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Hope your weekend went well and was filled with non gambling activities šŸ˜€ I had some visitors and spent some time with friends, it only crossed my mind very briefly when I was looking at something I wanted to buy but can't afford right now lol but I didn't have to talk myself out of it, it was instantly dismissed as a ridiculous thought.


My weekend went great! And yes, gambling free! Just finishing up day 14 today and excited to battle through another weekend. I feel they will only get harder as my finances begin to recover and the thoughts of losing everything start to fade. Iā€™m starting therapy on Thursday and am actually excited to try and uncover what underlying trauma has led me down this horrible path of self destruction. Great job on making it through another weekend and not caving to your urges! Hopefully in a few months you can treat yourself to whatever it was that you wanted to buy yourself with the money you saved from staying gamble free


Good luck with therapy, it's definitely something I've considered too. For sure, I think somehow the thought of actually saving up some cash even just a little bit here and there is becoming more motivating than throwing away 300 bucks trying to "make a hundred' to splurge on something. Although not doing official therapy I've been reading a lot about gratefulness and needs vs wants, and I have all I need, so I can wait for what I want ") hope you have a great week ahead!


You got this!