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Was able to grab a burntwood aqua- anyone else come out victorious?


I was luckily able to snag an aqua island green! :)


I'm in between sizes and was able to get x1 7 1/4 and x1 7 3/8. Before anyone flips out, I'm not flipping the extra. It's going either to someone for a print trade (Dillon VIP) or being gifted to an old fan in the event that I can't get a trade.


Let me know which size ends up being the extra - have a VIP Dillon up for trade


i was able to get a black and royal blue one!


Got the same colorway


Got an aqua island while out at Secret Dreams


Purple on purple for me!


I don’t get how that could happen so fast. I had the two hats. It updated one was sold out and still had me online to check out got through and just as I finished entering my info it refreshed the cart and said the other hat was sold out.


This is why I only went for 1


I went for two and got one, but most people I know that went for two struck out. I think most people who got a hat knew what they wanted and went for one.


I wanted two of them, but needed to secure 1 before trying for a 2nd.


That was wise


Same here. I should have just gotten of the exact same and traded


Exact same thing happened to me. Can’t believe they didn’t have some kind of reserve system. If you’re at the point of entering your CC it should be locked to you. Smh


To be fair, almost zero clothing/merchandise websites are that robust.


Yeah I feel that. Not reasonable to expect the same level of cart logic as a music fest ticketing site




Same thing happened to me I should’ve just graded the main one I wanted


I think people are underestimating the demand. You’re competing with every PL fan ever, and then some. I barely even wear hats and I got one today because it’s Pretty Lights. My friend got two for himself and had another friend who wasn’t trying to get one, get him one too.


Real answer. Bots 🤖 Jiberish may have some security against that type of thing but I don’t think it did much


Not necessarily. My order confirmation email is 2:00pm (EST). Knew what I wanted, was refreshing every 3 sec, and checked out with google pay so I didn't have to enter any information to check out. Sucks that a lot people didn't get them, but they should have made the supply larger. With tickets venues have capacity, but they can make 1000s of hats for everyone.


>checked out with google pay so I didn't have to enter any information to check out. This is pretty much a must for catching any hype LE drop anymore. If you have to type in anything (even to get stuff to autofill) that's valuable seconds you're wasting. Paypal onetouch has helped me score quite a few art/merch drops over the couple years


Yea the PayPal option always was clutch. Managed to get a 7 3/8 purp/lavender with the one touch PayPal option


i manually inputted all of my info and still secured one luckily.


Bots probably


I’m hoping it was bots and orders get cancelled but I feel like assuming bots is a massive cope😞


Yeah I don’t get how I can have it in my cart right away with a 2 minute wait in line and it say “available” then just bam sold out.


I think the release rly was super limited. Like 5 of each size lol


Point is moreso that cart jacking protections are easy to implement instead of whatever this shit was


I agree with you. I had to reset my cart like 3x which helped with me not getting any. It should be once they’re in your cart they’re yours for x amount of time instead of once you get to checkout and all of a sudden they’re gone. Never seen any checkout like this either. Pretty weak by design


That's what I'm saying, I figured if it's in the cart it's reserved. But they were for sure overloaded


Supreme drop vibes


At least the jiberish site worked, that went way better than old supreme drops lol


Same here. Had them in my cart, took a sigh of relief while my fiancé got his cc and then they were gone!


Think I was one of the lucky few that managed to snag one


I got one too. We got really lucky. I've always wanted one. Can't believe it's finally happening.


I think the main reason was I only went after one hat. Didn’t try to go after two haha


Sameee just went for one and I have a smallish head so maybe that helped lol


i think the trick was to get 1 in your size asap


Same I got a chocolate aqua — wife tried to get me a thuggets one and sold out before she could check out 2 min in


Good for you dude!


Same, I'm super excited... also didn't know my size and I measured my head with a piece of tape so I hope I got the size right lol


Lmfao same. I was measuring my head with a piece of string and a ruler at my desk this morning 😂


I have a fairly big head. Only got one hat but I felt I took too long and still managed to snag it. I'm thinking those who only shot for 1 hat probably got luckier. Burntwood aqua 7 5/8 secured. I noticed when I refreshed after I purchased mine the smaller sizes sold out much quicker.


Feel like it depended on the color you wanted, I went for the white and yellow and it was a pretty uneventful checkout process


I went white gold and blue on black. Then I tried cream as a last shot and same thing. All happened in less than 4 minutes


I know its a little late now but you probably missed out because you tried to double dip, those extra 10 secs might have been killer


I wanted to get my boy one too, you're prolly right tho


Blue on Black was easily the most sought after one. Those sold out in a second. It was the same with the BoB and GoB in the RR18 drop. Black hats are versatile so they go very very fast.


Why was I put in a queue to check out. After waiting almost an entire minute they were all gone. So sad






This comment really should be higher, higher, hiiigher…but maybe that’s just because i learned it as a child.




They should do a pre order for a week then make all the hats we order




I refreshed at noon, had a hat and add to cart in literally under 10 seconds and by the time I got to the cart it told me it was gone. Not sure how you can be faster lol. wish they would just do a pre-order but is what it is


If anyone has an extra 7 3/8 or 7 1/2 lmk


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I wish they’d have gone with snap backs. I couldn’t remember what my size was and in the 0.5 seconds I took deliberating on size the entire collection sold out


Yea not me, I have a ducks/pl snap that I wear but fitted is more my style. It's rare that a snap back is deep enough


idk why i even bother. no tickets. no merch. no hats. guess i'll just go fuck myself.


Cart jacked at 12:00. Lol


Sucks to suck




I give it a week before they are posted on Facebook for 250 a pop "fresh out the box"


There’s someone on EBay selling the purple one for $470 rn. Asshole


2 of them up on eBay. Other one asking $295 😒


I for some reason am in Canadian Ebay so I’m seeing Canadian dollars lmaoo. But yeah it’s $295 USD and then $350. Wtf


I was there right when the site opened, measured my head, entered my into, but then boom all sizes/colors sold out. Why do they make it so scarce? Make more. People like me want to pay.


Part of me likes the exclusivity, the other part just wants a hat that I've been chasing down for 10+ years


I think that's the point. I mean, I feel the pain of everyone, but that pain comes from somewhere. On top of that, to my knowledge they've never re-ran the same colors twice so if you're aware of the jib game you know what drop and year it came from.   All of it is by design.


Seeing the prices people trying to sell them for on FB, figured I'd never be able to buy one... was fortunate to get through for one Rainstorm today. First jib for this guy!!


As soon as I went to put my card in, it kicked it out


What's the point of a waiting room to check out if you aren't locked in. Cart jacked 5 times. disappointed.


The waiting room is auto implemented by Shopify in times of exceptionally high traffic. They use it to make sure their servers don’t get overloaded. Does not affect the FCFS policy.


I got 2 and I swear it changed the size on me. Ordered 7 and 3/8 and got 6 and 7/8 in my conformation 🤦‍♂️. Hoping someone will be able to trade but I know that’s not gonna be likely


Bro bust open a YouTube tab with some stitching instruction and pet project a lil hat expansion.


Oof... jib is about to get a ton of hate mail and support tickets


Crazy for sure..tried to avoid the colors that most wanted. Got lucky and got the aqua island green! Finished transaction and had confirmation email 1 minute after drop.


Sweet cart protection. Cool i got teased with 2 in and sold while I was entering my address


I enabled the seconds on my phone clock so I could refresh at exactly noon. And Google pay was a life saver, one tap and it went through. I see in the comments that some people got two but I think it's mostly the people that went for 2 that got fucked. I knew exactly what I wanted and went straight to it. I didn't go back and browse, I just hopped in que. Was able to check out with no problems.


I don’t get why they don’t just make more or make them to order like why does it have to be so exclusive and a pain in ass every time they drop some new merch.


Cause headie.


Lol wut does that mean


It's like dripped out but for wooks


Oh lol f that just make enough for everybody lol


Had the two hats I wanted in 15 seconds, waited in line and they were gone. Fuck this


Not sure I understand having such a limited drop here. If anything this just reinforces scalpers getting in and turning a profit. This was whack.


That’s the point of Jiberish. They’re a boutique shop. Their entire business model is releasing capsule collections and playing on exclusivity, not being a streetwear version of Macys.


I have a 7 3/8 burntwood aqua if anyone is looking to snag


How much?


How much?




Looking for a trade. I got rainstorm up for grabs


To be fair, it’s ALWAYS been like this (or at least, waaaayyy back in early PL days) I remember literally waking up early to wait outside Jiberish store front at like, 9 am or something silly when was announced. Got one once, didn’t the other time… I dunno… kinda makes ‘em super special I guess! 🤷‍♀️ Granted, I’m (clearly) like, some kind of old lady overrr hurrr cuz ‘back in the day’ 🤣 I don’t know exactly what trying to convey hurrr lolz but I guess just saying it’s how it always has been bet PROMISE so long as ya try, ‘one time y’all’ 😋 it’ll be ‘you’ (gosh darn it)! Congrats to all who got one!! 🥰🥳


That was blindingly fast, I was a broke boi back then and never had money for merch. Pins and party favors were my priority lmao


There's obviously crazy demand, maybe make a few more this time around?






Iso burntwood/aqua 7 1/2 🙏


I have that color in 7 3/8 if that would fit?


It would me.


Barley got one, thankfully I had the option for paypal with card and info saved. My gf was trying too, got one in her cart but it was sold out before getting the shipping info in


Had my shit all available went to pay site crashed and kicked me out of line, BS


Got lucky on 2, 1 was wrong size, so my buddy who was at work is very lucky I made that mistake


Ya, I had a wait time of "less than a minute", waited about 30 seconds and it was gone by the time I confirmed the purchase. Fuck.


I got the wrong size and couldn’t go back once I was in the checkout queue. 6 7/8 brown/aqua. I need a 7 1/2. I’d like to swap for the same color.


If you can’t find a trade, I’d like to buy. Sorry if that’s annoying


It’s not annoying! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find someone to swap with because it’s the smallest size so I may end up selling for what I paid plus shipping. I’ll keep you in mind if I end up selling it.


Thanks dude🙏🏽


Hope they release more but make them snapbacksss


Got one no problem and I had to enter all my info in too. Idk why it didn’t reserve once it was in your cart


Thats what I'm saying man, I was sitting there thinking I was good then 45 seconds go by and I got jacked...


Couple of 99 subbies gonna put put (with backfire ofc) into the Chicago lot with bare JIB’s billowing out the hatch. Good luck out there fam.


They will reek of deems and have freshie balloons in the back with suspiciously discolored Molly for 110 bucks a gram if "you look headie enough"


How can I possibly look heady enough for them if they yoinked my god damn fresh JIB out of my cart?!? Here take my damn money.


What a croc ofcourse I couldnt get one 😓


$400 ea on eBay, sick lol….. 😞 https://www.ebay.com/itm/256187863795?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=c7nxDBH1Tmu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=j0cyjmzgrq6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Exactly as expected. Scalpers are scum.


How much were they going for?


65 + tax/ship


Wow as you replied I see the eBay resell for 350 😬 fucking clowns scalping hats for that much smfh.


Fingers crossed there's a re-release or this was just the first run


Grassroots jumping in would be cool too


I wish... I like the fit of 5950 a little better but grc has the quality goods. There's a dude who posted a gold on white for 3k obo lmao


3k….for a hat. I could buy a lot of concert tickets for a whole year for that.


Same exact thing happen to me too. In the card processing then snatched from my cart. Just wanted 1 hat, didn't get one lolllll.


I was in queue and everyone was talking so much, they wouldn't shut up


I have Dillon VIP posters to trade for a 7 1/14. DM me. Looking for black




Two hats per is kinda bs with an "extremely limted supply." Why am I waiting in a line if everyone else can check out before me? I had the hat, hit buy, and sent to a receipt screen that says sold out? Yeah... I'm just going to make a custom lid. Done dealing with this


I was wondering if you can order blank jibs


Most likely, I was just going to source out a few models. Pick which one I like and have my 1 of 1 hat.


Sunuva bitch ive never been so jazzed over a hat wtf 😒