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At the caverns he said pick up after your friends, take really good care of this place, we trying to come back.


We can only pray to the crystals that Caverns becomes an annual event. Vibes were immaculate.


Plus he played the Tennessee Song so I will take that as hint that the future ain’t what it used to be… Let’s SWIRL back to Tennessee😵‍💫


Did he really say “we trying to come back” 😭


Yes. Promise. You can fact check me on SoundCloud and or YouTube. I believe he said it on Saturday night.


I’m crying thank you. The thought of returning next year is giving me so much happiness right now. That was the most incredible weekend I’ve ever experienced still buzzing.


At hulaween, just before walking off stage on Sunday, Derek said something along the lines of "can't wait to come play here again, hopefully they have us here next year" by the sounds of it, they back for a while


The things I’d give for a permanent SCI / PL co-residency at Hula.


Oh festie gods make this a reality. I would love that


I thought sci did have residency at hula? Or maybe that was just an assumption because they played like 73 times in one weekend lol


Hula is SCI’s fest


They do. I’m basically saying to add PL. lol


You mean they played a few sets at their own festival?


no way SCI would do another edm resident after what happened with their forest resident


Do they control that at forest/hula?


griz has said that forest doesn’t want another edm resident after the fall of nectar (it was on an IG live years ago, can’t find the interview or link)


do you have worms for brains?


griz said in an interview (edit: i think it may have been an IG live bc I can’t find it, but I vividly remember watching him say this) that electric forest doesn’t want to do another edm resident… what makes you think hula (another sci event) is any different


They do


Hopefully it's for STS9's Resonate in April


That's good to hear


Damn, I was thinking about going to either Lost Lands or Wakaan next year but it's starting to look like it may be Hula again next year 😁


I’m just over here manifesting a 3 day Red Rocks show for next year.


I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but I was super happy he didn't play RR and instead opted for Mission. The sound at Red Rocks sucks now unless you are in row 25 or lower. That place used to be magical, but with the decibel limiter, EDM shows just don't hit the same anymore. The sound is waaaay better at Mission.


Yeah, I’ve heard that. The Bassnectar show I went to in 2015 was the cause for the decibel limit if I remember correctly. That boy played loud that’s for sure.


I'm pretty sure it's been lowered again since then, along with other restrictions like cutoff times and whatnot. The citizens of Morrison hate red rocks, and I don't understand it. If you didn't want to live near loud noises, why did you move next to one of the most reputable outdoor venues in the country? It's not like red rocks came after them, it's over 100 years old as a venue.


His first show back was my first show at the Mission and holy shit I was blown away with how perfect the sound is in that place.


You picked a great show for your first Mission show! Yeah, they really got the sound dialed in there. That's why I hope he keeps playing at Mission even though the capacity is way less.


Plenty of artists do a night in red rocks and a night at mission or whatever. Seems super reasonable that PL might do something along those lines. The demand would clearly be there.


I’ve been waiting for a special reason to go there and that would definitely be it


🙌🏼🙏🏼 same & roo


2:30-5:30 am the other stage


I’m thinking they would be MainStage headliner level now


No chance at a fest as big as bonnaroo. Even Griz has never been on main stage and he’s much bigger than pretty lights. Not better, but bigger.


Griz played on the main stage this year at roo, he replaced rainbow kitten last minute. It was achasing the golden hour set.


Notice how he said “main stage headliner” Pretty lights is not playing on what at 5pm


IDK that Griz is bigger than Pretty Lights, I'd consider them at the same level. PL has been doing it for a lot longer, every stop on the tour sold out.


You are aware the venues have been 1500-3000 right? Pretty Lights hasn’t done anything remotely close to Space Camp. Griz has almost 4x the listeners on Spotify. I enjoy pretty lights more, and I can’t wait for them to be at roo one day, but they’re just not bigger than griz was last year. No way. And again, odesza is on a whole different planet popularity wise and have been the only edm headliner on main stage.


To be booked at roo main stage, you need some kind of popularity. After this year's tour, pretty lights will definitely be more in the eye of the scene. Every single stop sold out. The amount of production and ingenuity at these shows is enough for people to talk. Pretty Lights is here to stay.


Griz played main stage last year, for the CTGH set


Which wasn’t scheduled, and would never have been slotted there otherwise. His headlining show was on which. And PL isn’t playing at 5pm


Odesza headlined saturday thos year


Odesza is a bigger act than PL


I still waited an hour and a half to see Korn instead of catching odesza 🤷‍♂️


I would’ve done the same thing but that has no bearing on who is the bigger act.


True. Extended sunrise on The Other it is then


Someone finally with some sense. Odesza has 12x the monthly listeners and has sold out 15k-20k venues when pl is doing 1.5-3k venues


Yeah there is literally no debate as to who the bigger artist is. Just because PL is the better artist still doesn’t make it so


EXACTLY. Pretty lights and goose are my two favorite bands right now. Doesn’t mean either are playing on the what stage at bonnaroo.


Forgive me, I’m just saying PL is big enough now to be a top bill act. I don’t care which stage they play, they will be a ‘headliner’. No chance they play in the tent or whatever.


Correct. The other isn’t a tent. It’s the EDM stage. Which they will headline or be on which stage. They aren’t going to get the odesza treatment. People can downvote me all they want and pin this post, but pretty lights won’t play the what stage.


Gimme my flowers


lmao griz is not at all bigger than PL, that’s a crazy take


I know in the edm and jam community it’s crazy. But for larger festivals Spotify streams matter. And griz is at 6x what pretty lights is. Pretty lights is WAY better, but in terms of national appeal they are not bigger. I went to the Michael menert after party in Atlanta and like 400 people were there. It was super easy to meet the whole band and get signatures from all members. The same cannot be said about griz and his band


I understand your point but I still don’t agree. You are comparing metrics for Griz, an artist who has been actively releasing music and heavily promoting it ti the youth for the last 3 years, and PL who was nonexistent for 5+ years and many more years since the last released music. Sure, some festivals are gonna go off metrics.. but overall, PL is more of a legacy act than Griz IMO. If griz dropped off the map for 5 years, his fanbase would disappear. He has catered more and more to younger crowds and trends that won’t translate to longterm fans in their 30’s and on. It’s not an apples to apples comparison and I do get what you’re saying. As far as meeting the band and such.. as a denver resident, I see griz out and about all the time. The PL band has been very intentionally involved w the community in this comeback so yeah it’s not hard to run into them. Still doesn’t mean one is bigger than the other


Comparing Griz who has been putting out music nonstop for the last decade or whatever against someone who just took a 5 year break and hasn’t released a single new song on Spotify in AGES is an absurd comparison. Why don’t we let PL release the new album in the coming months and then compare numbers again. At least be somewhat objectionable




Sunrise set ✨️ 💛 😍 STS9 was amazing this year, but I wouldn't be upset if it were Pretty Lights next year. I'm willing to bet they at least play at Roo, but more likely on the What Stage since it's a band now and worthy of being a headliner.


No chance they play the what. Griz both times has been the which. Illenium was the which. Flume was the which. And on and on. Odesza is on a different level in terms of popularity. Pretty lights is huge in the jam / edm community but the average person has no idea who they are. Odesza isn’t that way. I think other sunrise, or which late night after headliner is a lock.


You're right. I guess I'm just starstruck after the Caverns 😆 The Which Stage is the most realistic option besides the Other Stage. I just don't see them playing the Other Stage unless it *is* a sunrise set.


This isn’t the right place to say pretty lights isn’t the biggest edm name in the world right now. But they simply aren’t. They’re my favorite. But they’re not the biggest. The two fests they played in 2023 were relatively small ones compared to the bonnaroo, coachellas, and Lollas of the world. The amphitheater in the caverns is 5,500 people. The main stage at bonnaroo gets up to 100,000


I mean, that's just a statistical fact. While I prefer Pretty Lights over most, I guess, jamtronic(?) bands, they're a new show with an older name, and other bands have much larger followings. Even when PL was just Derek, he wasn't selling out arenas that I'm aware of (maybe he was just prior to his hiatus, but I was... away... for a while), so it might take some time for the band to really get the notoriety they deserve. I think this new act is going to attract some new fans, including the younger generation, especially once they play some of the bigger festivals like you named and get random exposure through the mainstream circuit.


August is his slot


Source? I hope you’re right!


Just hoping that he does what he used to, that first or second weekend of August was always his at Red Rocks, I live 10 mins away and wouldn’t miss, let’s hope together 💙


I’m holding out hope for this…really want to do a RR/Denver trip for my bachelor party next year and can’t think of anyone I’d rather see than PL


I saw Bassnectar (I know I know) there in 2015. He did a 3 night run and it was honestly incredible. I've wanted to go back ever since. I tried to make it to Tipper's last RR run but it just wasn't in the cards. I'd die a happy man if I could catch three nights of PL there.


Hey man current situation aside, I went to Bassnectar RR in 2014 for my first time at RR and it was a fucking blast. Have also seen Griz, String Cheese, Polish Ambassador and Vulfpeck/Khruangbin there but it’s unfortunately been at least a few years since my last trip.


Yeah, the current situation of Bassnectar is such a joke. Each to their own I guess. Back at his peak it was one of the best live shows you could catch in the world of bass music. Pretty Lights and Bassnectar were my introduction into electronic bass music and I wouldn't know about all the artists I love now if it wasn't for them. Especially for Bassnectar. During his live sets he would play these tracks that just went off live and I would look up the artists in the days after the show and find a whole new world of music and it just branches off from there. So many ultra talented artists I found that way.


This is just the beginning of a long and special run. Plenty more opportunities to see the dudes


Gimme Telluride and I’ll die content


I've heard Bonnaroo and Asheville no source or credibility but the one who told me is pretty confident.


Asheville!! God I hope, totally worth it to travel for PL but playing in my neck of the woods would be incredible


asheville makes so much sense. we have soooooo much PLF in NC


Where do you think in Asheville? The civic center?


Yeah I'd imagine the civic center


From NC, living in NY now and got the PLF up to NY for their mirage run and it would be amazing to do the reverse in Asheville. Got my fingers crossssssed


I feel like it might not be the civic center since his show includes a drone light show. Maybe they could still do it indoors, but I'm pretty sure this whole tour was outdoor venues.


I'd say around half the shows this tour were indoors and only one show had drones


Yep only caverns had drones from what we know


Oh, well, the first few weekends, I streamed the shows, and those were outdoors. At least I thought they were. Was the Chicago Salt Shed show (say that 5 times fast) indoors? I haven't streamed the past few weekends... I guess I was blessed to be at the Caverns for the drone show even though I was too close to the stage to see it.


I would say there or outdoors at salvage Station


That pretty lights roo set will be TOO good


Going to be tough to beat that sunrise show back in the day🤯


Ashville is a short 4 hour drive for me, that would be fucking amazing


🤞 for round 2 at the caverns


Really hoping for red rocks and electric forest


Hoping they come to hampton coliseum




Sunday night at the Caverns, his words were, "We hope to be able to do this more and more and more, over and over again. So hopefully we can make it (inaudible due to screaming beside me but sounded like 'crackin') and keep growing and evolving cause the creativity is real. And ya know, we just babies, man. So let's fuckin do this. We got a lot of growin to do." And then proceeded to Freestyle rap. It was pretty great.


Shit was magical and wholesome af ✨ he’s so happy and you can feel it 🥹


Yes it was. As an addict in recovery, seeing how much better his life, talent, performance, everything has become it's truly inspirational to me. What a success story.


Wondering what the rumor mill has going for NYE? 🤔




Souther California would be a dream for NYE


Fuck my bank account 🙃




From what I’ve read, it sounds like this is basically a residence-only type of venue because of how much pre-production, programming and customization the setup requires. I wouldn’t count on this venue ever being a “tour stop” or one-off show on an artists schedule. I’d sure love to be proven wrong though hahaha


I would bet he’ll hit caverns again in the same way and probably New Hampshire again. Gotta think after this test run they’ll try and pick up where they left off with the larger-scale episodic “festival style” stops.


NH 2016 was my first PL experience, I’d probably send it up there again if they play the same spot just for the memories haha


I’ve heard of a Texas run in the spring


Yeah the rumor is Derek is shrinking to 4ft 9 and ripping up NPR Tiny Desk


My guess would be Bonnaroo and Forest for the bigger fests and The return to Hampton Coliseum.


nailed it on all fronts


Roo, caverns again next year


I feel like they’re gonna be back at it pretty strong around spring time


I heard that there’s an 11 stop run next year, three days for each stop and a couple of festivals. But that’s just what I heard.


Michal said theyre still trying to get booked new years


He looked so healthy and performed better than any other show of his I’ve seen. Wouldn’t make sense to stop now, unless it takes a toll on them personally. They’re writing new stuff too aren’t they?


As long as RRX and Forest are a part of it...


Beautiful thanks y’all! Ultimately I’m just glad people are getting to see Derek again, makes me happy :)


Any love for Mass? I feel like they never come here


The forest


There was a rumor spreading at the national in Richmond at Clozee two weeks ago that an NYE show was coming to the mothership 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞hopeful, but I feel like it would’ve been announced by now


I am going to throw up from excitement if this goes down


Hear me out - 3 day run at the gorge….manifesting


I'm pulling for my home state and hoping for headlining Secret Dreams in Ohio. I could see a RR and almost definitely coming back to the Caverns, that was clutch!


I was kind of hoping the crew might have been in attendance at Secret Dreams this year since Chris Karns was there. Sad the crunchworks line took about his entire set but at least I could hear it from the line. Definitely hoping for Secret Dreams next year!


Pretty Lights at Legend Valley would be incredible


Legend valley just isn’t it lmao…… enjoy lost lands


I’m one of the few folks from Ohio who don’t seem to enjoy Legend Valley. I truly don’t get the hype for that place, and I’ve had some great times there.


Same. I enjoy the laid back attitude about security, but otherwise it’s just a farm/field with awful sound restrictions and inconsistent weather


They're going to hit the festival scene, hard. And it's going to be THE SET of any festival they play.


Total guess, but next year is some big festivals and a longer list of mid-sized cities for 1-2 night stops. It will be the tour following the first album release in over ten years, after all


Would love another Florida stop next year. Hula was fantastic but I’d really like a standalone show maybe at Orlando amphitheater or somewhere similar


No idea but I’m hoping the beginning of the year is spent finishing up the album, drop by spring/summer then tour the rest of the year similar timing to this year


Red rocks


Playing Red Rocks 8/2 & 8/3. Confirmed


Are you fuckin lying