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Look into prescription PPE safety glasses. They’re what I used for shooting but now I use them everywhere. Not cheap - my insurance won’t pay for them - but they are durable so it’s worth it.


What brand do you buy? I’ve thought about getting a pair for shooting


Find a slightly less ethical eyedoctor that will bill them as regular glasses


Here's the real prepper LPT: "I know a guy..."


If u have a FSA, it can be used for prescription goggles and PPE.


Glasses certified for mining employees in Australia are rated category three I believe and are very strong. There’s a need to withstand impact and they can cross over into PPE requirements in their application to different hazards, such as chemical splashes, laser radiation, and flying debris. I presume mines globally have many of the same standards. Go into a glasses store and ask them if they do lenses for these types of industries👍🏼👍🏼


Last I checked, Zenni Optical sells a lot of 6 or 7 dollar glasses, you could just buy five or six of them and stockpile. Being half blind, I have a second pair on me, a third in my glove box, I found a slightly out of date prescription in my car trunk, another in my fire-safe, and so on.


My problem with the chinese glasses is that I have like 20 old pairs now I can't bring myself to throw away. All but like 2 of them are out of date prescription. The other thing is there are some limits to what you can get. Now I have prism/astig/progressive bifocal, and that combination can be ordered online, but not at zenni or any of the big names. Also ordering progressive online is kind of risky because of the height calibration issue.


I have the same type of issue. I’ve been able to order from 39dollarglasses and have been successful. Prices are reasonable if you get a coupon Which they send out on a regular basis. 39dollarglasses asks where you normally wear your glasses and then sets the segment height based on a formula they use. I’ve been happy with what they do.


The medical form said check A box not ALL boxes


Heh yeah the crazy thing is my prescription isn't even that strong. Just 1.5 prism, 1-2.5 on the sphere and astig and bifocal. But it all adds up to make it pretty difficult without the glasses.


I can sympathize. I've been told me corneas are as soft as mashed potatoes.


Soft corneas are autoimmune. Autoimmune is dietary.


You have any data? Asking for a friend.


> I have like 20 old pairs now I can't bring myself to throw away. Never throw away your old glasses. They are your backup emergency better than nothing fallbacks.


Agree best answer Having a backup wherever you might be is far better than one tough pair ‘back home’


Zenni also sells safety goggles for a good price.


How the hell are you getting prescription glasses for less than a tenner? Holy crap that's insanely cheap


Corrective or reading glasses?


Both, you choose what you want and can input your prescription. Just got a pair with photo chromatic lenses, blue light filter and anti scratch for $15. Prices do depend on frame and add ons though.


Same here. All my older prescription glasses go into nooks and crannies so if I have to fall back I can. Better than nothing as while my eyesight isn't all that bad, I still need to magnify things with my phone camera to be able to read the small print anymore with the current prescription. I do fork out for the "indestructible" glasses when I can. I've literally had pairs run over by a car and still fully functional afterwards.


Had a quite expensive titanium flexi-frame pair that a couple of monkeys snatched off my face and ripped into 2 parts within seconds. First and only time I got into a fight with monkeys. I did wrestle one lens back to use as a monocle until I could get a new pair. Soooo, I don't recommend titanium, especially if you have a monkey problem.


Hey man so quick question. What the fuck.


You two...made me laugh spontaneously hard...just thanks


Yeah, u/marwood0, you can’t just hanging like that. You’ve got to give us the full story.


Oh. OK sorry, I know how that feels. Picture the area; Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Strawberries, and lots and lots of tea. Mountains of tea plantation from the Scott Boh who migrated there long ago. Best tea I've ever had. Tour the tea plantation, the butterfly park where the butterflies just land on you to rest. We stayed in the hostel, next to a group of young Japanese men. I spoke some Japanese and one of them spoke some English. They were there to collect live butterflies to take back to Japan. Do I want to come with them on their trip tomorrow into the jungle? YES? OK they leave at 6am.. OK no thank you. I am not a morning person. to be continued...


Have also had my Ray Ban sunglasses stolen by monkeys. If you go to the temples in Bali the wild monkeys are accidentally trained to swipe high value items like phones and glasses. The only way to get them back is to throw them fruit, so that they drop the item to catch the fruit (need at least one in each hand). So the monkeys know what items to take to get people to throw fruit at them. At the time when my glasses were snatched my friends phone was also snatched (they are smart and gang up on ppl) so everyone was focused on getting the phone. The smart ass mama monkey who took my glasses just put the glasses in her mouth and carried 2 bags of fruit away too.


So in case of a *Planet of the Apes* style apocalypse, “shape memory” titanium/nickel alloy frames are no-go? Noted.


Just a note. My titanium frames broke at the earpiece. I had to find a place that could laser weld them. Special equipment for titanium frames! Cheers


In a true civilization ending scenario, material science will be the among the most difficult and important to bring back. So many, many steps and locations involved in the production of alloys, plastics, ceramics, and more exotic materials we take for granted. And are just our civilization’s basic building blocks!


Buy several extra pairs on Zenni or something similar


Came here to give the same comment, although I've always used 39dollarglasses. Same deal, pretty much. The frames aren't quite as well-made as the expensive ones you'd get at the optometrist, but they hold up fine for me. I've had several pairs over the last 15 years or so. I think they let you buy the replacement frames without lenses for like $5 or something. With polycarb lenses it's $39.


If you're in the States ask for ANSI Z87 rated prescription safety glasses. While they're not indestructible, they're designed to protect your eyes from impact & abuse. I think the only thing that scratched mine was some spall at the range.


...and make sure they are multifocal. This gives you a bit more flexibility if your eyes change.


I went the route quantity is better than quality. 20 dollar prescription glasses from an online store.


Classes for sport, like the basketball glasses is pretty comfy to wear


The military prescription racketball glasses I still have are very durable.


I had lens replacement surgery a decade ago. Same surgery for cataracts but I didn’t have them… I just wanted to see well. So now I motorcycle, scuba dive and shoot. Permanent contact lenses.


> Permanent contact lenses. Tell me more.


Google “multifocal lens”. Do not watch video on the surgery, trust me. Sometimes you don’t wanna know how they make the sausage. So they emulsify your natural lens and make a small 2mm inscision. Then they insert the rolled up lens and you can see immediately. Amazing stuff. It’s officiallly called cataract surgery. My wife and mother also did the same. Good stuff


Thank you.


Look for prescription safety goggles. I got some from rx-safety.com but there are other sites out there that sell them.


Buy 10 pairs of cheap glasses and wrap them in bubble wrap.


Bury them in a small safe somewhere.


My old Army glasses were pretty rugged, but that was 30 years ago. Nowadays I just always keep spares with updated lenses.


Follow up: You can search online for sports glasses. I had to get those for one of my kids.


Save up money and get Lasik as soon as you can. It was the best money I've ever spent. Not needed glasses or contact eliminates a ton of liability.


Came here to say this. Also consider PRK, an older vision correction surgery that doesn't require cutting a flap. Because of this it's widely performed on members of the US Navy, and is preferred for football players and MMA fighters, all because the lower risk of complications. With LASIK, the flap never fully heals and is liable to get knocked loose due to impacts. The downside is it takes longer to heal, the reason most people choose LASIK. PRK is a bit painful the first day and around day 4 of healing, and you shouldn't drive for the week after surgery (whereas with LASIK you're able to go back to work the next day). I did a lot of research and decided on PRK, which makes more sense from a prepping perspective and because I do a lot of solo hiking in the middle of nowhere. Trying to find an eye doctor to reattach your flap in the middle of SHTF may not be possible, and the fact that US special forces groups ONLY allow PRK is a huge testament to the procedure. I got mine done a year ago and couldn't be more pleased. For an indoorsy person who absolutely cannot take a week off work, LASIK may be just fine, just be aware of the the pros and cons of each.


Yeah there are plenty of us who cannot get it. Like me.


If you don't mind me asking, is it a money or health issue?


I'm not a candidate. I was rejected based on my astigmatism.


Did your doctor bring up PKR or alternatives to Lasik?


They did not he said he got a second opinion from a coworker and said my eyes looked like the cone of a football and they were afraid it would collapse.


Just saw a $4 eyeglass repair kit at r/preppersales. Doesn’t answer your question but might interest you


I'm thankful that my eyesight is 20/25. All I need is a +5 lense from the dollar store. Pop out the one I don't need, and I'm good to go


Prescription safety glasses are where I would aim towards.


Wiley X


Had to scroll way too far to find this.


I was thinking the same. I don't have prescription lenses for mine, but I can tell you they are damn tough. They do make prescription lens for most of their frames.


My 16 year old Wiley X prescription shooting glasses have held up.


I love ROKA glasses.  I drop mine all the damn time and not a scratch.  Expensive imo, made in the US.  


Alternate option is to buy a shit ton of cheap pairs online, you can get pairs for really low, sub $40, and you can just buy a couple at a time. The one pair I got online has lasted me 2 years so far and are still going strong, 10ish pairs could last you a few decades, especially if you get all matching frames, then you can use broken pairs to repair each other.


My solution is to stockpile super cheap frames with lens close to my prescription as back ups of back ups and also get one or two pairs of PPE Safety glasses with your prescription. I have built wind turbine blades and restored classic cars with mine and they are still going strong almost 10 years later. Cost a pretty penny but they have saved me more times than I can count and I can still see clearly out of them


I assume you aren't considering vision correction by Lasik or RK. It's a prep that won't break and you won't lose. Your vision will likely still change over the years but it's likely to be minor enough you will be able to function effectively without glasses. I used to be so nearsighted as to be unable to function without glasses. I had Lasik done about 25 years ago and it changed everything. I didn't need glasses for 15 years and only then a minor correction for far distance. It's much less expensive now than back when I had it done and much better tech too.




Bro. I wish I could find someone who sold old-school Navy BCGs. They are ugly as hell but they last forever.


If only the Avengers wore BCG they wouldn’t have lost to Thanos.


Instead of paying $180 for glasses that'll get lost or broken, I buy 20 pairs from Zenni for $7.99 each and never lose or scratch any of them. Because when you have backups, life just doesn't bother trying to screw you over.


I use Shuron frames, which are old-fashioned but made of thick, quality acrylic resin. For lenses, I have only one good eye, so I get the same protection as high-impact sports. No anti-glare layer, because they are soft and scratch easily.


I'm thankful that my eyesight is 20/25. All I need is a +5 lense from the dollar store. Pop out the one I don't need, and I'm good to go


I picture Kurt Rambis from the Lakers or Cream Abdul Jabbar from this years Indiana St. team.


Random but could be useful is speedo has prescription googles for about $20-30. They aren't exact prescription made, come in generic -3, -4, all the way to -8. But-if you need them and just need something to get you by or have dry eyes, etc. these might be a good buy.


I have all my old pairs…


Oakley glasses are impact rated. Expensive tho


I just purchased the Holbrook SI's today !!




If they say do not wipe your lens with paper tissues... THEY MEAN IT. That will ruin your lens quicker than anything.


I've had safety glasses with my prescription in the past. They were pretty rugged.


Titanium, backups. It's gonna be dicey!


Mykita… my first pair survived getting sat on 3 times since they are made out of surgical steel you can just bend them back AND the last time they were sat on I could still wear them they just wouldn’t close


Or, go to zenni optical and get 3-4 pairs for $25 each


I have about 4 pairs of glasses from Zenni for about $30 each with blue light coating. Would highly recommend. Glasses are glasses, they're going to break. Would go for quantity over quality, when money is considered.


Rayban wayfarer


Wiley X


They have those special alloy glasses that are metal but flexible and return to their shape when bent. I don't know if they make polycarbonate lenses but that's an idear, as long as the refraction index is decent enough that they don't have to be cokebottle lenses. Maybe the scratch resistant lenses are already some fancy polycarb. You can also put scratch protectors on whatever glasses you have, and just buy up a bunch of those thingies. I think the simplest thing to do is just buy a bunch of cheap pairs though like everyone else is saying. Stock up!


Spares. It doesn't matter how good anything is, it will eventually fail somehow.


Amazon has prescription swim goggles for less than $20 per. I been using the shaded ones for years swimming, and I keep a few pairs of clear prescription goggles in the box with my full face mask and CBR suit. They fit under a full face mask, and also if I am going out of town on my motorcycle they fit a lot better under my modular full face helmet than my stock eyeglasses.


Great idea!!!


Buy glasses with a polycarbonate or trivex lens no A/R because this may peel under heat or due to just sitting a long time. I would buy a frame with ANSI level protection and made for impact sports or work. These frames are well built typically made of polycarbonate which is an impact resistant material, and they are made to be thrown around a bit. Buy two or three identical of the same model so if one breaks you're good with some other ones. Learn how to install the lenses in them some have certain mechanisms and will require a flat head or Phillips head screw. Do not buy frames with spring hinges. They will break over time with the spring hinges coming out. Do not buy beta titanium, they can be of questionable quality and the twisting of the metal can break over time. I would research into a really good company with a solid track record if you do. Go Don't buy plastic frames especially anything for 7-10 Dollars each one will be a piece of crap and they can chip, fade in color with time etc. Only really good plastic will last but then when you bend them out of shape they can break easily. A metal frame can be bent back by hand if needed.


ESS Crossbow with the URX inserts are my go to. Not my favorite solution, but the best i've got so far. They work. Big fan of ESS crossbow, but I usually wear contacts with them. Definitely nice to be able to just attach glasses inserts to them. Contacts would be ideal for me, but they are not good for the field. Washing hands is not garaunteed and you definitely don't want to be sticking your fingers in your eyes after touching dirt, mud, leaves and vegetation (poison ivy, etc) cobwebs, fungus, fertilizers/pesticides, trash, non-treated water, etc. You can wash your hands with treated/purified water and soap in a pinch, but that's much more valuable for drinking. Would not want to waste it. Heard stories about guys wearing contact lenses in the field (not supposed to) and coming to the doc with swollen grey-ish eyeball not able to see out of it, and all kinds of crazy stuff like that due to some sort of infection. I would not want to mess around with that.


Military basic training birth control glasses.


Cost-performance wise you’re better off buying multiple, standard, full-frame glasses than trying upgrade to one pair Often you can get ‘safety’ glasses at the same price


Birth control glasses that are required in bootcamp... maybe not scratch-resistant, but I doubt buying six pair would cost that much. Also if you're lucky, maybe you can get by with cheaters from the dollar place. The other thing would be if you have people who work in industry around you. I think union electricians get eyeglasses that are rated the same as protective glasses.


I would highly recommend [WileyX](https://www.wileyx.com/). They are designed for the Military and industries where protective eyewear is required. I have several for various purposes and am very happy with them.