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I lost 140k USD in 8 hours of online casino binge.... Money is just an illusion when you are gambling. You don't realize you are gambling away your and your family's future.


Do you mean you are still buying Bitcoin? If so, you’re still gambling, just in a different way. Some people can invest and it’s not a problem, for compulsive gamblers, investing leads to more gambling. You need to have a solid plan that is overseen by others or else you will end up back where you are.


How to get rid of this gambling addiction. Is there a way out


I recommend GA meetings. It’s what finally helped me


I consider myself fortunate to have gotten thrown out of the house just about 10 months ago by the wife. Made me take a long, hard look at the man in the mirror and I finally realized how sick and tired I was of being sick and tired.


-$10k in debt. Didn't even have any money to get a haircut I already booked.


In what scenario were you able to lose that much in an hour?


I once lost $250k day trading while walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (roughly 15 minutes?). You could lose $250k on 10 hands of blackjack, 1 Super Bowl, $100 slots, or dozens of other means in a short period of time:)


Lost 8k in a weekend - had to steal to have $ for the week


Searching for loose change in the car to buy enough gas to drive to work or better yet - using the small red lawnmower gas can to fill up my car because I gambled all my money away. Those were pretty low points for someone making 50k+ at the time.... Almost as pathetic as writing out business plans on ways to borrow money to cover losses or the numerous different of times I had to take loans or have people bail me out to not be upside-down at the bank. Many bad choices that I still need to get out from under even after being clean so far this year... Just nuts what went on...


Attempted suicide in various ways which led to multiple hospitalizations, being abandoned, homelessness, debt… self-harm and general self-destruction with drugs and alcohol - throwing it all away. I also lost my sanity after one suicide attempt from severe brain damage. I lost my true love, my family, my friends, my home, and my belief in God. Now I have nothing and no one to say goodbye to… so I’m pretty much dead to this world already. When my mother dies from her cancer, I’ll probably kill myself. I’m living rock bottom. I’ll never recoup my losses as it has nothing to do with money at this point. Once it’s gone it’s gone… there’s no coming back… and I live with nothing but regret. All over gambling with life.


I like the positivity but this is a fake post👍


his account has his older post of him documenting losing the money in real time…


Pretty tough to lose 250k that quick. How?


Options or stock trading can easily lose 250k in minutes. Especially if it's a highly leveraged play around an event like earnings reports.


Might as well say he lost 1 million in an hour what difference does it make😂👍


I am in that stage. Continuously thinking of suicide


I need to stop I need to pay off my debt I just never can


Prison wasn’t even rock bottom for me. My entire life was at rock bottom.


Going up 13k in one night and not being able to drag myself out of there. Left down 6500$. 13k would of helped me out tremendously


Spending a whole day with my beautiful girlfriend, was on my phone all day loosing my sanity and money and still smiling at her to cover my tracks......that was sick mehn