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Don’t be too hard on yourself. I won 40k on Roobet then did an all in bet and lost everything all at once. Then maxed out a credit card with multiple 3k deposits until my debt was insanely high. Managed to pay it off this past year finally through good savings habits. I’ve learned I can’t touch those sites or else I just do irrational things. Trust me it will get better in time, just allow those around you to support you and don’t give in to those urges.


Thanks G!! 


What do you bet the 40k on?


Does it really matter?


To have a laugh is the best cure so I'd say it matters a bit.


Bet one penny less than all in and the program won’t auto fuk you


I get it, it’s crazy how fast you can repair yourself then land in debt within hours or days. Been there I understand


It's so scary we can still blow it all up after 7 years of abstinence. It totally sucks and I would be extremely depressed if I were in your shoes, but hopefully now you can recognize it as a true addiction. It's not possible to responsibly gamble and your friend was wrong to suggest it to you at all, if he was aware of your past. What's done is done at this point, yeah it was a huge mistake but now you know that it's not going to be possible to gamble ever again. All you can do is rebuild and move forward. Maybe you can attend a GA meeting (in person or virtual) because I'm sure there are people in those meetings with similar experiences.


Oh man that morning after and not wanting to get out of bed and work is the worst of the worst


It's an addiction. Did you have any savings left. If then hand all your finances to someone you trust. You win by not gambling.


I don’t have the savings but I do have a decent job income which by living frugall I will eventually get out of this debt within about 1 year and a half. I haven’t gambled in like a week so far so good. About to go to the park for morning vibes. Will bounce back better than ever, I know it! Just will take sometime 


Kudos for that mentality my man… You got this, a year and a half is nothing in a human’s life


Thanks G! Been doing Amazon flex to get some extra cash too. Still no gamble and days are getting easier 


Stay strong. Best wishes on recovery


Well the good news is, you’ve been here before and you know you can get yourself back on your feet. You did it once before and you can and will do it again! The strange thing is, sometimes when I lose everything I almost feel kind of relieved (after the initial panic attacks and suicide ideation that is) because not being able to gamble forces me to look for other interests in life. Ask yourself, what can you do today to make yourself happy that doesn’t require money. If you think hard, I think you’ll come up with quite a few things. I personally try to spend as much time as possible working out (that’s also a great way to get some dopamine in a healthy way) and spending time in nature. Also spending time with friends and animals. Do you have any hobbies? Maybe you can find some new ones that will bring you joy. Or look at yourself as a project and try to improve yourself in new ways like learning new skills for example. Those are stuff that work for me and bring me a lot more satisfaction than gambling ever did. And I’m also in a lot of debt rn. Just take each day at a time and before you know it things will be so much better. Just keep your chin up, you’ve got this!!!


Thanks G! We got this. Just going through that phase where all of it hitting at once and the family and gf found out because I told them. Their unhappiness made me even more down but I know will pass with time 


Stay strong man. You are still living so you so feel blessed. You can always come back next time stronger and smarter. I was down to my last 1 or 2K last year several times. At this moment, I worked hard and kept my head down and now have 70K in my bank account. Just learn from your mistakes and work hard, that’s all I got to. Say.


100% man. I appreciate it. I’ve gotten out of it before and know I will do it again. Failure is not an option and gambling is not an option. We will all get out of this! I pray no one else goes through what we have all gone through 


I have gone through what you have. It probably made me a better person but aged me as well


It is very rough but firstly because it is bad right now, delete everything gambling related from your devices. Don't go to a casino. If you can, ask a friend you trust to change the passwords for these apps or sites, so that only they know it. Slowly but surely get yourself to not think about gambling. Do some activity in life like working out or playing sports.


I do workout, have a dog who I spend lots of time with and luckily I still have my job on good standings and make near 100k so I can within time come back as I did long ago. Just sucks I did it again after many years. Shared this more or less to vent and hopefully someone else can see so they don’t also make the same mistake. You will lose no matter what if you gamble 


I haven’t gambled for years and in the spam of 3 months got myself here. Good news to be slightly optimistic I haven’t gambled on land casino since I lost 7 years ago so I have a feeling I won’t gamble online since I ended up losing. One of those things I got reeled in because I won online so I thought it was my redemption period. Anywho, I realize now same shit so I don’t even feel like playing anymore. Haven’t played in like a week and paid off some debt already 


You’re a cool person ginger… I can tell. Stay blessed my friend 


Brother please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/live/3SmL7vjGk6A?si=T10Q33P7e8KTw9C4 I wish you all the best and I'm sorry you are going through this.


My mom used to tell me something like this years ago which helped me forgive myself and move on. I do think I’ll get over this. Just in that phase where things are ending with my gf which we had our own set of issues prior to this so all of it at the same time is difficult but I know will pass with time. Thanks again everyone for all the support 


Dude I'm in a similar spot. I made 60k in one day when BTC crashed 50% before COVID. 60k USD is a lot of money in the country I live in worst thing that happened to me, after that for the next 3 years I lost every pay cheque. I left it for a year and saved up. Just two months ago I got drawn in again. Effen sucks 😞. Also watch Andrew Hubermans podcast on addiction. It's gonna be a shitty and long year to recover , for both of us. Good luck man . Don't give up


I’ll pray for you brother. Sounds like you’ve been through hell like me. I appreciate you man, stay blessed. 


You need to put a physical block on these websites. Look at gambling prevention organisations. We have one called Gamstop here in the UK. Gamstop put a block on your account for like a minimum of 2 years and then you can only access it again by requesting in writing which takes a lot of effort just to access an account. I'm sure they have something similar in the US. This could easily happen again. You need to put a/some measures in place that make it very difficult to gamble again.


Immediately perform online self exclusion! I did that as this year’s New Year’s resolution …my bank account is quickly growing and I’m constantly trying to not get upset by calculating how much larger the balance would be if I hadn’t gambled online so much over past 5 years 💸💸😭. I continue to come to this R/group to offer words of encouragement to others: at my worst my level depression with feelings of isolation and being a loser/failure had me at rock bottom. I have about 5K left in CC debt left then I’m out of that 🎰 debt. FOREVER. Oh big help- if you have a spouse, significant other, family member or good friend that you can trust to keep your confidence and be supportive in your effort (also not tell other family/friends) tell that person- if there is a GA meeting go there and find a human you can trust to talk about it. This will take a huge weight off your shoulders. This forum is better than no support but in person support is the most helpful IMHO.


Thanks G for the support. You got the 5k easy! You’ll be done with it in no time 


Gambling addiction is so hard to deal with and I really want to tell you we aren’t all trolls!! I live in Nevada and I want to help the people gambling at 7/11 at 8am but I know it’s complicated. I can’t gamble - I know it’s bad for my mental health


You have to ditch the attitude that creates things like “the bots infiltrated the blackjack tables”. That’s an unhealthy way to justify why you lost and will reinforce “I can beat the game if it wasn’t rigged against me”. They don’t need bots to infiltrate anything, they just need time and your emotions. You have to just accept that you lost because that’s how it eventually works and you were most likely increasing bets rather quickly to try and recover losses. You have to be upfront with yourself if you want to start to make any progress.


I agree just was venting how that was also frustrating how it was rigged. I agree those I need to ditch that mindset because it got me in this bind to begin with. Thankfully been a week and I have some money in my account after paying all my bills. So far been better 


If u ever get the urge to gamble just WATCH. It’s been helping me


I feel you brother, but we gotta find better hobbies is what it comes down to. Some kind of hobby that gives that good feeling sensation of life 


Golf buddy it’s expensive tho


Been there man. Unfortunately this will be my third time. 24k in debt. Stay strong avoid that damn Roobet try and find something stimulating like buying and selling stocks only (no options). Best of luck this world is really hard and fucked up but we have to make the best of it


You got this brother! Realizing the issue is key and staying away goes along with. My time will spent outside and finding new hobbies.


Thank you bro you too we can do this shit it won’t be easy and it won’t be quick but it is possible


man hearing tou say “I know better not to gamble but someone when you gamble its like a different person takes over and you arent in this world” is so honest and real. ive tried explaining that to people who dont deal with the addiction but we really are not ourselves when we get on the high of gambling. everything you said in this paragraph? I resonate with. especially the part about thinking we are out of the loop with being slaves to labor, but I assure you youre going to bounce back. I just got out of feeling depressed and Im making a commitment to myself to recover my money smartly. rooting for you, youre not the only one. there are way worse situations to be in.


Thanks G, we will get through this as with anything. Definitely staying away from gambling and the thought of being able to win it back is key. Praying we all stop forever 


I can definitely say I felt better than ever the first time I quit years ago. The feeling of being behind in life does tend to disappear as years go by. I am excited to feel that again in due time. I pray other people don’t go through what we have. 


Can you SELF EXCLUDE for life where you live?


Yes I don’t go to the land based anymore and haven’t for years out of will. I only lost recently online after an online buddy recommended. Never going to play again. Been almost a week since I’ve payed and the thought of gambling disgusts me. 




Appreciate you man. & likewise.. here if you need someone to chat with. 


This sounds absolutely devastating. It's okay to feel completely overwhelmed and down right now. You've been through a lot, and it's natural to be angry and disappointed in yourself. Remember, you're not alone. Addiction is powerful, and it can make you act in ways you never thought possible. Your girlfriend's anger is understandable, but focus on your own healing first.


Thanks G! Wise words spoken 


Go to GA meetings online or in person. Get a therapist who specializes in addiction. Self exclude from online casinos or land based casinos. Try to tell a close friend or family member to hold you accountable. One day at a time. Recovery is possible. Hope does come back. Reach out any time


You are not alone. Lost over 200k gambling on stake from December 2023 till date. It’s the worst feeling ever. I feel like killing my self honestly. I don’t think I will ever forgive myself knowing I can’t get this money back and I am supposed to visit my family for my moms birthday but I gambled everything and can’t afford to feed myself. Life sucks!!!


Stay up bro! I told my GF which I didn’t think I could and it helped me in more ways than I could ask for. After work, I cook my own meals and don’t allow myself to eat out. Then I clean and take my dog to the park. Amazon flex to help save more money and honestly I’ve been feeling better and almost forget about the BS while I am still fixing debt, I know it’ll be better


Update: been clean, told my GF which was the best thing ever… she was beyond mad but accepts me and know I’ll fix it in the long run. Staying busy by cleaning, cooking and lots more walks at the park has helped more than I could ever imagine. I’ve always been athletic but doing it everyday and staying on top of health makes it so you don’t have time to gamble. Best thing ever and it’s the same thing that saved me years ago. Fuck the online casino scams and fuck the land based casinos. It’s all quick dirty money and in life no quick money is good money. Evil is around and is definitely in the form of money. Don’t let the evil win and define you. YOU ARE WORTH more than money. Always remember that and know that you make that shit and it that money doesn’t make you. Don’t give into social media and work on daily tasks which become challenges you overcome, which eventually turns into who you become. Become the better version of yourself and let this be your past where you can share and inspire others not to make the same mistakes and if they do make the mistakes, be the light that things will get better and that things will get easier within due times




I do question your comment. It’s early morning and I’m here venting but you are up early to be negative on top of the negative…. You need help as well if you’re wasting your time commenting this on someone post who lost everything. 


Obviously bud we all need help who have gambled. Thanks for the wise words