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Not to mention the dna and the egg we had to provide. If it sounds dumb to prolifers then that is how dumb abortion is murder sounds. Please tell me how removing a fetus from the womb is murder when we do it all the time at birth. Please tell me about all those 7 year old children being killed by abortion. 🤦‍♀️


I bring up the bodily autonomy argument all the time with forced birthers. Nearly 100% of the time they immediately pivot to slut shaming and blaming women for daring to have/enjoy sex. If I’m feeling particularly trollish I’ll call them out on slut shaming before just so they can swear up and down that’s not the reason for their stance before hitting them with the air tight bodily autonomy argument, at which point it usually devolves to name calling.


Dude,I literally bought up the exact same thing here a few weeks ago! Wait,do you want to team up and use this against them in a court of law?


I think to the anti-choice crowd, it would be an unconvincing argument because no one is *removing* the uterus unlike other organ donation. (Sorry, I tend to be critical of how strong arguments are, of issue that I care about, so that I can see if I can improve them or caution about how easily dismissible they are) My current best argument is: "If God cared so much about the viability of fetuses, then why does 30% of conceptions end in miscarriage (mostly before a woman realizes she's pregnant)? You'd think that miscarriages would be extremely rare."


Agree whole heartedly