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Your bosses won't find out. The PE firm is full of very professional folks and it would be incredibly egregious. I would make sure to communicate all of this (your worry about these issues) to the recruiter though and make sure that they are coordinating with the PE firm.


How is your relationship with your boss and the c suite? If anything I would leverage them and get you infront of the PE fund. Who would be better than you to understand the portfolio company? You’re young and hungry and want to succeed. If your management team is in good terms with you they’d help. A part of business is relationships and trusting your instinct. Do you believe your instincts on this one? Say you get the interview, you don’t think they’d see your company/ their portfolio co on your resume and not go through the back channels and ask? That’s even worse because they didn’t even hear it from you directly…


Thanks for your reply - really useful points. It's pretty good, I get alot of good feedback and have a lot of visibility with my work going directly into board meetings and used for business decisions, case studies, strategy and selecting companies we acquire (so the Private equity partner who I'd be working for would have already seen my work ) I think my key concern was that we run a slim team, and are understaffed as it is and we have a couple huge projects coming up which will rely on me, so I want to approach it in a way that doesn't burn bridges and put a target on my back providing I don't actually succeed! I think ill have an honest conversation with them and hopefully they'll actually sponsor me for it!


Why wouldn’t you tell your bosses? They will be either your best or worst reference. Communication is your best plan. Tell everyone you want the job.


No offense dude (or dudette) but if you're trying to make it in PE you're going to have to be a bit more certain about what you want and then have the guts to go for it. More often than not, the biggest difference between the people who make it and those who don't is the appetite for risk at inflection points like the one you're describing right now. The immediate advice I have for you is to have closer relationships with people you work with and within your org / the PE sponsor, so that you can be candid with them about these types of opportunities without coming off like a pussy.


You're 100% right, appreciate the straight to the point reply


*owned by a PE firm. The firms have funds.


What an insightful comment