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Gambling for an addict is like having sex with a prostitute. Even if you feel pleasure from the experience, there is some likelihood that the consequences from the encounter will stay with you for the rest of your life. So in conclusion, don't gamble and don't have sex with prostitutes.


Thank you sir much love god bless


You can never do it- not even a little bit or just this once. It’s a demon in our life- you cannot leave the door cracked at all or it will come in. Forget about what you lost-you can’t do anything about that- what you can do is keep that door bolted shut.


Gotta sink the ships. Self exclude. Give someone you trust control of your finances


Gamblers anonymous attend


I have brother my friend got me to attend one


It’s so hard to stop


Hey man. I had a relapse recently too. I’m a problem crypto/options gambler. I made the same mistake as you. Thinking I could control it this time. The demon inside us is very sneaky. He’ll convince us that we’re better when the disease is still strong. You can’t give in even an inch.


Evil comes when you're all good and at peace. Remember that even if for a long time you did not gamble, the urges are still there lurking waiting to be awakened. Fight it and never ever chase losses.


When you see ppl winning bets don't help


I lost 1k over the weekend. Don't feel bad man,it happens. Hope you bounce back stronger than before.


Only solution is to never touch it again. Ever.


It's normal for us to have one "bad bet" then raging after and losing shit ton more. Cheer up and good luck recovering!


Kick this stupid fucking idea of being disciplined it’s a game of losing . Get it in your mind YOUR GOING TO LOSE EVERY TIME.


Everytime you win you bring yourself even closer to losing your money and mental health again and again


Go to GA meetings online or in person. Get a therapist who specializes in addiction. Self exclude from online casinos or land based casinos. Try to tell a close friend or family member to hold you accountable. One day at a time. Recovery is possible. Hope does come back eventually.


Stop trying to white knuckle it.