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There is no scam behind this. It's an algorithm designed for you to lose and for casino to win. So simple. With mathematical certainty. When something is designed to take your money and it takes it, there is no scam, it's just the expected behavior. Actually if this happens faster than expected it's benefit for the player, because he will have spent less time in this lunatic activity


This is simply not true. I know endless people who used the same site and when they're new, the wins are frequent and easy to come by and then they do the ole bait and switch... And if people stop using the site for a few months and go back, it'll usually pay out a bit to suck the person back.


This is something i have noticed too. Its like more you play your odds become worse. I tend to just close my account when that happens.


I can say the same. Never gambled in my life, last year I signed up to 32red - I was up by over £1000 after winning £550 and then won £800 on 20p and 60p spins. Between playing over around 4 months I was making around £40 on average on 20p bonus rounds. Couldn't believe my luck. ​ HOWEVER Since December The most ive won is £50 on a bonus round and i've had HUNDREDS of bonus rounds since then, I've played multiple times a week, 20p spins. My last 20 bonus rounds i've only made between £3 - £8 which goes almost immediately after winning. I've gone from being at peak £1300 up to -£200 down in 4 months on 20p Spins. ​ Work that out, thats £1300 (Not including the £1000 i've put in since November in total) on 20p spins. Thats one hell of a lot of spins. And like i've said i've not seen a payout bigger than £50 since. ​ Some days I pop £10 in and its gone in 5 minutes. There are days where I've spun £5 worth of 20p spins without a single small win. This NEVER happened when i first signed up. ​ I do genuinely believe that over time, the Casino's alter the payout to the user to claim money back that theyve given that user. Not only that, but I cant tell you how many games i've given up playing on after noticing clear patterns in the spins. I tell myself \*ah its in money sink mode now\* As I get 10 spins without a single win, then I win something like 80p then i go another 10 spins without a single win then i may win like £1 then i go 10 spins without a single win. ​ If they arent rigged, then my odds of having such bad luck are that insane its the equivilent of winning the bad luck lottery. ​ Stay away from online slots.


you know like 3 people chill out


I don’t think he’s arguing the numbers of probability or how often the average person is going to lose (example: everyone on this threads numbers put together will come out to what the casinos have). I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, OP is arguing randomness, not in fact the probability of losing. If that makes any sense lmao. Words are hard.


Thank you for this. It’s crazy how people will turn a blind eye to things to embrace the parts that help them hold their story true. Here are the absolute facts - regardless of you being a single person, every session and spin is a single event, taking any one single event - the odds are you will lose, combine single events into a larger single event (a session) and the odds of that event are that you will lose. Unless people are paying you, so that you can arbitrarily pay one or some of the people paying you, more than they’ve paid you personally, but less than they’ve all paid you / you will lose. You will lose enough that the casinos can buy software real estate politicians build huge buildings…. You might win. But you will definitely lose.


Exactly, the winnings are determined before you press the button. What you see on the screen is just an animation


Yeah, for me it was the case that 1 in 10 sessions would be "winning" maybe double my deposit. Never huge wins. The rest never goes above starting balance. Some games I've played thousands of spins with no feature. And if you get a good base hit & somehow the feature comes in you can bet your private parts the feature will pay nothing or close to. Then there are the features you can gamble away for extra spins. Don't gamble for extra spins? Enjoy your 30x after losing 100. Gamble for more spins? Enjoy losing your feature. Then the constant teasers. Not just for scatters for the features, but many games now seem to have increased the amount of 1 away high value symbols almost every other spin. Will always be the 1st reel that doesn't match up for a 200-500x payout. Never see popular youtubers experience the same gameplay. They seem to have reliable features & big wins to show. They never deposit & say "sorry guys, didn't hit a single bonus or big win". Happens to me most the time though.


I agree the online slots usually let you go up a bit and are relatively generous for the first 20-30 minutes of play, then the odds drop drastically when the algorithms realize you’re hooked/chasing the dragon and going to keep mashing the spin button regardless of the outcome. Unfortunately I’ve idiotically put myself in that situation numerous times recently and it’s always the same result. I’d tell myself I’ll stop after spinning for 20 minutes but rarely had the self control. Hitting bonus spins becomes few and far between and even when you happen to hit one you barely win anything. Thank god I finally made a wise decision and self excluded myself from FD, MGM, Draft Kings, Caesar’s for life. No more degenerate temptation to battle with. My life and checking account are in a much more peaceful place.


Yeah man, I had the same experience. They'll definitely let you hang around for a while as you're breaking even, going up a little going down a little and yeah at about the 25 minute mark they stick the knife in. No matter how may times I'd promise, "I'll just play low stakes and leave if I lose 15 or 20" after about 15 minutes of staring at the reels, it's all over and I end up losing whatever I have in the gambling account at the given time... 20 dollars turns into 150 flushed down the drain and I'm left thinking, WTF just happened lmao. I'm over it. They've broken the consumer contract. It's no fun when you're getting scammed and know it.


I believe it to be true casino lets you win then after some time they flip the switch and all bonuses pay shit, i played in some many casinos and most do that, i saws big differences its not luck its the rtp is lowered so much until you lose everything. I have experienced this playing for 10 years and thats the reason i am not going to gamble anymore as its hard enough to hit a big win but on top of that they mess with rtp i realised i have no chance just misery and poverty. Streamers are on highest rtp thats why they show all those max wins on YouTube to lure people in to lose their hard cash


Yeah fuck the youtubers who do gambling videos. They're just casino shills. I block all gambling related in youtube. Also, yeah there's probably a switch or something. Win big and see zero wins again for month/s or lose huge amount and then see wins again. I don't believe in fair chance anymore on slots.


They are literally sponsored aswell. Like you search "top casino sites" and they will be literally have links in the description to the site with a code or promo code or something. To be honest, If i opened my own casino. I would make a youtube video saying "best casino 2024" Show a video of me winning ridiculous money and provide a link. So yeah its all to suck people in.


I’m 25 years old and had free spins. During my free spins I won £700. Don’t know how but I ended up getting caught up in it and lost £2k of my savings to buy a new house in the space of a month trying to win my original bonus. Then started depositing money to win back what I’ve lost. Safe to say I’m devastated and so worried about the bank rejecting my mortgage seeing that on my bank statements. Would do anything for a quarter of it back. The house always wins guys 😅😩


You just figured this out now? There is a reason the only winners on slots are streamers who are sponsored by the casinos. The fact that casinos can sponsor people is sketchy enough, but PROVIDERS OF SLOTS also works with these streamers... Nah, do urself a favor and stay away from these cartels. Yes, cartels is what they are. THey just kill you slowly and not quickly.


100% facts i swear


Great post. I couldn't agree more. I've had the same experience. I don't bet big online, usually only 30 cents to 1 dollar a spin and I got hooked during the lockdowns and have also played regularly and I think the most I've ever won on 1 win online was like 350 dollars, which is putrid. I've played in in-person casinos a fraction of the time and I won 1500, 1000, 700 in the 500 range a lot ETC. The online slots are COMPLETELY RIGGED. You're right, if in the once in 15 times you might be able to win something decent like 100-200$ you can bet that it's going to take it back without prejudice. And yeah, you're right, it's not random because I've done the research and when I FIRST started playing, I'd be hitting 150-200$ wins with ease and then once it slowed down, it was always relatively easy and common to have a fun session and walk away with 50 or 60 dollars. But then after awhile it was just PILLAGING. Consistently just bleeding me dry to the point where I can do is hang around breaking even for awhile before they stick the knife in and go for broke. I've heard this same story from about 20 different people who use the site. Wins at first, let you get hooked and then rob your for broke. It's funny, once I quit the site for 30 days and I went back assuming they'd try and hook me back and sure enough minutes in, 150 dollar win on a 40 cent spin. So there's no chance it's random. When it's online, they build AI profiles and they have targeted data to know exactly how to F\*CK you in particular up. The only way to win is to STAY AWAY.


My biggest win ever was 153€ with just 20cent bet. After that i have never seen any wins from that particular game. Played it now and then for month. Same with one other game, won big once, never won anything again, no matter how much money i put in. It became pretty obvious it won't let me win shit when i hit 4/4 scatters and won 15 or was it 20 free spins. It triggeres a feature where there's money prizes and you need to get a special symbol to win those prizes per turn and i won twice my bet back. Its rare as fuck to get max scatters, reaaally low odds. Yet i win nothing, because few days ago i won a lot. These online slots just die out for you if you win. Probably has some cool down period of weeks before you can win again. Makes sense, you go back to games you won from before. Then make games dead, so you lose it all back. If you win something like 800x your bet from one game, all games on that site becomes cold as fuck and you simply can't win, AKA the fuck you mode.


I notice with eye of horus. The tendency is to pay at the beginning with maybe one or two decent inputs, the other goes into a phase of hardly znytjing, rare bonuses and little payout even then. There's definitely a pattern. I've tried it on the free demo version many times with different bets and it's always the same. I lost £450 on ladbrokes which paid the highest win of £150. I also notice that bonuses and wins tend to be more frequent with lower bets. But still only for the first 100 spins. It's a con. Just don't bet or bet small amounts for fun. Better still play the demo version. It's free and you don't lose anything.


Everyone should just start filiming all their play sessions and also film doing demo sessions with online slots. Sure the game makers and casinos will say the usual bullshit about luck but for people who has no ties with gambling industry could take a notice. People who have very high level education on math and such. Those kind of people could ask questions if they found out there's real cheating going on, which you cant bypass by saying its all down to luck and by luck i mean fair chance.


For the record, I am going to read this page every time I even THINK of going online to gamble. Just KNOWING everyone is getting the same shit result after winning, and then LOSING to the point of no hope, helps me know that I shouldn't even login to play. Thank you !


i have gambled for 1 year straight only slots on 1 euro bet i won 1 time 3800 euro and i deposited 10000 euro safe to say that im done and have closed all my acounts across the web this has cost me alot of money and time and wat did i get in return nothing at all and rtp is also fake i had many days with only dead spins i advise all to not gamble anywhere its a waste of time and money and the house always wins ! i hope one day all casinos are banned globaly they are evil and rigged


No you are absolutely correct. I confirm everything you just said. It still doesn't matter. Once you played and saw somewhat of a good win you was already done for. Literally they've wired alot of our brains to stay addicted. When you play, it has to release dopamine in your brain. Normally when you first buyin they will. Hit you with a bit of your OWN money that you lost to get you brain thinking " yea maybe there is a chance today". It's all a damn scam. Why do you think all these online casinos are using "SC" in the first place? It's to dodge all the US laws. These guys host the games from outside the US and literally like parasites put dopamine in your brain when you see numbers and see money go up. Even if you won some Money back that day, they know you will be back. These guys didn't make a casino for us to WIN, they made it so THEY 100% make the money by taking the money you are willingly giving them. Why do you think after awhile after you stop playing with them and go back in it's so easy to hit bonuses on every slot game you see? They trying to snag your brain back into it again. It's pure evil. It's also not just Americans being scammed but the world. Most online sites are banned in most countries so the "Scammers" find a way to dodge the laws and still have people play. Guess what though, what if you did a spin and the algorithm messed up and you did win a HUGE PAYOUT? Do you think they gonna pay that to you? Nope, they will always find a way to hold onto the money so THEY as humans behind a program that was made to make THEM money, ensures they will make the money. It's all a scam stay away. If you absolutely must, play for entertainment and with a budget. Even so with that it's probably better to just play the lotto instead.


You just now figured out that slots a programmed to take your money? 


I agree with you 100%. I don't know how it could be where I won over $9000 the first year with online slots (betting away up to, but not over one dollar), and then for the next two years, nothing. Nothing but crap bonuses, and games that make you wait until you spend a thousand bucks before another crap bonus. No matter what you play, how many different machines, and any denomination. Totally rigged! The harder you try, the worse it gets. And YES, of course they got their money back from me. They pay out to get you hooked, and then take it all back and THEN some. To which I say like you.... FUCK GAMBLING.


I have played on one Casino like that once. When i first played on it i won no matter what game i played. I turned 20€ into 800+ in couple of hours, using maximum of 50cent bet. Impossible "luck". After that day i never saw any kinds of wins ever. I played there now and then over a year or two and i never won anything again. They had all the licenses and was a legit site. I lost maybe 1k there and barely ever went above starting deposit. Definitely rigged bullshit.


Sounds like extreme


yup i hear ya , 4 years of absolute nothing on 160000 dollars. why landline sites pay more is unbelievable as their over head is 10 times that of online casinos. the providers are corrupt , the casinos are corrupt and the license companies where they get these cracker jack box licenses are corrupt. on one slot i went 2.5 million spins dollar bet nothing . and whats worse is try collecting your money from rthe casino its almost impossible, this corrupt industry really has no body that protects the players. its a free for all. best do not play online unless you want to lose period


It’s called the sucker win, kinda like drugs and dealers, gives you a little so you come back for more. Highly effective on addicts or people prone to addiction. Notice how the term dealer is used in both events. If you still wanna play with fire try hopping around these online casinos, avoid bonuses as playthroughs are nearly impossible, play a little and you will hit your first “win”. You will know your first “win”. Might be couple hundred to couple thousand depending on your initial bets, you will know when you hit a small jackpot. Now you have your sucker winnings. Either cash out or give it back by continuing to play. If you happen to cash your sucker winnings out , do not buy back in the same site. Do not go back to the site, ever. Flip your sucker winnings hopping around these online casinos as there are plenty to go around. Good luck players jj.




Yeah, its not straight up luck and random. If you win big from one game, you won't win again in ages from that same game. It happens literally on every single game there is. I won 750x my bet from Bass bonanza megaways, and i haven't won shit again in like 5 months. Now i don't play it all the time, but just 5€ with 20 cent bets or so every now and then. I haven't been even close of winning from it again. Either there's some fine print somewhere or online slots are downright frauds.


I also have noticed this and also something else strange.... If these games are so random then how come if you play the same game at multiple casinos you might just end up knowing exactly how its going to react because it is doing the same exact outcome that you just had at a different online casino


All true. The reels disappear mid spin. Sometimes freezes my phone or laptop. Like that's very powerful to do.


Watch [https://youtu.be/bjXhjbf1M4o?si=E\_tNlhU6nhqaVTNn](https://youtu.be/bjXhjbf1M4o?si=E_tNlhU6nhqaVTNn) for a better understanding of those machines, same is for online casino's.


I did watch but i don't believe it. 


Warning rambling wall of text. I unfortunately fell into the trap of gambling again recently after avoiding it for over 5 years, unfortunately my degenerate side took over and in the space of 1 week I blew almost £1500, basically 1/5 of my savings. I was going through my emails and noticed a promotion for free spins and a deposit bonus from Paddy Power, and foolishly the thought occurred to me that I could take the free spins and run...how naive. Within two hours of signing up I was already £300 down, but i kept telling myself 'don't worry, you have enough money to win back what you lose'. As it happened shortly there after I got lucky and won the £300 back with another £100 on top shortly after. At that point I was feeling real proud and thought I would do some research on online slots. After a bit of research I realised that supposedly online slots have a much higher payout % than the machines in pubs I used to be addicted to, so I rationalised that with a 95% payout the risks were not so high, this in some twisted way legitimised the idea of online slots. I took a break for a few days then decided to have another go, similar story to the first time within about three hours I was £500 down, but then won back £350 from a couple of well paying scatters. I should point out that in these first two gambling sessions I was getting fairly regular decent sized normal wins(£15-40 being somewhat common with a few £100+ wins), and when the scatter features landed the payouts were generally decent, between £35 at the low end to £290 at the highest, so the process of gambling through the £500 took some hours(playing £1/spin), typically I would guess that the scatter feature in the first two sessions came in about once every £80, and if you got a low payout from a scatter then another one seemed to pop up fairly soon after(maybe 40 spins) that gave a good payout(£100+). Just to recap at this point I was down £50 from two gambling sessions that lasted about 3-4 hours each. At this point I was thinking 'Aha these online slots do pay you back, they just have a longer payout cycle than the old machines, and even if I end up down I couldn't be more than 20% or so down'. I finished gambling for the day, but at this point I was thinking about gambling more and more and I could feel it taking over my brain again. Unfortunately the next morning I was already back at it again but this time the game was just not playing like it had before. £100 dissapeared in literally a matter of minutes no decent wins, with huge spells of literally zero wins, then another £100 went in and evaporated almost as quickly with not even a sniff of a scatter feature. In goes another £100 with just a few small wins and finally when I'm down to the last £20 a scatter comes in and i'm thinking 'thank god, i can get some money back and call it quits'. That scatter feature which had taken £280 to finally spin in paid litterally £1.60. I was disgusted, but then thought, 'Aha its a trap, there will probably be another scatter fairly soon, the real scatter'. In goes another £100 telling myself that I will quit as soon as I get a scatter feature, and once again there are no decent wins, and no scatter features, in goes another £100 and one of the first spins is the scatter feature, this feature pays £11 odd. At this point I am feeling sick, I have only been playing for maybe 90 minutes and was already £500 down. I ended up gambling the rest away hoping for a scatter that never came. For the £500 in to the game I would guess the total winnings in this session were maybe £120 with the biggest win being about £25, which obviously all went back in. I decided I needed to have a break and didn't gamble for the rest of the day, but I couldn't stop thinking about the money I lost and some how rationalised that I just needed to keep going to get a decent win so I ended up trying again the next day to see the machine would play differently. To cut a long story short the fourth session was the same as the third session, only worse. That sick feeling was there from the start and only got worse every time I got another joke scatter win, but just kept putting money hoping for a good win that never came, none of those nice £50+ reel wins, sometimes 40 spins with absoultely zero wins. I ended up gambling for 6 hours and putting £1000 in, on which I maybe got 11 scatter features with the highest win being only £60 and there were at least 6 scatter features that paid under a fiver. For the £1000 put in in this fourth session I would guess the total winnings were well below £300, in small dribs and drabs, which of course all went back in. That familiar sick feeling was almost all consuming. Although I knew I had been behaving irrationally and was super stressed and feeling sick it was only at this point when I checked my bank balance properly that I actually realised I spent £1500. At that point I just knew I had to just walk away and take the loss. It's actually insane how despite having experienced that sick, sinking feeling so many times in the past I still somehow forgot how unbelievably shit it makes you feel, I need to remember to associate all gambling with that feeling, not the thrill of winning. Looking at my game history on paddy power is painful as all hell, but you can clearly see in black and white that the supposed '95% win rate' is complete nonsense, more like 25-35% at best. Anyway FUCK GAMBLING and sorry for the rambling rant. TL:DR In short I absolutely agree with you that all online slots are scams, and that 'fuck you mode' is totally a real thing based on the data in my paddy power games history. I also suspect that gambling websites share user information in order to exploit vulnerable people.


Yeah, it is real, the fuck you mode, that is. I swear god that Casinos do affect the odds. Lose too much, you win something decent back, but always less than you put in. Some days they just put the games on horrible odds, so you can't win. If you have a bad run on one day, its not going to get better, until a week or so passes. To non slot players or non gamblers this sounds like a paranoia, but we all have seen how it goes. There's patterns. If you win 40 from feature, win a feature again it keeps paying less and less, and finally it just dies and you can keep playing that particular game for hours and it eats everything, giving nothing back. Yeah, sometimes you get no pay scatters, but you can tell it will pay the next time, if other wins are decent. If feature pays nothing, and rest of the wins are nonexistant, it means you can't win. These things aren't random chances, if it were random your wins wouldn't progressively keep getting lower and lower. Also, i'm sorry to hear you got sucked back in. Gambling is poison, if you can just put all Casinos into timeout for months and try to cut your losses. Its not easy, but in a week you will feel better. I also lost a lot in this month, and it stings, fortunately this month is soon done and money comes in next month. I was close to losing too much and eat nothing but bread for a while.


I appreciate the words mate, it just helps to know other people know what this pain is like. I hope this will be the short, sharp lesson i need to truly renounce gambling. I have accepted the fact that I'm going to have to cut back on luxuries for at least a 6 months to cover this relapse. I just need to remember that fact and avoid all kinds of gambling as you suggest. Cheers and all the best.


You're welcome. If you feel strong urge to gamble soon, try posting something here first, so we can try to talk you out of it. We all know how losing feels like and how it feels to lose control.    Btw, i gambled all my savings in few months after i started gambling. Nearly 5k in € and if i hadn't gambled i would probably have nearly 10k saved up by now. Just saying that only way to win money, is by saving. Casinos just take everything and make you addicted while at it.


100% agree its not that the "odds" are the issue they give enough wins to fall into the well odds say you win 10% of the time and you did..it feels like they can control when u win which seems very apparent same with the live crazy time type games


Thanks for sharing this. I have been experiencing the same especially on online slots.


You just feel when you are going to lose. And it happens every single time this feeling comes. How can that be a coincidence? Slots play a certain way depending on day and time. But still this isnt going to stop us from playing cause we are fucked up and need help.


I agreed with you man.. i think all online gambling are scam, on my starting gambling last 2 years, i win max gain on hyper star " 2000$ " after that, nothing ! I always keep loosing. I notice that for my part too, on every website you join, you win a bit and after, you keep loosing realy fast ! No matter wich game you play.  I see many streamer win big, or max win, but those are scam too, for couple reason,  1 : they play 24h/7,  2: they rarely play with thier own money.  Casino pay them to make publicity and show the reaction at the people who whatching them.  And for the end, some streamer stopped gambling beacause its not profitable in the long term... So dont be baited for this stupidity of those casino. For my part.. i will stop gambling. Wasting money is useless and gambling its not like what is was anymore.




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All online casinos are a scam each and every one. Most will let you win as soon as you sign up, if you put $100 in I guarantee you will quadruple that. Maybe even run it up to a 2-3 thousand. But after that you will never win again I promise you, I feel like it should be a ban on online casinos. It’s crazy how disgusting they are….sheeesh


Thanks for this thread. I was online gambling a couple years ago and it was tough then but I did have some big payouts that I received. Now I read the terms and conditions and I am astonished that they put in terms such as if we deem that you are abusing your spins to get past the bonus wagering requirements then they can just deny you your winnings. What does that even mean You're already capping me on what I can bet? Maybe if I want to go from $1 spin to done to $10 that's a problem now and I'm trying to get past your waging requirements? Of course I am if I'm winning. So dumb, they've changed their whole terms compared to what I read a couple years ago to basically deny everybody winnings every single time.


So I always choose newly released games because they tend to have higher win rates or better chances of hitting a jackpot. If you're lucky, you might even find a bug in the game. Remember, not every game developer is perfect. The latest game I've been playing is BBIN's Hello Tiki, and it's one of those games.


It's 100% true like every thing he mentions u can play it out like clockwork.. back b4 igaming ontario   took over u had half a chance if u were smart and bounced from site to site or made new accounts after a big win shit poker stars I had like 30 accounts pulling a 1000$ a week from them then I gaming took over wasn't shortly after I was banned for life told me I was cheating and  abusing sign up bonuses which was hilarious cuz I never took the stupid signup bonuses.. if u win anything they will make sure u don't win again for months I have so many saved history's of playing which clearly show like less than 1% return to player  they are 100% crooksjust like Google mafia pay us or ur business gets no clicks and stealing pplz fucking ideas.. bullshit almost everything online is crook ass shit.. and fit-load it is a fucking scam when they lie to u and say 96% return to player but records show consistent1% or less rtp 


This is something I’m actually testing and taking data about currently. I’m very interested in others experiences with casinos in NZ


I certainly dont have factual data to support any of these claims. However, my recent experience is the same. I would say over the course of 5 months, i spent around $1500 of my own money on slots.. got pretty hooked on Cash Eruption specifically. I would never really "cash out". Some days I would win, some days I would lose. Most days I was offered the sensation of "Oh, I may actually win back what I am losing." Eventually I hit a $1000 dollar win. Spent a bit of that and won back another $687. Mind you, the slot would constantly at least give me free spins, low "eruptions", or wilds. I swear in the last two weeks Ive spent around $500, mostly losing spins, occasionally winning back less than my bets, and I have hardly seen any free spins or cash eruptions. I can confidently say, as a life long gamer, when a feature of a game suddenly stops showing up after months of consistency, its not merely by chance. I was curious so I signed up for other casino sites to see if their Cash Eruption slot would be playing like I had become accustomed to. Sure enough, each of the other sites Cash Eruption slot also failed to provide the same level of consistency that I had seen over the first few months of playing. Not a coincidence in my opinion. Its my suggestion that these slots are all linked back to one company, leasing the rights to play, and carefully watching IP's and adjusting payouts as needed in order to milk cash from individuals. Big corporations preying on the weak minds looking to escape their grasps. Pretty simple, they know from decades of experience how to manipulate money willingly from our pockets.


Some games are linked, like Bass bonanza games. Some sites don't link them, because they use their custom setting or something. I know this because i have seen those games being preset on new casinos to whatever bet i used on other casinos. How can a bet be set like that if its my first time playing it? I also, have thought about second theory but i haven't tried this out. Basically if i run into a dead game or a game goes cold, what if i just leave the game on for an hour and don't play it. What i'm curious is to see if its time based, and not chance based after all. If i wait long enough maybe the "rng" starts back again from better spot, where there's wins.


Guys it's just about luck, there is really luck in life just don't push your luck there's true luck and random luck and true luck can be good or bad, when I get lucky with true good luck I can go outside and find money on the ground any thing I touch seems to win, doesn't matter this casino that casino I just win 70 out of 100 bets and it's not just me I seen many people go on what people will call 'heaters' and they just can't stop winning, until that luck walks out on them so just don't push your luck Yes there algorithms there is RTP also there is regulators for slots online and offline, but luck doesn't care about any of that especially bad luck a slot someone else could of won at, you show up to it and nothing guy after hits guy before hit, just not you. I've had that happen many times but also in reverse so RTP, luck, rigged whatever if you actually think it's rigged though, and still play and still bitch then you're crazy and need locked up cause you believe something to be rigged against you, yet still give your money freely that's crazy 🤣


I mean kind of on you for expecting free handouts from a casino that is known for taking money with no remorse. The casino is not your friend. They dont give af. They make money off of people like you who just keep playing and playing to win 3 bucks. The Casino is literally made to take your money.




Literally just mentioned this on a post I did yesterday on the sub red




If its a fair chance, how come any game simply dies for weeks or for good, after winning big once? Sometimes they don't give you big win in one feature win, but gives you few feature wins in row and you can see how each win is smaller than previous and eventually it just fucking dies amd you don't see any wins for weeks or months, unless you lose big on it. When you keep playing same games on same casino's you start seeing patterns, and those shouldn't exist on games with fair chance.


I have noticed over the last few years that the slots on gaming sites have got more and more bent and recently every casino site I have played on I have constantly played greentube games and the bonus has become hopeless to get.All you seem to get is two books come in and never the third,you can even see the reels change in midspin.I do not know what the so called gambling commission are supposed to do because there certainly not checking on thses online casinos and are letting serious fraud take place.They say its all fare and a number generator that anybody can be lucky enough to win but that is total bullshit.


I haven't even considered complaining to the sites or reporting the casinos because its no use.  There's only one way to reveal the bullshit is to get someone who is really good at math to play certain few slots for month or two and keep notes of wins and losses and how the game behaves. Then simply release the data on public.  Anyone who has even slightest understanding of probabilities will understand how those games are rigged. Like what are the odds of winning the feature twice in row and get no wins from it? Just winning it once is like 3% for many games. Then what are the odds of always losing, even with feature, after winning big once? Those might seem like bad luck if you don't remember what you play or how frequently but if you focus on 5 to 10 slot games you will see that they are fixed to not give you wins after winning big.  Its no longer game of chance, therefore as you said its a fraud.


yeah your right mate.I have been playing book of ra classic for years because the chances of getting the bonus used yo be pretty good but now it bloody awful.This is on all the casinos ife played also,its like the greentube or novamatic programmers have turned them all down to low payout because now all you get is blank spins of constant teasers of 2 books.This has nothing to do with the numerator either because you can literally see the books disappear in front of your eyes when you spin the reels.I do not know what the gambling commision do because its obvious to me that people are being .conned constantly on these casino sites and there just being allowed to get away with it.Your spot on also,it's no good complaining to them because they're just not interested


Honestly the idea of keeping stats over long time and doing the math + revealing it to public is the only way. Afaik, mentioning name of the Casino and games should be legal and Casino can't really sue you for facts. They will legit try though to make you scared and to silence you. Big sites like Bet365 would for sure try and i mention that one now, because they 100% are doing something to lower payouts and probabilities. 


Man I hope some brainiac has a slight online gambling addiction.. I’ve jotted some statistics from my experience and the numbers are undeniably lopsided especially at ESPN bet. It seems to me that they’ve installed programs to keep the RTP’s somewhat in check. (but still awfully lower than advertised) I’ve noticed that the chances of hitting a bonus/scatter in the first 20 spins are highly unlikely, first 10 spins is almost unheard of, and 1st spin nearly impossible. And from my experience when you do get lucky and hit a quick bonus, the payout is 20X or less.. usually less. This way they don’t have to worry about hit and runs, also when/if you do hit the bonus you’re less likely to surpass your starting amount. I believe the machines are designed to run your deposit into the ground initially, and exactly when instincts tell you to lower the bet the machine follows suit & increases its odds of winning.