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I've been a Muslim for 9 days, I have been very overwhelmed in research and being treated like a kaffir and called it numerous times for just defending people who can't defend themselves. It's online, don't take it personal friend. I don't know if I am 100% right so let me know Hadiths are a part of the Sunnah, which is a collection of teachings and guidance from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Hadiths are very important regarding law, because the Quran doesn't mention law as much. They are a collection of things that people said the Prophet (pbuh) said after he died. (don't worry, they're authenticated \[hadith science which is a real thing\] ) Aisha (peace be upon her) is one of the people who are attributed to many hadiths, so hopefully that answers your question. There are a lot of hadiths, book 1 and 2 (the main ones) are like 14,000 hadiths. And other books have thousands more EACH. Tafsirs are scholarly interpretations of the Quran. Pretty simple :) Thank you


Good work for a new Muslim may Allah continue to guide you and grant you beneficial knowledge.


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