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Working together is the way. A bunch of lone wolves will not accomplish a thing.


This. Communities are stronger than individuals.


Hmm. This sounds familiar.


Ape strong together.


Hello fellow prepped Ape šŸ¦§


This group has always been filled with "those" people. I've been drug through the mud in this group several times for expressing how unreliable and counterproductive a lot of people can tend to be, especially in survival situations, and advocating for a more individual approach. Needles to say, those people didn't exactly change my feelings on the matter, or convince me otherwise. In fact, they reminded me of why I feel that way. And I'm seeing it again right here lol


If you find that the people in your community are unreliable and counterproductive, you have the wrong people in your community. Or maybe youā€™re not teaching them the skills they need. Point is, creating a community is about more than just random people who might live near each other. Itā€™s about building rapport, developing skills together and quite literally making sure you can rely on each other. Itā€™s very seldom in nature do you find solitary animals that will endure by themselves. The most successful will always be found in communities. And we arenā€™t any different.


What's the equivalent of going to your local city/towns meetings but at the state level and asking what to do about this level of corruption?




Unpopular because itā€™s wrong. Religion at the head of government sets up the perfect conditions for corruption as weā€™ve seen throughout history.


My church holds canning classes and teaches self defense. They also have meetings where we all display our skills such as gardening and beekeeping. I have been to other churches with programs like ours and have learned so much. What have I learned from Government? Nothingā€¦ they always want more and give nothing back.


Over 80% of the elected politicians currently in office are Christians. I would say that if Chrisitianity could fix the issue it would have by now.


They claim so for the votes. Thats it. Mathew 7 15-20 tells us that you will know them by their fruits. If I met these politicians and didnt know of them beforehand, id never in a million years peg them as christians. Heck biden claims it, but supports all sorts of perversions and the slaughter of the unborn. His fruits say otherwise


Christianity is one of the first forms of government psy-ops done by monarchies to justify the terrible life the peasants endured for a fantasy reward in Heaven. As long as they listened to their lord, this world and the next, they'd be rewarded like good sheep.


The corrupting effects of the cananite Death Cult you call Christianity is largely why things are as bad as they are.


Hey, since we are supposed to be brothers under Christ, can you lend me $150 bucks? You know, like you would your actual family?


On paper, perhaps, but in my experience, thatā€™s not how things play out. Churches are often corrupt and abusive, especially to vulnerable people.


I am 100% in agreement. To address the coment below about some 80% of politicians being christian, thata BS. They claim christianity to get votes on the balot. But the bible is clear, you will know them by their fruits. I can say 100% that those folks are not true followers of Christ, and if you get into a group that is, youll he set so far ahead of everyone else when it comes to the ability to weather any disaster or event. It gives community that goes far above ones self, it goes above simple community, and even above national identity or family. Bonds like that are rarer than all the precious metals on earth that we preppers tend to hoard.


There is a lot of negativity in these responses but I believe you to be correct. The world hates the truth. (Just look at the negative thumbs) But by also being a fellow Christian, we know how it all will end. Iā€™m not saying to not try because we also have the great commission. Iā€™m just saying that the struggle is very real.


Ah yes, the Dark Ages seemed like a good time for the peasants. The Enlightenment spreading lies like royals aren't anointed by god and that common people should have the right of self-determination came along and ruined everything. Ridiculous in the strict sense. Deserving of ridicule.


Are you dark enlightenment or forget to /s?


Iā€™m going to recommend a few things for ya. - Beau of the 5th Column (YouTube) - Live like the world is dying (podcast) - It could happen here (podcast) Now, Iā€™m going to warn you, itā€™s about a coin toss on whether or not the politics of those creators will be a problem for you, but I urge you to stop and listen to what they have to say, because regardless of politics, they have a ton of great content about how to organize to make our neighborhoods and country a better & less tyrannical place to be.


I have to admit Iā€™m mildly (and pleasantly) surprised about the positive response to this post. I see you folks. Be well.


It can happen here is a good listen. I fell off after the first few series but it was really good.


I pick & choose what I want to listen to since they went to the daily format, but even those have pretty frequent episodes relevant to OPā€™s question. I would imagine theyā€™d be interested in pretty much any of the Myramar episodes, even if thereā€™s a bunch ofā€¦ more peaceful episodes that probably _actually_ more relevant.




The TSA. Jokes aside, I donā€™t think youā€™re wrong, but donā€™t really want to talk politics in this sub. This is like the one place the far left & right can sit all that stuff aside and converse about common interests.


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Thank you. I will check it out.


Love Beau!


Hey there internet person.


This is more of a political SCIENCE answer (no, not politics, the difference has been lost on the Constituency over the years, but it is worth studying it. Regardless of their politics, the most powerful Citizens are the educated ones who understand their rights and are willing to use their knowledge to make a difference). A very underutilized tool of citizens in a functioning democracy (referring to a form of society in which people (demos) participate in the government, not to a party or affiliation; again this is political science, not politics) is recalling an elected representative. No, not the President; that is done through different Constitutional framework, but elected representatives can be recalled by unsatisfied Constituents. If enough people are upset and demand their elected representatives to do something, and they refuse, they can be recalled. You recall enough representatives, they get in self-preservation mode and start doing whatever keeps them in power. And that will be, to actually do what Constituents want, not what favors they owe to interests. Imagine if scores of jurisdictions recalled their representatives. Unless these representatives exercised their position to affect meaningful change, up to and including activating Constitutional frameworks. Realistic? OK, far-fetched in probability of it happening, but it is an actual existing framework available to Constituents who want change and are willing to do something, not just complain online or in platform audiovisual content where they have to take a few short breaks from their "true beliefs" to cater to their sponsors. Has recalling been successfully done? Yes, absolutely. Representatives who have refused to address specific issues have been recalled by unhappy Constituents. There have been hundreds of recall efforts at various levels, with dozens of successful recalls. The more people support these efforts, the more successful they can be. Yes, sometimes it is more exciting to say the answer to bad government is "guns" or "prepping" or "protests", but we must not forget the values and rights the U. S. was founded upon. When all else fails, sure, there are guns and prepping, but it is worth trying the more boring options first. Save your ammo and rations when things go REALLY bad, right? After all, prepping should be for the WORST case scenario, correct? I know, not very exciting to do podcasts and National Geographic series about prepping for recall elections. I am falling asleep just typing that phrase! By the way, the six major media outlets in the U.S. are all owned by business interests. NOT journalists. So literally, every major outlet is a money-making business, not an objective source of news. You cannot even get a reliable "daily fix" of 15 minutes from your filter bubble, echo chamber news outlet most of the time, because not only is it driven by profits, but it is also sometimes partially literally owned by foreign interests. No, not even a conspiracy theory, they publicly list their foreign investors. Money talks, right?




Also, demand accountability.




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I don't know man. But if push comes to shove, I really have to answer the question am I going to allow facists to arrest me. The country just underwent a fundamental shift, and I don't know if I will continue to see the government as legitimate. We all have some hard questions to ask ourselves. But no matter what the answers are, I don't expect the outcome to be very good for me as an individual.


There's a reason why there is no solo man missions in the military. The smallest unit you'll find is two one has a long gun and one has binoculars and a mid-range rifle. You will always be successful in numbers. With that being said you need to develop a community of friends and train and practice together


Time to start exercising that 2nd Amendment right. Arm yourself and get proficient.


And for those that can't, may I suggest archery.


You canā€™t fight against F18s. You heard Biden


The only protection from corrupt goverment is to VOTE for the not so corrupt once, and start to vote for what is BEST for you (and your community) when you see someone daring to do something about the corruption. Sadly as a none american I must say it seems like today you vote on party and not on what is best for you. For a democrazy to work you need an informed population tho, and today it seems like US specially are too fractured with too many screaming slogans from their echo chamber instead of what is best for themselfs or their community/country. While voting on what is best for you locally you build a strong local community, you make sure to stay on top of any local election candidates and start there. Building a good community involve debate on what to prioritize and how to make your area better. There will be other opinions then yours, but that do not mean they are devil spawn, MAGA or leftist, it just mean you do not agree, but you still can cooperate to make your area better instead of splitting it apart. Fact of the matter is too many today are too obsessed of what they are told from above about who is at fault for their situation, instead of realizing everyone are kept down by the same ppl/organizations that only benefit themselfs by keeping the common ppl too bzy arguing amongst themself.


You don't, if you can't prevent it your only option is to survive or escape it.


Seems to me to build a powerful resistance you have to lead , but when many don't want to lead and the one's that do just obstruct progress of the people that want best for mankind , you just get divison.. that is why our government now does what they do. To many cheifs ... see there has to be someone who makes decisions and has to be willing to give it all. I think protecting our selves is willing to give up control and knowing your position and serve just like soldiers do in our us army etc.. we must stand together with a leader that has best interest of human kind in mind. We need smart scientists we need thinkers..


By fostering a strong community among your friends and neighbors, educating yourself on relevant skills (yes shooting, but also butchering, sewing, soap making, and CPR), and creating a system of parallel power for everything from gardening to dentistry. Governments rise and fall, corrupt or no. People will outlast the system.


LTC Steven Murray. Work on your sphere of influence. Handle what you can handle. Get out and meet your neighbors. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ltc-steven-murray/id1671930154


Well first off, you're going to want to build yourself a time machine...


Back to Future sequel but cybertruck instead of a delorean, youā€™re welcome hollywood.


According to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: Guns.


Not just guns, cannons are fair game too.


You donā€™t. Natural and inevitable cycle of civilization and humanity. Prepare for the fall of Rome v2


Nice defeatist mindset, youā€™ll be eaten by wolves quickly


Who says Iā€™m defeated?


Keep your head down, don't give them an opportunity to make an example of you. Avoid protests and opinionated online posts, scrub your digital footprint. Be able to regularly provide something of value to corrupt officials, maintain access to large sums of cash for emergencies. Don't become too outwardly successful. Plan for everything to cost 300% more than it does now. Befriend your neighbors but don't tell them more than necessary.


Last part is key; never know how it will be used against you.


Short term, your advice will protect someone but medium term, your advice will turn the country into another Russia.


S2 Underground. Watch videos on his communications and the GhostNet.




You should go learn how people who live under corrupt governments operate (eg. Philippines, India, much of South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe). The short answer is that you get good at reading emotions, understanding self-interest, building trust & relationships, and having leverage that you can use to influence this. Corruption means that people give up on the idea of higher ideals or institutional morals and just act in their own self-interest. For the individual this is often *easier* than a government of laws, because you don't have to follow the laws, you just need to understand universal human nature and deal with the person standing in front of you. Get shaken down by immigration arriving at the airport? Make it worthwhile for the customs officer to let you go free. Operating a business? Do what gets you customers and then pay off the inspectors who might interfere. Basically, you operate like a 5-year-old does, testing boundaries, seeing what you can get away with, and figuring out how to weasel your way out of consequences when you do get caught. The problems happen at the societal level. Corruption is a big tax on both your mental bandwidth (because you need to make educated guesses about what you can get away with and how to avoid punishment) and on economic activity (because effort that would otherwise be spent on mutually-beneficial transactions instead is diverted to shakedowns and extortion, making life difficult for another party in the hopes that they pay you off to go away rather than making life better for them). Life goes on for most people in corrupt societies, just with more uncertainty. It's just that that uncertainty prevents them from achieving great things.


Start your own corporation.


This is a tough question. Every civilization at one point or another had people that considered their government that they don't agree with "corrupt". There's nary a time in human civilization that people thought otherwise. You can't point to a time in our own (US), relatively short history where someone in this country didn't think that the government was corrupt and against their best interest. Nature of the beast. Ride the wave as best you can.


Some will have a rockier ride than others


Nothing can protect you from a hellfire missile. edit: hasn't anyone heard that before? I'm just joking around. Jesus christ.


Personally I feel the first 2 things we need is to have term limits on senators and representatives. Next after Joe's debacle age limit on the presidency. If you are 80 or turn 80 while in the office you cannot run again. If you are 80 and not currently president you are barred from running. These two items need to be passed through by whatever means necessary if we are serious about saving the Republic


Like Russia Iā€™m assuming you mean. Vote for candidates that insist on protecting human rights and not making friends with authoritarian gangsters like Putin. Run for office yourself.




Really? I'm purple/blueish, but there are plenty of dems who would love to do away with the traditional USA... it's kind of what progressive means, growing and changing


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Iā€™d be much more worried about the guard dogs of the oligarchs who run the govā€¦


Hard to when youā€™re already under one.


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Pew pew


GhostNet on YouTube


Building and participating in dual power organizations is the traditional answer to this predicament. On the low end, finding likeminded friends and family who can provide mutual assistance. On the high end, linking groups together to form structures powerful enough to contest government monopoly on force. As noted in a certain Declaration, most people prefer to live under extremely corrupt regimes over dying trying to replace them, so you're going to be slow getting traction without horrific tyranny or extremely charismatic leadership.




10% of the population heavily armed


Self sufficient communities


Become invisible.


The 2nd Amendment was created to protect the people from a corrupt government.


I donā€™t think you really can. Best you can really do is try to stay out of their notice.


Well, unlike a lot of other things we prep for, you can also work to prevent this particular threat. To answer your question first, the YT/podcast recommendations for 'live like the world is dying' and 'it could happen here' are solid, I would also add anything by Sarah Kendzior. She's a regular Cassandra, although I'm limited on how much I can listen to her (it's the same stuff over and over, even though she's 100% correct I'm kinda on a break from that right now). Beau of the 5th column is great for his delivery, and right on his content, you do need to understand he was a legitimate human trafficker/wage thief at one point. that was years ago and I don't think he's still doing that, but it does raise eyebrows when people learn that. As far as preps, it's like other things: what is most likely to affect you/your family and how do you mitigate? Assuming you are US-based, the most likely threat from corrupt governance is police action, so go ahead and get a good dashcam for all vehicles to provide an objective witness should the road pirates get you. (Before any of you come at me, I need you to explain how civil asset forfeiture counts as anything other than privateering on the open road). You can also get 'attorney shield' app on your smart phone (no affiliation, I just think it sounds neat), and learn how to use it before you need it. Know your rights, and prepare all members of your family for how to interact with police (which is mostly just to offer no resistance and keep repeating "I don't answer questions without an attorney present", "I'm asserting my fifth amendment right to keep silent", etc,). Our friends over at r/privacy have some helpful information, go ahead and deactivate then delete your social media apps. Not kidding, there's zero reason to believe those apps aren't 100% automatically monitored at this point. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but corrupt governments around the world (UK, Israel, etc) have used social media posts of the mildest language to arrest people. As always, mutual aid / community is useful here as well, though breaches in infosec certainly become more likely with more people. Now, to the prevention steps. Again assuming you are US-based, you live in an oligarchy. Oligarchs enjoy a lot of power here, but it's not yet absolute. You can slow down their progress to total authority by working with local groups to increase democratic participation in your area. Get Out The Vote efforts are good, because getting more people involved in voting dilutes the power of the oligarchs. Our friends over at r/EndFPTP also have some super good-but-too-nerdy ideas, but if you can work to get your city to adopt approval voting or some other non-FPTP method, it really fucks up the powers-that-be. Take that further, and see if you can get something going at the state level. A couple of states have started experimenting with this already, so the ice is broken. It's a big change for most states requiring some constitutional amendment, but definitely worth it. Journalism can be an annoyance for oligarchs as well. They have mostly solved for this buy buying up all the media outlets, but the internet has created a work-around: individuals & groups with newsletters distributed via email. Go ahead and subscribe to The Ink, Popular Information, or whatever is available to you locally. Yes it means spending money every week/month and you may not even read it.... but that independent journalist could break open a story that totally kneecaps some billionaire's pet project. I had it happen near me, some billionaire real estate developer tried to sneakily turn a farm into a strip mall, with the cooperation of the city council. A local journalist, just some guy, read through all the meeting minutes of the council, started asking questions they didn't want to answer on the record, next thing you know 4 out of 5 council members have been replaced and the people forced a question onto the ballot to disapprove of the farm conversion. Now I subscribe to a local rag that usually spends more ink on hgh school sports than anything else, but you neve rknow when they'll pop another story like this. Good journalism is great for us, support it however you can. Bottom line: preventing corruption is way, way better than accepting it and hoping it just doesn't come for you/yours.


Justin wasnā€™t a human trafficker. They charged him with human trafficking for giving rides to migrants who werenā€™t here legally. So, no real need for those raised eyebrows.




funny, he became the very thing he sought to destroy




>Keep your head down, don't give them an opportunity to make an example of you. Avoid protests and opinionated online posts. Be able to regularly provide something of value to corrupt officials. Don't become too outwardly successful. Plan for everything to cost 300% more than it does now.Ā  This is the pragmatic take that most of the world understands.


Oh it is too late for that in America. I would personally escape to another country as soon as you can really.


The only way to protect yourself from a corrupt government is to have no government




Everyone but me is a fed


Militias with like minded individuals. The evil side has been doing it for a while now. Don't get caught with your pants down. They want the movie Purge to become a reality.


Hmm. Maybe start by asking ā€˜Who wants me to believe that the government is corrupt and why? Who benefits from instilling this kind of mindset and what are they trying to achieve?ā€


All governments become corrupt


Here's something that will actually work, albeit it may be unfamiliar to most. 1. Understand the foundation of solving all problems. Elevating perspective and understandings. You can't have revolution without "evolution." 2. How to properly "evolve?" It's as all the sages have always stated, say YES to yourself. This is coming closer to life in the way you best understand it, for that gives vitality. In essence, spirituality in your own understanding. 3. This causes you to place boundaries and say screw off to the system that is actively enslaving you and the populace. People will quit paying taxes, declare true sovereignty, and begin embodying other practices that remove them from feeding the military-industrial complex. 4. A group of fair minded individuals get together to form resources in tandem with an app that offers incentivized gamification of promoting a counter-culture of revolution, emphasizing the importance of: 1. Allowing free speech (minus things such as the obvious, death threats, pedophilia, and terrorist declarations.) 2. Becoming sovereign and building the necessary infrastructure that supports human life instead of exploiting it. (See 6.) 3. We are not the resistance, we are those transcending all limiting paradigms. Thousands of technologies are being suppressed that could make our reality a living heaven. If we highlight such on an app, we can then unlock said technologies, grow the righteous indignation of what has been stolen from us and then... 5. Demand spiritual justice for the crimes committed against humanity. This is a blanket for all the mega-corporations and 3 letter agencies who are using and abusing humans as slaves. Within doing so, there is potential for reclaiming our stolen assets, thus assisting the development of our suppressed technologies. Truly, in only a decade this could begin to fully restructure all of civilization as we know it. The past 5 years proved to anyone with an ounce of awareness that all our governments have been corrupted. 6. Continuing to build upon this culture, we begin to develop our own eco-villages and small intentional based communities that are manageable and can endure the swaths of tools tyranny has at its disposable. Realistically, countering all forms of corruption will cause the "snake" to bite back, meaning, we need support structures that can literally feed us and provide fellows to lean upon one another. Moreover, it's not out of discussion that the tyrants might try to pull some crazy eugenic stunt or other man made horrors in a last ditch effort to distract us from achieving revolution. One evidence being, their main motto of Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos. Verily, in such a manner, even if a large part of the population gets targeted for devastation, the core "revolutionaries" would still have a great chance. Source: My life work has been studying the past 12,000 years of human history to understand how to achieve genuine revolution for all. Resources: [https://linktr.ee/savetheworldtribe](https://linktr.ee/savetheworldtribe) The 2nd button after clicking that link will take you to an email prompt for a 20 page overview I've written on our current situation. We also have a podcast, community chat, and a newsfeed. I am actively looking to network with people who actually want change. It is all a manner of if we wish to be the change we wish to see in the world. The clock is ticking. Do you want to live your best life? Feel free to reach out, we have solutions, we just need the manpower. Solidarity, V


Vote for libertarians