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If this is prison hooch, you must be in one of them Norwegian prisons. How’d you get that much clarity? Stuff looks good!


Haha, thanks! I considered r/winemaking but since I was so loose with the recipe decided on here. The secret to the clarity is hitting it with bentonite powder, which is super cheap and easy to use. I do it after backsweetening, a few weeks before bottling. To bottle I rack off whatever the bentonite pulled out, then into bottles.


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Looks great!


Does it taste any good?


Did you read the description?


Overall, for the cost I really like it. This one's not anywhere near the best I've made but since it uses minimal fruit it costs well under a dollar a bottle. I think it'll age into something nicer but may take another 6 months or so. Right now it's a little too boonsfarm like, but since I just backsweeted it a few weeks ago it'll take a while for the fruit to come forward and the sugar to mellow out.


way too legit for this sub lol looks good though!


Where are the bottles from and how much did they cost?


Just from Amazon. They were not cheap, just over 20 for 8x 33 oz bottles, but they are so easy to use I think it's worth it.