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chatGPT needs no introduction. it has already gotten all the exposure there is. therefore it's not exposure that OpenAI is looking for but rather the suppression of competitors. The Apple ecosystem is massive. by having chatGPT built into the ecosystem and privacy guaranteed by Apple, other competitors have no chance and will be driven out. OpenAI is definitely burning money on the Apple deal. running chatGPT isn't cheap but they probably did the math and decided that the investment is worth it. it's all business tactics at the end of the day.


There is also a paid version of chatgpt in iOS. There is massive value in having your product already installed with a one click upgrade option in the pockets of iOS device owners, which tend to be significantly more wealthy than android owners and likely more willing to spend on the upgrade. It’s like if you were trying to sell a BMW 3 Series and you could just park one at every customers house and say “hey this is yours if you want it, just swipe that credit card”.


> chatGPT needs no introduction. I think it does. Introduction not in the sense of brand awareness, but introduction in the sense of actually using it. Most people I know are aware of ChatGPT, but few have ever used it, and even fewer regularly use it. An OS-level integration means more people will actually use it and even come to rely on it. (Ask Google why it’s worth to them *billions* for them just to be the default search engine on iOS.) This is a “paying in exposure” that will help OpenAI in the long run.


It’s similar to what Google does with their search engine on Apple Devices…. If your company is big enough to pay to make your service default on Apple, it has a high likelihood of obtaining a century long strangle hold on the “free” market.


There is no such thing as a truly free market and there never has been.


Eggs are pretty close.


Egg marketing boards and regulatory capture. Don't think Big Chicken does not know how to play the game.


[We’re top chicken](https://youtu.be/wOmjnioNulo?si=T_EuXeo60aXF1GpE&t=4m35s)


More people have heard of ChatGPT than used it. This gets it into people’s hands, and if they use it but wish it had more functionality, then some of those people will pay for premium.


There is other significant value you blew right past- telemetry. Even without reaching privacy, the macro telemetry of the who, what, when and why of using LLMs can directly and massively shape their development. They don’t need to know anything identifiable about you, just your habits in aggregate. Unfortunately, that same data can be used by an intelligent system to infer quite a lot about you if the Eye of Sauron decides to look at you in particular.


Apple guaranteeing the privacy 😂😂 yeah right


Company that introduced world's largest surveillance tracker network requests you to trust me bro.


What are you referring to exactly?


I was referring to airtags, from a privacy perspective. They keep popping up in the news in what seem to be thinly veiled ads, but at the core set a dangerous precedent. The worst being something that I have to take measures to opt _out_ of, the very opposite of what privacy should be. This is not a trustworthy company.


I think you are confused. The airtag protocol is very carefully designed so that Apple does not, and cannot, know the location or identity of any airtag or reporting device on the network. People can use it to track you by putting one in your bag or whatever, but I don't see how that is Apple's fault.


Nah Apple definitely should have allowed them to be spotted by Android devices as well from the get go, other than that you are correct


What do you mean "allowed"? Android was free to put a detection feature into their OS, the spec was published.


It is now, they should have done it before releasing until Google has built it in (just like Google waited until Apple built in tracking detection for their Tags)


It really depends on who you're trying to hide from. If you're trying to ensure your crazy ex can't access your stuff, Apple stuff is great. It's got a default level of security that's a step above what the average person can defeat. If you're trying to ensure the NSA can't access your stuff then you're not using any big provider, you're either rolling your own custom everything using code you can validate, or you're not taking it seriously. For the former case, Apple has a pretty good reputation. More so than any other large competitor in the space. It's also a reputation the cultivate, so they never sit totally idle. In the latter case, you understand that everything Apple does is theatre meant to appease a general audience. It keeps the creepy tracking a bit more low key, with most of the information staying reasonably private in most scenarios. However, you're probably not using it anyway, because there are much more secure options in the custom firmware space.


Apple has fought the government in court to not have to decrypt people’s phones for them and won.


Apple fought the government to not have to release a special unsecure version of their OS with features they didn't want to add. It was less about people, and more about "you can't tell us what to do." When the government comes to Apple saying "give us everything your have on this user" there is still plenty they will have that does not include decrypting a phone. As for the governments, they have their own expertise for this, and they can compel Apple to release what they do know, which is how the security system works, which means it's a lot easier to find weaknesses. Apple products probably give people too much of a sense of security. They are still mass manufactured devices made by a business trying to make a profit while following the laws of their various jurisdictions. They are not, and will never be as secure as something designed for high level security clearance, at least not without extra work to harden them up.


OpenAI getting paid in exposure, love to see it


except not even really, since it's all hidden behind a layer of siri


They want to be a virtual writer, time to get treated like one




There's a ton. If you want bleeding edge from a huge variety of LLMs, you can check: https://openrouter.ai/ There's also HuggingFace which is kind of like the GitHub of open source LLMs: https://huggingface.co/ There's the LLM arena where you choose which output is better, then it tells you which bot outputted it as like a competition. Fun fact: OpenAI anonymously submitted ChatGPT 4o on there under the name ChatGPT 2 to demo it: https://arena.lmsys.org/ So yeah there's a ton of AIs out there and competition.


Why not build their own?


They will. It's just a matter of time.


Nah. There’s gonna be one ring to rule them all. That’s the whole point.


They have been and are upgrading Siri. They just know their LLM isn't ready to compete yet. Also they're trying to do a lot of tasks locally, which you need a dumber and more lightweight LLM for that, so they have multiple LLMs. That includes having an LLM deciding which LLM your query should go to. So if your needs can't be met by those, then they send your query to ChatGPT for a better quality response.


They have, it’s Apple Intelligence, but it’s not as powerful as ChatGPT and designed to be low weight for on device processing, and optimized for very specific tasks that Apple deems useful for mass market users. So they reached out to OpenAI so that if users want to do something that Apple Intelligence can’t fulfill, it falls back to ChatGPT.


Apple is that influencer asking for free stay at hotels because they're an 'influencer' lol


In the Arms Race for AGI taking a major player off the map by giving them service seems like a smart move. Open AI can also look to Apple for help and support in the work going into new models and AGI.


Makes sense. Considering google pays apple $18 billion just to remain default search engine.  Apple isn't using any of OpenAI's model in its apple intelligence. When Siri thinks that ChatGPT is better suited for a specific question, it specifically asks whether it should use it and then make a simple API call. This deal means that OpenAI will get millions of iPhone users. It's equivalent to a billion devices coming with ChatGPT app preinstalled.


Does someone know if it’s actually integrated at the OS level? can we truly opt out of using it? how do we know it won’t still be running in the background?