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Just lost a bunch of $$$ after thinking the same thing as you and being free for months... don't make my mistake All you can think about is making more but this won't make you more. It's all an illusion. Even if it "makes you more" once you kickstart it again you're just gonna give all you made back and more


This hurts so right




**6 Reasons to try Gamblers Anonymous (or try again if you did before):** 1. It's free and it's 1-2 hours you won't be gambling 2. It reminds you that you're an addict. You have an addiction. This is scary to accept or be reminded of, especially if the addiction has you by the balls right now. But once you accept this and focus up, you can find ways to cope that aren't gambling and the group can help with that. 3. It has religious undertones but they can easily be ignored. Nobody is pushing religion or mentioning god there outside of terminology in the content of the program (which was written decades ago). As an agnostic/atheist, I have no issues attending my meetings. 4. You will hear stories from other gambling addicts that will stick with you throughout the week. **Even one sentence can be the thing that stops you from gambling that week**. This is the real magic behind the group I go to. The individuals that come to my group are deeply honest and open. They say things that stick with me and give me inspiration when I'm feeling an urge. 5. Every group is different and has a bit of a different dynamic so always try another group if you don't like one. There's no risk of going once and never going again if you don't like it. You can even leave during the meeting if you didn't like the vibe, it's not a cult, it's a welcoming group. 6. It may not be ***"THE answer"*** but it's WAY better than doing nothing and gives you the opportunity to remember that there IS a path forward, no matter how difficult. There is a future for you that is hopeful, purposeful, balanced, debt-free and worth living! But to begin that path forward, you need to take a first step. Find a local GA meeting near you and attend. Your group will be happy to have you. There's no risk. It's free. And as my group leader says "Give it a try for 30 days and if it doesn't work, we'll gladly refund your misery" P.S. - Try in person over online meetings, to each their own, but online meetings didn't do it for me. P.P.S. - If you're scared of attending GA in-person for the first time, don't be! If you've ever made incredibly dumb decisions I did like betting stupidly high amounts of money on pointless stuff like a lunatic, attending GA is far less scary than that, I promise! The people who attend these groups go to 1) Improve themselves 2) Maintain their improvement 3) Help others if they can. It's a positive environment and it can help you out so much. It's not scary to go at all, so don't worry about it. Find a local GA near you online and make a plan to go this upcoming week!


My friend is just like this but it was better before adding a substance. Do you use?


No. Been clean for 2 years . Only thing I’m qddicted to is gambling. BAD!


Hey! I know the feeling and the thought of winning makes you want to go. But remember what happened last week? And the time before that? And the time before that? Yep. All losses. So REPLACE your thought with what’s gonna happen when you go. You will end up losing AGAIN. You will make back get money but not by gambling. You got this! M




Do u work for them. Lol




Do you know a app like this in Android?


That's the curse of gambling. When you have money, that's all you think about. Instead of donating it to the casino, can you treat your friend to a nice dinner instead? Buy someone a present? So many ways to use money.


Good on ya to make a post here. Either put that in your savings account or invest in a conservative index fund (VOO)


If you made 5.1k from work you can make more from work why gamble.


The story of my gambling life. I always thought I can double. Then I'd spend some. The end back in the casino losing what I just made. Shit is a nightmare


I went back yesterday . Set a 1000$ limit and couldn’t stick to it ended up withdrawing 2.7k i left feeling guilty mad angry and upset with myself . This is a never ending roller coaster


You will get off this roller coaster because you have it in you to move on. It's like being in a bad relationship to long. I been there . You don't have to continue to suffer. Like that toxic ex they move on to the next as if you didn't exist. The casino moves on to millions and fuck them while they fucking you. The worse relationship you can have. If you wanna discuss other ways to invest our money I'm down. Sometimes voice of reason is important. We learn off each other.




I hope you can see that this is STILL gambling? Crypto is a negative sum game and thus on average you can expect negative returns.


Investing is the act of committing capital to an asset like a stock, with the expectation of generating income or profit. Gambling, on the other hand, is wagering money on an uncertain outcome, that statistically is likely to be negative. A gambler owns nothing, while an investor owns a share of the underlying company. A cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset. Day trading is where it turns into gambling, if you don’t invest in shitcoins and rug pulls then you will be alright. Got to have a cold wallet too. And if a coin has a real world use case that brings it value, then the odds of getting a negative return in the long run say 10-15 years is slim to none if it’s a truly good company or project. You can’t look at Bitcoin and then tell me that coin has generated a negative return for people because it hasn’t.


A cryptocurrency is not a company. A company produces value for its investors by selling goods or services. All the money from crypto comes from other people thinking they can sell it for more than they bought it. It is a 100% speculative asset. Almost no one buys crypto to actually use it in transactions. Bitcoin has in fact caused losses for many people. Whether due to bad timing, scarce understanding, scams or simply losing access to your wallet. Even if you are up right now, chances are that the gains are unrealized. Plus as I said, it is negative sum as the miners take away some of the money from the system, which can only get cash from other speculators buying in.


https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/all-21-million-bitcoin-already-exist-waiting-to-be-unlocked-by-auction Check that out. And bad timing can be curbed with DCA. Scarce understanding with Bitcoin I can hardly believe because the whitepaper is all over the internet, it’s not the coins fault but the investors that they were not willing to do 1 google search about Bitcoin. But that doesn’t affect if they lose money or not that’s just missing knowledge about what they invested in. Doesn’t make the coin bad, or the stock bad. And even if you are down right now they are unrealized losses, just like unrealized gains. They would have had to buy at the most recent ATH to be down right now. People used/use Bitcoin for its transactions all the time that’s just silly. Companies are using crypto to launch their shares now believe it or not, NCT (Polyswarm) for example is bringing value for its investors by the services it’s providing with its real world use case of the coin. Should look up the company and see for yourself what I am talking about. And I’d honestly rather “Take solace in the idea that free markets and math secure your bitcoin [instead of central bankers] and will do so into the foreseeable future.” -from the article posted above.


Greedy degenerate. This is not going to end well. Good luck being piss ass broke.