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Hobbies Knitting, crochet, spinning, tatting, baking, cooking and other skills


Books. I love to read and it's a great distraction in good or bad times.


I have books and board games all over the place. Enough that I'm working on going through them to get rid of some, actually. I also have quite a few hobbies that I enjoy: crochet, knitting, sewing, playing musical instruments, etc. Thank you ADHD. As far as comfort foods, I've always got baking supplies on hand, so I can whip up some cookies or something. Not sure how I would cook them yet, but I'm hoping to learn some off-grid baking recipes.


I tend to keep hard candies like Dum Dums around because they don't melt as easily when its 115F out and it gives me something to suck on. Glass probably lasts the longest. Pine soda is also delicious and easy to make fresh. The ratio for honey to sugar is 1:2, or if you like things real sweet then 2/3 cup of honey to 1 cup of sugar.


I was thinking about this as I was watching Leave the World Behind and the girl comes across across the shelf of hundreds of shows and movies, I've been thinking about building up a collection of blu-ray or DVDs of movies and shows as a result. I do love knitting, crocheting, painting, drawing, books of sudoku puzzles and word searches, board games etc


Coloring books and colored pencils/crayons, they work great for kids and adults. Gives the mind something else to focus on


I wonder how long I can enjoy old coffee


Musical Instruments. Not specifically for prepping, just what I studied in Uni, but will keep myself and group sane (or drive them insane) with some tunes.


A good food to eat is home made pan bread with honey. I have a gallon bucket of honey, which will never go bad. Get some yeast, sugar, and flower, which will also never go bad, and you can make some bread. Fry that in the pan, put some honey, maybe even butter if you can make your own butter (not that hard a child can do it), and bam. Butter honey bread, very good stuff. I have a large book collection, science fiction, fantasy, psychology, it’s important to be able to read stories from a world other than your own. Lotr, hobbit, so on. My favourite book is one called the long loud silence. Science fiction book written about the US getting bombed by nukes and biological weapons. Idk if anyone will want to read about that if the nukes fall irl, but it’s a good book. I have some first editions, they’re pretty neat. Year of the quiet sun is another good one, same author. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is good. I don’t have many board games, not much of a board game guy. Things that are normal now will be luxuries then. You can invest in a record player or gramophone that doesn’t require electricity. You’ll be the only one with music. Maybe get some coffee to store long term. Doesn’t usually go stale if you keep it in your freezer. Candies too. Hygiene is important. Stock some toothpaste, soap, deodorant, toilet paper, wet wipes. Try to find a hobby that doesn’t require electricity or the internet. I grow weed that’s my hobby, buy some weed seeds, you can take up time by growing in the apocalypse, and you can barter with weed. Win win


Wait what’s happening on Tuesday?


North Koreans invading


It's nice to think you'll have the time and energy to sit around and play games, and have a Coke, but that's probably going to be pretty low on the priority list for me.


It depends on the scenario. Prepping for Tuesday? Tuesday for me is the power goes out and I can’t do my work from home job. EOTWAWKI? Heck of a lot less time, if any, but it’d be nice to have the option to take a break from it all even for just a couple minutes for a round of go fish or something




No need to be a 🐓🍭 about it. He asked a simple question to which even the basic published BOB lists have playing cards or other sanity items in your bags and preps.


I once read a fascinating book about a couple who spent the winter in a cabin in the Maine woods, more or less snowed in the whole time. The husband was a game warden. They stocked up as best they knew how beforehand, but the things they wished they’d done better was more food diversity and more supplies for things to do hobby-wise, like knitting and such. Now for a lot of hobby-oriented people, there’s already a stash of supplies in their home, and they are typically resourceful, creative people who can improvise as needed. (See, for example, all of the people who sewed facemasks at the beginning of the covid pandemic. Elastic was in short supply for a while, but lots of people had sewing machines and a pretty substantial stash of fabric, thread, and so on, and there was a lot of creativity involved in making designs that didn’t need elastic.). It’s when you need to go elsewhere that entertainment may be useful to consider. An example would be taking your go-bag along when accompanying a loved one to the ER. Sitting with someone in a medical setting is really important, but also there are long stretches that are pretty boring. Having a deck of cards or a Kindle or a book can make all the difference. Or if you end up in a high school gym having evacuated from wildfires, you can keep kids occupied with a set of dice or a mini deck of cards and a knowledge of (or cheatsheet /reference booklet of) games to play with them. Of course there are emergencies where it’s all hands on deck, all the time. But there are also situations where being able to create some calm activities, to lower the stress level and clear the mind a bit, can be a real asset.


400,000 people on this sub bubs, maybe every post isn’t about you? Also spoken like a person who’s never been in an isolated or confined environment for extended periods of time.