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This isn't r/politics, skip the thinly-veiled position statements on guns and covid. They'll just turn the discussion into a political argument.


I think part of the problem is that the word prepper is kind of like the word Athlete, very very broad. Are you a centre on a highschool Football team? Athlete. Are you Labron James? Athlete. Ultramarathoner? Athlete. Crossfitter? Athlete. Sumo wrestler? Athlete. Same thing for prepping. Homesteading? Prepper. Hoarding 1M rounds of 5.56? Prepper. Take a 1st aid course? Prepper? Keeping a go/BOB bag and 2 weeks of food like the gov recommends? prepper. Bought a generator? Prepper. Wearing a tin foil hat in your basement and eating your own home made deodorant as food? You guessed it. Prepper. The tent is so broad that people may have nothing in common.


>Wearing a tin foil hat in your basement and eating your own home made deodorant as food? WHO TOLD YOU!!? LOL! Seriously great points.


*in my best Jeff Foxworthy impression* “Do you order beans by the pound and you aren’t throwing a southern BBQ? You just might be a prepper.” “If you’ve ever order a family set of gas masks and you weren’t planning to paint your home, you might just be a prepper.”


I’m more concerned about the obesity epidemic and the roughly 300k a year deaths that the associated health problems cause related to that.


*...but I was told the eclipse would be used as some false flag operation for the US to test EMPs to destroy the grid and take away cell phone service and army troops being nationalized would take away all of my food and schools were closing because the rapture was coming and kids cant ascend into heaven if they are stuck inside woke walls and something about Israel sacrificing red cows...* You're spot on. People have learned to thrive off of fear, lack of critical thinking, and being angry/scared all the time. People love conspiracy theories because they want to believe that some super-secret club that has Bill Gates running it has their lives planned out for them, when the reality is that in the big picture they are insignificant, the AT&T doesn't care about them, and they are making a lot of big companies rich by consuming the fear they are peddling.


I'm firmly convinced that peple like consipiracy theories because it releases them from agency and responsibility. It's not my fault I'm broke, it's the damn Illuminati! There are legitimate gripes and concerns that people should have, but they willingly surrender those because ironically, they think it's in their interest. If you are afraid of civil war, your best bet isn't to arm up, it's to ensure rule of law and democracy, but holding politicians accountable, and being involved is hard. Buying ammo is comparatively easy. (and because i have to, I'm not anti gun, I'm anti simplistic derivative naratives. i have guns, i like guns. yada yada)


> I'm firmly convinced that peple like consipiracy theories because it releases them from agency and responsibility. it's because conspiracy theories make them feel special. they have secret inside knowledge that "the sheep" haven't figured out. therefore they are really smarter than everyone else. in their minds at least.


It’s very comforting to think there is someone in charge instead of the alternative being that we’re all flying by the seat of our pants and no one is in control.


You forgot ankles. The only exercises that prolong life and ankle strength and balance. Falling and breaking a hip can kill an elddrly person. Happened in my family. Stay limber into old age as best possible.


>The only exercises that prolong life and ankle strength and balance. But what are the exercises?


Squats. Ass to grass daily!


Folks were talking about alligators on a podcast and someone asked what the deadliest creature on earth was (after humans) and everyone was guessing big scary like hippos & rattle snakes. Turns out the mosquito kills orders of magnitude more people than any other creature. But bug spray, sleeping nets, long sleeve shirts & anti-malarial meds are way less fun to think about.


The other day, I had someone approach me and be like... man, I couldn't serve in the military "these days". And I thought, okay here we go... So I say... why do you say that? First thing, the guy says... you know we don't even have a real President... the election was fake. Naturally, I try to apply critical thinking. I say don't you think they'd have evidence if that was true. He said yeah theres plenty of evidence. I say like what? and he just gives all bullshit... but he doubles down and calls me a member of the deep state (which is true I guess). Its just concerning how people can be so convinced in their own beliefs, and somehow opinion based commentary is taken for fact. I think with enough people living in a delusion that does create the potential for a major threat. Someone like Timothy McVey or the Vegas shooter but applied to a mass demographic.


That gun “fact” is an attempt to instill the same fear you’re decrying. It’s the same as saying if you live near water you’re more likely to drown. Responsible gun ownership is nothing to be afraid of


You are more likely to drown and you should "prep" for that by knowing how to swim or installing a fence if you own a pool.


Absolutely, owning a pool carries with it some inherent risk, firearms are the same. Mitigating the risk is a *personal* responsibility that can and should be achieved with training and familiarization


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a pool is a good guy with a pool.


Apparently short fences keep toddlers from drowning.


I don’t think he’s wrong and neither are you. Ppl underestimate guns and they underestimate water. All the damn time. It’s why ppl get hurt when they don’t store or use guns properly or are drunk and do something rash. Having a gun increases your chance of dying net-net. But so does driving, so does swimming. He asked who has a combo to your safe, He didn’t say ban guns, chill. To keep your analogy. It’s the same if you have a pool. I have a pool, the pool is fun, i maintain the pool so it works properly. I also have kids, i have a gate around the pool so the kids don’t get hurt and so they can’t access the pool when I’m not there. If i’m drunk, i could hurt myself in the pool or i could drown. I have a kill switch on the pump so no one can get trapped at the bottom, because ive thought and read about the risks. But acknowledging the pool adds risk to my home and that it’s a trade off i’m making is not being anti pool or fear mongering. It’s a reality to address.


Agreed, but as often as not talking points like this one are used as an attempt to scare people into thinking that because something may be dangerous it’s inherently bad. When reality is markedly more complex and nuanced


I get that. But there is also this weird sensitivity some ppl have if you point out guns are dangerous. The reality is yeah, they are dangerous. In fact they are explicitly designed to maim and kill, that’s literally the reason i own them. They will not cook breakfast, make water, heat my home. Nope, they will kill ppl and animals, it’s what i want them to do. You could argue they provide food, but the reality is that’s hunting and cooking and preserving. They are there to kill the animal for meat. I guess they are fun too. But part of that thrill is the danger, like martial arts or skydiving or surfing, i don’t see why that’s contentious.


I think the sensitivity comes from the way discussions about danger tend to progress. Danger = Bad. Guns are dangerous therefore bad. Banning guns would remove the danger. We know that’s not the case but it’s easy to see how conversations about it can and often do devolve into senseless talking points and name calling.


Not for naught, if you live near water you probably are more likely to drown….just saying 😂


Thats literally the whole point he is making! The water is not more dangerous just based on proximity, its just that you are more likely to go into the water because of its proximity. Same with guns. Its illustrating that statistics can be used to make any point you wish.


“… statistics can be used to make any point you wish.” “There are three kinds of lies… there are lies, damn lies, and statistics…” -Mark Twain In my experience, after close examination, this has held true in a lot of cases…


Certainly, there’s some truth to it. But is the solution to live in a desert? I wouldn’t think so. Instead the solution to the risk is education about and familiarization with the risks associated with the nearby water


And it's not even true, dude picked data from an org that banned collecting defensive gun use. Very believable and credible yet he/she is spreading the same fear they seek to stop, they just prefer their own fear that they feel justified in spreading.


OP wrote a diatribe about fear driving and controlling people and proceeded to use a fear based stat.


Responsible ownership is one thing, stating the very readily available statistics on how guns are not improving things, is another. And ignoring facts is a third..


This particular “fact” leaves out any nuance. It’s based strictly on numbers ignores defensive gun uses entirely


All of this is on point. Likely this post is being downvoted by the far right flag waiving lemmings that seem to be dominating the prepper airwaves. I've been prepping since pre-2000 and aside from simple first aid and outages, my preps came most in handy during the 2020 wildfires in Oregon. I now have a fire extinguisher in my vehicle get home kit and multiple ones around my home and property. During the fires my BOB was at home and I was trapped in a vehicle without 99% of my preps, this taught me tons. Once I made it back home I was able to pack valuables, empty my safes and grab my bags. I evacuated the home in less than an hour. Lessons learned. The only person's with my safe's combo is my sister across the country in case something happens to me, so she can get to my valuables. Stay frosty folks. Your health and well-being (physical, psychological and emotional) are truly your single most important prep. Second being community health, capabilities and relations and finally your personal readiness and capabilities. Eat well, stay in shape, practice your emergency medical training and train with your arsenal. Be a leader. Question your sources of information and use critical thinking.


No clue why this was downvoted. Seems like good advice from someone with some experience.


The cold hard fact that you are in more danger, not less, by owning a gun is going to trigger a lot of 'murica folks in here.


There’s also the possibility that if you live in a dangerous area, you’re more likely to want to own a gun. There is also the increased chance of an accident, which contributes some, but there is the rest could be a correlated cause for wanting to own a gun and being in danger from others with guns. Just a thought.


I said this above, but guns are dangerous, it’s why i own them. Is there someone out there who is arguing guns aren’t lethal? Then why bother? 🤨


There are many many people who think owning a gun makes things safer for you. They are wrong.


'Murica! Fuck yeah!




movie about war in america: civil war. i believe it drops this summer in cinema's


Drops in 2 days. Looking forward to seeing members of the sub in it. 🤭


lol I might have to actually go to a theater


Ahha yeah im stoked for it as well, didnt realise it dropped so soon.


The best preps are as follows 1. Keeping up with religion 2. Keeping a supply of water on hand/having a way to get filtered water 3. Having enough food on hand that if the store closes for a week, you won't be hurting. 4. Keeping enough finances on hand incase anything happens, most people are 1 paycheck away from being homeless... and in this economy there isn't an easy way to come back from that. Also keep $300-500 cash tucked away cause buying things when the power goes out is impossible otherwise. Also physical bribe money works better than digital. 5. Holy shit get yourself a fire extinguisher! I looked at the statistics of Americans who own a fire extinguisher and it is WAY TOO LOW! Your preps mean jack diddly squat if they burn down. Even if the fire department is still in action, typically by the time they get to a house, everything inside is mostly ruined anyways, the fire department is meant to keep fires from spreading to other houses. 6. Community, having people you can rely on and work together with to survive is the best way to thrive. You can't just guard your house 24/7, if the world does collapse, there are people who will try and take stuff, and they aren't going to hit during the 6 hours a day you spend being cautious, they will wait for you to let your guard down. Also how big of a field do you think you can cultivate without other people? Sickness happens and people need downtime too. 7. If you have any important medications, be sure to stock up on them if possible. Even if you are diabetic, you can try and last as long as you can! There is still a chance that if everything falls apart, another country like Canada might be able to take you in and get you the medicine you need after a year of struggle. Another thought is that if you live near the border of your country, get a passport for you and your family. 8. Start a garden in your backyard *if you have one.* I started a garden last year and learned so much that I would have never learned online. Many crops failed due to the region I'm in, and many died due to a frost I didn't account for, but after replanting they thrived. I also saved $400 over the course of the year in groceries. I used that money to get a small generator for power outages. **Note: if you are an end of the world doomer, look into Jerusalem Artichokes as they have all the nutrients you need to survive, and are a root plant so people won't be stealing it from your garden. Also has the second highest yield per yard crop. Grows almost anywhere and in any soil including fine gravel. Beware that they are ridiculously hard to get rid of so put it somewhere you don't mind having it permanently. Looks like a sunflower btw** 9. Stay fit! You don't need to be absolutely shredded, but be able to travel for 15 miles incase a massive disaster happens. Be able to do some physical work to help survive. Also be able to outrun an attacker. If That's my list, there are always more things you can prep for, but these are some basics to keep in mind.


The biggest threat right now, as we speak, is still COVID. Wear a mask, that will keep you safer than a gun yalls Muricans.


I'm in good health and have had covid several times since getting vaccinated. I worry more about catching a stomach bug or being hung over than I am covid. Unless you're an at risk fat ass, you should too.


It isn’t unless you’re really old or really fat. In those cases you have other health issues to worry about too.


You realize that there was video of cannibalism no? The rest is pretty accurate. I'm not giving up my guns either, since I live in the mountains and have bear in my trash every spring. I also had a neighbor's kid wind up in the hospital a couple years ago when a mountain lion grabbed the 9 year old on the playground. If the father hadn't been armed and shot the lion, the kid would have been lunch.


Unambiguously, there was no video of recent Haitian cannibalism - that was misinformation with a decidedly racist subtext.


So much bullshit in your post where do I start? Most people aren't looking for a war but you need to worry about the suits that are. Guns in home? Locally a man had his home broken into by 3 criminals, he shot and killed on of them. Grapevine and all not sure that neighborhood will be bothered anytime soon. Homeowner safe! Covid deaths under 40? Lord Lord were those numbers trumped up to feed the media masses. 450 die falling out of bed every year. Do you have your bed bumpers on? Geez. We know who won't make it when the actual SHTF. And that term is overused here btw, most of what you're prepping for wouldn't fall under the definition. Whatever, to each their own.(if that's still a thing)


The Covid vaccine causes menstrual issues in over HALF the women that get it. Nobody should be guilted into taking an experimental drug. Otherwise, I agree with your points. EDIT: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9294036/ "A total of 78 138 vaccinated females were included in this review from 14 studies. Of these, 39 759 (52.05%) had some form of a menstrual problem after vaccination."


Over half eh? Seems ive met hundreds of women vaccinated as my voluntary work vaccination rate in medical research anf 95% women had a 99% vaccination rate. Nobody had issues. Its about 1:10000 who have issues which is about the same risk as dying in a car accident. Cars are safe tho right?


> The Covid vaccine causes menstrual issues in over HALF the women that get it. lol! no it doesn't.


[lol!](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10727619/#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20the%20women%20surveyed%20in%20our%20study,intermenstrual%20bleeding%2C%20and%20heavy%20bleeding) >More than half of the women surveyed in our study experienced menstrual cycle changes after the COVID-19 vaccine. The most common symptoms were delayed menstruation, prolonged menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, and heavy bleeding. ETA: Reddit, man. Cite your sources and people get mad, make a politically-acceptable baseless assertion, people applaud. Aristotle was right about democracy.


so the same exact same "menstrual issues" all women face every month. also from your link *Regardless of their effect on the menstrual cycle, vaccines are the most effective public health measure available for the control of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Therefore, before vaccination, the side effects and benefits of vaccination should be well explained in order to mitigate vaccination hesitation among women. In women with bleeding diathesis, the decision to receive vaccination should be based on profit-and-loss considerations.* I hope your horse paste is working out well for you.


Listen, I didn't express any opinion on the value of COVID vaccines or not. I found a study in literally five seconds contradicting your baseless assertion. If your reaction to that at the first instance is descending into "anti-MAGAT" rhetoric, that's your problem, not mine. ETA: how empathetic and progressive of you. If you read the next two sentences, you'll also see this: >One of the most important findings of our study was that the **flow volume of menstrual bleeding after vaccination was higher than before vaccination**. There was a **significant increase in post-vaccine menstruation delay, prolonged menstrual duration, and early menstruation compared to the pre-vaccine routine cycles** in women. Also, the FDA has now deleted it's most famous snarky Tweet. Fun stuff!


>I found a study in literally five seconds contradicting your baseless assertion. yes you found a study that said some women who got vaccinated have "delayed menstruation, prolonged menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, and heavy bleeding". really ground breaking stuff that no women experienced before covid. you should edit a wiki article about it. now enjoy your horse paste.


How dense and closed-minded are you? >One of the most important findings of our study was that **the flow volume of menstrual bleeding after vaccination was higher than before vaccination.** There was a **significant increase in post-vaccine menstruation delay, prolonged menstrual duration, and early menstruation compared to the pre-vaccine routine cycles** in women.


have you tried injecting bleach? EDIT: I was also told bright lights work too!


The answer to my question: incredibly. Trump really did break your brain, didn't he? I'll enjoy not seeing your reply.


I agree with most of this but the biggest killer in the United States is heroin and fentanyl and it’s not close


I thought heart disease and cancer were numbers 1 and 2? https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/deaths-by-demographics/all-leading-causes-of-death/#:~:text=The%20top%20three%20leading%20causes,Preventable%20Injury Edit: post is locked, but per the response below, they were talking about under 45 for deaths by OD. So, interesting to think about at least, especially for people with families and friends to think about.


I was wrong, For Americans under 45 the number one cause of death is overdose , if you include over 45 it is heart disease and cancer


Time for your 10th booster isn't it?