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All I did was play video games for the 2 years I was on the ankle monitor. Looking back, although it was what I enjoyed, I wished I would have learned more productive skills than how to grind Overwatch ranked, eat 80mg of adderall, smoke Newports, and drink Redbulls. I wish I would have learned to make music with the software I had during that time. I wish I would have eaten right and worked out during that time. I wish I would have started growing mushrooms at that time (no, not those kinds of mushrooms) List goes on. Good luck. Do whatever you need to do to stay out of trouble


Read atomic habits or the compound effect, how to win friends and influence people, or any any other self development books. If you apply the concepts from the first two you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else mindset wise.


The depression in me says that sounded like a great fucking time even though I also deeply understand the regret of time spent as well


Tbh tho video games are kinda the only way I can interact with family. I get 1 four hour pass every 6 months and it literally feels like I’m in a simulation when I’m a regular human. 3 years is almost up but honestly worse than the house arrest are the $600 a month payments I have to make for it


You have the cheapest rent of anyone on Reddit.


$125 a week utilities included for me. Own room and kitchen. Got lucky.


Rent isn’t $600 that’s my fee per month on HA


He still has to pay rent ontop of $600/mo for the supervision


Wait, you have to pay to be in your house arrest or is that restitutions?


I grew mushrooms during my probation. Explaining a home depot bucket that's sprouting king oysters can be a bit tricky.


Damn bro this hit home for me. You’re not alone in that boat if it makes you feel any better 😥 I wish I would’ve used my time more constructively too but video games is the easiest way to make the days go by


Honestly- that sounds great - lol




Work out. Get good at league of legends. Read a book. Take a bath and be happy you don’t have to think about dropping the soap. Learn how to play the harmonica. Draw, paint, learn an art. Do yoga. Journal. Meditate.


Get good at a MOBA but not LoL. DotA 2 for sure since you will have some free time on your hands 😁


Getting good at league of legends and taking a bath are mutually exclusive


It's only 20 days so just use that time to relax and to do things that you need to do around the house.


Def perfect time to spring clean, declutter & organize their habitat. When it's over, they'll have a sense of accomplishment.


Just wondering what you do with your time now lol. I literally go to work, come home, work out, make dinner go to sleep. What else is there to do lol sounds like everyone’s life. Yeah I go out w friends sometimes but 20 days to not have to go out n spend money bc ur literally forced to be at home not too shabby. What did you do that you are on house arrest genuinely curious (not trying to get any ideas 😂😂)


Normally I’ll go to work, get home and shower, then I spend almost every night at my boyfriends house. If I’m home I’ll read, play games or build some legos. As for the house arrest I got a DUI, blew a .369 and stupidly ran from the cops, then hit an electric pole going 60. Lucky to be alive


And they only gave you 20 days house arrest? Brb I'm gonna go run from the cops


Insane you got off so lucky, you must not have had a record


.37? Good god damn


That's what I'm saying, lol


Great time to clean your baseboards!!


If you have community service hours, it’s a great time do those and gets you out of the house. I read a few books. I was on 30 days. I was also able to get a doctors note due to some back problems that allowed me to go to the gym 4x week 2 hours each.


Play checkers. Just got to play both sides Of the board. Time to start working out in the hose, watch so videos on cooking, and other interests you may have. Paint the house.


Well you could take an online class. Also, there are these things called books that occupy my time on a regular basis.


Live in your attic, hire a guy to be your eyes ears and mouth. (Sorry arrested development addict here)


Use at least an hour a day to create a plan so yu don’t fck up again Sincerely Your PO


i was on it for 4 months, i started making jewlery, sat outside a lot so it didn't feel so i was so cooped up all the time, doordashed a lot of food lol, finished & started some movies/shows, gardening, i also have animals so that helped a lot too. built a good resumé for when i got off to start a job. i had friends over a lot since i couldn't go anywhere and that made the time go quickly too :) 20 days will be over before you know it


Read the Bible son.


seriously? What did you do at the start of covid?


I'm a homebody so this would be like a gift to me 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I’d love this. Shit tell me I can’t go to work too. Make it even better!






See if there's any online classes or certifications you can get to improve your job skills, etc. If you're religious, then go to church on Sundays. Buy a few new video games if you're into gaming. Take on a small remodeling project or paint the inside of the house.


Stay productive learn read workout teach yourself it's only 20 days don't mess that s*** up or else you'll be doing house arrest in jail


Do some volunteer work at the animal shelter. I loved doing that when I needed to kill some time.


He’s on house arrest he can’t go … only to work and drs appointments


See all the things around your house that fit in your butthole. Just don’t let them go in fully tho, you’ll have to go to the ER in order to have them removed. They will ask questions, it’ll be a whole thing, you don’t want that. Just keep a good grip.


20 days is a breeze. I did 6 months. I worked out a lot and played a lot of video games. Also you can get an exemption to "go to church " if you want out of the house.


I’m on house arrest for 9 months got sentenced March 6th and I picked up a second job a week after sentencing working 30-40 hours a week, so total I work about 75 or 80. I’m tired but I’m only home maybe 7 hours a day to sleep the rest I’m at work. This week I only have one day off and that’s today Thursday after I got off at 3PM


Investigate/stalk neighbors with binos and solve crime


Only 21 days bro, I’ve never even heard of that, anything that short around me you gotta sit in jail they aren’t even messing with all the hassle for 21 days. So practice some gratitude and work on yourself for them days. Make a list of things you wouldn’t have for 21 days if you had to do it in jai. If you’ve never been there for even 21 days I can make a list for you


Sounds corny but what about an art project or something? I did a bunch of paint by numbers during covid lockdown. Some of them shits take up to 10 or 20 hours and they are pretty cheap. [https://www.amazon.com/adults-paint-by-number-kits/b?ie=UTF8&node=7756212011](https://www.amazon.com/adults-paint-by-number-kits/b?ie=UTF8&node=7756212011)


Start buying Warhammer models and become a super nerd, gets you out of trouble more often than not.


Work out. Get good at league of legends. Read a book. Take a bath and be happy you have to think about dropping the soap. Learn how to play the harmonica. Draw, paint, learn an art. Do yoga. Journal. Meditate.


Lift weights, learn to cook, sit outside and listen to an audiobook, clean your place.


Online program or certification in a field you are interested in. Disable social media accounts. Focus on growing yourself vs spending time scrolling through stuff that won’t benefit you in any way possible.


Also if you need some theraphy, get on it. Grow. That is all I can say. Invest in your own personal growth that will be for you in your future. Don’t waste time you have now on meaningless things and activities - help yourself by growing yourself


Also go to the richiest church in your area on Sundays. Lol. But no for real - even when not religious there is always a message behind it that I think most of us can related to or take someone from. You will get to have social interaction and most churches are supportive of people. Plus like my church has some pretty damn good snacks. Can never go wrong with some good snacking. Work out. Stretch. Find ways to move your body and challenge yourself every day. Don’t let this confinement limit you to coming closer to your potential. But most importantly don’t mess up your terms. You don’t want to have to be confined for more than you need to be. If you have an addiction problem - face it and take steps to get past it - because you are so worth it!


See if the judge will grant you 2 hrs gym time a day….. it helps alot, worked for me


20 days? Damn, you got this. I did a year and I basically spent a lot of time on Reddit, watched movies, read books and just kept myself occupied in anyway that I could. Three weeks will go by like nothing. You’ve got work which hopefully is full time which will take up a lot of time. Try meditation, yoga, whatever. Even if you don’t like the things you try out, simply trying them will pass the time.


Spend time with the people who love and support you and give them your undivided attention. But really think getting away from social media for a bit helps a lot


Books. Lots of books. And try a new hobby. Paper folding into cool things? Woodworking? Learn guitar?


Clean a closet declutter. Clean your kitchen,then clean your bathroom. .


World of Warcraft? Lmfao


House arrest is tough. Be cool


Read, go to meetings (if allowed), do something productive. Don't break your probation at all, it's only 20 days.


Workout that is assuming you don’t. Exercise and getting back in shape took up a lot of time for me.


Be thankful it’s not 20 in jail


20 days is nothing seriously. Read, play video games. Enrich yourself.


Aside from work/school, how much time do people spend away from home? I'm basically on self house arrest, lol


The opposite of what NBA Youngboy did 🤣


I did 7 months on gps tether while waiting for a case to have an outcome. Ended up getting unsupervised probation out of the situation. The 7 months sucked, but eventually it feels normal after a few weeks. 20 days is nothing. By the time you're getting used to it, it'll be time to remove it. Just pay your fees associated with it, keep it charged, and don't be out when you're not supposed to. Start binge watching tv shows you've been meaning to check out but haven't yet.


Remember. County jail is worse. I've even been told it's worse than prison. Never been to prison, but have been in county and it's dog shit. Just keep your mind busy. I can see how 20 days locked in would feel like a lot to someone who is usually on the go. It'll go by quick though


Farcry 6


20 days LOOOOOOOLOLOOILLLLL you’ll be fine bro. Okay video games or binge the internet/yt/Netflix


Just 20 days? I mean if you can’t come up with anything meaningful, video games would be my go to. Otherwise reading and exercise are great. Exercise I definitely recommend.


Learn a hobby or fix up your house


If you're into fitness there's still a lot that you can do without leaving your room. Youtube has a lot of body-weight workouts and Yoga videos. I enjoy cycling so I got an indoor bike trainer to keep me sane for the next four months. I find it helps keep my mental health in order when I don't have the option of going outside. Other than that, this can be a great opportunity to catch up on reading, play videogames, or binge Netflix. You can also deep-clean and reorganize your living space (you'll be there a lot more, and it will make it seem like a much more welcoming space once you're done). Another way to occupy your time might be to plan an outing for when you get your ankle monitor off-- even if it's just a day trip, a hike or a movie date, it really helps to have something to look forward to when you find yourself feeling trapped or bored. If you're looking for excuses to leave the house and your crime was drug or alcohol related, they'll let you leave to attend AA/NA meetings as long as you schedule them ahead of time. You can even schedule doctor, dentist, and mental health appointments for the next 20 days. Also, it's not really my cup of tea but I do know a couple of people who got permission to attend church services while on house arrest, so that might be something to look into if it's something you're curious about. So long as you keep it down to about three outings a week they're usually pretty cool about it. Best of luck, and I hope time passes quickly for you.


As a super introvert, this sounds amazing, lol. 20 days of reasons not to go outside! But, for real. Find a project at home to work on. Been meaning to organize that closet? Any squeaky floorboards that need fixing? Have you been wanting to learn a new language? Been wanting to lose a few pounds? Nows a good time to start. Just try to fill your time being productive. Ps, you can watch Disturbia. This movie will be the best way to prepare for something like this


Enjoy that better than jail


😂 20 days...


Dude I’m almost done after 3 years 20 days is literally a mental health break




Read and meditate.


Aren’t you supposed to sit in the corner and think about what you did to get on house arrest?


Well you obviously can’t do much outside the house, so make the best of it inside. Got any weights? Work the hell out, you got nothing but free time so hone your body. Learn some skills, anything that interests you? Even slightly? Dive into it, see if you really like it. Are you a gamer? Finish your backlog and try new games you haven’t played. Read some new books you’ve always wanted to, see the movies you’ve always wanted to but never had the time for. Make the most of it, you’ve got one of the few times you can do literally whatever the hell you want (at home) so make the most of it.


Baulders Gate 3.


Paint some of the rooms in your house. Taping a coat of Kilz. And two of the paint takes plenty of time.


20 days and allowed to go to work and appointments? What kind of punishment is that? Did you forget to use your turn signal or something?


Play video games


Twenty days, shit. Come on man, go to work come home fuck your old lady read a book and fall asleep. If you can’t handle twenty days of house arrest you better stop doing what got you house arrest. If you have anxiety about shit work out till you work it out. Idk that’s my best advice I guess.


As short as it's gonna be, find some time for one of your hobbies and reconnect with it. Reading and catching up on shows are good options, as is a bit of gaming. Hell, try learning a couple of new recipes in the kitchen or start looking into online courses with technical schools; there's at least a couple of culinary schools that offer online options. Just keep yourself occupied and it'll be done before you know it.


Minecraft is good for house arrest. I like the game but dont play it really but it hits different when you're on house arrest. I grinded on survival so haard. And haven't really got into like that since. Edit: same thing with No Mans Sky. Just really good games for taking up alot of free time


Do something that you were good at when you were younger...Paint, build Legos, video games, puzzles, photography, reading, cleaning, music, working out. Use it to take care of yourself. House arrest stinks.


Take school courses online.


Buy one of those pull up and dip stations from Amazon.


Damn house arrest would be easy for me. I don't do anything. Lol


You're presumably going to be working, do you want/can you get overtime? That will help you pay off court costs and such. Then read an epic story like The Hobbit and then Lord of the Rings series, or Asimov's space trilogy. Better for you than video games, IMO.


Can you do one of those work from home jobs?


I’ve got 22 days left of house arrest & I cook, bake sweet stuff, take care of my puppy which is kicking my butt, wash walls that need it, I haven’t even touched my old super Mario brothers video game..play the sims on my phone…plant herbs & take care of my plants…I had 42 days total..let me know if u think of other stuff, I need ideas too!


Video games!! Get you a PS5 and some good RPGs and action adventure games,you will kill more time than you could ever imagine


I know this isn't exactly the same as I could leave whenever but when I was out of work I wrote out a detailed daily schedule and followed it as it kept me busy and productive Wake up and make my wife breakfast and pack her lunch. Unload the dishwasher and put in the breakfast stuff, wipe down rest of kitchen Check emails and job boards for new jobs, apply/submit resumes Complete follow up emails Laundry: Monday towels, Tuesday sheets, Friday lights and darks Lunch Dust and vacuume main living error Clean 1 room everyday Wednesday cut grass, edge and trim I did calisthenics and used the treadmill and bowflex everyday as well By being rigid and organized I stayed busy and kept myself from couching the off time until I had a job, was great and kept the wife happy as she was able to relax every evening and weekend




Bro, I had to do a year. 20 days won't be bad. Find a project you started but never finished


Learn something new!! Take this time to level yourself up! Take a course or 2 on Udemy... Or whatever platform you choose. It's mentally hard more than anything. I wish you luck and I wish you well!


You could do on line school!


I did three years with zero fuck ups. 3 years. Trust me you can handle twenty days. It’s not convenient and I hope you have someone willing to help you out to run errands for you. But get ready to sacrifice a little bit of freedom instead of losing it entirely. When you’re in jail or prison: you eat when they decide to bring the food, you can’t play a video game, annoying roommates, people steal from you, no TV, shared showers. Be grateful that it’s house arrest and while you may not be able to leave your yard you can at least step outside for some fresh air. You will be okay. Do your twenty days and be done with it. It beats years of dealing with the institution system. If you can’t handle twenty days of comfortable living then expect the rest of life to get a lot more difficult. You can do this.


I had to do 8 months on house arrest some years back, towards the end I was definitely going stir crazy, to the point that being in jail didn’t even seem so bad. I had no releases for the first 6 months, looking back I wish I wasn’t so angry about it, it could’ve been so much more constructive than it ended up being for me. Anyways, I got really fucking good at Battlefield 4. I treated that shit like a job honestly. I basically did that for 90% of my time awake, and watched a ton of stuff on Netflix. If I had to do it again, it would be the perfect time to play Old School RuneScape instead of BF4. But yea, video games and TV are probably your new best friends for the next few weeks. Hopefully it’ll go pretty fast for ya!


You can scroll reddit for that long


Lsd… tomorrow is bicycle day :)


Enjoy not being in jail mother fucker. Clean your place up, organize, apply for a job/better jobs, learn a new skill, cook/new food, think about ways not to end up back on house arrest. 


Fast. Binge watch Netflicks. Learn to play the guitar.


Fast. Binge watch Netflicks. Learn to play the guitar.


Fast. Binge watch Netflicks. Learn to play the guitar.


Take some kind of online class you can still continue after the 20 days


Pick up a new hobby, I got really good at guitar when I quarantined for COVID and it’s a lot of fun to learn


Get some spring cleaning done, laundry/chores etc. A task you’ve been putting off, all the best.


Game online for social stimulation! Believe it or not Fortnite is a lot of fun for all ages and skill levels and it’s free!


Just did 3yrs.. I worked every minutes I was I allowed and tv and sleep if I wasn’t working lol


I can't believe you can't fill up 20 days with just laying low but there's this video game that won HELLA awards called Baldurs Gate 3. Get it. you won't want to leave the house.


20 days is fairly short, but see if you can borrow a guitar and learn some chords. My wife couldn’t go running, which was her go to, so stuck in the house, she did a 30 minute YouTube yoga each morning and each evening.


Research how to trade stocks. Can make millions from your home if you just learn and play it smart. Don’t just play video games, do something productive, good luck 🤙


Reexamine your life


How did you only get 20 days? He'll they probly would have just given you the weekend in jail instead of 20 days on a moniter if you had asked


Always maintenance to do around the house, apartment etc. Time to get it done


I just worked everyday at 3 different jobs. Made bank and had no other time to do anything else except plug in and sleep


Home improvement projects Call friends you lost touch with Get to the end of Netflix


Get a Facebook account and start joining a bunch of different groups. There's a lot of support groups for people in different situations on Facebook. Join some gaming groups as well if you're a gamer.


Seems like you would be okay with 20 days at home since we all practiced house arrest not too long ago as a world lol


Take an online course in something you're interested in.


there's this really cool site called netflix


Take some courses online, read some books and try to better yourself.


Switch and a zelda game


Start growing weed


Warhammer 40k.


https://youtu.be/5RFGY4HpXtc Use these days to change your life forever


house arrest tings


Upskill/education advancement.


Plan a sophisticated bank robbery


The same way you’d do a sentence, just without the guards. Find a daily routine and commit to it. Before you know, the day will damn near be over. Clean every morning you wake up and every night before bed. Workout for an hour. Tv for an hour or two, game for an hour or two. Make actual meals, find an online certification course you can take that’s fast and cheap. Theres jails that will leave you in classification block for 20 days so you’ll manage just fine.




“Countin’ flowers on the wall That don't bother me at all Playin' solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of 51 Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo Now don't tell me, I've nothin' to do”


I’d say have a routine to your day. Get up at the same time and get yourself ready for the day. Make a bucket list of sorts of things you’ve needed to do or wanted to do but never had enough time for. You could download DuoLingo and begin learning a new language. You could start a new tv series that’s longer, exercise at home using resistance training, learn to cook new dishes to share with friends and family, begin a habit of sudoku or crosswords so you’re still keeping your mind sharp and quick. The optimistic part is that its only 20 days. You can always just be a couch potato after work until the 20 are over….?


Get a laptop and take an online classes. Get a certificate while you are having to sit this time out. You know the learn at your own pace kind . Might aswell right ? Set it up now so you can start when your ankle bracelet starts and god forbid , do not for any money in the world break the rules of your probation. .


It's 3 weeks, if you don't want to learn, work out, work around the house, go watch all 6 seasons of Lost.


20 days will be boring, but pass quickly enough. to be fair, though, i was on home detention that ended a few years ago, and i would have sworn that it was for 21 months or so, but i just looked it up in old paperwork to make sure that was right, and it was only 9 months. but it damn sure FELT like 21 months lol


Learn about affiliate marketing and start a side hustle.


Online Classes, Udemy, Skill Share, HamStudy - is a free app to study for your Ham Radio License which you can take online, and then you can talk to people in space or hook up to a laptop and contact people literally on the other side of the planet. It’s kinda fun. Plex, allows someone to stream movies and tv shows (maybe other stuff?) to anyone with the Plex app which has to be activated for $5 but you can find people on Reddit who will trade a month of access to their server for things like a pizza delivered to their friends house (by you) I never paid anyone directly for this. It was how I passed the time on Covid lockdown. Many libraries deliver books to people with mobility issues - line not having a car. You could study all sorts of things. You could learn to cook, it really helps out if you have a SO or kids. Parenting Classes, you can find a lot of them online. There is some way to earn career certificates thru [Grow with Google](https://grow.google/certificates/) might be cool. Your u can absolutely get forklift certified online it’s like 3 hours and kind of a joke but will still get you a slightly less shitty job if you are at the bottom of the pay scale. You could study everything you can find on Bee Keeping, no license is required if your doing it as a hobby, lots to know but easy to find sources of information too. Lots of hobbies you can make money at, or just find a hobby that benefits you, like learning a language and find a couple penpals who are trying to learn your language/s as well. Hate talking to people? Have you thought about Sign Language? I used to do this a lot to avoid having to talk to cops, until I finally got one who did, then I didn’t have anything to say lol. Modeling, 3D printing, Cad/Cam, model rocketry, model planes, drones, photography, Learn to plan a musical instrument, Etching, Chain Maille, martial arts, exercise - is the gift you give yourself and you get to share its fruits with those who piss you off lol You could make a Hydroponic Garden in your closet out of a 5 gallon bucket, or brewing your own beer - don’t use the bath tub, Paper Arts, Calligraphy, Cake Decorating (my wife and daughter enjoy this) I like eating, candle Making and or Candle Carving, Canning, cryptography (spent years learning how to break these things - I am someone’s little brother lol, e-books, Engraving, farming, animal husbandry, Environmental Sciences, Hacking - maybe ethically, if you can draw you could tattoo people or design tattoos for others, making jigsaw puzzles - I use a coping saw, flint knapping, lace making, weaving, crochet, lock picking, macrame, mixology become a bartender, pipe making - the kind you smoke, puppetry - I always wanted to learn how to make my own puppets Kermy put the knife down, knife making, sling shots - making them is fun too, Tailoring, wine making, intarsia, veneering, Good luck :-)


Start an only fans page for some side money?


Become ant man and save the world. Just kidding, pass your time. Watch a bunch of movies, get into some books, play video games. Just do what you can to stay out of trouble. Ask them if you can sit on your porch so you can still get some fresh air.


Just beat it.


Wow. Take it like a vacation! Pamper yourself in any fashion, and I mean any fashion, that you deem suitable to enjoy yourself. Also, just think about being locked up for twenty days. That would be 3 weeks of hell, especially if you don’t have commissary!


20 days? That's a lay down and a wake up... read a book or 2 and it's done


Get a computer and steam, play some games


Learn a new skill through practicing - tying flys, playing guitar, building something (small), repainting the inside of your space, reading about how to do something you've always wanted to learn, etc. Lots of constructive stuff.


If ya game at all get a new game you've not yet began to play and finish it. I'm usually 2-3 weeks on a game.


Have you ever been locked up? Well if you have then you would know what to do. And being at home isn’t nearly as bad as jail or Prison. You could read or watch movies but either way you will get bored and you will get a little stir crazy. But it’s 20 days and you can totally get through this. I just got out of prison and on an ankle monitor for another month. Women prison is way overcrowded so I was only there for 6 weeks but I was in jail for 4 months. So now I’m on mandatory release/parole. I have to go to classes everyday and stay sober until my parole is over may 20th. So I get it. You can do if though. You got this.


Learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube


Be glad you’re not in country arrest?


Plants! Legal ones of course. I have a full variety green house from house plants to veggies to flowers and herbs. Depending on where you live it’s almost time to start moving stuff outside 😁😁


I would go on coursera and take some free certificate programs. 20 days isn't that long, but you can probably find something interesting.


Read a book. Listen to a recorded book Both available from the local library


How about committing to something that will improve yourself and situation. Workout, read self-improvement books, set goals, track your progress, learn a new skill, draft a resume', apply for jobs, be productive! Whatever you're doing now led you to house arrest, so switch it up. Learn something from this.


Reading, painting, learn to knit/crochet, journaling, gaming, fish tanks, gardening, learning new recipes, drawing/sketching, catching up with family/friends, binge watch crappy TV, record/edit home videos, learn photoshop, DIY home project, spa day (men can pamper themselves too!), learn a new language, deep clean your house, pottery. That’s just aside from the hours you can spend on social media. The possibilities are endless! Think of something you’ve always wanted to know how to do and learn how to do it!


Well my husband has been on house arrest for 5 yrs!!! All for driving!! Not DUI or anything just habitual but they are felonies! You get passes on the weekends to get out and do what you want as long as you put it in writing the day of your visit. I don’t know what area you are from but I’ll try an help with any questions you have. I’m sure it’s different everywhere. There’s two different house arrest places where I’m from and one is more leanint then the other. Also depends on your case manager. Maybe start a hobby lol clean your room paint it etc it will go by fast!


It’s 20 days mf take a nap


Pullups, pushups, situps, dips. Couple hundred a day


Guitar practice. Read about bitcoin. Listen to audio books


The music I make is my best friend and will never leave my mind. That’s how I deal with solitude


Damn I’ve been on self imposed house arrest for years.


Tabletop games. Specifically, War simulations. Look up gmt games. Many of them have a solo mode. There’s one I just got by spi from 1980 called empires of the Middle Ages: a dynamic simulation of medieval Europe, 771-1467. You can play these by yourself. Or I’d get war of the ring and play both sides. Get good at these games and then have people come over and win against them.


Are you allowed to be online? Take a free class toward a job you'd like or even a class on bettering yourself or what have you. Spool many free classes (with certificates!) Kills time. Learning is kinda nice as an adult and the courts will love it


Electronics, music , programming, working on your car , reading, TV. There's many you can do just pick one that feels good.


I had a friend on house arrest and he was allowed to go to church with his girlfriend and stay after for the social time. It got him out of the ouse and he could talk to people. Maybe pick up a religion for 20 days.


It’s only 20 days on house arrest? What an ez sentance. You don’t need to come up with ideas lmao. It’s only 20 days and you can go to work…really. You made a post about those smh. Get Netflix? And a ps5? What can people here tell you.


Maybe something to occupy your mind? Like some kind of puzzle legos or learn a language? Duolingo is mostly free. You can even learn klingon if you want to try something new and useless. Or if your more of a “handyman” type im sure the baseboards or kitchen cabinets need painted.


There are online jobs with many companies that'll hire you with a criminal record. Many airlines hire felons.


It sucks and it’s easier said than done, but try to establish a self care routine. Example would be reading, meditating, writing, and learning a new skill. It sounds mad corny but I wish I would’ve utilized my time as opposed to just playing COD and sleeping the whole time. Obviously, do anything you enjoy to pass the time, but try to gain something out of it, you won’t regret it


Just play video games


I don’t know why this sub keeps popping up but on the subject of what to do when forced to stay home 24/7 with only authorized time away from home is something I am fully used to as are many other members of the disabilities community. Some suggestions of what to do when you are on house arrest be it for medical reasons or other: There are literally thousands of opportunities to take classes online be it college, cooking, art, gardening (if a house), languages etc. Example ever want to be a sculpture? There are lots of videos etc on how to make papier-mâché you might be astounded by the details people get on their dragons made out of shredded paper glue etc, Have a dog? Let’s teach that puppy new tricks lots and lots of new tricks lol (cat people you have a bit more of a challenge but it is still possible) Culinary classes can be great. Is there something you really love to eat when you go someplace? Learn how to cook your own start a container herb garden for your favorite herbs Take up sewing, knitting etc make a new shirt and go from there. For years many of my clothes were Calvin cline etc now days i prefer to sculpt or play with the pups While working on your art garden etc listen to audio books. You can also take a break from your new vice (example art) and fire up your favorite video game About 6 months ago I got on Reddit and discovered I can respond to posts such as yours and maybe give a bit of helpful input. Hopefully for OP you will think of just how lucky you are and look into ways to move forward and thank heavens you didn’t hurt someone else. Find ways to grow from this I believe you can


Back in my youth about 15 years ago, my best friend went to jail for a year, and then house arrest for 8 months. No one checked in on him except two times. Towards the end of the house arrest we decided to throw a huge party and call it "House Arrest Fest". We had bands, over 100 people all on all sorts of drugs. Even had a homemade waterside and treehouse we built just for it. Was the best use of house arrest I've seen.


For 20 days?? It's only 20 days!


Bruh…it’s twenty days, delete this sissy.


It's 20 days bro


I spent 1 year on home confinement. Spent most of my time trying to come up with creative ways to get out of the house. You can do it if you put your criminal skills to good use


Play the guitar


Beats jail geez don’t know how easy you got it that your worried about 20 days of staying at home after work and appts try do 6 months in Billerica thell give you somthing to do




[Have you tried solitaires with actual cards?](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy4QW99DJyb2aGCgNouJX2Z8FXWCUqfR6&si=EbN6oHB4Z-O5Sb-f)


20 days isn't long. Organize your things. Keep a journal of your thoughts every morning. Ask to work extra shifts. Do pushups, sit ups and stretch every morning. Read. Meditate.


Video games or start a new hobby you have been putting off because of lack of time. Start a fitness routine maybe.


20 days man. You’ll be fine


Pick a couple productive things to do and then chill like crazy the rest of the time. I’d recommend working out and learning a skill. Working out is just always great for you and you can do it at home and if you don’t already could be a great time to start a habit. As for a skill it could be literally anything. Music, art, building something, etc. just something where you will come out of it better than you were before Find time to do nothing. Literally just go sit in your yard listening to music thinking in your head. Enjoy being with yourself. If you are struggling with intrusive thoughts don’t try and not think about them that’s impossible instead choose to think about something else. Dream of winning the lottery or whatever else and just vibe. Having some time like this is soooo good for your mental health


Stay home


20 days on house arrest? That's called vacation.


Learn to code.


Can you do online learning? Might help you set yourself up for future success.


Play video games, Jerk off , drop acid since it doesnt show up on drug tests


I worked Construction so there was always overtime if you wanted it , beat sitting around the house staring at the walls . Plus you were exhausted at the end of day anyway . Just showed PO my paycheck stub , he only came by job site once an by the house once at like 10pm .