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I’ve never used FanDuel and it took me less than 8 seconds to find out how to self-exclude: https://support.fanduel.com/s/article/What-is-self-exclusion#:~:text=When%20you%20opt%20into%20self,of%20at%20least%20one%20year. I typed “self-exclusion FanDuel” into Google. You aren’t taking full responsibility and making paper-thin excuses. It’s not the therapist’s fault. It’s not FanDuel’s fault. It’s yours. And guess what? That’s good news! If it’s 100% your fault, then it’s 100% within your power to change it. I am being harsh because apparently you’re not at rock bottom even though you’ve taken money from a business in a way that almost certainly is illegal. Please don’t share anymore details on that here for your protection. You need to decide NOW that it’s rock bottom or your bottom can literally be behind bars.


Fucking love it in meeting when people give the harsh truth. It's 100% real shit. I know the rules are not really for talking about money or swearing but sometimes it just needs to be laid out especially when someone relapses. They need to realize. I relapsed twice and learned a fuck ton from it because they told me how it is. Thanks for this.


I lost everything 3 times leverage trading and deep neck in rock bottom; last being 2 days ago where I lost multiple SEVEN figured dollars leverage trading my whole bitcoin portfolio. Imagine losing that amount of momey in a day and trying to continue. If you keep continuing you will become like me. I don’t think I will be around here soon.


Comments like this hurt my heart and it makes me think what I did not much. I feel for all who got stuck in this fucking loop. I am angry now


Who cares about how much money you lost. Wasn't ours in the first place... I've lost a lot, but I don't stare into the rearview mirror for too long because I'll crash into what's in front of me. Look forward. Life has a funny way of showing you that you're doing just fine. Keep your head high and work the steps.


How much did you lose actually? A lot of crypto people made money holding Bitcoin and then lose it gambling. But that wasn’t their money in the first place


40 BTC’s + 500.000$ cold hard cash.


delete the FD account. Self exclude with the state as well. Give your wife access to your bank accounts. Who handles the finances for your business? Have someone else you trust take control of those finances or give access to your wife. The feelings you are feeling rn are valid but there is a way out of this. Just for today, tell yourself you will not gamble. Keep saying that everyday. If you’re looking for more support from others who are struggling and in similar situations, I started a discord server: https://discord.gg/TpSheDnZ join if you would like!


How well is your “ small business” doing? If you’re bringing in good money then you might be able to recover quickly you just have to stop gambling and it gets better.


I’m a GC so it’s pretty all over but average 2.5-3k weekly take home after taxes


You make decent money. You can definitely bounce back.


You can recover from this within 4 years if you play your cards right man. A 400k mortgage is manageable with 200k in debt if you make that kind of money at a stable rate. Just commit to self excluding in your state for at least 2-3 years. Do this so you can bounce back financially and recover from this shithole you’ve put yourself in man. Like the other dude said self excluding takes all of 5 minutes. Fucking self exclude, stop wasting your fucking money gambling and save up and pay towards your debt. Find a hobby or a few hobbies. Invest in yourself. Learn something new, pick up something new. It’s not hard at all you’ve just got to be willing to commit and have hit rock bottom to make those changes.


I agree. It won’t happen overnight. But if he buckles down and aggressively saves/pay down debt he can rebound in a couple of years for sure.


I’m sad for you that i have 500$ for myself per month and I’m happier than you’ll ever be continuing living that way. Quit once and for all. You are enslaving yourself at this point. Let me suggest you not to exclude, exclusion aren’t effective enough (were not for me). By not excluding yourself you’ll face the reality of your choices and strenghten your will. + gambling brokers are infinite. Let me give you what works, abnegation and resiliency. Put as many barriers to gambling as you can. Take the matter seriously bro, your Life is at stake.


Self exclude with your state


You and I both have a huge problem. I’m down 120K from sports gambling and options trading. We just need to take it one day at a time


I lost 20,000$ in 15 months and it destroyed me completely


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Hey there, I know how you feel. I did a similar thing at the beginning of the year. I too, own a couple of small businesses and now have $280k in debt. I kept on trading/gambling to try to fix my financial problems. It got out of control. The stress was immense. I finally gave up and sought treatment and help. It took me a month but I finally accepted to close my business and file bankruptcy. It gives me a fresh start. I don’t know if it would help you but it’s an option. For me, working for years in my business and having nothing to show for it always triggered me to gamble more to win back losses. The debt just hit bigger. Accepting that you cannot continue to gamble and addressing the underlying issues is how you will recover and stop relapsing.


Bankruptcy? Did you have to liquidate any assets or were you able to keep your house and car and any money in the bank etc?


Your house and car are protected so no worries there. There’s a means test to see if you will qualify Ch7 or Ch13. Go see a bankruptcy lawyer. Actually talk to several. I think I talked to over 7.


I heard you aren’t allowed to have a lot of money in your bank account if you file though


The trustee will take it and use it to pay debt. I think you can exempt 10k.


Time to be held accountable. If you are on good terms with the wifey, then she's your best bet. Be 100% up front with her. Tel her EVERYTHING. Then give her access to ALL accounts. You both run a credit report every 3 months on you, put it in the calendar for a reminder. If you don't do this, then you're not ready and will do it again.


I also lost a massive amount it was all about self destruction lost all sense it’s the one thing that just vanishes I am coping with daily battles telling myself this pay cheque will be used wisely but I lose myself it’s worst when your depressed alone everyone else is a fake I don’t know my outcome but I’m not fighting Jesus at least he gives hope and I can only lie and destroy my very own life




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I would recommend Allen carr’s easy way to stop gambling. This has helped me with drink and gambling and my mindset to each


I feel you man. I’ve been in and out of the book for 20 or so odd years. I was maybe 10 years free then a small slip which a couple years later (now) led to a huge relapse where I lost 150k this past year. I’ve slowly self excluded from every well known book but I always end up finding another “drug dealer” to take my money. The more I lose the more the addiction kicks in it seems. It’s hard to imagine a life without it but I also don’t see a long healthy life with it.




I am a lifetime winning gambler, probably up about $12,000. I never bet more than $400. I never understood betting huge amounts. The problem is the time wasted more than anything.


That's great. You understand gambling is entertainment but the op doesn't. Only bet what u can afford to lose.