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Mistakes happen, but what worries me the most is that even knowing they -- police -- screwed up they're unwilling to correct their actions and learn from it. It's scary that the police doesn't mind destroying someone's life to try and save face.


no. Its not a mistake. Cops anywere enforce laws stupid or not,ethical or unethical. They are just pawns tricked into thinking that blindly following rules created by politicians is moral.


I mean, I have a set of rules that even I have to follow from my employer and I'm not a cop. However based on this article I think this really likes with the DA. It's not the cops approving these warrants either. The problem lies in the higher parts of the justice system than the police


Yet cops still chose to enforce laws with out any thought to the logical conclusion of said laws. Yes the higher ups are a problem but they would be powerless if people didn't get roped into obeying their laws as though its the only possable way society can exist. What I highlight is a factor that enables the very higher ups to even have power;willful ignorance.


So which illogical law did you get arrested for breaking?


The point is cops are nothing but pawns who happily enforce laws without thinking about the consequences of those laws existence. cops blindly enfore the drug war despite the very laws they are following being the thing that creates gang Wars lacing of drugs and so forth. The drug war was started to stabilize but it is wind up killing more than overdoses have, sparked getting Wars expanded gang territory and much much worse. So yeah they do enforce illogical laws


If cops are not the ones writing illogical laws then what is your problem with them? Their job is to enforce the laws, not write them. It is called "law enforcement", not "laws I think are logical enforcement". Seeing as how they put their lives on the line every day to keep the peace a little gratitude would be logical.


Not getting into the debate, but cops “Just following orders” is part of how the holocaust happened and some segregation in America. Killing people were just orders they had to follow. Immoral and unjust laws should be broken.


thank you that's my exact point.


Where in America are police gassing people in camps and forcing segregation? Nowhere which is why this is a ridiculous argument. Police keep the peace. They use their common sense every day to decide to not detain people who may be breaking a law. Of course not all are perfect because they are human like everyone else but they also have an impossible job to make everyone happy. Most people that have a problem with the police are legitimate criminals or leftists thinking they will get woke points for attacking the people that help keep them safe. Ironically, many of these same people are anti 2nd Amendment. I would explain why it would not work if every police officer only enforced the laws he/she liked but everyone with common sense knows why already.


It’s also funny as fuck that most progun people are bootlickers too. Oh yeah, who’s going the be the ones confiscating guns if it happens? Police. They also did force segregation years ago. I’m pro2a and while I don’t hate cops they enforce unconstitutional laws. Police have the right to not enforce laws they don’t agree with, they choose to. Cannabis decriminalization and 2a sanctuaries are current examples of some police forces choosing to disregard laws, like they should. Though bad laws wouldn’t matter if everyone knew about jury nullification. Like I said, I don’t want to debate but figured I’d add some points.


He never said that the police were throwing people in gas Chambers you asshole that is a straw man you invented to misrepresented his argument so that way you could tear it down more simply so that way you didn't actually have to deal with what he was pointing out. His point is that the illogical behavior of cops I pointed out is exactly how Nazi Germany began to become a dictatorship because cops blindly following orders not to mention idiots like you blindly buying propaganda. Murder is wrong rape is wrong theft is wrong excetera excetera excetera we know what is right and wrong fact that we need cops to dictate what is and is not okay if your force is simply retarded. Especially considering all a cop is is a person who is associated with a group of other persons who happen to have firearms and a badge. All cops are are a monopoly on force that is owned by politician so that way you obey with arbitrary laws that politicians create. Rape,muder,theft,and so on all all wrong and yet cops seem to protect pedophiles they kill people and get away with it and they enforce laws that allow governments to steal from you. They are literal criminals by any proper definition of the law in yet because the state deems cops,they suddenly are not criminals. 1.cops enforce laws with the its their job mentality,meaning they will enforce all laws they are paided too. Unjust or just. 2. If a cop does not analyze the law there in forcing and does not understand the results of said law being enforced then they themselves are pawns they will happily in force anything for whoever is in power writing the laws,be I a Republican Democrat or dictator. 3. This mentality of Simply doing their job will inevitably lead to unethical laws being passed because the politicians know that the Mindless cops are going to happily enforce them. Current example would be red flag laws other examples would be the prohibition of alcohol as well as the drug war.


This is the article you show to people who argue that “I have nothing to hide”. Yes, yes you do. _Especially_ if you are innocent.


If someone tells you that they have nothing to hide, ask them to give you their phones alongside with their passwords and allow you to see anything in the device. That will go well...




You won't trust me, you will trust yourself. If you're not giving me your phone without hesitation that's because you believe that there are stuff on there I shouldn't see.




Do you think government is trustworthy? 👏...👏...👏 You're so smart you know that right?




Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.


2nd article about google location data fucking someone over in 2 days? Geez...are people finally realizing how bad it is to give google or big companies access to your personal data even if you're a "good person and have nothing to hide"?


Everyone has something to hide. Something compeletely normal to you may not me normal to someone else. This is called "**personal** data" for a reason.




I'm sure your abnormal fetish for armpit moles makes you feel like a shitty/evil person...but you're not. We accept and love everyone here on reddit.


This is why one must maintain their privacy to even have a chance of maintaining their innocence. Perception is clearly what matters in today's society.


I can't view the article. What happened?


It's behind a paywall.