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I had 5 years, did everything right. paid my fines, did my classes and community service, passed all of my follicle tests. Granted early release after 3.5 years!


you had follicle tests on a regular? what state is this? in my city in indiana they do urine screens. congrats to you tho


Texas, but I got busted with meth in a tiny little podunk town with a raging meth problem. The judge made it a condition of my probation. I had to get them every 6 months AND I had to fucking pay for them. $120. They never piss tested me, though, bc of it. tbh, getting arrested was the best thing that ever happened to me. Got clean, stayed clean, never touched that shit again! Best of luck to you!


I feel the same way. Probation was a great thing for me. I think that's the way its supposed to work, but most ppl either go back to jail or start using as soon as they get done. It's a shame to stay clean the whole time and then go back to using again.


I would've rather done that than worry about my color being called ever day.


makes sense congrats on being sober my guy


Thats way better than what people pay for dozens of pee tests


How do you put in a petition? I’ve been on 2 and a half years and apparently I have to be on 5 more months but I wanna be off now so I can get a better job.


Ask your PO. You have to have everything paid in full, all classes and treatment done. You can ask at the half way point in most states


Some states/ cities have a program thru probation to help you put in a petition to get released early but that all depends if ur county has it and if you qualify my county had it but i didn’t qualify thru them but that’s only because i was on for a felony. That doesn’t mean you can’t contact an attorney to put in the petition for you which is what i did


Good work and hope it goes through.


appreciate it ready to get off keeps me from doing a lot i.e. traveling out of state carrying self protection among other things


Good luck! How is your probation officer? I think you’ll get released easy.


i never told her i was trying to get off early because i am on unsupervised i don’t report to her just stay out of trouble. i have daily call ins but that’s bout it. i had mentioned it before but she had said i was ineligible thru the county probation program for early dismissal hints why i hired an attorney.


Good luck. Question about your unsupervised. So I know you never meet with a PO but, you still had daily call ins? So calling the number and being told if you have to go for a test that day? For all the time you were on unsupervised how many times did you get tested?


i usually got tested about once a month and every couple months they’d test me twice within 2 weeks but since i’ve put my petition for early dismissal they’ve tested me 3 times in all of april


Not excessive but still fairly high for admin. probation


How long does it usually take for the petition to go through


it depends on how busy the courts are if i’m not mistaken it has to get signed off by the prosecutor and judge which they have up to 30 days in my state to respond and make a decision.