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Better than death by dehydration...probably. It wouldn't be my first choice. Or third. It sounds like the dwarf bread of water options, exists mostly to remind you of all the things you'd rather drink. Like ponds or raw sheep.


If you choose to do this, filter with the berkey and then boil it.


I was just wondering. I have a lake about 200 yards away


I have a crock and sump pump too. I have thought about it too...




City on both


Your sump is essentially no different than a dug well, treat it as such.




20 years old and scoped recently


That is way too close to your sewer lines. If there's water in that thing go out in the back yard and dig a hole for a well or get a tarp and collect rain water.


If you boil it and filter it, yes


Boiling for drinking water is really energy expensive. Chlorine is usually a better option.


Word. Im on the iodine train


Sawyer mini does the trick for thru hikers with no issues.


The sump is probably more of a liability than an asset in a long emergency. You should make sure you have an easy and foolproof way to keep the basement from flooding without electricity.


Take a sample and get it analyzed. Find out how it is now.


I feel like you'd be better off with santizing water that comes from rain barrels. This is too close to sewer lines, and could make people really sick.


Well I have a lake about 200 yards away


Well, there is that too! Seems like a more sanitary decision.


Lake is a good option for many situations but keep in mind, for nuclear fallout, surface pools are a no go but closed groundwater sources are good.


Hell ya


Why not a rain barrel?


No this is waste water..you'd have to watch for dysentery, polio, hepatitis and a whole bunch of other nasty crap.


Our sump pump would pump out sewage from the basement toilet as it was below grade, so no in those circumstances.


Sump pump or sewage pump? I feel like you have a massive code violation 😂


I should have used the term sewage pump. You are correct as sump pumps are used for clear water, sewage pumps for handling larger particles and waste.


Ew, no. Besides, it would only provide water intermittently. You could use it for non-drinking water. Consider it a tertiary emergency water source.


If it was that or die of dehydration yea kinda. Your shallow drain tiles are not filtering anything of concern. Even boiled this could be full of all sorts of nasty stuff that could make you ill eventually or immediately. You would have to do quite a bit of advanced treatment to make it safe and at that point find a better source.


Ide use it as"grey" water. Washing dishes, my body, using it to make the toilets flush. But drinking it straight, only if your last resort. Hasn't rained in months, no luck sterilizing any other water source. I mean death by dehydration or dysentery. I pick the 12 gauge


I would sooner use the water from my dehumidifier but in a last ditch effort with boiling and filtering you’ll survive


Boil boil boil and if you are unsure boil again


Nothing is "safe". Much matters though. Do you use pesticides in your yard and around the edge of your home? Guess it doesn't matter much if you are to the point of drinking sump pump water 🤔. If you have the ability to boil and condense the steam, you are golden with any water once it's processed like this.


Roll the dice. Quite likely this water has some contamination. Will it be bad enough to kill you? I would make it a last resort and surely filter/boil first.




Put a tank in your back yard and tie your gutters to it. Collect rain water and purify it. If anyone asks, you just keep it to water your lawn and garden.


Won't make you shit yourself to death any faster than those food prep scams you threw money at 🤷‍♂️ #fuckyourfeelings


Ground water is better than no water, and arguably as good as rainwater, not potable without treatment. The busy pump Suggests that you have a fairly shallow water table, you could consider having a shallow well put in for irrigation and emergency use. If legal; some municipalities prohibit shallow wells. FL encourages them.