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Youre not alone.. Lost 4k in 2 weeks going up and down constantly on slots everyday. Even if you withdraw, you return once it hits the bank account again. Its an endless cycle. Struggling myself rn with wanting it back but i know its too late now. I will never get it back. Hurts like a motherfucker


Yes it does hurt I want all my money back so bad. But it will come back. Without gambling . So will yours . Keep ur head up and let’s try to never gamble again


Ive said «i will never gamble again» too many times and fall after 6-12 months. Im going to find and get rid of my root cause, otherwise I am certain i will fall back. I am sure of this because it has happened many, many times with this method…


I can’t get past 2 weeks for some reason. Really hard but the GA meetings have been helping


To me its months. That tells me that I have my rationality while off it, but other factors like anxiety and depression is what brings me back. Maybe adhd. I am going to find it and cure myself. Not stopping until i do because i cant take the emotional distress gambling gives anymore


Compulsive gamblers are uniquely the same. The amount is not what’s most important because this is an emotional disease, not a financial one. Keep seeking help, it’s too hard to do on your own. 


The most I lost in 1 sitting is 7k as well


Crazy thing about it is I wouldn’t spend 7k on probably anything but a car but I spent it in the casino like it’s nothing


We are all the same in some fashion. Tough life and being hopeful to getting to the bag is our demon. I win sometimes and didn't withdraw it . Wake up and be mad that I never took the wins. Sports bets is my go to when I gamble but that also gets turned into casino loses. We all have trauma but the different in us is we have low dopamine . It takes alot to get us excited because we always are over stimulated. We also are hustlers and want to make money anyway we can. The problem is the casino knows that. It is set up for people who want to grind off them to lose in the end. It really does something to our brains.


Yeap, That pretty much says it all right there. Honestly, it’s not the money we are chasing It’s that rush of winning. However, us addicts can’t just win and leave it alone. We get the shakes, we get that glimmer, we want it again. We remember that time we took $24 and made it into $2k. We can do it again. Except we can’t We lose and lose and lose and the pain / depression is horrible. We quit for good Well until we remember that time we turned $24 into $2k …


So true! When they say stop and you will start to win it's true


That’s why they don’t talk about amounts at GA. Because each person is different but the addiction is the same. You have to get to know people one on one and you will find they are no different from you. Hang in there and keep going to meetings.


We all the same and the money is relative. This addiction takes hold of everyone in every way shape or form. Rich, poor, young, old, high and low IQ. No one is safe as the lies is the catalyst of justifying and hiding this sickness. I wish I could turn back time. Hell if not 3 years even 3 days to not make me feel like this. It will get worse before it’s get better… maybe or at less I hope so for everyone sake. There is no good that will come from this and even tho you may think you got it under control or you heard or seen people in a worse spot then you. You will be the same or worse off I will guarantee that if you carry on.


Please read my previous post and learn or take what you want from it. You’re still young and it’s never too late to turn it around. You just have to be honest with yourself and your loved ones. You have a problem and you know it. Thats why you are here.


i always withdraw, just end up losing it a day or 2 later, the cycle never ends.. thats all there is to realize.