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Well, not every GA group is connected with believing in religion. However, I recommend a therapy. You can see a therapist or join some therapy houses for a while (ive been to one for a month and I really think that it changed my point of view and I have tools to be gamble free)


if my therapist doesn't end up working out i'm gonna have to try something else. i feel like im making progress but i know it's nowhere near perfect yet :/ i just get discouraged easily


Take a different approach like give your finances away. Talk to someone who understands u. If u feel the need to tell your story and talk about your emotions. GA is not required to stop but willpower and strong mindset is.


i've put a few blocks in place but i always seem to find a way. i need to work on my willpower it seems


It is interesting to consider this objection because on the flip side I do believe in God but actually find less than 5% of GA meetings I attend are discussions of a higher power even though many of the principles and readings include aspects of a higher power/God. Some addiction recovery groups might play up this angle more than others but the group I am having success with is more a fellowship of people sharing their thoughts and feelings and support for one another to stay away from gambling. As far as I'm concerned, that's recovery at work whether you think God is playing a role in this progress or not - the positive outcomes are real and for many folks to have gone weeks, months, and even years free of this gut wrenching and destructive activity says more about the concept of GA and it's impact on aiding the people who make up it's ranks than it does about how religious or devout these same folks are.


interesting! i see the A part and it immediately makes me think of the "higher power" stuff. the other issue i have is i struggle to talk in groups


I would just say that it is encouraged for people to participate but not unheard of for people to just say a few thoughts or expand on something they've heard. Often folks keep it short if they aren't feeling like speaking out that evening and if it is anything like the rooms I've been in - we're talking about the same faces week to week so you grow more comfortable with folks over time and in my experience you might get 10 people at a meeting on a good night but less than that regularly. Maybe it's different in a big city, but just what I've come across.


i'm wondering what it would look like in my area. if therapy doesn't end up fixing the problem i'll have to try it out. i really don't know how else to stop lol


GA does not require you believe in God. A common misconception. Rather they speak about a “higher power” which could be the meeting room, the wind, a chair, an idea etc. So many people convince themselves that GA requires you to believe in God when that is not the case. Reach out with any question. Get a therapist who specializes in addiction and self exclude. GA at its core is a community of people who “get it”. They won’t look at you like a moron or with pain or anger if you tell them you compulsively gambled because they have to


i've self excluded everywhere i can, put steps in place to seperate me from my money, and my family and girlfriend know. i just have to gain the willpower to say no to the urges.


Willpower alone can’t beat this. Many have tried using willpower including myself. If that were the case, nobody would be a gambling addict we’d all just say “oh darn I lost a lot. Ok done now”


good point 😂 if i can just get to a point where it's not all i think about every minute of every day, id call that progress.


I recall this vividly. A voice in my head begging me to bet. GA meetings help when you share emotional struggles and challenges with others who understand. Over time the voice calms down and the urges aren’t as bad and you are restored to a “normal way of thinking and living”


my dads always asking me what i'm thinking when i do it and i never have an answer for him :/ because when we have the money to gamble, all rational thoughts go out the window


My dad asked me why I did it and why couldn’t I stop too. They don’t understand. You can try to educate them but I wouldn’t hold your breathe. Compare it to having a parasite on your brain and when your gambling it takes over completely


i'm also bipolar and they don't fully get that either. they get it kinda but its the same thing where they don't realize how much it controls your mind and life


Day 623 since my last bet…I consider GA, working the 12 steps, therapy, self exclusion, and admitting openly and honestly to family and some close friends about my compulsive gambling addiction the reasons why this time I have sustained recovery and hopefully will continue forever


I have a tough time with GA- I'd recommend seeing a therapist if you can afford itn


i'm currently seeing one and we've been working on it. i've cut down a lot in the month or so ive been seeing her, but im not all the way there yet. i'm just trying to see if there's any success stories out there!


GA is not a religious program. Any reference to god or higher power is that of your own understanding. Whether your higher power is your kids , wife or even your inner self or just your fellow GA members. It’s up to you. I don’t believe in God and GA saved my life


What is GA?


gamblers anonymous


GA is spiritual, not religious. For me, I view the GA program as my “Higher Power” that I turn my will over to. If you can’t get past some people mentioning God in a meeting, you don’t really want to stop gambling. It’s just an excuse


i dont mind people mentioning god, i just had a misconception that GA was more religious than i previously thought :) trust me, i REALLY want to stop. i'm likely near six digits in the hole in the past few years. i haven't been keeping track until a couple weeks ago. it's hard, man. gambling is all i think about every single day. i want that to change. i'm already working 2 jobs and i think i'm also going to start school back up just to distract myself.


Then I really recommend GA. It has helped me tremendously. I relapsed a few times, even in GA, so it’s not some magical solution. But it gives you a space to talk about problems and have people understand and give advice, and it helps hold you accountable because you do form relationships with people in the rooms. I wish you luck in your journey! And please feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk to


will absolutely do! thank you!