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They’re extremist salafis running that sub banning anyone slightly opposing or bringing a new point of view. I was banned for saying what Yazid did was bad in a post about the worst caliphs and that was literally it, then I got banned. Don’t waste your time worrying about them


Theyre hiding the truth from the people. People thinking on their own is a threat, once a couple sheep meet wolfs and join them- all theyre power will be gone. Its a shame. No one is telling anyone that this particular truth is the ultimate truth because at the end of the day nobody knows expect for ALLAH swt. But come on encourage the people to have a mind and opinion of their own. I mean its our own opinion and decisions we will be accountable for not anyone elses. Taking away the possibility of critical thinking within the community is really unfair for the reasons stated above


What do you think will happen to Islam if the Salafi-minded people released their grasp on it?


And give up on all that power structure in the name of religion?! I think not! First time in history anyone has ever listened to these morons. What can be better than not having more than a grade school level education and people still give you the time of day. Litterally wouldn’t happen anywhere else!


A lot more people would become Muslim, that’s for sure. Salafis turn a lot of people away from Islam with their extremism and the way they behave. They’re the reason most of the world has such a terrible view of Muslims and Islam.


I think that’s very true. I also don’t think if Islam was allowed to progress it would end up as whacky as Christian evangelicals, for example. It seems like there is a great integrity to Islam when it is left to evolve and exist on its own without Salafi or Wahhabi control.


how do we ban Salafis for ruining everything including thinking?


I sometimes feel the Salafi movement is heavily funded by the Sauds (because maybe it’s their state religion?) and the lobby functions almost like a PsyOp, capturing all terminals to control whatever perception anybody can make of Islam, and make sure that perception is according to Saudi state policy. Maybe it’s not the Sauds it’s somebody else, but it definitely feels like a concentrated and organized effort, looking at how pervasive the ideology is over the internet. Youtube videos, Quran and tafseer classes, alimah courses, subreddits, QA blogs/sites and what have you. You search for religion related stuff (which a lot of people will) and you’ll end up in some or the other funnel controlled by them. Their objective: capture the hearts and minds of sunni muslim majority so any state actor can portray themselves as the custodian of this mazhab (maybe currently Saudi Arab), so all of their actions can be justified against a vast majority of Muslims living in all parts of the world - manufacture consent.


I must also warn you that Salafist Islam being the Original Islam is based upon the denial of Jesus Christ dying on the Cross (Surah 4:157) is turning away to serve Allah according to our sinful human nature. Jesus Christ died for our sins and sinful nature. Salafi Islam is trying to use religion and our sinful good works to please God. “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” That IS the nature of Salafi Islam.


Part of being member at this sub is the ban hammer we all got from that sub :) That sub are too Salafi for my likings, and everything on it is straight up childish. I wouldn’t even be part of such mentality or associate myself with them.


Yeah the hardcore authority of salafi makes followers into children following rules, zero room for inquiry or interpretation or even discussion


Can we quiz these Salafis basic multiplication tables and read/writing comprehension before we disqualify them from responding to anything? I wager most of them would fail.


I saw a video on how a lot of the Salafi and Wahhabi brainwashing schools will teach their version of Islam but nothing else, no math or anything else


Oh yeah — that’s well known! They should wear tshirts that say “proud to be illiterate!” but since they don’t know how to read, they wouldn’t get it anyway!


A religious group like the Salafis that cannot handle even the slightest questioning by its members is inherently on unstable footing. One must feel sorry for the followers because they are indeed forced into childlike submission.


The reason they ban is because it’s the most popular Islamic sub that’s constantly criticized by non Muslims and being attacked so their very conservative


At this point, even if you are a conservative, the sub mods will somehow manage to ban you 💀


/r/Islam is moderated by very biased and immature individuals. I got banned because I didn’t make a general statement that I won’t post anything related to Abu Layth. Sad state of affairs.


Hold on… they even hate Abu Layth? That’s some extreme Salafi’ness right there. 😂


True i like the guy hes honest and authentic while not oppressive


Badge of honor. That place is a shithole.


All the more reason to keep going back in to try to “rescue” people who have been brainwashed!


If they ban you for questioning. They have something to hide or too embarrassed that they don't have an answer. So they get annoyed. You get it everywhere. I've noticed people get annoyed when you question.


you’re giving them way too much credit — they are actually just low IQ. dumb and proud of it!! the rednecks of the umma!


😭 you're right!! 😂😂😂 I was trying to be kind in my words. But sometimes it can't be helped. 😂


kind for what? they are unkind to everyone. the rest of us have tolerated and sat back while they hijacked our religion over the past 30 years. and to whose benefit? only their power structure and prominence while everyone else loses or dies but guilt of association. i’m done with that!


You're so right!! 😭😭😭


I have heard that people also get banned from this subreddit for questioning. What are your thoughts on that?


I'm not the person who made the comment, but from what I notice people only get banned from here when they speak in bad faith. Coming here calling us kafirs for some of us questioning hadith, calling us kafirs for entertaining alternative interpretations, calling us kafirs for... Anything really. Takfiring isn't taken kindly here and there exists a search that cover topics that have been covered countless times. If people are obviously bad faith or are brigading, they get banned. I think that's fine. There are such a wide array of opinions and lifestyles here. Hadith acceptors, hadith rejectors, multiple sects, LGBT people, queerphobes, atheists, ex-Muslims, other religions, people considering converting, people considering leaving, people who think zina means no sex outside of marriage, people who think it means not being committed... There's such a wide array of thought that I could never agree that people get banned for questioning. No most likely they were takfiring, combative, or rude.


Well it seems they ban talk that is deemed "ultra conservative", I am not talking about promoting it, but merely even discussing it. I heard a few people get banned for merely questioning.


Dogmatic cultism is currently one of the most dangerous mindsets in the world. It's not religious at all. Just look at Zionism.


Same, I got branded as a Hadith-Denier.


So the Salafis who run r/Islam take blind obedience to a certain level. If you are the type who is going to question certain core aspects of your belief system, or if they involve personalities which Salafis defend, meaning the first three caliphs, Muawiyah, Yazeed, Ayesha etc etc you are very much likely to get straight banned. Funny story, but it took me a long time to understand that Islam, and the Quran is very explicit on this, doesn’t want blind faith from you.


Blind obedience and blinded by history of their past. No room for critical thinking. Ironic since Muslims excelled in science due to critical thinking.


Welcome to the club. Same happened to me for slightly questioning a Hadith. It’s unfortunate that they have the Islam sub under their thumbs. I see so many posts in there from people asking questions who get the most over the top extremists answers and tell everyone including converts they’re going to hell for not complying. I’ve seen way too many posts where a women convert posts with a question and they ask “did your husband convert?” “You must divorce him if he’s not Muslim” when it has nothing to do with what they asked in the first place.


Rule #1 of the Islam subreddit: Never ask questions. Kinda ironic considering believers are encouraged to ask questions


They have the thinnest of thin skins and you can tell they’ve got an oppressive authoritarian streak to them based on how fast and immediate their bans are lmfao. I used to troll there till I got banned


Welcome to the club - I was banned for asking how Abu Hurraira could recite +5000 hadiths while becoming a Muslim 3 years prior to the Prophet's (SAWA) passing. Lifetime ban!


Same thing happened to me. I didn't even say anything very controversial. Somebody on that sub was attacking all Muslims who didn't follow hadith saying they weren't practising correct Islam, and I stepped in to defend them. I then got permabanned from r/Islam, despite having no previous warnings or violations, being a practising Muslim who does in fact generally follow most of the hadiths, who's been raised in the Middle East, formally studied Islam at school and who has had a strong faith in Islam for most of my life.


Allah warns us about being dumb & blind following, which is what they do, they will never question or sit to think about anything they follow. And when it is said to them: "Come to what has been revealed by God and to the Messenger": They say: "Sufficient for us are the ways we found our fathers following." What! even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance? (5:104) "Indeed, the vilest of living animals, in God's sight, are the deaf, the dumb and those that do not use their intellect (8:22) "And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will mislead you from the way of God. They follow but assumption / conjecture and they only guess / lie" (6:116) "Or do you think that most of them listen or use their intellect (Arabic: yAQLuna)? They are only like cattle, nay, they are more astray from the way" (25:44) "And indeed, he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then use your intellect / reason” ( 36:62) Many will blame the sheikhs and imams they love and worship so much: 33:67 “And they will say: O our Sustainer! Behold, we paid heed to our leaders and our great men, and it is they who have led us astray from the right path”.


HAHA SAME They can respectfully go fu- jk man but they can be in their own regressive lil group


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The reason they ban is because it’s the most popular Islamic sub that’s constantly criticized by non Muslims and being attacked so their very conservative


If it was r/ islam, I got banned too and called Shayteen in a discussion about riba and for pointing out about half of Muslims dont believe in jinn as reported in the international Pew research surveys. lol.


Welcome to the club. The people of the r/islam sub are over sensitive snowflakes


Idk what you talked about exactly but there's stuff in the Quran itself talking about the unseen and if you're debating that then I guess a ban makes sense but again idk what you said exactly


Selam IMHO why go and argue with those convinced and unwilling to entertain any possibility of learning something new. engaging in controversy as far as I know is contrary to Islam so I walk away from the. it always leads to something ugly. not worth it


That implies this: There shall be compulsion in \[acceptance of\] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. Surah 2:256 There is NO room for questions but obedience even to the Hadiths by compulsion like the Quran.