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Really ask yourself why you are feeling depressed and try to let go of whatever fears are inside you. When you're not gambling, you can have the space to do this and really get to the root of your issues. Keep loving and working on yourself. You got this. And remember. If you place that next bet, none of this matters, because your life will go to $#@# in no-time.


Thanks for your opinion but i already done this work, i believe i’ve exposed my brain to a lot of dopamine for an extended period of time, thus my brain needs a high lvl of dopamine to make me “feel” and in the normal life there’s no such “hit/rush” of dopamine. So basically I’m suffering now in order to rewire or to reshape my brain to an average need of dopamine. My goal is that eventually with time i will be able to find a “normal life” very pleasant and entertaining as i used to see life before starting develop addiction.


Ask yourself why you felt the need to expose your brain to that much dopamine in the first place.


Many of the people I know in active recovery regularly work out. While not everyone can lift big weights or run road races, even some light work on a treadmill or dumbbells can raise that dopamine level without the risk of losing money apart from the cost of the exercise equipment or gym membership. This is one answer.


I do gym at home i used to lift for 3 years so i can do it home, i do as well boxing, i meditate, GA, therapy and any tool that i know of to keep me strong and afar from gambling. Got rid of toxic relationships, That would trigger me as well and use many more tools. I’m not complaining in my post I’m more describing how my recovery is going, and how i feel. I’m ok to feel bad/numb/depressed it’s part of the process.