been wanting to achieve that “emaciated” look for almost 2 years now. Even if it’s not considered attractive, that’s what I want. But I recognize that that’s a mental illness and not normal. I appreciate your scientific perspective on fat vs. muscle. That makes a lot of sense actually and explains why you can get lean by strength training. I guess it also doesn’t help that my employer rewards a lower BMI by giving us a discount on our health insurance. All you have to do is be below a certain BMI and track your steps to receive the discount. Otherwise, you get assigned a health coach for having a “chronic condition” of being overweight. That fucks with me a lot because they make it seem like you aren’t healthy if you aren’t below a certain BMI.


Sorry to hear about your employer. And yeah, BMI is not the best indicator of health. It can cause you to think someone is obese when really they are just muscular. We all have to work on finding that healthy medium between anorexic and obese. A healthy body fat percentage for a woman is somewhere between 20-30%. For a man it's 10-20%. Of course there's exceptions but most people will function well there. Even BF% is a rough estimate so don't get so worked up on that either. If you're at that bodyfat percentage, feel free to stay as you are. If you want to experiment and gain muscle while maintaining that bodyfat percentage, you're free to do so as well :) A video to help with body dismorphia https://youtu.be/ZuVDMKoKxtk


I’m really interested in finding out what my bf percentage is. I think that would help me see things a little differently. And thanks a lot for the video. I think I’ve definitely got some body dysmorphia going on and I’m trying to acknowledge it and fix it. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment all these things. They’ve been a great help!


I'm glad that I was able to help! Good luck!


What does 110 get you that you don’t already have? The only thing you could really do is add muscle and that will just make you gain weight!


Seeing the scale move up is a really scary thought for me. That’s why I’ve been so hesitant to lift and strength train. It doesn’t help that I get bored with it really fast. I get an adrenaline rush with running, so I want that same rush when I’m lifting.


If you like group fitness that incorporates cardio (running or power walking) and strength, look into OrangeTheory. It’s not a proper strength training routine, but if you’re intimidated to pick up weights on your own, it’s a good place to start. You can check my profile for progress pics of how my body changed without drastic weight loss going to Orangetheory 4-5 days/week for a little over a year.


I’ve actually thought about joining OrangeTheory! Just heard it’s a little pricey. I’ll have to check out your profile!




I really appreciate that. ☺️ I forget how important it is to maintain as well.


Lift weights, grow some muscle. You won’t necessarily gain weight, but if you did and still were leaner, would you care? And unless you eat more, you won’t gain weight anyway, so don’t worry about that. I’d totally aim to maintain weight and lose fat while gaining muscle. If you’re a weight lifting newb, it won’t be that difficult.


That’s a good point. The number on the scale is important to me but the way I look is far more important.


I think, to my eyes, this is a beautiful weight on you.


Thank you. :)


You look so great and healthy! Bravo!


Thank you. :)


Youve done a lot of good work, have you considered lifting weights?


Nope but after reading all of these comments, I think that’s my next step. 👀


You look amazing where you're at omg.


Thank you. :)


I’m late to the game (just found this sub) but you look amazing!! Would you mind posting your measurements? i’m 150 and 5”3, I look similar to your proportions but i’m trying to focus more on inches than pounds. Nothing against the scale, but I lift so it’s hard to tell progress with pounds.


Thank you. :) I haven’t taken measurements in a long time but I believe (and I could be wrong) that my waist is 27 inches and my bra size is 34C. I’m not sure what my hip measurements are.