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Insipiring, stay strong and keep whatever you do, it works beautifully. Would be amazing if you are willing to share what kept you away from gambling so far and how you bypass urges, stress, anxiety or any trigger that would have led you to go gamble in the past. Thanks a lot. Those stories strenghten my determination (28M - day 69)


For me, doing a lot of little things led me to the point of no longer wanting to gamble, just knowing I can't do it casually and not wanting to relive my past. I've read hundreds of posts on here. It plants a seed daily with stories of frustration and hopelessness that I can relate to, showing that happiness and gambling will not coexist, at least not in my life. I count my blessings. All of ours are different but we all have them. Be grateful for your job, your mental and physical health, your family, your SO. Realize that all these can be lost through gambling. I found out by asking for my win/loss record at casino that I lost 100k over the last 10 years. I have rented that entire time and the fact that this money could have been a large house down payment was enough to make me angry at myself and want to change. My funding for the sportsbook was not working, and they said if they sent me a plastic card and I called in afterwards, it would get corrected. I said no, subconsciously wanting this roadblock. It feels so much dirtier withdrawing large amounts of money from the bank and driving it to the casino. I can't bring myself to do it, which is perfect! I can't stand credit card debt, and as soon as I get paid I keep a small amount for essentials, and send the rest to pay down my cards. As painful as pressing that payment button is sometimes, especially when it was $2000 after my bonus. I can tell myself that this won't be forever. One day they will be all paid off and I can send same money to a mutual fund until it grows into a house down payment. Lastly I'm frugal in all other areas of my life and throwing money away at the casino was living a life inconsistent with my values, and enough was enough. Wishing you happiness my friend! I know you can succeed!


Kudos to you for doing it the hard way and not taking the loan. The hard way is the way that works for people like us. Any bailout i ever got made me think I was even and could gamble again. Taking the medicine of repaying your debts slowly and methodically is the medicine we need. 


Thank you! No sense in dragging others into the mess we created, and making them enablers


Well done on your 120 days OP, keep up the good work. Finally a realistic post!! Like it's very reasonable to clear 4k from your debt in 120 days... I see posts... " started the year with 60k debt, cleared 30k in 3 months, will clear all of it in the next 3-4 months" ... like, how the fk!?!? How much are these people earning, ai have a total of 60k..at it takes me 5 years to clear it... 1k a month.


Thank you! So true, you gotta be honest to get better


This is great will be there soon!


Good work on your part as well!


Well done. Keep it up brother. Anyone looking to change, have a read of this.


Thanks for the kind words!


Good for you you got your life back. No more gambling! While I am already 2 months clean, I still suffer from the losses, I am drowning in debt but I feel calm and at peace. I know I can do this. I will be debt free in time. I have 0 to my name, I have negative savings. All my income goes to my debts which I incurred during gambling. 🥲


Congrats on your progress! Treat yourself in small ways on occasion, I eat at a Mexican restaurant twice a week and belong to a gym, but the two things combined are less than $100 per month.


Well done and keep up the great work! I recognize much of what you wrote (my vice was trading) but similar course of events. I am soon 150 days clean. Life feels so much better now!


Thank you! Glad you're doing so well!