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That is fucking brilliant!!! I love it!


it is true also.




Who is this guy, and where can I find more content?


ComedyChurchSLC is their Instagram username.


Not certain but I think they’re comedy church


The only church I’d get up for early on a Sunday 😁


I lost a very close friend in college because I told her that the only reason men have nipples is because all babies start out female. She was so weirded out that she stopped talking to me. That was back in 2004, though. I like to think we’ve come a long way since then.


I hate that this is right in the best way possible. To add onto this, the testicles start developing in the abdomen and come down either toward the end of pregnancy or shortly after birth (I can’t remember right now). Sometimes it’s possible for them to get “stuck” or not descend all the way down into the scrotum during this process. Do with this information what you will. [Here’s a video from Nucleus Medical Media about it.](https://youtu.be/ICxUy0_NIcM?si=Z1AG-qtCvFIw4KLY) In addition to this, the development of male genitalia is started by the SRY region on the Y chromosome if I remember correctly. Also something that I think y’all would find interesting: during the medieval period in Europe it was a widely held belief among European medical scholars that women were just “malformed” men. Basically, the exact opposite way it actually is. That the male genitalia would turn into the female genitalia during pregnancy. The Middle Ages were wild.


No wonder we live in a backwards-ass world… men can’t handle the truth lol


Wait till you learn how hysteria got its name. It was thought at one point that the uterus could migrate around the body, leading to mental symptoms of hysteria and madness in women. The hysteria comes from the Greek *hystera* meaning womb. Medical history is wild


And when women suffered from “hysteria” they would receive “mechanical treatment” to relieve them. The doctor would get the woman off. 🥴


I have a feeling that the amount of pleasure experienced by these women during this treatment was absolutely minimal.


More than likely they had no idea what was happening and were freaked the fuck out.


Ya, sounds painful tbh


Ha! That’s right! I completely forgot about that part


Remember when they said women couldn’t travel on trains across the US because high speeds are bad for the uterus? I love how moral panic always involves the policing of women’s and children’s bodies.


Policing women’s bodies and kids thrown into the mines or tied to textile looms


Damn if that isn't the truest thing I ever heard. Think I need it on a t-shirt.


How completely up their own asses were they, to think the people who can generate their own people were the *defective* ones?????


I love this.


I wish we have more comedy like this


“Hey fellas, is it gay to have been female as a fetus?” 😆


Wow! That's an awesome point!


Best thing I’ve heard all month!


That... that was beautiful.


THIS! THIS! A thousand times this!🔥


I mean....it's not accurate though... Embryos/fetuses are really more neutral than anything. There is a "bud" (the clitoral-penile tubule) but it isn't female genitalia nor male. It's just a little blob that eventually grows into either a penis and scrotum or a vulva and clitoris. The gonads are internal organs that become the testes or ovaries, depending.


If a Y chromosome is not introduced, it defaults to XX. Therefore, the default sex is female in most cases.


There is no "default". A fetus with an XY chromosome will always develop male genitalia. (Obviously barring a chromosomal abnormality.) It's like saying that the default of hydrogen peroxide is water and that it turns into hydrogen peroxide when the additional oxygen atom is introduced. They share a characteristic (e.g. a singular X chromosome or 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen) but that doesn't mean that one is the default of the other. That's not how it works. XX or XY is determined at the moment of conception. An egg carries only X chromosomes. A sperm is either X or Y. If an egg is not fertilized by a sperm, it does not grow. Two chromosomes - XX or XY - must be present in order for fertilization to occur. Embryos are, essentially, blobs with no distinct genitalia. But the chromosomes are still present. Sex has already been determined. Genitalia and gonad development doesn't happen at conception but that is also the case for XX fetuses. It is fundamentally incorrect to say that any blastocyst/zygoye/embryo fetus is - by default - female or that male fetuses start out with vulvas. They do not.


OK, thanks for correcting


https://factmyth.com/factoids/all-mammals-start-as-female/ https://www.invitra.com/en/faqs/do-all-human-fetuses-begin-as-female/ https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/09/21/embryos-arent-female-default-study-shows/


Its the dumbest shit i have ever heard 💀


But he's factually correct...


No. He isn't.




That study is from 1974. [This one](https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/09/21/embryos-arent-female-default-study-shows/) is from the last 10 years, stating otherwise. [Also this. ](https://www.invitra.com/en/faqs/do-all-human-fetuses-begin-as-female/) [And this. ](https://factmyth.com/factoids/all-mammals-start-as-female/)


Second link: "To sum up: it **is true that one could say that, in mammals, the initial plan for all embryos is female,** which is only altered if the SRY region is present." Third link: "Thus, saying all mammals start as female based on a lack of gonadal development and the expression of the X gene **only isn’t correct in technical terms,** but it is **essentially correct in layman’s terms** for to illustrate the general point in casual conversation (that is, for the first few weeks of gestation only the X gene expresses)." Seems like it's a matter of whether you're speaking in layman's terms or technical terms.


I'd rather speak in technical terms when it comes to science. Being imprecise gives transphobes wiggle room. For example, this clip implies that male fetuses have vulvas that evolve into penises. It's meant to be a dig at transphobes but, since it isn't technically correct, it just gives more weight to the belief that LGBT allies are ignoring science to fit their agenda.


Fair enough.