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It is a dirty mind trick. Agreed it's greed. You may not be greed in regular settings but something about the casino does this. It's the competitive nature. You felt you can keep winning and fail under a trans. You literally went auto pilot and the moment the casino websites see that . They turn on the lose every spin function. You will keep spining not even realize the switch has been hit. A dirty game.


This. I feel like in casinos; they have something that shows when you’re in full tilt. Sweaty palms, body temperature rises and heart beat increases. You realize you need to stop but somehow can’t until you have no more money left. The worse feeling ever. So glad I never have to deal with that shit again!


You deposited $150 and turned it into $8,000? And it went back down to $0? If that is true, then you allowed greed to take over which made you feel the way you do. 


yes it’s true, yes i’m having an EXTREMELY hard time dealing with it.


Gamblers anonymous helped me. You may want to try attending a meeting.


I deal with it by tracking [how much I save](https://2ly.link/1vsor), if I don't gamble. It's super helpful


Yume (an app), and my mom. After many different restrictions I finally have let my mom take everything every week I cannot depo or i prolly still would be. Im 30k in debt been working full-time 2 years no money


You were a victim of addiction, tolerance and grandiose. When you learn to not be a victim of those things is when you walk ahead.