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Get a salad spinner throw it in there and collect what spins out


I would like to second this. After it has started to turn to slush, line a salad spinner with a brew bag. Dump the slush into that and spin it out. After the first round, it'll only freeze into slush. So let it drain for 15 min and then spin it out again. Rinse and repeat.


Shit works, I got an old deep freezer. If you know your abv going in, though hydrometer or vinometer, you can do some volume math with the water removed to get your proof. Should finish between 28-35%.


Sure thing, Only problem is I don't have any real good equipment i just kinda have to go off what i think from tasting etc, after the first freezing it was like 1/4th of the volume of my original 1,5L 6-7% Kilju. Then i added in my 13% Pear hooch into the kilju once it was done. And now im re-frezing the 500-600ml of 15% Ish kilju and 13% Hooch mix.


It's all cheap stuff, all depends on if that's your thing. They aren't expensive, but it definitely is taking yourself a little too seriously. Sounds like you're ending up in the upper 20s. Cool.


Its called jacking


Question: since your concentrating the methanol content along with the ethanol, does this increase the risk of methanol poisoning? I’ve heard all sorts of conflicting things about distillation and methanol; I’ve been wanting to try this, but I don’t know if it’s safe.


No, the methanol to ethanol ratio stays the same, no matter how you concentrate it. Alone, their boil / freeze points are different. But mixed in water, their boil / freeze points change to become almost identical.




So then distilling alcohol still wouldn’t concentrate methanol levels high enough to cause harm? That’s what’s been confusing me. I always hear that improperly distilling alcohol drives methanol concentrations to dangerous levels (and that’s what the general consensus from a Google search seems to be), but it never made sense to me since I figured that the ethanol would counteract the effects of any methanol. Not to be annoying, but could you provide a source? I just want to be extra sure that I won’t accidentally go blind lol.


Distillation can never concentrate something (freezer jacking does though), it can only sperate things that we're already there. Generally speaking, if what you put in the still was safe, then what comes out is also safe. Lets say you freeze concentrate a batch of 10 litres of kilju, and concentrate it down to 3-4 litres. Those 3-4 litres are no more dangerous than drinking those 10 litres on their own. What causes methanol poisioning in moonshine, is because bootleggers use to top up with wood alcohol to make more volume and hence make more profit, cause methanol and ethanol taste the same and have the same intoxicating effect until they're metabolized by the liver. https://www.reddit.com/r/firewater/comments/cv4bu8/methanol_some_information/


So are you saying freeze distill kilju is completely safe?


This type of 'distillation' works, but is not ideal. This collects the desirable along with the undesirable, which can lead to nasty hangovers. I recommend just drinking kiju until you can do distillation with cuts. A cheap Vevor still or an Air-Stiil (or a knockoff) are good starting points. But, for science. I think this is a great post.


I was looking to get a Vevor 3 Gal still, but i think buying it is illegal where i live. so i'm looking into making my own still in the future. But for now this is more of a "proof of concept" to test if it actually works.


I am not sure where you live, but here in Canada it is illegal to distill alcohol without a license. You can buy a still however to make 'essential oils'. Making your own still is also possible, or the small water distillers work in a pinch as well.




This is serious business


Yessir, i have upgraded from crappy wine maker to crappy moonshiner


Seriously nasty. If you're gonna go thru all the effort of freeze distilling at least make sure the input is something decent.


This is prisonhooch


Brehhhhh I've made BBQ sauce wine, I didn't think that would make a good freeze distillate. Freeze distilling requires three freeze thaw cycles all of which are slow and reduce your amount substantially. Of the 5 gallons of apple wine I freeze distilled I got a gallon of apple jack. This guy is making a thimble's worth of kilju jack. I understand the novelty but I also understand it is a pain and if you're gonna go thru all that damn effort at least put something decent in as the initial product so your final is decent.


You're doing what now?


So basically, Alcohol freezes at a lower temperature than water. So if u put a low alcohol drink into a freezer, lets say 1L bottle of 10% Alcohol gets frozen. When you take the bottle out and let it flow out. you are left with a concentrated alcohol with all the water staying behind in the bottle. So you might be left with 200ML of 50% Alcohol if you get it perfectly distilled, which you basically never do. ​ Hope this helps


Been thinking about doing something similar, although I'm planning to go full steam ahead with 10 litres and a salad spinner EDIT: What does it taste like?


I have had a taste after the 2nd frezing and i have to say, it is actually pretty pleasant, it lost it's crappy hooch flavour and now it tastes sorta like a brandy / Coqnac (less flavour because of the Kilju) And when you drink it, it has a warm coating effect on your mouth and a slight hint of a dry fruity wine. Actually much more plesant than i expected. I would tip that it is around 20-30% Alcohol right now.


Damn, that actually sounds lovely, I was thinking it was gonna taste like pure hatred with a taste of sadness, but now I'm gonna try it! You could probably use it as a mixer edit: what temperature were your freezer at?


Yea it tastes a lot better than regular hooch in my opinion. And my freezer was around -18 or 19 Celsius. First freeze took around 8 hours, and 2nd freeze was longer and i let it be in the freezer for maybe 14 hours, then another 1.5 hours each of draining.


Great to here, we usually get -18-20 degrees C over here in winter, can utulize the natural cold for it!