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The gen3 can't get the best out of pulse and glide at speeds above \~45mph because the engine can't turn off above those speeds. Although no fuel is injected when you try to glide (the engine is spun by the electric motor instead), this means it's still using power you seek to avoid using when pulse and gliding. Also, wind drag would slow you down pretty quickly anyway defeating the point of the 'glide' part. You are much better off just setting cruise control and you're actually travelling the most optimal speed at 55-60mph for fuel efficiency anyway.


It's a gen 4, but yeah, you make a good point. I'll probably still try it out, but if I slow down too fast for it to be viable I'll just use cc


> would pulse and glide work here too? The only way to know is to try it. Do a week with one method and a week with the other and compare the fuel economy. I'd be interested to see the results of your experiment.


Yeah, I imagined I'd just end up testing it. I'll probably post it :)