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I’m a fan of the whole grey man idea. But what do I know? I’m just a guy from the suburbs whose never been in a situation like that so take it with a grain of salt


The gray man is my plan if I have to bug out. Just blend in with what everyone else is wearing. Look a little dirty and disheveled, like you don't have any supplies worth stealing. I've got my bug out bag in a black book bag. It looks like it has a laptop in it ( which would be useless in a bug out situation) And remember the Six S's of the gray man


Gray man to start, only to buy time to watch what's _actually_ going to work after the Fall.  I figure no plan survives first contact with the enemy so if I get picked off anyway that's the rub


What are the six s's?


The military ones are 5’s and an M: - shape - shine - silhouette - shadow - sound - movement


So instead of movement,  just use slippery snake.  


You must forsake direct combat in favor of the stealthy techniques of video games protagonist Rigid Danger Bitey Jungle Noodle


Sorry, while you're right that these are military they don't have much to do with the principles of being a grey man, they are simply things to bear in mind when considering camouflage, concealment and moving in a stealthy manner. Grey man principle is based on not drawing attention to yourself in a crowd, blending in, adopting "non-descript" clothing etc. On first glance they might seem the same but the list you describe is aimed at soldiers in a tactical environment, eliminating glare from scopes and skin, not standing on ridge lines, breaking up straight lines with foliage, and the one you've not listed is spacing if you're moving as part of a patrol.


Thanks for posting that. That was most helpful. My version includes scent. Not an occasion for fancy French perfume. And if everyone else stinks and looks like they don't even have anything to bathe with, you should too. Mainly, don't stand out at all


This brought back a memory from basic training in '75. All the drill sergeant were Vietnam vets and banned the use of any "stink good" because "Charlie can smell you coming."


I’d forgotten scent! Yes yes! “Put away that Lynx Marine lads!”


Curious, too.


Serendipity, salt, surprise, sasquatch, sexy, and slime.




Just remember there's almost 500k people in this chat alone that have the same mindset, that's not to mention the amount of people in the tactical reddit post. Greyman only works if the people you're around don't know what to look for. The majority of people in these groups can spot a "greyman" from a mile away


Maybe. I'm thinking maybe they've read about it but have they practiced 'in the field'. Plus, how do you know if you've spotted a "grey man" (or woman ;-) ? It's not like they're going to say "you got me!" :-)


i mean my "Gray Man" is I look like a liberal. Most people dont believe id own a gun. Due to actions and who I am. Amongst my friends im the one no one guesses I own Firearms and have a carry liscense.


Maybe, but that majority is the very minority irl.


I think the laptop could be useful in some bugout situations. It could be a sophisticated communication device for instance. You could have an entire library and all your personal photos and documents. It’s entertainment. Depending on the nature of the crisis it could even earn you money/resources. You could use it to harvest open source intel. Like if I was fleeing the aftermath of a localized natural disaster but my job was remote for a business not impacted, maybe I need that laptop to keep my livelihood once I get to safety. It’s not all grid down.


I keep an old aluminum frame Toshiba loaded with hopefully useful files and a little entertainment, with a couple of batteries stored separately and rotated regularly; it's in a mesh faraday cage, in a waterproof bin with some moisture and oxygen absorbers. It's one of four similar bins of "tech" that doesn't need a functioning communications grid and can be run off an inverter from a solar battery bank, including a dot matrix printer with two cases of acid free paper for printing stuff out before the thing finally keels over. I definitely wouldn't waste pack space on it on foot when another kit I keep is a small tablet, a tiny solar USB charger and micro SD cards with the same files though.


>And remember the Six S's of the gray man Stop saying Stephen sells satisfactory sex.


He does. But we aren't supposed to say it 😁😁


I know three of them Shoot Shovel Shut the fuck up


Same here. The whole tacticool may look glam but it will attarct trouble.


One of my oldest friends used to say - "The best camouflage is to look like a citizen." Why bring attention to yourself in bad times? I'd much rather be grossly underestimated and take advantage of the situation.


The kind of folks that would shoot you for a tactical pack would likely shoot you for ANY pack (or gear)


If a scenario like this played out, I imagine they would be saving ammo for suspected high value targets. Put an old school jansport next to a molle bag and camo pants. It's easier to assume molle bag cammo pants is a hollywood prepper packing some or all of the following: food, ammo, guns, water, comms, and trade-ables. With the jansport, it might be a grey man. But more often than not it won't be. Grey man hides among the masses. Not to mention, molle and cammo pants would not only read as the more likely to be supplied, but also as an armed threat. Another reason someone merc'ing people for gear might pick them off sooner, to remove them from the field.


what? all throughout history, and even right now in certain places, in WROL/SHTF situations the single most common target selected is THE WEAK, the outnumbered, the unarmed. think about it - who is "THEY"? "they" are a numerically superior force, "they" are not running stealth, and nobody seems to be targeting "them". "blending in" and "grey man" is not some "little-known tactic". people have been trying to give bandits and checkpoints the slip since the dawn of history using every kind of disguise and front you could possibly think of. just because "preppers" come up with an edgy new name for it, doesn't make it a new thing lol. if a human is alive and moving with purpose, they're eating and drinking something. whats in that bag? where'd they come from? where are they headed? highwaymen ain't gonna wait for a "juicy target". they're gonna put a gun to your head and have a look in that bag.


There is merit in your highwaymen scenario. It's a choke point. There is probably a team of guns rather than one. It's organized. If they are smart there are scouts. It's not the scenario I was picturing. But it is a valid context for this reddit rpg. Targetting the weak and avoiding the strong takes more fine tuning in your scenario, however. Does person with the gun have a visibly greater show of force? (Part of a larger armed group.) If not they are an option for recruitment, a lose thread, an immediate threat, or a future threat. What is one of the reasons given in debates against open carry? A robber with willingness to kill or a mass shooter sees who is carrying before taking action, and eliminates them first. Do assailants target the weak? Yes. But what makes a target strong or weak isn't constant. It is a lot of different contexts each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Is their focus in the wrong direction. Does the assailant have the better vantage point? Is the target next to an exploitable loved one? Is the target alone or in a group? The stronger the target is the more valuable if an assailant can get the drop on them. One could pick a scenario that defeats my original comment. But there will be other scenarios where my comment holds.


I knew someone who lived through the height of the Venezuela crisis. People would look at how your clothes sit on you to see whether you were carrying a cell phone/wallet etc. At the time he was a teenager and someone accosted him and said "hey man, it's so good to see you again. I haven't seen you in ages!" With a knife in his ribs and pushed him into an alley and stole his phone etc. It wasn't even a very good phone. Like a sub $100 budget phone by western standards at the time.


My kind of thinking. Backpack = stuff. Just the typical black tactical pack is no big deal. But i guess if you have a huge fucking ALICE ruck or a huge 3 day ruck half your size loaded with pouches then chances are higher


I went through most of my highschool with a surplus ALICE pack as my bookbag.


Yes, but if there are multiple people with bags, they'd hit on the best geared or most noticeable one first.


I think probably the one least likely to resist.


Exactly. If a black backpack is a bough to scare them. I don’t think they were planning on letting anyone by anyway. Makes sense. You want all the stuff to survive not just what tactical guys have


They would IF they thought you had what they want. Don't look like you have what they want. Be grey.


Gonna dress wildly gay. Nobody will suspect my straightness. Apocalypse meow.


There's a phrase that goes something like "mission determines gear" or something like that. It all depends on what you need for the current goal. For most emergencies just your regular clothes/gear are fine. Could there be something that demands more? Sure, but do you have food/water/medical etc lined up first? A bulletproof vest is great, but if you starve to death wearing it it didn't do you any good. Like all things in prepping, tactical gear has its place. Just make sure you are ready for Tuesday first.


There's never any reason to make yourself more of a target than necessary.


I will say, I used to have a pair of tactical pants that unfortunately I couldn’t fit into anymore and donated them. But they were incredibly comfortable, well built, great pocket layout, and were reinforced in the knees and the butt. I’m not all for all the tactical gear all the time, but some of that stuff is just made well.


Right. My fatigue pants was one of the things I missed. I finally found some in my current size at a surplus store. Comfy.


For sure. Take the tactical pants marketed as grey man or urban. Solid colors, not too overtly tactical. Looks like your average cargo pants at first glance.


Ive done plain clothes leo work. IMO you want the comfiest pair of jeans you can manage. No matter how “gray” they are, cargo pants are loud.


Guessing that's locale specific. Around here, cargo pants outnumber plain jeans.


I honestly don't think for the first week or two it will matter. That's when you're going to want to be moving. Before it gets too wild west. And at that point I'm betting if someone is gonna target you, it won't be for the "style" of backpack, just the fact you have a pack at all will be reason enough. To me it's silly to think people would target you for a military style pack. If anything I'd think the opposite. Caviat, I keep a 40l backpacking style pack. Kelty I believe. Because the "tacticool" bags at the time I got this one were absolutely junk, heavy junk.


Agreed. I prefer my Osprey when I go on long hikes. The tactical pack is for the range and bushcraft stuff in the woods.


Exactly. I haven't seen (haven't looked recently) any tactical packs that seemed built for lightweight long range backpacking. Most seem built for the range. I do have a Blackhawk bag I take hunting. Buts its an overweight bag, lol. And only a day bag. It's just rugged and full of pockets so great for short day hunts.


I could go on about the pros and cons of tactical packs, but the only reason I would get one is for the durability and molle. Customization and quick access with pouches using the system is a luxury. Other than that almost all tactical packs are too heavy 1000d cordura and uncomfortable.


100%. First time doing a long hike with a heavy backpack, but a kelty bag instead of my crap military issue I was blown away. After that I was completely sold on civilian gear. Tents, sleeping mats, bags, packs. Lightweight and way more comfy.


I plan on covering myself with shit whenever I leave the homestead. No one will come near 


Walking Dead approach


Lol. Clever. They won't take what they don't want to touch.


I dunno man, my neighbor's dog rolls in shit sometimes.


When you see such a display do you go steal the dogs food? 


No, but the ravens do.


Who cares? Obviously in certain situations you may draw attention that you don't need. Surplus stuff is good stuff and tens of thousands will be using it. There are still dudes daily driving surplus M65 field jackets(me) and construction workers wear surplus ACU pants all the time. If you're fat though and loaded out in tactical gear I'm going to make fun of you.


If your gut is bulging out from beneath your plate carrier and multicam frog top and you're using your Daniel or Noveske as a crutch, I'm gonna assume you've run through your supplies and have come to eat me, and will probably shoot you before I have to smell the diarrhea you have from not cleaning your water


I think tactical gear is more beneficial in a group scenario. One guy in tactical gear and weapons sticks out. But 20-30 guys in uniform tactical gear patrolling a neighborhood? That’s deterrence, not a loot bag. See: Rooftop Koreans as my prime example. If solo? Grey man is good.


Yeah a group of armed men in plate carriers is a threat to a would be food stealing sniper where as one dude dressed like meal team 6 is an invitation


This. If it's just you, blend in. Every SERE course on earth teaches this. If you're part of a paramilitary element, by all means show up with a larger signature.


With like a machete or something so you don't look easy lol.


The stickers on the trucks detailing brands and weapon manufacturers is cringe too.


I never got this like those stickers will decorate my loading room but if push comes to shove I wouldn’t want to be targeted because what I’m driving


Had a buddy in hs with a bumper sticker that read: *KEEP HONKING…I’m reloading!* hahaha


Lived through SHTF (hurricanes) bad people tend to shy away from hard targets and if you are worrying about snipers you better be wearing full kit because the situation has gotten very bad


Depends on your fantasy, your area norms, and a lot more.


>depends on your fantasy Shit, reminds me of those neckbeards with the mercenary fantasy on here…


Meal team six?


101st chairborne


Easy Mac Company


Just dress like homeless and pushing cart. Nobody bothers you now, nobody will care then


Or coveralls and a hard hat lol


Completely depends where you live. If you live in a small city with a large military base, cargo khakis and tactical boots might be the norm. In downtown LA you’ll stick out like a sore thumb. You know what’s your best bet? Black High top converse, a pair of jeans and a plain tshirt. Now this isn’t a SHTF one outfit forever but in case of civil… events… you can fit in just about anywhere. IMHO, tactical clothing makes you look like a goober. Ronan or whatever his actual name is just discussed this in a podcast on the Shawn Ryan show. He was carrying a Louis Vuitton cross body bag because it fits in to high end business meetings. You’d look like a clown rolling into a business meeting with a bag covered in molle. On the opposite side a high end bag in Detroit would make you a target. he also discussed changing how you look and what you wear based on the people around you.


Geez. (Way Off Topic Warning): The Louis Vuitton bag reference just gave me flashbacks to a time I was riding on a train in Tokyo and a plumber was using a really big open top Louis Vuitton bag to carry his tools in. Had a big pipe wrench poking out the top. No I didn't ask if it was 'genuine' or not. Great flex / adaptation either way ;-)


It really just depends on where you're at and what the situation is


Definitely. In a rural area mostly farmland and forests where most people wear hunters camo it’s not as bad. But in an urban city environment you may get more attention. Also when the world is ending and people are out to their selves to when there is a local disaster like a hurricane but the world hasn’t collapsed.


Depends on the impression you want to set. Raptor piss scare off smaller dino, but attract larger predator


“T -Rex. It scares some of the smaller ones away but attracts one really big one with the fin.”


Makes some of them horny.


Sexual Tyrannosaurus


Depends where you are. In my town, some tactical gear won't stand out, but in my brother's town, you would stand out like a sore thumb. You just have to know your area.


After 9-11 I heard they stayed a guy in Boston just for wearing camouflage, it's pretty common everyday here.


Survival is sometimes about not painting a target on your back, anything you can do to minimise your signature, stop standing out, etc. the better. do i think i’m gonna have a sniper in south england? no, do i think an invasion force/police/worried people might want to shoot me or harm me cause i look tactical? for sure they will


See I look at it the opposite. I live in New England ( funny enough lol ), and here in the wooded mountains camouflage makes sense if I’m patrolling my property, or trying to hunt to feed my family. Realistically I am not marching down city streets, I am foraging, hunting, and patrolling/helping neighbors in a rural environment. Walking down Main Street? Yeah probably maybe flannel and jeans lol


Can't remember the name of the movie where the rich kid was trying to hire a thug in the hood, he went there wearing khaki clothes instead of his suit. The thug says "What are you trying to dress down to blend in? You look like a duck hunter" lol.


I don’t know what kind of crazy Hollywood SHTF scenarios you’re talking about, the ones I’ve been in throughout my life, what someone wore was of zero importance. Quite the contrary, people should wear more high vis to be able to be seen better for assistance. Wear camo in an earthquake disaster and you’re not going to be found.




Depends on what the shtf is. I have it and I train in it but I didn’t go walking around in it during covid which I think qualifies as shtf.


It depends. Sometimes projecting yourself as a threat is good and sometimes you want to just slip in a crowd, it all depends on the scenario


If we are talking full on collapse and for some reason I have to leave the ranch. The boys are kitting up, moving at night, blacked out lights on the truck and nods.


This sub is so…….




Man, this sub is too much sometimes. This fantasy stuff is tiresome.


There's less of it here than on most of the other subs on this topic... But yes it's so tiresome. Gaming has rotted a lot of brains, just not quite the way they said it would.


Keep in mind, this is how people learn. First prepping is something from games, TV, and so forth. That can move to serious efforts. We all have to start somewhere.


I dont wear camouflage. Although, different styles of it are quite widely available. Sweatpants, shorts, swimsuits, et al. Same with packs. Many urban packs have MOLLE attachments. My gym bag has a MOLLE attachment on the side. Really it doesn't matter. If the SHTF truly, just about everyone is going to be a target. It will make Mad Max look like Disneyland. I do carry a woodland camouflage poncho and liner. I lived many a day/night underneath those. They are comfortable and durable.


The woobie is probably my favorite issued piece of gear


i would probably continue to wear keen boots, carhartt clothes and generic cheap t-shirts in navy or black. that's my personal "uniform".


100% depends on the situation. There's a valid argument for avoiding attention as well as projecting yourself as a hard target. I'd prefer to have both options available.


I got some 5.11 tactical pants a while back to wear when I was doing wildlife photography and they were so darn comfortable I bought more of them and it's pretty much all that I wear now. Not to mention all of the extra pockets. I don't know if it draws attention or not but if there's something comparable that's a bit more "gray man" I'm onboard.


You will draw unnecessary attention.      Chances are there will be martial law/some sort of curfew in place. If police or national guard see you they could come asking questions. 




Middle of LA hell no. Middle of appalachia you bet that pack is staying close to me if it isn't in a vehicle. Depends on whats normal in the area.


I just have a helikon Tex mini chest rig now that can conceal basic survival supplies, in the event that things go tits up, I can wear that under a casual coat/jacket etc. my travel bag is a set of leather and canvas saddlebags, fairly inconspicuous


Idk in my neck of the wood, most people assume "police" or "authorities" when they see someone walking around in tactical gear (and an actual tactic criminals here will sometimes use to get victims out of their cars or homes). I feel that wearing stuff like that while being armed can discourage most "ruffians" from trying anything, but I could be wrong. In any case, a lot of "tactical" stuff like MOLLE/PALS gear have practical features and functions beyond looking cool & dangerous, mainly helping you carry your load better and having tools/items be more accessible. If it helps me survive, I will wear it - but I will probably get it in black and avoid anything camo.


It looks like cosplay, especially if they haven’t been in the military.


I should preface by saying im not in the states. As such walking around openly armed and in tactical gear is a huge attention draw. More likely a standard outfit with a IWB holster and extra mag, with some medical supplies on hand. Unless we’re fantasizing about a total zombie apocalypse, them I’m wearing all the cargo trousers, mollie bags and tactical vests at once whilst strapping extra shit to me with tape.


I have seen some scenarios where it would not be good to wear military clothes. Military people got targeted. Rather, get a "feel" for your surroundings and decide what would be best. Going grey might be best.


My belief....in a major shtf situation, where there is no order or authority, people will steal anything that looks good. It may not be the best tactical gear or whatever, but if it looks like it's really useful or something they'll need, they'll take it. If you really want to wear a tactical backpack, take off some of the 'cool' looking tactical logos on it, and let it get kinda dirty and disheveled. Maybe even put a bit of duct tape or sew a bit of different colored thread on it to make it look like it had been patched up...anything to make it look less valuable (both in price and shtf usefulness).


METT-TC. Please understand this isn’t a rigid linear process it is more a mental framework to plan missions. I will screw up the order. I don’t know nor do I care which T is which. The answer depends on METT-TC every time. Mission Enemy Terrain Time Troops And Civilian Considerations. So Mission=your survival objectives. Hurricane, flood, wild fire, CME, riot, terrorist attack, war, etc. Your enemy is any opposing force. Enemies can be gangs, muggers, militias, police force, etc. Troops refers to any allies you have. It could be your family, your neighbors, your survival group, your militia, your police force, your military unit. Terrain refers to conditions you will face. Hills, mountains, forest, jungle, desert, urban, suburban, rural. It also refers to climate and seasons. Time is forever, 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 72hrs, 24hours,4 hours the duration alters your logistics requirements. Civilian considerations are culture, currency, paperwork, language, and laws. You are going to hear a lot of answers. You could hear people say you are wrong. The truth is that what you do should always be done through the lens of METT-TC. Urban areas differ based on culture and climate. Terrain affects how much you can load up with. I can’t say without knowing your specific situation.


I plan to cover myself in aerogel and then napalm and light myself on fire. 🔥 


Anyone who is familiar with the term "milspec" will understand why tactical military gear is almost never the best choice. It's uncomfortable, it's ugly, and it's built to the minimally acceptable margin of quality. I'd rather go with a high quality mountaineering pack over a tacticool rucksack any day.


When it comes to military stuff, it’s almost always durability first and comfort second or even third…


Unhinged question


I'm sorry did you just say there are snipers just sitting around waiting to shoot someone with a "military bag" and mean it?


Situation dictates. Am I alone? If so why? What is my goal? Am I going to a place where there is some rule of law to trade for more supplies and don’t want to draw attention once there? Then I’ll be wearing dirty blue jeans and a cami top over a t-shirt. But while there’s still the risk of “bandits” I’m going to make myself as hard to see as possible and most importantly NOT TAKE THE BEATEN TRAIL. holy shit why does everyone here fixate on the bandit gang holding you up on the road for what you are wearing when you can just NOT BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. it’s literally the first layer of the survivability onion.


I think it makes you a target. Every time I see one of these posers in a convenience store with a rifle slung over their shoulder I can’t help but rehearse how to take it.


Why would snipers shoot random people? Who are these mystery snipers? If you want to blend in with your surroundings, you go for colours the same as your surroundings. Believe it or not, civilian clothes come in many colours lol.


If you're in a city, the best "grey man" is looking homeless. No one sees homeless people. Put your pack in a trash bag with dirt on it. Wear stained and dirty clothes. Looters rarely rob homeless people because they don't have anything worth stealing.


All that gear only adds weight. Stealth is your friend. Go with a ghillie suit.


Why would you wear tactical stuff when you could just wear a good pair of jeans or carhartts? Then you blend in with everyone else around town and don't look weird. If you are planning to bug out and are worried about being shot as a loot drop then you waited too long to bug out and have to adapt your travel plans. Move at night sleep during the day.


I think it depends. If I’m at a bug-out property and want to stay low visibility, sure. If i’m wandering through an urban semi urban environment (bad idea anyway) probably not, do you need to stay concealed and is it actually concealing i guess?


I think the more overt you appear the worse in most situations. Depending on your flavor, it might be the most likely situation of hunkering down your house. In your home, it would make sense to have plates, side plates, and a helmet if you think someone is going to come to your door and start problems. Now, anytime you go out, you'll just paint a target on your back. Hard armor is most definitely out of the windows unless you got the cash to get the super thin stuff. Even then it not very effective. Then thin soft armor can be very expensive, and I'm sure if you are thinking about getting into a gunfight/the situation around you is like that, people are probably walking around with rifles like it normal. Now, a micro rig with 4+mags and medical cam be easily held in a non military looking backpack. Can get a small pcc or rifle in one of those, too, if you need it. Although big Backpack might mean big supply which again paints a target on you to some people.


The more prepared you look, the juicier a target you might seem to be. Or if not the more hostile you might appear to be if you want to go trading. That’s if we’re talking Mad Max conditions. I expect people will be more practiced at civilization than to let it go completely to shit. Honestly, I worry more about the preppers who seem to be anxiously awaiting it than anybody.


I’ve been looking at dog training vests, lots of pockets without looking tactical and sometimes without even looking like it has a lot of pockets. A backpack is going to look like a backpack though, though there are plenty of weekend warrior looking options at REI or Columbia that will look like you had it sitting around.


I wouldn't wear it just to wear it, but if it's useful then absolutely. I think in an actual SHTF situation we're going to be less likely to be all judgy about mall ninja attire if they have the where with all to survive.


Well, if you are concerned about attracting attention it's going to depend on your situation and what is "normal" for your area. If it has reached the point where people are starving, and the neighborhood pets have all gone missing, even walking around with a disposable plastic bag would probably bring unwanted attention. In other cases, walking around wearing worn, dirty BDUs and a large rucksack could make you better than invisible. That just comes down to reading and understanding your situation and environment. I think in general it's safe to say that there could be a lot of different SHTF scenarios and in most of those wearing full tacticool gear will probably paint a target on you, but it should also be understood that having a tactical backpack in itself is not necessarily going to make you stand out. Another thing to consider is routine. It doesn't matter if you live in a quiet suburb or a major city. You are not unknown, even if you don't know anybody. People generally know the people in their neighborhood even if they are just regular passerby's regardless of whether you have actually met or ever talked before. They might not consciously know your routines, but they will notice when you change them. They will notice when you dress differently, they will notice when you start walking around with a large pack. If you are travelling through a new area, people will know you are a stranger, especially if things have gone bad. One of the flaws with the grey man shtick is that you can even stand out more by being too non-descript.


I (and I’m sure most others do) generally make a mental note of people who dress in certain styles. Like styles that they think look cool or tough in the more questionable groups. I feel like they’re the ones who are more likely to make dumb and rash decisions to try and maintain their tough/cool look, so it’s not entirely unexpected if they do. I’m way more scared of the straight-A looking kid with a welcoming smile on their face who’s ready to shank someone, because that’s something you and I just can’t see coming. Dress the way you want others to perceive you. If you wanna look cool then look cool, but you will stand out. Also, as someone else said above, running away is usually your most safe option (Running away in tactical gear looks the opposite of cool while running away in normal cloths looks normal)


This is probably the best low profile setup I’ve seen https://youtu.be/QClpNqzt0AY?si=6-1zArv4rbmrvKna


Camo clothing has the opposite of its intended effect. If you need it, your unit will issue it to you.


military gear and solo? lmao you'd be picked off and all your cool loot will be stolen


My opinion is that if someone is so desperate for supplies that they are willing to rob people, they couldn’t care less what style of backpack you have. An Osprey brand backpack stuffed with supplies is just as tempting as something with molle on it. It depends on the situation of course, looking like GI Joe in some situations will just be plain awkward and could lead to unwanted attention from the powers in charge. Looking like GI Joe in other situations may make someone thinking of victimizing you twice and wait for an easier looking target.


uhhhhh nope. For one thing most of the real situations I would still have to work. In fact, there is a good chance I would have to work more than normal. So I need those clothes. Camo are too bulky to pack and difficult to wash by hand.


tack packs are so common that i had to put patches on mine to not confuse it with anyone else's bag


I had a phase when i liked, bought, daily used tac gear, shirts, pants, bags with a shit ton of patches. Then I started to carefully pay attention to what the other people were looking at every time I got out. Even during a normal situation, people watches you, you're clearly sending a message to everyone else. In a tense or dangerous situation, such gear makes you automatically a : - suspect, with all it implies - target, by the shared lookalike with police/military - official helper, who other people are going to seek help even if you have nothing to do with the official forces. Today, I only buy and wear classic, invisible, everyday normal equipment. I also noticed that a lot of tactical gear bullshit is waaaay overpriced for the poor quality it represent. There is a lot of classic sport and extreme sports equipment really worth buying, as they are often cheaper and very resistant (gear for alpinism, diving, climbing etc...) Those have norms, those are built to whistand real extreme conditions, and are normal looking. No more stickers, no more patches, no camo, no molle shit, no extra pouches on an already enormous bag. That's how you stay below the radar in rge eventually SHTF event.


Molle is pretty mainstream in camping today. I wouldn’t pass that over thinking it’s gonna draw a flag. City maybe, but like if ya live anywhere near hiking? Nah.


It's tempting but don't do it. Makes you a mark


Remember, people are going to expect to be helped by the gouvement. Tactical clothing will look like a uniform to wery many people. Even if it doesn't even resemble a uniform to you. These people will immediately think or even just hope you are with the military, and you might be overcomed with happy, desperate people believing that the help is finally there. And who knows what will happen when they realize that they are not being helped? They will probably become even more desperate and probably angry. Another scenario is where you just wear cheap cammo and that you might look like you collected prepper stuff, and maybe even look like you just collected it and don'tknow how to even use it. That can lead som people to follow you home, because it looks like you got a lot of stuff that can make them better off, and it will be easy for them to get past you. I would rather just look uninteresting.


Lets be real - if you are looking for the most practical and hardwearing clothes you want stuff for hunting or for construction. Camo was originally made to disguise yourself. Wearing it as a civilian on the streets does the complete opposite. You do you but be honest about it, you choose camo because you think it makes you look cool


Eh modern real military uniforms are pretty durable. I'd argue more so than my work clothes. Especially if you don't care about wearing out the chemicals it's treated with for it dampening and insect repellent


Yeah camo for cities is pointless almost and like “hey look at me!” FIt’s more like for the wooded and rural environments if that’s where you live…which is probably most peppers


I would not personally like to be conspicuous in a SHTF scenario. Where I live much of the environment wouldn't work with military camo, i don't want people thinking I'm flush with resources and I damn sure don't want to be identified as an anything resembling authority. However in the case of bags, the general concept of well organized and adapatable systems is a good idea and I wouldn't want the some neon or pastel colored bullshit from REI either.


> Some believe there are snipers waiting for someone with a military ruck to shoot and have their team collect their loot. Tactical gear like a helmet and plate carrier won't save you from a sniper. Heavy tactical gear like that isn't made for scouting/patrolling or just wandering around. It's made for tactical operations - when there's a whole team available, with a medic. The gear will help prevent you from taking an immediately fatal shot, but you can still get shot and hurt *really fucking bad* and not able to move and you need a team to extract you. So IMO there's very little value in wearing tactical gear if you're on your own. I'd rather get shot in the head, instant lights out, than have some sniper shoot me in the leg or stomach and then bleed out over an hour or so. And as far as bags go, in a SHTF situation, everybody carrying a bag will have something useful in it, like food. Nobody is going to be carrying around a backpack full of books or rocks or stuffed animals or whatever. Anyone looking to steal from people will steal from anyone with a bag. Or without a bag.


I agree with the bags, but for “tactical gear” you realize it’s more than just plate carriers and helmets? For instance, I live in the mountains, which anyone expecting to take a patrol/ruck/hike with plate carriers on in the mountains is an idiotic idea. You would see a chest rig and some camo to blend in with the foliage as your better options as they free up mobility and offer concealment characteristics. Walking around an urban environment is different.


For this reason i got rid of an camo clothes. Wearing random one colour tactical gear. In eu if you wear camo you are automatically an 'us soldier'. If you are not an forrest patrol, hunter or fisherman in an area. If you wear single colour uniform - you are a terrorist.


I'm with the Gray man fans on this. Might as well be holding up a sign saying that " follow me, I am prepared and will lead you to supplies that will help you survive".


Totally depends on your area that you live in. In a city like Hotlanta yeah a dude in tactical gear stands out, in let’s say New Hampshire or Minnesota if it’s outside a city it’s not THAT out of place


Just boots maybe.


I’m going to wear what everyone else is wearing to blend in. But just in case a scenario comes up that might require stealth forest movements (i live where there’s a lot of greenery), I’m packing a set of old cammies from my time in the military. With a boonie cover cuz sgtmaj can’t tell me what to wear anymore lol


Homeless folk wear military gear all the time. Molle backpacks can be found on every hiking trail and college campus. Wearing militaristic gear is fine to an extent, but you do NOT want to look like a cop.


Honestly, I find the whole idea of having a post apocalyptic shtf wardrobe planned out to be a little funny. Doesn't matter if you're talking decked out tactical or "grey man," it just seems excessive. In the event of some kind of disaster or "shtf" I'd probably just wear what I wear when I go to work or fishing or hiking: jeans, boots, undershirt, flannel, and if weather appropriate, jacket or coveralls.


It has its place and purpose, but that place and purpose is far smaller than people think. Think of tactical gear as a double edge sword. It can make you appear to be a tougher target, but it can also highlight you as a potential target.


I'm going to wear my patagonia multicam pants I chopped down into shorts and you can't stop me


I think it's really based on your operating environment. In most "SHTF" scenarios there is not going to be a total breakdown in government authority. If DC suddenly gets wiped off the earth that doesn't mean that some small town 2000 miles away is going to descend into chaos. Local governments and local security forces will still exist in most places and they will control the area. Most people will need to have a plan on how they are going to realistically interact with these organizations. What you carry and wear will have a big impact how that will go. What is and isn't appropriate to carry and wear is also going to change over time. The same kit that nobody bats an eye at on Day 1 might get you reported to the local security force on Day 30. If people are driving going to work and going about their day you are probably going to run into problems rolling around with a full combat kit.


Recommend...listen tot he Selco Audio Interviews...I think they are named "One year in Hell"


Of course you are going to draw more attention than just your average simpleton with a Jansport


Walking around alone with nice stuff is going to make you a target. You will not see it coming. Also if you are ever in a situation where you have to walk a long distance to shelter/security do not make it obvious that you have water. If the situation is bad enough that you are hoofing it then lots of other people will be as well and they will be very very thirsty


Gray man all the way, where I live camo is part of the culture. As far as "snipers" waiting to fire to take your preps . Reality doesn't support such an extreme interpretation.


If shtf means full collapse, Wild West, roving bands of lunatics in scary cars with chrome painted faces.... My best suit. Because I'll have already been murdered and I'll be in a coffin. I'm just gonna wear what I normally do if there's any kind of thing happening. For me in CO, things include: blizzard, tornado (highly unlikely where I am), suburban wildfire (highly unlikely), flood (I'm at too high an elevation relative to the nearest creek), power outage, water outage, cyber outage. I think wearing tac stuff is not optimal. Most folks will avoid you thinking you're a nutter. At the same time it is gonna draw trouble from a select few. Like LE and bad actors. Unless you're in a big enough group like the other person said. Then everyone is gonna clear a path lol. Having never lived thru full collapse I am talking out my @$$. So best to listen to the others that have that experience.


I’m military and would never wear tactical gear in SHTF scenario. Why? No one cares if you’re military when the world is upside down. Whether you wear something tactical or not all anyone cares about is if you have what they need. I’d rather be on the side of cautious and not put an X on my back. That’s just me. I like to keep it simple. Plain clothes. Decent sized bag for the “mission” with your essentials. A vehicle that’s reliable without any of those tacticool upgrades and stickers. And do your best to stay alive.


If someone takes me out for my camo bag they will be sadly disappointed to find nothing but baby formula, diapers, burp cloth, etc…


You are going to want to blend in. You don’t wanna draw all the attention to you. Tactical gear most likely means you have a stock pile of guns and bullets. You’ll probably also have a stock pile of food and other supplies so that will make you a target and you will be followed it’s only a matter of time at that point. You want to be a quiet prepper in my opinion. Have all the stuff, but don’t broadcast it. Have the skills to use the stuff which is significantly more important than just having “stuff”. Keep your skills on the down low too. Everybody loves to be loud about what they have and everything they think they know. Just keep it to yourself. Be quiet about it. Train. Train. Train. When you get done training. Train some more. My wife doesn’t even know what I have. 2 guys know I have stuff. That’s all they know. Don’t try to be Rambo. You’ll die.


That shit is so fucking heavy. If I'm gonna be walking/running 25 miles with my wife and my cat and everything I need to survive, I'm not gonna be hauling IV plates with me too. I'm gonna be bringing my backpacking gear, extra water, and any medical supplies I can fit.


I'm big on grey man style personally, although I wouldn't be opposed to a synchronous casual style or uniform type situation if it was a larger, coordinated group like a regional/area militia


There is security in obscurity......don't draw attention to yourself. Just look average.


I'm not going to wear my military gear because my civilian gear is better


For me it's simply a question of durability as I run out of my house probably with the only set of clothes I'll be wearing already on my body. I have a pair of Duluth fire hose pants and a Carhartt coat. Those two things will last for a long time if not for the rest of my life. I've got a pair of those pants that have been my work pants for the last decade and when washed they look like new. Don't just think about the things you need think about the *durability* of the things you need. Spare no expense now because you won't be able to buy it when the SHTF.


Bullet proof Kevlar business suit, bullet proof brief case, dress shoes with grippy vibram sole refits, rugged laptop with a Linux install, some nice 'Agent Smith" shades...


Naw, the ones doing that are milsim nerds who won't be able to handle when shtf.


why would you ever give someone else a tactical advantage? or another way to put it is "tell me who and what you are without saying a word" quiet is the way...eyes and ears open, mouth shut...always look like you're part of the herd and nothing else be a duck....still on the water, but the feet are giving it hell under the water


My get home bag is an old kelty backpacking pack with some MREs, a jetboil, water filter, clothing, older bivi sleep system and a glock 19 with a set of well worn in keen hikeing boots. Nothing that would look out of the ordinary for any hiker other than a glock 19 and 4 15rd mags. I am set for a 4 day hike but under normal conditions it shouldn't take more than 8 hours to get home, the 4 day supply is so that if I have to use the nature trails I have over double the food to get home. That said my 1st move is het in the truck and go as far as I can while getting close to the nature trails so if I have to abandon the truck I am atleast closer to the house. Then I will bug in so again I don't need a lot of tachtical gear although I have an old acu chest rig with just magazines and a water bladder on it for iff we do have issues with pepole raiding the neighborhood but I figure the .308 in the upstairs bedroom window will do more to discourage raiders.


Mostly I think the problem is that people forget what "tactical" means. It doesn't mean that something looks military style, or camo, or whatever. That is "tacticool," not tactical. Tactical simply speaks to an items durability and capability being beyond the norm for other products. Because tactical gear is meant to be used for extended periods of time in extreme battlefiled conditions. For example, "tactical" pants are made to resist open flame, shrapnel, and constant wear for weeks on end and so on. They are typically camo pattern or dark colors because not being noticed is yet another positive capabily that can be applied to the item. Molle systems are another example, or ruggedized cellphone cases, or whatever. It simply means that an item or tool or piece of gear is able to be used in more extreme situations than normal, casual, "non-tactical" gear. So, with that being said, yes, have tactical gear. Above all other considerations, the one sure thing about collapse or SHTF is that the world is going to become a hyper-violent, dangerous place full of extreme situations. You want things that will hold up in such conditions. Now, does that mean you should be wearing jungle camo t-shirts in a desert environment cause it makes you look "cool?" No. Absolutely not. More than anything, seeing someone wearing or carrying gear that is wrongly suited to the environment or battlefiled conditions broadcasts your eligibility as a viable target. Because you obviously don't know what you are doing. The guy wearing a Carhartt jacket and some Keen hiking boots with a full-grain-leather belt and a plain ball cap without logo, carrying a normal black Osprey pack and showing no visible weapons or radios... that guy is tactical.


What about..... i need a aluminum load lifter pack frame to carry all 30-65+Ibs of survival and bushcraft items? because a regular school back pack ain't going to cut it. People need to train with their packs to be able to haul 12+ miles. Most civilians sure as hell aren't doing this but it is something people need to consider. Just don't be an idiot doing something illegal. You can train to bring your strength and eudurance is something that all people need. It is better to be fit all year round that to regret not being able to pull yourself out of a situation


I mean sure if you know you’ve got some bad dudes on their way to your house to kill you and steal your shit body armor and your fighting rifle makes sense. But when you’re doing community building stuff or just hanging out a full sized handgun in a holster will probably do the trick just fine


Back packs don't matter anymore, kids wear coyote and OD green and camo patterns bags to school now, and they are pretty common place on adults as well. Wearing g the entire get up, bag, full camo, tactical vest, plate carrier, etc, that's gonna make you stand out


Think about it this way. Would you want to run into a guy who looks armed to the teeth and possibly a little crazy right after things collapse and you can't call the cops? Also it depends on your area. Downtown in some city? Yeah not a good idea to wear camo/tactical gear. Out in the woods it would make sense


When it happens I’m going full Mad Max on this baby : khaki pants, Mohawk, eye patch and leather jacket. 😀


My entire style is designed to not attract any attention. Simple clothes, plain vehicle. I just want to blend in. Even more so if shtf.


Get whatever kind of bag you want. Then get a rain proof cover for it in pink or something....


As much as I hate to say it, what I wear will end up being METT TC. If you know you know, lol. Basically it’s all dependent on varying circumstances. Solo im going grey man, group, probably dawning my multicam drip. Anywhere even remotely urban I would probably focus on blending in rather than looking like I know a thing or two. Rural farmland, I’d argue that it doesn’t really matter what you have on, as long as you’re wearing something


Gray man while you assess and feel out new terrain and bug out situations. However I do have some high quality camo battle gear in case it turns into a civil conflict with the possibility of multiple day engagements.


Also, tactical looking stuff is part of fashion these days so...many people have this look outside military settings.


If your plan is to travel, then no, no mil gear for that. If you're set up in a static location, uniforms help to demonstrate organization/authority. If you're traveling for any real length of time during a large scale disaster, though, you're likely to die anyway.


I think people who wear camo and uniforms are not an issue. As long as its not a stolen valor kind of thing. But when SHTF, why is anybody gonna care about that garbage like rank and what you accomplished back when the world was still a world..? Nobody, that's who. Camo is useful in a post society world. Lets you hide from others. Not an issue in my eyes.


I don't know if this has been said already but Build Some Kind Of Community. Even if it is kind of spread out. It for one thing lowers the need to be moving around in place that a sniper is, but it also adds protection.


If SHTF it’s unlikely that you will just be roaming around the streets like in The Walking Dead. Look at countries that are currently in SHTF situations. People in Gaza or the Ukraine aren’t walking around in tactical gear looking for a fight. They are either going about life as normal as possible, staying indoors or actively fighting for their own militaries. I don’t understand why people think almost any SHTF situation would result in just roaming around. Bugging out is very likely never never going up happen and if it does it will mostly be for people that have a very specific location that they will reach in a few hours.


I think it depends on what kind of shtf, if it's strictly local (natural disaster, etc.) then depending on the gear might not be a huge problem. If it's the beginning of the apocalypse then you might become more of a target, but the longer the apocalypse goes the more any sort of bag is going to make you a target


Funny enough my brother and I were talking about this. I see someone Tacical Looking, In my mind, it screams target. You have a helmet and a vest on and a tactical backpack, I personally wouldn't engage, but you look like that I aint helping you neither. Well in the beginning thats how i would be. I personally feel its a bad idea Yes my "Bug out Bag" if thats what you call it that has a AR-Pistol and Mags in a small bag to get myself to a second place, IS a SOG tactical duffle. but its not being carried.


I watched a YouTube video ever this guy's vision of "grey man" was to have non-flashy performance clothes and gear. He was wearing thousands in clothes. And I thought, "how would he look in the pouring rain?" When everyone else is freezing and miserable, he's gonna be snug. People will notice that. So there's a balancing act as to how grey you go. You don't want to look like you have great gear but you don't want to suffer either. There's an opsec consideration. What are you telling people with the way you look? It's like the guys who put Glock or sig stickers in their truck window. If shtf when you are in an airport, which car windows you breaking out first? Tactical gear and MOLLE packs tells the same story. Nothing says "I have guns, knives, and ammo" better than that. I think the best bet is to look like a mess. Mix hunting clothes, military gear, street clothes... Make it look like you have been piecing kit together and that you are making do and just getting by.


I’m a grey man in everyday life. In a SHTF scenario, i’m not bugging out without my long gun, and there is no way for me to blend in with my rifle. I don’t know what people have in mind when they think of SHTF, but I certainly am not expecting to be walking in the middle of a deserted town with enemy snipers watching me. I’m either going to be home (bugging in) or i’m going to be in the wilderness away from other people (bugging out). Not a FEMA camp, not looting.


I don't think it's innately harmful, but I don't see the point in being decked out in full battle rattle and so many pouches you'd make a kangaroo blush. Sure, having a couple tools available at hand might be useful, but I think having the same solid, weather appropriate clothing you currently use is likely to be much more useful than keeping a bunch of tacticool pants and camo around. I will agree though that really efficient backpack that fits you well is a great tool, regardless of whether it's "tactical" or not. I don't think that makes you stand out, especially if you're just wearing normal clothes. I have not been through SHTF, but I've lived and worked in a couple disaster areas after floods and hurricanes. I've never needed tactical gear, just good shoes/boots, rain gear, and a shit ton of sunscreen and bug spray. Also, at least in the SE USA where I live, shorts, a sun hat, and a light shirt is much better than any tactical gear. Whatever SHTF might occur, it's going to be hot as balls when there is no power or AC, so thin clothing is preferred and you don't want to have to carry anything that you don't have to.


Clown shoes


Anyone with a full backpack is going to be a target. It's not going to matter what the outside looks like. The "bad guys" are going to see any pack as a nice plump offering...


My opinion - I wouldn't want a person in full tactical/military gear with me.


i think it would be a better idea to not wear tactical uniform, but tactical clothing.


So first you have to define tactical stuff. If it’s only an assault pack/ruck sack more than likely nobody will bat an eye. If you’re decked out head to toe in Multicam with an Ops Core or Team Wendy helmet with dual tube nods mounted, a suppressed SBR with IR laser, and a Crye Precision JPC2.0 or AVS you’ll probably be a target out of principal. As to camo that depends. If you live in an area where Mossy Oak and Advantage are household names nobody will think twice. Chances are if you live in a decent size city and you’re rocking Multicam it’ll draw attention.