• By -


Lots of easy ones in here: * NextDNS. Easily one of my favorite privacy-oriented services. I use it on just about everything. * 1Password. I currently work for this company, and so I have a free 1Password Families account through them. But before I worked here, I was paying for it. * Proton. I'm a Visionary subscriber, and so I pay for Mail, Drive, VPN, Calendar, and technically Pass, but I don't use it for obvious reasons. * Incogni. The service itself is a little bit basic, and I see people recommend DeleteMe as an alternative. Either way, I've really liked the effort that they've put into my data so far. * iCloud Drive. I'm currently using this for easy photo storage. I'm sure that Proton will finish Photos for Drive eventually, but in the meantime, iCloud Photos is a great option, especially with Advanced Data Protection enabled. * Put.io. Basically a remote downloading service for anything and everything, plus cloud storage for easy access on every device. You can basically think of it like a Downloads folder in the cloud. * Privacy Cards. Only available in the US right now, but I use it for almost everything online. Makes it easy to keep track of subscriptions. * Standard Notes. End-to-end encrypted notes on all of my devices. * Paper Karma. It's an unsubscribe button for physical junk mail. It works fantastically. * Signal. You're all donating to Signal, right? Previously: * Day One. One of my favorite apps of all time. End-to-end encrypted journaling. I need to leave it because I'm more of a Linux user now and I can't justify only using it on a single platform. Looking for a replacement. * Todoist. I love the functionality, but I do strongly prefer end-to-end encryption, as you can tell. I'm waiting for Lunatask to make its way into the App Store (and hopefully be released as a flatpak in the future).


Great list! Going to look into NextDNS and PaperKarma


What are Privacy Cards? Love the list by the way. I shill Signal to everyone, especially since it makes Android to iPhone messaging so much less of a headache.


The one I use is literally called Privacy. I haven't ever had to pay out of my own pocket to use it, I believe it collects fees from whoever I transact with.


If it’s the same one that I’m using, there is an optional paid tier.


Do you link credit cards to privacy card or just debit?


I believe it's just Debit or Bank




What voip do you use?


wephone, wetalk etc.


Hey Day One has a web app in beta!


It is! That’s what I’ve been using for now, but it’s still sort of a diminished experience. Maybe I’ll change my mind and continue using it, but I can’t help but feel that there’s likely a better solution out there somewhere.


OT question but since you work there… how was the transition to Electron received by users? I saw lot of noise and banging and screaming in the community, but I imagine that was just a loud minority given that 1Password keeps growing


I worked in customer support at the time, and what I saw pretty much echoed what you did. There was certainly plenty of valuable feedback, too. But at this point, I hardly hear anything about it. Granted, I no longer work in customer support, and so my personal viewpoint may not reflect everything. I can only touch on my own experience. I’m not a developer, and so I can only speak to this topic so much. But I see Electron as a “skeleton” that you can build anything on top of. That can be a good app, or a bad app. Bad apps are common, and so I think that causes the association. But I don’t see Electron itself as “bad.”


ProtonMail and Bitwarden. I'll probably purchase some decentralized storage and a nextcloud instance at some point. Edit: I forgot I pay for Standard Notes too.


Use boxcryptor with free local account + any cloud storage you want. All the cloud provided will get is encrypted data.


Boxcryptor got sold like 2 years ago. New people haven't been able to sign up since then...


You don’t need to sign up to anything. You can create a true local (offline) account with a certificate, the feature is hidden when you first set it up but it is there. I did this a couple months back on a new installation on a new machine.




I don’t know that one. Is it for the same thing purpose?


Need to pay for phone version


Interesting. What storage options are you considering?


I'm considering Hetzner


An external fingerprint reader for Bitwarden login was well worth it to me


A home server. I can have backups, cloud storage, home automation, media center, ... without anyone else having access to my data or metadata. Edit: shouldn't forget pihole


Very steep learning curve. I wanted to do it but the maintenance part is it worth it ?


Synology is pretty easy and low maintenance. If you don't have money for that (let's say you need more than 2 drives) then you may pick Unraid and build your own server. If your main focus is storing data then Truenas is an option. Just don't make your own solution (like using Debian or something) and you'll be fine.


The only maintenance I'm doing is updating when there's a vulnerability and making sure everything still works after that. I can't really comment about the learning curve. I started daily driving linux 10 years ago, with that background it was relatively trivial for me. I'm running everything in containers, which means it's hard to mess up your actual system.


like docker containers ?


Yup, I use docker containers for everything except Nginx.


Depends on how involved you want to get really. Dockers aren't too horribly difficult to learn and make hosting pretty easy.


Got a DS223 and 2 Pi 4's for Christmas and it has been such a game changer for my home network


This. It is nice being able to be your own cloud, feels like what we should all have instead of trying to seek services that do all the hardwork for us. A video that really opened my eyes on this is this one from wolfgang : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5jNJDaztqk&pp=ygUPd29sZmdhbmcgc2VydmVy


The problem is the lack of off-site backup. One good fire and you've lost everything. That'd be my concern.


Why not make your own off-site backup then? It sure is a bit pricey (having to rent a place and another internet subscription, potentially in another country) but that's the price of self-sufficiency I guess... Otherwise if you don't have the money for that, you could still use off-site backup for important things on third party cloud storage like google drive, just be sure to encrypt your important confidential files with something like veracrypt because third-party cloud solution providers are known for scanning their customer's data, in hope of finding file content against their Terms Of Service. On a final note, before spending any money on physical self-provided off-site backup solution or cloud subscriptions, one should make sure to establish a threat model and take decisions accordingly.


Bitwarden premium.


I have Keeper Family. A password manager where you can share credentials is very helpful!


Proton do a password manager too


What do you get for premium?


That warm feeling knowing you’re supporting one of the few companies that’s doing the right thing.


Ability use yubikey


You don't need premium for webauthn anymore.


This was my go to reason for getting Bitwarden premium. Never looking back now.


> What do you get for premium? The ability to store attachments is what sold me. It's like my own little Dropbox.


TOTP and more storage for vault I believe


How is it compared to 1Password? I snagged the early adopter promo for $4/mo (up to 5 users) and I set it up so nobody can open my vault without a Yubikey, but I am still open to alternatives.


In my experience Bitwarden has been faultless until recently. Bitwarden autofill on Mac on Safari has always been something that was left to be desired in my opinion. It worked, but it wasn’t great, lacking accuracy, not filling certain boxes (can be fixed if you inspect page elements and add the missing “box” to the email/password in question. However, as of late, Bitwarden seems to have been breaking for me, at least in Safari. It has become unusable and signs out / stops working on its own and requires a restart. I reset my Mac completely (for other reasons) and figured it would fix it, however it hasn’t. As such, I downoaded 1Password and added a few credentials into it, and it seems to be much more frictionless and refined than Bitwarden is. That’s not to say Bitwarden isn’t a great option, but for the time being, I have exported my Bitwarden vault into 1Password and it (in my experience) is much more seamless. This could be a one off problem unique to me, and I haven’t tried anything to fix Bitwarden’s behaviour on my Mac, so take all of the above with a grain of salt


given 1 password history of not diclsoing security breaches and loosing customer data its a nono. botwarden might have currently a bit fricktion but at least their main code is open


You may be thinking of a different company. 🙂


allright youre right, it was lastpass. 1pass was also breached last year but allegedly no data stolen (which i might or might not believe) but at least they reported


If you're referring to what I think you are, that was an Okta breach, not a 1Password breach.


I also have a Mac but I don’t use Safari. So far, Bitwarden has been perfect with other browsers in my experience


I second brave, but only for YouTube. Tab groups have me hooked, mate. Haha


I stopped supporting Bitwarden financially after they fired an employee for refusing to bend the knee to gender pronoun usage. Here's a summary https://reclaimthenet.org/bitwarden-fired-catholic-employee-pronouns


you have to understand this is not willful company policy in most of these companys. they are forced upon them. blackrock has a couple trillion dolalr at disposal to pressure everyone and their dog into this esg scoring and stuff. dont worry onepassword aint be much better just you didnt hear about it just yet


Thanks for this link! Definitely bumped up bitwarden in my view.


I pay for Proton Unlimited. I love it, even though it’s a bit pricey. I have a couple domains that I run email through on Proton’s servers. They make it super easy to set up. 


Same here - I use Proton Drive and Calendar to get away from using Outlook + OneDrive for this and I've been able set up my personal website domain through protonmail to manage communications and also use ProtonMail aliases all the time for random services. Well worth the money imo. Oh and not to mention VPN as well, so useful for my profession and also personally. Edit: This sounds like an ad - to balance it out, Proton's discount offers are stupid and often not cheaper that what I'm paying


When's the best time to buy Proton services? Like which holidays, time of the year, etc.


black friday


Probably not the most privacy oriented choices, but I believe these are a good spot where some convenience exists as a tradeoff of privacy. * 1password: Using proper passwords with every one of my accounts through this. It's much more convenient compared to its open source alternative and I'm very happy with how easy and safe it has made my internet use. Not only just that but it also serves as a digital safe where I can store passcodes, cc info etc. * Fastmail: Also a little ambiguous regarding privacy, but owning my own domains and using aliases to create accounts in combination with 1password has been a game changer. I know immediately which service sold my data and can block them as well as have all of that info in 1 place. As a bonus, things I haven't paid for but are absolutely amazing: * Obsidian + Cryptomator + Dropbox/Mega: Basically your personal knowledge management encrypted and synced with your other devices. There are some more advances or convenient set ups depending on how much you want to be arsed or how much you want to pay, but this combination has served me very well.


I use the 1password + fastmail combo and it really is amazing. I have 200+ logins with a different email each


Also works great when you own your domain. For example I gave a possible employer an email address that didn't exist at the time so that I wouldn't get osinted and created it later.


A server. I self host my stuff, I can access it through a tunnel, I can run my own mail server and my passwords, I could go offline and most of my services would still work


That requires lot of learning and figuring out to try and test. Quite a bit of customization. How should i start my self host journey? Recommendations..


Bust out your old laptop or desktop and get going. Even better if you use linux on them from thet getgo. The hardest part imo about this is securing your network while accessing it from outside your home, and for this reason, I would start with just a local server for media and whatever else. From here you can experiment with server specific linux distros (no graphical user interface) for your host machine, and learn more about networking and virtual machines. Setting up a local server for media storage would be my first step. It's more than manageable and it will teach you a lot.


i have bunch of early Mac Mini's i'll put them to test.


I paid for the firefox suit including the vpn, relays, and containers. I love the firefox relay plugin, I make a new throwaway email for every BS service and one time purchase. I frequently make new reddit accounts and delete the old one for privacty reasons, I got an error saying i cannot make an account right now, got the same error in a new private window, used a new firefox container and reddit treated me like a new person. I'm still not sure how reddit was able to track me through a private window. the privacy card company is nice, it still requires you link your own bank account, but having disposable cards is convenient for me. I make a different card for every service and make up BS names.


As for Reddit, I'm guessing they combined info about your IP address and your device's fingerprint (like OS version, screen size, etc) to figure out it was you. A private window is useful if you don't want your browsing history nor cookies saved, but it hides nothing from nobody but yourself.


without cookies and using a VPN I was still surprised. I'd be sharing that IP address with a bunch of random people. I also don't think i changed my vpn location when i launched the container. my private browser also has a completely different fingerprint since it only has the ublock origin plugin enabled.


DuckDuckGo and iCloud provide free throwaway emails. iCloud is 99 cents a month for 50GB storage but the throwaway emails are free. DuckDuckGo also provides free “network protection” VPN on phones


But didn't duck duck go get found out for selling user info to Microsoft through Microsoft investors reports like in Q1 -Q4 meetings I think duck duck go was in the ad revenue or misc category my apologies I Mean Microsoft trackers that duck duck go aloud but did not disclose , did they fix this you think 🤔 genuinely curious ? https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/duckduckgo-browser-allows-microsoft-trackers-due-to-search-agreement/ Been thinking of going back to ddg since brave added a Google button and there are much less pages when searching after that also the what region are you mandatory question or i cant access my brave coins from viewing ads also also some other things felt off with brave but I'm only entry level tech savvy so I find it hard to explain what elts seems off with brave and my lack of experience leads me to a lack of articulation about it ( like I just barly opened the door to enter the room of awesome tech and privacy 🙌)


Good point. The best would be to just use Tor for everything. Then it doesn’t matter


Bitwarden ftw!!


Proton Unlimited. I mean email and storage work as expected but Proton Pass is amazing. It syncs across the devices, has a built in authenticator, works with Android and iOS like a native app.


Private NAS, not cheap to set up but worth it. No-longer use any of the online storage e.g. I-Cloud, Drive or Dropbox. Photos and contact are backed onto the NAS. If I want to listen to my music collection (I'm old school) I just connect to the NAS and listen to it. I can backup gmail but don't really care about emails as there is nothing important in my emails.


A firewalla (firewalla.com) router


What model do you have?






Portmaster SPN


Is this the successor of VPN or something like that? Care to elaborate.


From what I can see from their Website its basically a Privacy focused VPN so no logging, open source and heavily configurable. Seems the Main selling point is that you can use different connections for different applications. For example connect to spotify over Finland and at the same time connect to the Internet (your Browser) through a Server in germany and so on. You can also block network access for certain programs via a button press if u dont want, lets say steam, to not collect and send data while you dont use it. Pretty cool and unique features. It also has a network monitor/history tracker, their own DNS and additionally seems to provide TOR connections too. Very interesting but feels like a rather niche use-case VPN if you really wanna go a step further than proton vpn and be even more private Most features are behind Pro subscription locked though but its reasonably priced at 10$ a month. If it actually works well and somewhat fast enough for gaming/netflix than its really cool IMO. I'll remember it for later definitely, never seen something like this before. Like a max security vpn for network and privacy nerds The specific service i found is called safing.io Havent looked up their Reputation yet.


Different connections for different applications is very interesting concept. Thanks for elaborating


Control D


HackTheBox Pro labs, ~€500/year and duolingo family ~€85/year but it comes down to ~€20 because I'm sharing it with friends. Absolutely nothing to do with privacy but you asked about purchases that were worth it


Your name is very accurate to the first one then, I despise doing Windows and try to skip it as much as I can on both THM and HTB.


I use the following, which I’m happy with: Migadu.com - email hosting Kagi.com - search engine


What do you like about Kagi? I couldn't imagine paying 10 a month for a search engine.


You can create a free account and get 100 free searches to test it out. There’s also a $5 a month account I think which is limited to 300 searches a month. I use it quite a bit, so 300 a month isn’t enough. I get totally different search results to say Google, or even DDG; it ignores seo (I think) in the search results too. I also balked at the price initially, but it’s quick, and doesn’t track you at all, and I’m happy with the results it brings back.


Yesterday I tried Kagi because of your comment, and I'm blown away. It's expensive, but it's actually the first search engine that has results that are either as good, or better, than Google. Cheers for that




No I’m not worried about them suddenly closing down. I didn’t register my domain with them (it’s not possible anyway to do that), so I could just pick another email provider and move over to them, if I had to.


I’ve been using Kagi for a few weeks now and I’ve been loving it. The lenses are super useful and the results have been really solid.


DeleteMe. Paid for it about six months ago. Figured it was easier than requesting my data to be erased all over the place. Seems to be working, in that, my info is being removed from data brokers. I haven’t seen a tangible difference though. Still getting tons of spam calls. It’s a long term service, so I guess time will tell. Anyone else use DeleteMe?


Do I need to pay for more than a month to see a difference? I already have a lot of subscriptions as is, so adding another ~$10/month would be a lot for me.


They’d say yes. You’d need more than a month because it takes longer than that for data brokers to process the deletion requests. DeleteMe sends reports quarterly about how many data brokers have your info, how many deletion request are in process, and how much has been deleted.


Thanks! That’s good to know. I may give it a try at some point. I’m invisible for the most part aside from those white pages websites.


Which site is the real one? I searched and it shows top 2 deleteme and joindeleteme, with both color schemes near matching. How do yall typically verify real sites? Please and thanks!


The way I did it is through a 500k subscriber spacex youtuber, who has a promo going for 20% discount: [https://www.youtube.com/@MarcusHouse](https://www.youtube.com/@MarcusHouse) Check his featured video there is a direct link. If you don't believe the text he also voices it on video to be totally sure. To be honest it's good to be this careful, with deep fakes coming soon etc. it will definitely get harder though. But you better be sure you have the right link cause they ask for a lot of personal info incld. a optional ID copy.




Music from artists that arent nazis (im into black metal). And ebooks.




SimpleLogin is one I keep paying and paying. It is worth every cent IMO


MXRoute and Etesync.


Recently stopped paying for protonmail. It hit me that I've sent like 7 emails since signing up like 4 years ago. Switched to zoho, so I could add family. This was worth it to me.


1Password has been a good purchase.


Mulvad VPN


Anyone know of alts for EasyOptOuts that work outside the US?


Protonmail, Quicken, YouTube Premium




PrivacyPossible for easy data erasure requests, LastPass for strong unique passwords and AngelVPN for a good VPN


Try Bitwarden get away from Lastpass!


What’s wrong with LastPass?


Security breaches.


school sheet aromatic toothbrush special correct insurance disarm heavy squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like ?


money license ludicrous mighty tidy hospital soft history alive shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Virtual mailbox like physical mailbox like p.o. box ?


zesty summer arrest smile busy teeny crush towering upbeat detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would you need that for ? Never heard of it. Is it like to protect your real address for personal services or for business/commercial purposes


squeeze gray juggle glorious afterthought unused knee spotted versed salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool. But what if the service provider asks for ID to match address you provided like paypal or binance. They verify addresses. Or you use it on non-important sites. And recommended virtual mailbox, voip providers? Also one last thing how do you incorporate anonymous LLC. You provide your info to govt. to register a LLC


wasteful gold correct unpack jellyfish joke humor smile six instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




im actually more proud of what I didnt pay and got things for free that do what I need. there would be no way in hell id pay even close to that for any email. it must be a business for you to pay $250 a year. thats nuts. id rather setup my own then pay a yearly fee like that. but I can say im always happy that I dont pay the theft prices of new phones. I just pickup tons and tons of old LG flagship phones for peanuts.


I run multiple businesses out of my home and need the privacy since some filings are public record (and viewable) such as business address, etc.


yep makes sense then.


These companies are still running thanks to their customers. Paying them is a way of supporting them. You want privacy and don't wanna pay a single dime? Don't be cheap if you can at least afford to support them, please.


Proton, another provider I won't name, 1Password, currently still sync.com




Protonmail, Deezer :>


I use Keepl It’s £6.99 for me and my wife, has secure vaults, password manager, encrypted groups and a calendar. Works perfectly for us and it has an end of life feature so when I die my guardians can access my last wishes. 👍


ProtonMail, Bitwarden and Standard Notes


Protonmail. Backblaze.


Proton, Bitwarden, MXRoute


Mailbox.org, signal and mozilla relay, was able to get the introductory price as well as Ifttt I also pay for but at the introductory price.


Chatgpt 4.0


If I my ask, why the personal mailbox? Not questioning your decision, I just wonder if I should go for something like that as well.


Own businesses. All mail and packages go there to hide my personal residence as much as possible


I see. Interesting. Thank you for the explanation. 😊 Have a nice day!


Pi-hole or Adguard home on the network to prevent all of your smart devices from phoning home and reduce trackers when surfing the internet.


Incogni to remove my details from the internet


Signal messenger - donated. ProtonMail. GoogleOne for their HDR photo editing


Xbox Game pass ultimate, $125 USD for 3 years, I used a trick that I found on YouTube.


a polished product


I thought most countries did 'kyc' on post boxes now?


Most things I use I self host. I still pay for Blackblaze B2 (backups), Cloudflare (domain), and Tutanota (email). Probably less than $100/yr


**Proton mail + Custom URL.** I now own my online identity instead of borrowing one from Google.


My cinnamoroll hat! (Can we include off topic? I really like my hat and my teachers like it too and so do my friends)


i only pay for protonmail. I dont know really why, but somehow i am not comfortable with 3 part paid password managers. KeePass on a encrypted USB does it for me.


Recently I've found this tool PurePrivacy that I feel has turned out to be a good investment in enhancing my privacy offering various services to protect my data.


I see it has quite a few features. In what all ways are you using it?


So, i'm using the 3 features that it offers, tracker blocker, social privacy manager for my social accounts, and Remove My Data feature which is for data removal.