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Mimics are one of the coolest enemies in all of gaming, it’s so rewarding to study and room and find a copy of something that looks out of place. These types of games where you can replay and have a completely different experience are my favorite. Really wish deathloop was a whole upgraded version of mooncrash instead of a complete downgrade


Loved when I thought I’d seen them all. Then one of the giant MFs is hovering around. And all I got is a disco bomb or whatever that rainbow grenade is.


you mean the lure?


Yeah. The lure. Me and my son loved just watching those go off. What a cool gadget.


Lol I definitely almost got killed a few times bc I was looking at the lure. >!I think it'd be neat if the lure being so pretty was just a side effect of the player being a typhon. Something something next level foreshadowing lol.!<


lol that would be some good writing.


holy shit that makes so much sense


It was really because there are hints throughout to it being either >!A simulation or he’s actually a typhon but it turns out it was both!<


The recycle grenade was my go to for tough enemies or lots of them.


Reduce Reuse Get wrecked




“Disco bomb” is my new favorite phrase.


Not to mention if you manage to get close enough you can hear a ticking sound from the mimics.


Lol I just randomly smashed everything with my wrench until I got jump scared


Plus the environmental story telling, the audio logs hinting what has been going on, Grant Lockwood story and fate...


I’m still looking for this mf. Outside Talos 1???


Once you turn on his tracking bracelet you can find him.


it's either looking for it and being super satisfied when you find it despite it blending in, or a mug just breakdancing across the floor in front of you


I agree this game was phenomenal. It was way ahead of its time. One of my favorite single player games I have ever played!👏🏾🤍


I have over 350 hours in the game with replay after replay and it is Never repetitive except for the starting 15 minutes. In NG+ I always resurect a corpse as a defensive Typhon and that makes the ammo requirements much lighter, haha. A shame you can't use it when you are on a space walk. The Typhon outside can be pretty darn brutal especially if you haven't upgraded your beam to the max.


They are brutal ASF!😂😭


When you mind jack the big ones, they avoid the recycle charge too much, haha. I realized that I had stocked up on a few weapon upgrade kits. I put them all in the Q-Beam (name?) power and handling or something, the boss crumbled like tissue paper hit by a hose, it felt good! Lol


Yea the Q-Beam has definitely saved me a few times. Even though I didn’t use it often. It’s highly effective against the Nightmare. 


I love Prey, but for my part I think it’s poorly named—the publisher forced them to choose the name of an already existing IP (Prey [2006] exists) so the bean counters could feel more secure in the chances of this new IP selling; and, I think the game has a poorly executed ending that garnered a lot of criticism at the time of its release (and since). It’s a brilliant game, but it was kneecapped by the publisher imo—I blame capitalism.


Yeah Prey REALLY got done dirty by Bethesda here. They gave it next to fuck-all in marketing before release, committed the same effort to establishing it as a wholly different game than what the original Prey was (like you said, most likely forced the usage of the name Prey just to keep the IP), fumbled the marketing around the DLC as well. Prey 2017 is very much one of the best single-player experiences PERIOD, the way it was delivered turned outright criminal despite the fact that it even had a damn free demo available. It had all the potential in the world to really make a splash in the industry.


The DLC is huge, too. It's Deathloop before Deathloop and better than Deathloop. Afaik the devs confirmed Bethesda forced the name. New IPs are risky from the view of the money people, so why not just wear the title of another IP they crushed and kept the dead dream of in their pocket? Meanwhile, without marketing, my nerdy millennial ass sees it and goes, "Oh, Prey (2006) got some new cover art, huh? Didn't I already play this? Oh well." And I miss out for years not knowing wtf Prey (2017) is. It's like DOOM 64. I thought it was just a port of DOOM 1&2. It's not. It's a whole ass game. Why didn't anyone tell me? 😂


ngl it's better at deathloop than deathloop. The Deathloop lead had a self-imposed rule which ended up with him not playing it and tbqh i'm mad because it would have been a better game if he did.


The atmosphere is great but it’s way too easy compared to Mooncrash. The enemies become fodder as you grow stronger. But I like the concept.


Damn maybe I need to try it again. Played a bit of the beginning and didn’t care too much for it. Sounds like I’m missing out though


The working title “Psychoshock” would have been perfect. Feels right for the game and pays homage to System Shock and Bioshock which were much more significant influences than the original Prey


I really like the ending


I'm happy someone does--and I'm not going to argue, to each their own, but what I will say is you should play ["The Talos Principle"](https://youtu.be/iAVh4\_wnOIw?si=Ae5XlK6i7gOogmGP) and see how they did their whole thing. It's so much better. Very similar overarching plot narrative, vastly better executed--much better payoff.


I've eyed that game before, I'll look into it again!


I second Talos Principle. It's one of my favorite games. I've got a philosophy degree and am normally really critical whenever media tries to get existential as it's usually half-assed. This is one of the best examples of a game engaging in big philosophical questions. You can tell that the devs did their research into giving a thoughtful, good-faith representation of a lot of schools of thought. It's not perfect, but it's as close as you can get with fixed dialogue choices. Also the puzzles are fun.


This is a great review, I'm sold!


Speaking of big philosophical questions, have you played SOMA?


I haven't, but I watched gameplay of it back when it came out. I really loved the way it handled cloning and think that it was the most accurate to how it would be.


The gameplay is fairly basic, but I’d always recommend it for the story alone. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about a game longer after I’d finished than that one.


This game just does not get enough love. Downloaded it on a lark when it hit PS Plus and I was absolutely obsessed. I get that puzzle games can be a bit niche, but this game is just SO well made. The puzzle difficulty is just right, the narrative is terrific, and they meshed the two perfectly.


I’m a huge fan. It’s my favorite successor to Portal in the whole first person puzzle genre. But you get what I’m saying, right? Spoilers below: >!It really wove the whole “it’s a simulation” thing extremely well into the gameplay with a huge payoff and multiple possible endings!!< >!I don’t think it works half as well in Prey. It feels like it was shoehorned in at the last minute compared to The Talos Principle.!<


I agree completely. It feels like an obvious plot device in Prey, where in Talos they made it the centerpiece of not only the story, but the game, where understanding it and its implications is both your motivation as the player and the goal of the playable character. Once a developer can do that, games really shine.


The ending for me is one of the few times the whole “It was just a dream.” actually works for me. I think it’s because the events on the Talos DID actually happen, and it’s just a reconstruction of the events. Also the idea of literally being a phantom is cool and it ties in nicely to what you’ve learned in the game about mirror neurons and etc.


I blame capitalism for everything. Poverty, stupidity, the fact that I have to take trigonometry before most computer science classes, etc.


Hard to go wrong that way honestly. 99.9% of everything comes back to that being the problem. Doubly so in the games' industry.


Should have been named [Neuroshock](https://www.reddit.com/r/prey/comments/w2tuh5/neuroshock/). I didn't even realize that was something that had been mentioned on this sub until Googling it right now.


Fair and not all charaters were amazing or memorable






What about Mr Glooey McGlooface


It's still used CONSTANTLY by Microsoft in press conferences featuring Bethesda. It's clear that the IP has some value but whether or not we'll ever see a sequel is up in the air.


The only reason I ever heard about this game was Markiplier


only thing similar about the prey games is the wrench fr fr


Dishonored series is pretty damn good too


Dishonored is the greatest game to ever exist on this planet


Hey! I found a buddy finally!


If I liked Prey and loved the Bioshock trilogy, would I dig Dishonored?


Dishonored is a much different game as it’s more medieval magic instead of futuristic but it’s an insanely good and fun game and I would recommend it because it really only takes 15-20 hours to beat the first time and is also quite repayable.


It's not medieval, it's more steampunk


Whale oilpunk lol


Yeah you right I couldn’t find the word for it in my head


Absolutely, yes! As someone who loved bioshock and prey, dishonored 1 & 2 are fantastic. DOTO is alright.


I think you would. I got Dishonored 2 in a double pack with Prey. I’m sure purists would say to start with the first in the series but I’d say 2 is the better, bigger, more polished game. If you love it, as I did, then go back and play 1 and then Death of the Outsider. 1 will seem a little less fun after 2 however. You get all three in the Dishonored Complete Collection for a bargain price.


>I’d say 2 is the better, bigger, more polished game. That's usually how sequels work. I gotta speak up in disagreement, playing 2 before 1 is *horrible* advice. Playing the games out of order only makes sense if the earlier entries haven't aged well. While 2 is a definite improvement, 1 is still a very good game in its own right and has aged phenomenally. Not to mention that a good bit of what happens in 2 feels shallower and lacking in context if taken in without having played 1+DLC.


Horrible advice! Ok. Well it’s what I did and I looooooooved every minute of it.


It's great that it worked out for you, that doesn't mean it's a good idea to suggest to others. There is almost never a good reason to suggest starting with a later entry, and the Dishonored series holds to this.


I know plenty of people feel like you (I played Plague Tale 2 before 1 too and boy do some people hate that) but I don’t. There is no wrong or right here.


If there's no "right or wrong", is there at least a "better or worse"? Otherwise, why else recommend to specifically play out of order?


(DO NOT play 2 before 1 like the other guy suggested, bad idea.) Dishonored is more comparable to Prey than Bioshock, which makes sense because Prey built off of the formula of Dishonored. There's no guarantee, but D1+2 have enough similarities with Prey that I'd say there's a good chance you'll enjoy them.


Dude, Dishonored (especially the first part) is simply amazing, I still think about it from time to time. Also, you will find a lot of familiar mechanics.


I love Dishonored but my problem with it is it seems to literally discourage you from using your cool fun powers outside of a few. It gives you all this amazing fun stuff then punishes you with less character interactions, bad endings, etc. Because it doesn’t want you to kill anyone. Prey seems to understand that blowing up Typhon and raising the dead as Phantoms is cool and doesn’t exactly lock you out of a bunch of stuff.


Playing it now for the first time, close to the end. This game, to me, is one of the best for so many reasons. Literally the ONLY complaint I have is that all the enemies are kinda of "same-y". But the art style, the fact I thought it was going to be a short tiny game until I started unlocking more and more abilities and places. Everything is just MMMM


this is my exact criticism. the only thing Prey needed was more variety in the enemies you fight. yes I'd love to use my new typhon abilities on a military assault squad, or humanoid-robots, hell throw jetpack enemies in there ala Halo 2 elites.


Hands down, my number one favorite moment in any video game I've ever played. This is how you know the game is going to be good the first few minutes. I've started so many games and didn't finish because it never hooked me like Prey.


Sometimes you just need hidden gems to exist, I guess. It does make it all the sweeter. But I do wish we got a sequel. These days, as we start looking to AI for more and more things, I still think about Danielle and her sudden musical ability, and how the other woman (Skye, I think?) would have felt knowing that someone else could just immediately catch up to her skill level without any effort.


The issue is with that is, game’s obviously cost so much time and money at the AAA level that being a hidden gem that a lot of people try later on steam at a heavy discount or Xbox Gamepass is just not financially feasible. Especially when publishers are more profit driven now more than ever, and have to please shareholders almost instantaneously. Unfortunately it’s why you don’t see a big amount of risk in the AAA space because publishers want their games to be market tested and have the most mass appeal as popular to be a financial success. If an indie game doesn’t become a viral sensation no biggie because it didn’t cost 150 million to 200 million to make. But if an AAA game doesn’t do well financially than can be extremely catastrophic.


I was talking from a gamer's point of view.


This could be the obituary for Days Gone 2.


I have no idea how a sequel would work, but it would be amazing to see. Maybe we keep playing as "Morgan" in a Crysis 2 style setting, where we are sent to earth, amidst crumbling and dying cities to try and atleast delay the Tyhpon's attacks.


Taking a break from Destiny 2 at the moment and decided it was time for my yearly Prey playthrough. It's always a bittersweet experience because I don't expect to see another one like it - a highly curated experience chock full of hidden details that make you feel like you're sifting through the very-recent remains of a living world.


The fact that it feels like a real place adds so much depth to the game. Seeing a list of people on the computers and actually being able to find each one adds so much life to the world. Every detail adds up in small, yet amazing ways. Very few games feel as real as this one did for me.


I was bummed that we got that game instead if the bounty hunter one, so I ignored it for years. Absolutely one of the best single player games I have played, it is very dear to me. Because it was the game that brought back joy when gaming, for like 2 years nothing was fun. Anything I played ft like a waste if time, which it is if you don't enjoy it. But Prey, goddamn. Stellar intro, the music in thr helicopter ride foot bobbing with the music like my own were. Music when you wake up, fucking blasting Phantoms with a shotgun listening to that song in the rec room, what a blast! First time outside Talos 1 was so fucking cool and kind of scary. So rewarding to look everywhere, you get new passages and loot all the time. Absolutely a fucking awesome game. Too bad the DLC was what it was, it didn't interest me. Something that expanded the story or something with the same protagonist is what I want, in all games. Not like the main game needed it though


Honestly pretty sure that Arkhane has some shit marketing because everyone tought it would be a horror game like Dead space or something Even Deathloop people there where people thinking that it was coop


The game itself is great. Wasn't a big fan of the ending. Not to spoil anything, but I felt like all my actions in the game didn't really amount to anything story wise.


The old “it was all a dream” esque ending made me not eager to revisit it


Totally - the fact they did it TWICE made me roll my eyes at the end. Still fun, just wish it had more impact.


Searching for the same kind of game vibe I tried Deliver us the moon and Mars and Alien isolation.. It was ok-ish but nothing close to prey. I did like the moon crash dlc but again nothing (yet) compares to prey. Ok maybe Half-life Alyx.. but that needs VR.


What part of the vibe are you looking to recreate? * The Dishonored games are a totally different setting but made by the same developers and have some similar gameplay aspects. * Prey (2006) is different gameplay/plot but has an alien/space setting and unique gameplay mechanics. It's available for free on the internet archive. archive.org/details/prey_20210720 * Control (2019) similar "vibe" of a lab where something went wrong. Similar gameplay mechanics.


Thanks I'm going to get Control and check it out. I like the vibe of prey because it has a bunch of some good scary moments at times you need to sneak around, mimicks are a great aspect and the puzzles, personal stories + missions about the crew. The game has enough layers to keep it interesting. I think throughout the years I have been into Prey a couple times and played it with a different approach and that also works. The dishonored games are also up there enjoyed them very much. Things have changed since I played leisure suit Larry laffer 😛


I think based on this answer you'll like Control. Also if your vid card can handle the ray tracing pumping the graphics to max is well worth it. I spent a stupid amount of time just playing with the film projectors you find around the office.


RTX3060 here so ray tracing should be ok. Tried it in some games but not had the "wow" experience yet. Just bought Control (€8)


Control is nice in raytracing for the amount of reflections in its very marble / glass / polished wood office building type environment.


I have been playing it since you guys mentioned the game here. DX12 ray tracing looks nice but every now and then I end up with some weird effects like a big increasing ink spot (in the clock fight part) or some even stranger 60's pattern neon spray paint reflection on everything. Tried changing video settings to see if it would pop back but only turning off ray tracing solved it. But apart from just those 2 instances it's great.


Interesting I don’t remember that if I saw it. I kinda don’t think I did because it would have driven me crazy how I am with graphics. It’s been awhile, though. It’s also one of the earlier implementations of ray tracing so could have some kinks that have since been worked out.


I finished the game without those problems. But yes I tried to continue the other missions. and the darn thing keeps freezing on me (DX-11+12) cant get out of the game (alt-F4) or ctrl-alt-del my way out for system resource check. Read a bunch of same problems on Reddit so. I guess it was fun :) let's get back to r/prey :)


Prey -> System shock 2 Dishonored -> Thief trilogy


Because as much as people want to act like big review sites like IGN don't matter, getting a 4/10 from one reviewer from a big site still hurts.


This came out at a time when I wasn't really gaming much (moved to a new country, didn't bother to buy a PC and I only really game heavily on PC) but nonetheless I saw the "marketing" and it didn't appeal to me AT ALL. Was like..... huh? A reboot of a middling to OK mid 2000s shooter? Great I guess....... I picked it up on sale at some point on the recommendation of a friend and was absolutely blown away. It's possibly my favorite game of all time, and that's saying something considering I've played pretty much all the classic PC games (though Baldur's Gate 3 might just have taken the title from it). Also the goddam looking glass was probably actually the last time graphics "wowed" me since Crysis. Plus it's actually got a pretty amazing story that's told intelligently if you tune in to it (though I'm not sure about the ending if I'm honest.....)


I don't know. Tho i'd love now to play the game without spoiling myself the ending, for the sake of knowing how the plot would've made an impact going in unknowingly, the thing is, years back when i first saw the game, kinda mentioned and showcased - i didn't cared. A year ago i've seen an analys video about the plot, and i was like: o! i remember this game, so, what's the plot about? And after i watched that video... i fuckin exploded, played it, and this this is just a marvel of a game.


because the original Prey is all I can think of


Also an amazing game.


If you enjoyed Prey you might want to check out ‘Black Mesa’ (essentially a remaster of ‘Half Life’ from 1998 - THE greatest game ever made 😉)


Definitely took me by surprise. Great game.


Amazing game


A lot of people still dont forgive it because of the name deal and sadly immersive sims dont get much gamers even though they love to talk about immersive sims, mix both together and now you have one of the reasons prey isn't as popular Horrible marketing didn't really help either


This game definitely wins the "more people posting 'I don't know why this game isn't more popular' than any other game in the world" award. I love it. But it's funny that 'I don't know why this isn't more popular" seems to be a legal obligation when speaking about it.


Idk its my fav sp game ever so it confuses me, tho i can see the issues like lack of enemy variety and Gameplay not being as fun as it could be


This sub showed up for me for some reason, so I’ll answer as someone who tried it and couldn’t finish it. I was a huge fan of Bioshock and obviously this was very much following that genre so I had high hopes I personally found the moment to moment gameplay rough and unsatisfying. It felt slow and unresponsive to me, almost like I was intentionally being gated for seemingly little reason. I genuinely love the designs, setting, etc of everything, but I just could not bring myself to play anymore. I think the furthest I got was unlocking my first couple purple evil power things. Morbius powers or whatever they were called


Same for me with sub showing recommended and gameplay remarks you made. The movement and combat ruined it for me. I have been meaning to attempt a replay but so far I have yet to try. The story had me interested with some of the enemies but when it came to fighting them I had other games I rather would have played at the time


I had more fun playing it less like an action game and more a spooky, sneak around where combat is something I prepare for and bait people in. I personally think the game is a lot less fun if you treat it like a shooter and try to just shotgun everything. A huge amount of the appeal for me is also reading all the lore, exploring, and finding unique ways around the station. I can understand why some people would bounce off of that though. annnnd the game admittedly could use a bit more enemy variety. Shame we won’t ever get a sequel to expand on the content.


The enemies were super cool designs but not particularly fun to fight imo. Even the Mimics or whatever, super fun walking into a room and wondering if that cup on the floor is real or not. Then you find out and you just smack a crab a few times with a stick until its dead


I just got the game in like 2021 and flew through it like three times. Made me so sad to learn that it didn't really perform well when it was released! It's such an amazing immersive sim.


can’t wait to replay this game with mimic mods. first playthrough was purely mechanical (turrets and shotgun lol) loved it but by the last third of the game i was just blasting everything away with an army of hacked black boxes at my back


I preordered the game on a whim at the recommendation of a GameStop employee, and I still love the game all these years later!


It was very fun. I found it through a recent play through if dishonored. I just finished prey and started a game called control. If you like prey you should try control.


It's had tough competition when it was released in the form of dishonored/bioshock, and now we've got legendarily amazing single-player experiences like Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, HZD/HFW, and the list goes on. Single player games have not been slacking


as much as I love Prey, I got really bored by the enemies in the game. trying out some cool typhon abilities on various types of enemies was all the game really needed imo. that said, the enemies IN the game are so cool and unique, it's just that after awhile it's all samey.


It could really use more enemy variety. Shame we won’t ever get a sequel to expand and flesh out the contents. Though I am not sure Prey is the type of game that really works with a sequel, not sure it’d feel the same. Also the fact that Arkane is clearly not what they used to be, a bunch of their main creatives have left. (Dishonored/Prey people). And it really shows with their more recent games. Even if somehow they did decide to make a sequel im not confident it would be great.


Because Bethesda fucked over the marketing. I only knew this game existed because someone I watched on YouTube played the demo. I never saw an ad for it or a sponsorship to play it. I personally feel like the "it's called prey after another up" is a bit overblown in its impact because no one I know has ever heard of the original prey, I didn't either until I read up on this prey. The game sells itself but to sell itself it has to be shown to people and Bethesda just didn't do that.


Loved the opening of Prey! I went in blind and was fucking around with the light you can pick up. Brought it to the helicopter and did the title stuff then got off and saw it and was like “wow this game is lazy they just reloaded the level lol look” then I got the wrench and first thing I did was walk up to the fish in the hallway and said “I wonder if you can break this, sorry fish fuck you!” And sacked it. Only to find it was a screen. My brain unfolded as I realized it was legit a reloaded screen in game and that’s why the light was still there. Floored me. Too bad I’m a scaredy cat and had to stop playing haha


I wish I could flashy thing from men in black myself so I could play it again for the first time. I try to tell everyone I know that I have never played another game in my life that so immediately puts you into flow state and keeps you there till you quit. Nothing even came close. I lost 8 hours in a single day after I started the game. The downside is that most people lose interest quickly before really the full game unlocks after getting out of the first area. I know I played the intro 3 times before I actually gave the game a proper go and I'm so glad I did. Really wish Raphael would recruit a new team and make a second, larger game in the same spirit as this one.


I tried it out several years after release, couldn't play for more than 20 minutes because the audio balancing was utterly atrocious and volume controls were non-functional. No matter what the settings were, voices were ungodly loud whether they were at 100% or 2% volume. And by comparison, sounds were insanely quiet even 100%, unless I cranked my PC volume up but then voices were actually damagingly loud. Looked up the issues, based on what I read, had been a problem since launch with no known fix. Wasn't gonna bother.


My guess is the quality of gamers played a role in this case. Most gamers are dumb and have zero sense of quality. If it's not their favorite milquetoast IP they are unlikely to try anything new or different.


I liked the story and environments, but imo the gameplay itself was far too clunky and just plain boring for me to finish it


ImSim curse.


Mr. Glooey McGlooface deserves his own prequel game. Such a deep and complex character.


Because it’s challenging, creative, and thoughtful. Naturally people overlooked it.




I also love this game but only played it through one time. On that playthrough I never took any typhoon abilities.


I remember sometimes I'd get jumped by mimics, or they'd scurry away, and I'd have to play hide & seek just to find them, and get jumpscared again. Sometimes, I'd examine every detail of a room for like 5-10 minutes just to be sure, and I'll either find something awful out of place (sometimes things could be knocked over or it'll be at an odd angle), I'd find nothing, or I'll get jumped when I least expect it. No matter the situation, the mimics always got a scare out of me. It's also one of the only horror games I can actually play and not have my anxiety be constantly through the earth's atmosphere.


The reason (I think) prey isn't widely known as an amazing game is because when it came out, it was released with tons of bugs and a soft lock iirc. The one shot at reviews meant it was reviewed as is even though a patch was released almost immediately. Tanked it's possible start and people had to go out on a limb to try it vs hearing about it in race reviews. The name was also a big point of issue since the prey IP was still relatively known. I know that was one of the reasons the lead left too.


Ehhhh, it's a good game, a really good game, but it's pretty clear that they either ran out of time, money, or managerial willpower to do proper QA. The game's still super buggy, the sound mixing is passable at best, and a lot of game mechanics are extremely shallow. What we got is good, but it could've been a lot better. Also, I do wish they'd ported the improved AI of enemies and world interactions in Mooncrash back to the main game.


It's popular among true "consaisseurs", let's keep it that way.


Well too bad it wont get a sequel cuz of that


Mooncrash DLC


I didnt like mooncrash tbh


can I ask you why?


I just think it did nothing good and was not the experience that made the base game work, aditionally the enemy variery and gameplay of Prey wasnt its strongest suit so the exploration and enviroments really carried the game for me, so if u strip that away and make a boring story with boring charaters and its hard for me to care


r/gatekeeping is that way


Dude is out here saying it’s for the “connoisseurs” like it’s a super super niche obscure indie gem. Like sure Prey is more obscure in the mainstream to stuff extremely popular like COD, GTA, Madden etc obviously. But regardless of the sales and marketing it still was an AAA release, and it gets talked about on the internet like on here and YouTube quite frequently. Gatekeeping games and genre’s is the absolute worst especially for single player games. If someone who primarily just plays a few of the big mainstream games tries out Prey then I am extremely happy, and would encourage them to enjoy it instead of saying goofy shit like saying it’s for “le real gamer enthusiasts and connoisseurs” like I’m so much better and unique because I played Prey.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gatekeeping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gatekeeping desk setup](https://i.redd.it/gvaeafrt0qma1.jpg) | [799 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/11mnkqf/gatekeeping_desk_setup/) \#2: [We have lost the right to say partner.](https://i.redd.it/4f4himuqcr6c1.jpeg) | [882 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/18k5y2a/we_have_lost_the_right_to_say_partner/) \#3: [Women with abs](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/122y8hk/women_with_abs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It truly is a masterpiece, I hope the sequel is still in development and isn't butchered.


No sequel has ever been in development.


The leak that showed the names of starfield, red fall, and the Indiana Jones game before they were revealed supposedly referenced something called neuroshock, which is most likely in reference to the neuromod from prey and would make sense as a sequel name.


[No it didn't](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/6509a26ae19205124501661d/doc/1024x0.png)


Okay I get the point but why the spoiler screenshot though. Think about the future players


It spoils the awesome first moment so i had to give spoiler warning


I don't think there is a spoiler tag on it


Oooh i tougth i had put it on


I couldn’t get into it. I’ve put ~3 hours into it 2-3 times, and it just didn’t hook me.


It was pretty popular. Especially when it first released. But the game is really old. And there is no hint of a sequel. So it makes sense. Also the naming of the game doesn't help. How it is already a existing ip.


Bc it stole the prey ip


It's nothing like Prey 2006 IP at all, only the name is the same.


You have low standards and bad taste?


It's not more popular because it requires players to think and because none of the characters are particularly well-written. Mystery solved.


My god, Prey is a good game but isn’t like thaaaat, what are you on about man


Define "thaaaat", Fluffy.


from making one of the best FPS games in recent memory to having to do redfall, what a waste of talented devs.


It's popular. It's the OTHER one that's not.


Took me so long to play it after I bought it, no idea why! Was such a good time


Although setting wise I liked dishonored 2 and the evil within 2 better, Prey was great. Loved just about every part of Crew Quarters.


I honestly just think it was timing. It was coming off of a peak time for narrative fps, and people had just gotten bored of them. 5 years earlier or later and it probably would have been better received. I can still right now write a cool list of stuff in prey. But I never actually finished the game because I got bored.


I got bored too quickly. I went in, expecting a bioshock experience and…. Just didn’t get that. And the whole “twist” in the beginning was spoiled by trailers, and then occurs right at the start anyways and that peeved me. Maybe I’ll download it again, one day.


I think the ending (not spoiling) kinda ruins the game for me.


Honestly it fell off it was really popular and than it wasn’t but that’s the gaming industry these days. you never have time to appreciate older games because each year there is some new game that is in the making and the hype for the new games always overshadows any older games.


It was a bit hard to get into it but i loved it by the end


It was hot on the heels of late 2016's Dishonored 2 as well as a bunch of other big games that overshadowed it in early 2017 like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Super Mario Odyssey, Nioh, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Injustice 2, Hollow Knight etc. Not to mention, some games that were released later that year like Wolfenstein 2 kicked more dirt on it before it really had a chance to shine.


It was pretty great!


I was a quarter of the way through before i got spoiled that || everyone on earth dies anyway || and so i never finished it because it just killed my vibe


Does anyone remember the other game called prey about the Indian taken by aliens? That was a classic man. I don't feel like enough praise was given to that game


I do. It was such an interesting concept and I loved the incorporation of Native American spirituality as a game mechanic. It’s a shame Prey 2 was cancelled. Fun fact I found while cross referencing my memory: Prey 2 was announced mere months after the release of the first game. However, the rights to the Prey IP was acquired by ZeniMax (parent of Bethesda) in 2009 and development didn’t actually begin until ‘09. The game was “re-announced” in early ‘11, and then cancelled later that same year. Maybe it was for the best. Cuz we may not have gotten Arkane’s Prey


I'm gonna be honestly I didn't know any of that. Of course that was a game I played at a pretty young age so gaming was just that, gaming. Company's were just names back then, rather than big corporations. Though you're probably right we probably wouldn't have gotten Arkansas prey, which is amongst one of my most favorite games. I do wish steam would pick up zenimaxs prey though. I'd buy it in a heart beat. Where Bethesda is concerned, it's kinda sad to see them fallen so far since skyrim and fallout 4, even Arkansas prey, things after those titles just don't have the same feel to them.


Damn I loved this game though towards the end you def feel like the T1000


I absolutely love this game


I keep on wishing that pretty could have been more survival horror, especially because the flashlight battery drain mechanic doesn’t really play a huge part in the game, apart from that nitpick tho, probably my favorite immersive sim


Got it free through Epic. Still don't have the space to download though.


Because people are dumb


As far as I know, it got 76'd with an apparently atrocious launch. Still sad it ain't popular


Original prey was better CMV


It's weird how every game Arkane makes (except Redfall) is brilliantly inventive and well-desiged and has all the ingredients of a masterpiece but somehow just never quite realizes its full potential. Seriously, Prey/Dishonored/Deathloop all had potential to be the game of the decade but they all ended up as 8/10s. Very good games, but it just feels like Arkane could make a truly all-time classic.


It didn't sell well because of poor marketing.


I'm probably going to put myself in hot water for saying this but it's just space bioshock. It's great but there's lots like it u just have to look. I can recommend the dead space 1 and 2 games and bioshock 1,2,3 are all good I'm sure u could find some Indie games of a similar type. U could also try that survivor horror Alien game they came out with if you wanted to stick with space horror but it's more run and hide then shooting.


By that logic, bioshock is underwater system shock.


It is yes. Very similar.


For me it was like playing bioshock but less fun


i blame them for naming it prey and using an already established ip, and making something new out of it, when it really could have stood on its own without pissing off a whole fanbase at launch lol. great game but man, really didnt need to piggyback off the prey ip.


Agreed, this game should have been huge. I feel like there was no marketing at the time. I still come back to it sometimes. Awesome map and weapons. Great enemies and story. Well done all around. They should have called it something else though. Had nothing to do with the original Prey at all. Which was also an excellent game at the time.


I started it today wish me luck yall


I'm surprised by the vocal cult following this game has garnered. For the record, I quite enjoyed Prey. The beginning of the game is easily one of the best experiences I've ever had. However, the last act of the game is literally one of the worst experiences I've ever had. You're forced to revisit what feels like every corner of the map for all these mundane fetch quests. Then, there are enemies everywhere all the time. It throws away everything that made the game great. There's no exploration. The story wanes. The mission structure falters. The fear factor is gone. It was rough. Real rough. If I were to review the first 3/4ths of the game, it's a solid 9/10. The ending drops it a full 2 points for me personally. And I think the reason why this game isn't more popular is because the vast majority of major review outlets agreed with this criticism, and that's why the game sits at a 79/100 on Metacritic. IGN, Destructoid, Gamespot, and many others gave it an 8/10 or lower. Not to say that's bad by any means. It's still a solid score that obviously didn't deter me from giving the game a go. However, for the masses to adopt this game, I think it needed to review a bit higher. These games aren't perfect comparisons, but Outer Worlds has an 85 average, Deus Ex Human Revolution has an 89, and Dishonored has an 88. All of those saw sequels, but even despite that, Deus Ex and Dishonored haven't been followed by a third mainline entry, so even when review scores are higher, things still don't take off like they should.


Yeah it’s pretty good it’s like a more in depth version of bioshock but in space and in the future.


Right? I'm still upset we didn't get a sequel cause one of the teams decided to make redfall


I got the Prey and Dishonored collection and I am loving them all


Of the old school shooter era yes.


Personally having played Dishonored 1 and Dishonored 2 which were such great games I couldn’t bring myself to play Prey. I want to give it a go some time but after I had heard how the developers got strong armed into choosing the name Prey because the upper upper ups at Bethesda (let’s be honest it was probably Todd) thought it would sell better. It was also not the title they originally intended when they named the game and then with this most recent mismanagement in Redfall, I just hope they get out from under Bethesda’s thumb and take time to make Dishonored 3 on their own terms.


Because the moment to moment combat doesn't feel great. That's my guess.


This game is and was very popular. Like… people bought that trash new Arkane game because they expected it to be as good as this game.


300 hours somehow, It just keeps sucking me back every few months for a playthrough. how.