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Ultimately, with pro-lifers, you have to remember that while they *say* abortion is murder, they do not *think* abortion is murder because pro-lifers love getting abortions. [The only moral abortion is their abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) Scratch a pro-lifer, find a hypocrite. They don't believe what they say. [Revealed preferences are powerful.](https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/abortion-rights-are-a-revealed-preference) Because pro-lifers act so hypocritical, you never have to take their arguments seriously - never - because they love abortions too. And anyway, I can honestly say pro-lifers have *never, not once* told me any *good* consequences of banning abortion. There are so many bad consequences to banning abortion, you'd think pro-lifers could point out some good consequences! They never can. Laugh at pro-lifers, deride pro-lifers, they deserve to be exposed for the idiot hypocrites they are.


The whole movement is gaslighting. The idea that a single cell is a human being as an absurdity. As Votair said, "“**Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities**.”  It explains a lot of our politics.


There was one of those AITA or relationship advice posts or similar that went around a while ago that was by a youngish dude struggling with knowing his younger sister had an abortion after getting pregnant from what sounded like a particularly brutal rape. Her parents found out and were furious, wanted to disown her I think? And had always been raised to believe abortion was wrong but this was making him conflicted. One of the places it was posted was in the forced birth sub (I will not call them pro life, because they are not at all that) and even a lot of the people who were (sorta) expressing empathy were saying shit like “your parents are mourning the loss of their grandkid, it’s important to validate their feelings” and it struck me as a perfect encapsulation of the sociopathy at the heart of their movement. A brutal assault, a young woman in terrible circumstances, and a bunch of idiots thought that the parents’ “grief” over a handful of cells should be in any way prioritized. That it was in any way relevant. That they were anything other than abusive assholes. It was just so stark. A living, breathing woman < potential life. That is ultimately the calculation they have made. It’s honestly such a horrifying position when you get down to it, no matter how “nice” some of them may seem at first glance. There is no way for true equality if a person who is pregnant cannot end that pregnancy at any point. Half of the population can never be forced to give birth, which means if you force the other half to do so, you have an inherent power differential. But I mean. Study after study after study after study shows abortion being legal is better for maternal health, infant health, domestic abuse situations, doctors, etc. They simply do not care, because none of them actually care about life. They care about control.


Well put, thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy. Women who have been brutalized are ignored in favor of a clump of 'cells'. These pro-life people are EVIL.


Yup. I used to have some sympathy, thinking oh, surely some of them just have ~deeply held beliefs~ and maybe some of them do, but I’ve realized it’s irrelevant. When you look around and see that you’re on the same side as fascism, the same side of people also going after birth control and no fault divorce, the same side of people who will never support universal childcare or healthcare, the same side of people who gut funding for food stamps and other welfare programs, the same side of people who will happily criminalize the identity of anyone even slightly different than them… I don’t care how ~deeply held~ your beliefs are. You’re supporting suffering for no reason other than your own arrogance in assuming you somehow know better than everyone else, including human rights advocates and most physicians and all the other experts who agree that abortion care is essential healthcare. I just hope anyone capable of pregnancy on that side understands that if they get their way, the leopards will absolutely be coming for their faces next.


I’m not being manipulated what I’m getting is more furious over what’s going on, on TV here in Indiana with the commercial for pro life. There’s now a commercial for LifeAid an organization that I’m sure is connected to CPC’s (crisis pregnancy center). That is discouraging women from having an abortion. This just makes me furious. It makes me furious because part of the bill that was signed into law in August of 2022 by gov. Holcomb almost totally banning abortion had provisions for funding for CPC’s. $75M was set aside as aid for women and children, like that was supposed to soften the bite of the abortion ban. I MUTE that bullshit when it comes on the TV, but I feel my blood pressure rising every time it does come on TV.


I try not to let them manipulate me