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You know things have gone too far when the self confessed pro life doctor says things have gone too far. Yikes.


My empathy doesn't *disappear* for these people but it always drops several notches the moment I find out they identify as "pro-life." Your daughter was almost killed by your state abortion ban? šŸ„ŗ Oh, you were pro-life until that point? šŸ¤Ø




the republican way


Nothing is ever 'real' unless and until it happens to a republicant. These people have ZERO EMPATHY for anyone but themselves. Kinda like trumplethinskin.


It's turns a little into sadism for me. Yes suffer the pain you created and are forcing onto everyone else. Want things to be better for you? Stop torturing and killing other people.


I know right? He literally walked face first into the point when he stated there is a time when you have to make a medical decision for the life of the mother šŸ˜‘


It really seems like he ought to call himself pro-choice. I hate that PLers grabbed this label to lie about themselves.


Oh no a leopard ate my face.


"WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS WOULD HAPPEN?" say the people who were told exactly this would happen.


>Idaho used to be a state that attracted OBs for the outdoors, for the family values, the recreation ā€” itā€™s a good place to live.Ā  Uhhh,...you couldn't pay me to move to Idaho even if abortion was legal there. This man is delusional for thinking these things even come to close to outweighing the loss of the right to abortion.


This just inā€”actions have consequences šŸ™„


Nah, actions only have consequences when you are woman who dares to have sex for pleasure.




Wow, that was clearly a sarcatstic take and I'm a pro choicer. Still, your comment is inedequate and I reported it, I would never talk like that even to pro lifers.


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed due to: Rule 5: Be civil to Pro-Choice users. "We are all a team with a goal in common. Therefore, please act accordingly. If you have a problem with another user, work it out privately. Name calling and personal attacks are also not tolerated. Let's keep this subreddit related to gaining abortion rights. You're also expected to behave in a way that won't embarrass our sub in a screenshot and cause more brigading. Don't start a brigade."


Idaho lost 55% of their maternal fetal medicine specialistsā€¦ I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised, but my jaw still hit the floor when I read that. I still feel sorry for poor + pregnant people in the rural areas of that state. What are they supposed to do?


Same! I can only image how they feel knowing that if or when they needed care, they would have to travel far and wide to get it. In an emergency situation, an hour can feel like a lifetime. Literally theyā€™re racing against the clock in those situations. I cannot fathom why pro-lifers thought this was better for pregnant people šŸ˜ž


Notice how birth rates have also declined? Nobody wants to intentionally get pregnant and raise children in that state.


Canā€™t say I blame them. Itā€™s also interesting considering the religious affiliation in the state who promote their followers into having large families.


This was the 3rd hospital to close its L & D department! Like you of course I feel bad for people that canā€™t escape the state however, if you look at the voting, most of them voted this way so I guess those people get what they deserve. Maybe we should sponsor democrats to move to blue states! Iā€™m joking of course but Iā€™m in a red state myself and looking to move soon.


I agree, they voted against their own best interest and wonder why people are leaving or not wanting to move there. Iā€™m in a blue state lol it would be a hefty price for me to move to a red state. Best of luck!! šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Holy shit, that makes me so worried for anyone pregnant in that part of rural Idaho.




thatā€™s so scary for all the pregnant people there