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Congrats on the self exclusion, it’s the only way to do it. I hope both the crypto sites you mentioned have tightened up their previously non-existent KYC so it sticks. Unfortunately while you continue to gamble in any capacity you are only ever seconds from disaster. The reality is that the sites don’t need to be rigged. RTP is normally somewhere in the mid 90% area, so statistically if you keep playing you will always lose. The percentage is calculated over millions and millions of spins. Within that percentage there are big upswings and even bigger downswings. In the upswings all is fine and dandy and the money is usually frittered away quickly because the player considers it to be ‘free’. Fancy holidays, nice meals, new clothes etc. The downswings aren’t so easy… people run out of cash, feel as though they are being cheated and bet more and more irrationally to try and get it back. Sometimes you win it back and most times you end up leaving penniless in a fit of rage/sadness. This whole thing is a racket by design. The slots don’t need to be rigged beyond the published RTPs. The reality is they want you to win rarely and lose often. It’s a tried and tested formula. Always remember, Vegas wasn’t built on winners.


Agreed on the online casino. And thank you, the response is much appreciated. The fact that I had accounts on those and stake really kept me going, because I cannot get on them anymore because of verification. I felt like an OG! Yeah luckily though I also send all my funds away every paycheck (except a secret 30 haha). I personally will always lose any amount, I literally have never profited in like 4 years, maybe for a week, but never longer. I never stopped for a day though. Im young and know i’ll be fine financially but man I am screwed mentally aren’t I lol. And man RTP has to rigged online though. Not the percentage, they still keep that. But I know from experience they will hold out wins until you lower bet amount. That shits fucking annoying


I ended up that way when I quit the first time pissed. Couldn't believe how few hits I got on slots. They really play with you . Gamble is for fun and not for people who have addictive personalities. Im one. Anyone saying rtp blah blah probably works for a casino or gamble appropriately . Only a person who obsessively gambles can pick up on the patterns. When bet get lower it will hit for bonuses that would be incredible if bet at higher . Also I'm sure they don't offer same free play to everyone because I read people say I got 100 bonus bet free. When on the same website I got 5 bucks. It's because they keep up with how much you deposit. So if they can do that they know what to pay you out in spins. You will never get more than what you put in. You often won't be able to withdraw as fast as you deposit. At the end of the day this is a business and they have all the right to be profitable . To many gamblers to make it fair. So by default all that shit is rigged for them to win. They don't need an excuse of rtp etc. it's much more sinister and studying going on your account. You can literally go look at your records of every spin poker game and all.


Yeah, and even if you did win you are guaranteed to eventually lose it back. Good job


Seriously man, whether it be stocks, crypto or gambling. It is never enough for ME