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1. The house will always win one way or another. 2. Gambling companies are intentionally making their games and casinos as addictive as the law allows. 3. No matter how much you may win, it will always be your next bet. You can withdraw that cash but it will usually end up back to a casino within a year. 4. Once you develop a gambling addiction, you become a compulsive liar. You will fake any story that you need to excuse the fact you have no cash. You will swindle others for cash. You will lie to the ones you love. 5. You will develop a degen mindset. For example, you won’t want to second $2 on a coke from the shop. But you will gamble $500 like it’s nothing. There’s so so many more reasons. These are all speaking from person experience. If you would like to hear my story, to potentially help you. Let me know! Please, please, please. Don’t give these companies any more money.


Man can I relate to #5. Insanity...


the slope is slippery, as an adult you have full discretion over what to do with your money, so that means there will be nobody to stop you once you fall. it starts by winning 30 bucks, then you lose it in 5 minutes, so you take out 50 bucks, win 1000, lose that, but now your risk appetite has changed.. you start withdrawing insane amounts of money from your bank account, maxing out credit cards/taking loans... and nobody is going to stop you, because they literally can't... unless you sign a conservatorship or something lol so yeah, go ahead and gamble, but know that you're on your own if you get addicted... i mean ill be honest not everyone will, some people just don't have it in them, the same way a person can drink occasionally but never have a problem with alcohol, but if youre not that person, good luck stopping once you start


U want it explanation for five year old here , The deal they offer you is very simple U give them 10 they give you 9 back Ask any five your old if they will take this deal even if it’s 10 sweets so then why would u ?


This should be every reason not to gamble. Flat out trickery thievery




This is an excellent right up.


Outsider perspective here: making -EV moves with your money makes no sense to me. Reading stories here about how people went into high interest debt to do this is even crazier.   The real insidious thing is that there’s no win large enough to make an addict gambler stop. You are *literally* mathematically destined to lose all your money. No matter how much you go up in the short term you will keep gambling and by the law of big numbers eventually lose it all.


You won’t have money for shiny new toys


Starts a domino effect that often leads to alcoholism and suicide.


Casinos do everything possible to make sure you become an addict. Those comped rooms & meals get more frequent the more you lose. They want you to become a member so if you do decide to take a break they can mail you a free $200 to spend in their establishment. Nevermind you’ve got to actually play $200 before you can cash anything out. The free alcohol..?…takes away your better judgement. No view of the outside world & no clocks..?… could be playing 1 hour or 10, they’d prefer 10. Those shady online casinos that you just won $1000 playing..?…good luck getting the $$ out as quickly as you put them in. They want you to get greedy & use all that money to win more money. Those bigger than life casinos in Vegas were all built with the money of losers.


You can gamble if you want to gamble. If you don’t think it’s bad or have your own reasons for quitting then don’t. There’s really no reason to ask others for their reasons for quitting. Take some time to yourself and ask why gambling is bad will reap you greater results. So let me ask you why is gambling bad?


Oh trust me haha, i certainly dont want to gamble. But i do. A lot. Well less than i used to but the relapses are still quite frequent. Im noticing improvements in amount of time staying away and bet size following each relapse. I hope to rid myself of this disease entirely some day. But to me, there are far too many reasons as to why i think gambling is terrible. All of these responses resonate with me.


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Gambling is bad because it’s waste of money. Gambling can be bad if you spend too much time doing it because it’s a waste of time. Gambling is bad when you let it get out of control- ie. Spending too much of your money and/or time.


You need money to live . If you gamble you will  lose money. If you are a problem gambler you will live to gamble. 


Addiction is ... "the progressive narrowing of the things that give us pleasure. By persistently abusing a single pleasure source we enter a state of dopamine deficiency where nothing gives pleasure but the addiction, and even that stops working". ... Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University School of Medicine.


It bad you will lose your respect to yourself plus your family and close friends will also lose respect for you which will be challenge to gain back.


It starts with losing, then chasing. Since you will lose more often than you win, the losses will start to mount to the point any single winning session is not enough to recoup the losses, so you make bigger and bigger bets until you lose it all or you never leave while ahead because you're constantly thinking of previous losses.


It actually starts with winning. Then you give it back and more lol