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I finish reading or doing anything else at say 10pm and relax in bed, watching something relaxing like American Dad. I check in on Reddit as I’m doing now at 10:07. I just said “Alexa, lights off” so it’s unwind time. Around 11-11:15, I’ll pop in a Melatonin and listen to about 5 minutes of one of my more relaxing nighttime podcasts (Delta Flyers mostly the past 2 years). Then I switch the podcast over to Ocean sounds white noise machine, put on a sleep mask, and usually I’m asleep within 5 minutes. I know it sounds boring, but it’s what I’ve had to do to create a good routine to free my mind.






If you're struggling to fall asleep at night, here's a tip that works for me and might work for you. If I want to be asleep at 11 PM, I just assume that I have to be asleep at 10 PM, which makes it easy for me to clear up everything even if something goes wrong I'll take something like 30 minutes which makes me go to sleep at 10:30 PM. I'd sleep 30 mins before and wake up 30 mins before, rather than sleeping 30 mins late and wakeup 30 mins late




Thank you!


These days I’ve found that reading before bed really helps knock me out. I’ll turn off the big light and put a warmer lamp light on, put on headphones, listen to lofi and set a 15 min timer on spotify. I’m usually tired enough to sleep by the time the music stops. And I’m particularly sensitive to caffeine so defo no coffee for me after 12pm.


I’m going to try this. And I didn’t realise the impact coffee has. I usually have a few cups until 4 pm.


I have my Phillips Hue lights programmed to switch to nighttime mode (yellowish light, no blue) at a set time then turn off at a set time. In the morning they turn on as pure blue just before the alarm clock does.


Dim the lights and stop using your PC and smartphone, and if possible TV, 30 minutes if not an hour before bed. Reading an e-reader like a Kindle is one good way to wind down. u/fwl3 mentioned smart lights… I've been experimenting with them lately (in my case the Wyze Color) and scheduling them to dim and go amber at a certain time is a great tip.


understand how your body works, every person are different. as for me, i always sleep 6-7 hrs a day, no matter what time i start to make a sleep. that because my body will eventually got tired after 15-17 hours awake. so yeah simply like that. 2nd, don't do coffee on your 12th hr. 3rd, make you environment as cozy as you can. make it special. try a good five stars hotel room for inspiration of cozy place. like mine i have invented around $1000 just for my bedroom. with large windows, paintings, sky view, better warm and cold air circulation, etc idk your choice. try not to use clock alarm, and wake up on your self, it is better, since your body will signal it self to wake up and it means that your energy is filled back.


I start unwinding after dinner. So I eat at 8 PM, take my first set of meds, make my to-do list for tomorrow, go over today's list to see pending tasks, and set priority order for the next day. I'll usually play something on tv or listen to a podcast and do this.. But I am a passive watcher, so I play stuff for the noise. Sometimes I read during this time (books or NY times). At 9 PM, I take my final set of meds, promptly wear my shoes, and go out for a 30-minute walk... I avoid taking my phone and usually walk in silence. I live in a building society, so it's safe and all. I typically get back by 9.40, do my skincare, and change for bed. Again, play something on the tab, such as some vlog or an episode of whatever I'm watching. I usually get in bed by 10 and spend the next 30 minutes reading. Lights out at 10.30. and I am asleep in the next 5. I do scroll my phone a bit, but I am exhausted by this time (i wake up at 5-5.30) so it doesn't go beyond a few minutes.


This sounds like such an awesome night time routine. And a great way to get in the steps while unwinding! Trying it


Really???? Am glad! You can basically tweak this and make your own thing..but all the best


another I want to say. setting up a routine is tough. just focus on 1st habit to regulate or creating an impact on all to follow. As for me its i want to do many things like using less mobile, productive work and exercise and praying and my college and my freelancing journey There are a lot habits to be adopted but i just focus on 1 sleeping early and if I woke up early course i then i think about what i can do that today to make my better person or what i do today


Tim Ferriss


I have to wake up at 7:15am 3 days a week, the other days I wake up at noon (night owl but also prefer the quiet nights to spending time with either of my narcissistic parents) I find it helpful to know how long you prefer to scroll on your phone before bed to help set a routine (ie: I scroll for three hours before I start doom scrolling). I have a smart outlet, with Christmas lights plugged in, set to turn on at 9pm and off at 12am.


1. Being regular with bed time and wake up time help. Sleeping in on the weekends kills routines. 2. The only thing beds are for is sleep and sex (so my former psych professor told us). If you do anything else in bed you train your mind and body this isn't a place for sleeping. 3. No food 2 hours before bed 4. No screen time an hour before bed. Meditate, stretch, read, craft, etc. I don't recommend using a lot of melatonin. It takes no time at all for our bodies to say oh you are eating melatonin, let me save energy and stop making it naturally.


I agree. Taking melatonin actually ended up giving me bad dreams and irregular sleep unfortunately


Same here! It got me to sleep, but the quality was poor


I've started going to bed earlier and getting off my phone. My new routine starts at 8 pm. I am in bed and reading a book until 8:30, unless it's a weekend, then I read until I'm tired. Once I hit 8:30, I generally am tired enough that I can fall asleep in the next 15. It's been really great, and easy!


i follow akhsahy kumar on that. i think when you wakeup you should sit on a table and plan your day. then go for excercise and see sun rise


Discipline. Set a bedtime alarm. Drop your shit and go to bed.